Are you going to try Teamfight Tactics?
Are you going to try Teamfight Tactics?
Other urls found in this thread:
I want to handle poppy in a very indecent way.
Fuck No.
even if i had some gay league of niggers account, no
No wtf
Literally can't even log into pbe
my condolences fellow Iranchad. I feel your pain.
Who's the biggest diaperslut? Poppy or Tristana?
Shortstack thread?
when does it go live?
Yes please.
if its in steam sure, but I wont download any riot bullshit
>I wont download any riot bullshit
>sure I'll download teamfight tactics
Shoudl someone tell him that teamfight tactics is a riot game?
Sell me on autochess
What's so interesting about it
fuck off, pedo
You can play a game with Tristana and Poppy in it without needing to actually play lol.
They'll probably make missions, icons and shit for it so I'll play the mininmum required. I hate TCG and derived genres with passion.
it plays itself so you can get the dopamine hit of accomplishing something without any skill or involvement
Yes. I hope it's better than underlords and this is coming from someone with 4k hours in dota. I just really like the penguins and portal transitions. Every seems so smooth and pleasant despite the awful league champions. Does anyone know if it's going to reach the full cast or just a chunk of characters that are placed in rotation?
They are planning on turning alternate costumes into unique units so they are gonna go beyond the full roster but have to rotate it because they cant have a pool of 1500 characters at once.
When are we going to get more Poppy/Garen stuffs and porn
It's more akin to gambling but without any money involved.
Would you say a a game of poker is just the cards playing themselves?
Auto chess isn't really derived from TCGs, it's more similar to something like poker
I want to IMAGINE with Poppy and Lulu!
literally TCG but you build your deck during the game
You dont want to IMAGINE with Lulu
no, but i would say something akin to that for slots
it's fucking yugioh, don't kid yourself
Yeah. I played a match on a friend's PBE account. It doesn't seem like it has ANY staying power whatsoever, but month 1 should be a total blast till everyone figures out the absolute optimal way to play and every match just turns into RNG for who crits.
>I might one day have a trundle, Tahm Kench and nautilus Frontline while xerath and ziggs bombard from behind.
I left league cos I couldn't deal with team based competitive games and now play solo games, this is compelling me to come back as I loved some of the character designs.
Except you don't build a deck, making it nothing like a TCG. This shit is basically poker/mahjong for zoomers who need fighting and heroes shoehorned into everything.
No. I prefer betting on SaltyTeemo when I get bored or need to rest my hands.
havent tried underlords but its probably shit
Post shortstack tiddy/butte
damn when are they going to give a visual upgrade
No, Underlords looks better and has it's own client
>Underlords looks better
It doesn't
>has it's own client
there are still a lot of champions that need a VU but they keep releasing new champions that nobody cares about instead
that's gay
you probably shouldn't post if you don't have any opinions to present.
>Garen is fucking Kat instead of Poppy
>no threesome either
Why live bros
It is basically an idle flash game
cute shortstacks x manly guy is the way of life
is it stand alone?
it's in the league client so no. They'll probably do a standalone eventually if it retains it's popularity, so people can play a match of TFT while in queue for regular league or whatever the endgame for this shit is.
you will always be 2nd every game, just like real life
The only thing im gonna try is to implante my seed into that yordle's womb
i only feel a little sick inside looking at nu-poppy
i miss the grumpy, gritty bitch poppy
i'll wait for stand alone then
So I just have to become manly, got it.
id like to but they wont let me
It's like playing draft in a TCG but you draft throughout the game, can scout your opponents' drafts and need to balance your gold with the power of your current team to build interest, while weighing that up with your likelihood of maintaining a win streak or loss streak which each give bonus gold.
It's hit or miss, fun when you're in the right mood but super RNG-based.
Based and poppypilled
oh god i got WoW ptsd from that, why can't riot make they're own huge servers like valve? don't they have chink money?
That's what I'm currently working on, you can do it too user
yes, unfortunately that's all the good, Garen/Poppy, I could find
nobody plays on the pbe, who cares
because they aren't going to get servers for their test server so it can fit a million players when it's going to be out in a week.
it's the PBE, not the live servers.
What's the deal with this interview? I always see it posted but I never understood why.
Should someone tell you that you're an idiot?
Managed to log in 3 times and played a lot. Pretty fun, now I will just wait for it to hit live servers and play with friends. Also downloaded the Auto chess mobile and underlords but didn't play it as much. The UI on both aren't that good.
I feel you man
>Teamfight Tactics
Isn't that some early access Dota:Underlords chinese ripoff?
I tried autochess mobile too. It seemed... Really basic? Ok for a mobile game I guess? Not sure why anyone would want to play it on PC, unless TFT is miles better in every aspect.
>Hurrr durr it plays itself
>Hurr durr its gambling
Have any of you niggers ever heard of fucking card games?
Its a card game but with visual animated feedback of your cards fighting
Dude was leaning alot, thats it. The dude murdered a woman. Then got a panic attack on camera when the news crew told the police found her body, without knowing he did it,
I don't know what that is because I'm not a zoomer.
>I look like Garen
>wife looks like poppy
Life is whole
I tought it was kinda hard to see the synergies on my 5.5 inch screen. Because I didn't play the dota mod I would probably have to read and learn about them before playing. But it seems fun to kill some time.
You wife is a 3 foot tall hairy midget?
I wanna fuck Poppy
Yeah sure I'll play it.
Autochess are fun timewaster games.
Yes you are, if you were not a zoomer you would know a couple of card games like yugioh or magic the gathering
Sell me on TFT without using yordles as an argument.
Why should I play it over Auto Chess or Underlords?
So what is the name of this genre now? Seeing as they came from ASSFAGGOTS.
Don't forget current Yea Forums plays mobage a lot, so it's not surprising there will be new mobage genre threads.
Also, riot try to push mobile-like chinese monetization to this mode. It's funny because Riot were first f2p to be actually not jewish.
Dotoa underlordsa ALL THE WAY!!!!
Why? Try it when it comes out, or don't. It's free. Who gives a shit?
People are going with "autobattler"
it's heartening that i'm not alone at least
It doesn't take as long as can be less frustrating. One of the main issues in Underlords and other autochess games is that you don't fight opponents real time, you fight an automated version of someone else's team while a random player fights yours. This means that late game, when there are like 3 people left, you can have several turns where each person defends their place, meaning no one loses heath. This can continue for a long ass time. Inversely, it also means that if you are in last, you can just be unlucky and go up against the dude who rolled a 3 star on turn 8 or something stupid several times in a row.
One of the nice things about TfT is that you fight real time, meaning someone always loses health in the engagement. This helps the game go smoothly and also makes the winning more satisfying because you can see and interact with the opponent during it.
From what I can tell, the unit balance is worse though. They can fix this over time, however.
I never understood this comic
Autochess is good and a worthy alternative to TFT. Underlords is garbage that was clearly designed from the ground up to be a phone game
>you can have several turns where each person defends their place, meaning no one loses heath. This can continue for a long ass time.
I can count the amount of rounds where I've seen no damage done to either side on one hand. If the draft is equal, it usually boils down to how the AI reacts.
>tfw I like several of the league characters but hate the way the game has changed and the community it created.
tristana had like 2 or 3 visual updates in a row even when poppy looked like an abbo midget with mercury poisoning
I have no idea what you're talking about, I just wanna Fuck short stacks
For me, I had one the other night where it was just me and one other guy, it took us from one neutral round until the next neutral round to actually hurt eachother because of the items. That was like 5-6 turns of nothing happening.
>tfw I only liked one character and they changed him to be absolutely unplayable
>You will marry a yordle.
We're all going to make it
fuck you and your mobile game trash
Dunno. Is it better than Underlords?
Underlords is boring as shit and it seems like the entire autochess "genre" is that way.
It's just boring and takes way too long.
Actually feeling same way. Started to play more arams instead of rankeds, since fuck this attitude.
>doesn't want to be a teammate
>still plays team based game
But then poppy got a visual update that made her the cutest character in the game, so she won in the end
Tristana only got one visual update that removed her shoes for some reason. They just changed her lore and loading screen art multiple times. Kayle is the one that got 3 different visual updates.
>the cutest
>kogmaw exists
>Tristana only got one visual update that removed her shoes
And people try to tell me that riot isn't based
the map is comfy
underlords map is depressing
Bros I cannot put into words how intense my desire is to procreate lovingly with my yordle wife Poppy.
If I could log on to the fucking server yeah. The queue has been enormous all weekend.
the community is not that bad, just play normal draft instead of ranked
riot's reworks and updates traditionally shit on heroes in a manner similar to having a pie slowly shoved into your face
poppy players have no method to resist this however and therefore simply stand idly and accept that the pie will do its work as it must
you are like a baby
post more poppy ass!!!!
Maybe, but the last time I played was ARAM a couple of days ago, and even there people were dickweeds. Like my friend got Lux, someone wanted to trade him Kalista but he said no. So then the guy claimed to be a lux main and complained the whole game, then started intentionally feeding.
For my first game in like, 3 months it was a pretty bad sign.
Well she’s short.
Her face is similar and she has big poofy blond hair like in the r34
i genuinely only played LoL for Tristana and Poppy before their reworks, now i just save any of their fanarts
it's an edit of this one but I still don't know what's supposed to mean
Humina humina humina
they still need to update Lulu's model imo.
its particularly bad and ingame she just looks like a waltzing giant hat with outstretched arms.
really REALLY needs animation updates
it has its lot of retard, but other mobas are a lot worse, except HotS
Dota 2 and Smite are insufferable to play
I think the number of retards in league dropped a lot since they introduced the honor system, they're also a lot stricter on the bans
Yeah but she isn't on the chopping block for a bit.
Next year is starting with Fiddlesticks and Volibear. I am afraid what they will do to my boy.
autochess is pretty much the only thing you can call it. autobattler is reserved for mobile games and I will cockslap anyone who uses that term to refer to anything with actual gameplay, as shallow as it might be.
>tying tft to the dogshit league client
Because it supports our chinese government, fellow asian.
It's a scene from Parks and Recreation.
What's wrong with the client? It's a step up from the adobe air shite they used back in the day so i never really bothered looking into it.
I can earn reward for the base game too
they said they wanted to focus on being scary or some shit like that? I'd have to look at the voting end thing again.
These queues, probably, because of chinks.
I don't think they have their own PBE server.
it's better than the old one but it's still garbage
luckily they said they're making a new one using Chromium, hopefully it will be more responsive
Yeah but like, WHAT is garbage about it? What exactly needs to be fixed?
it's slow and unresponsive
I don't know if this is still there or not, but there's clips of people trying to lock in a champ and not working, causing them to dodge a ranked game and lose LP. Sometimes queue timer doesn't even show up, I need to wait a minute or two to stop my client from lagging, yet this doesn't happen on PBE and sometimes I don't even need to wait at all. There's a lot more issues but this personally is what I have experienced from time to time.
No. I'm not installing that Jew client, fuck off.
I want to ____ a yordle.
Dragon Trainer Tristana was the peak of Riot's character design and it all went downhill from there.
STAB - Strategic Turn-based Auto Battler
he cute
The word you're looking for is dropkick.
If you guys ever wonder how this barmaid meme got started, it was right here, from shitposts on Yea Forums
Idk man Pyke is a pretty cool design.
Some skin lines are horrible. I don't know how the arcade skins are so popular, they are ugly and have disgusting sound effects.
League lore question. Most yordles have to hide themselves from humans for fear of being ostracized. However why doesn't kled hide miself and are there others who don't hide themselves?
Love his music. The design is cool too.
>League lore question
Probably makes people too young for arcades feel like they know what an arcade is
1. Lore's pretty fucked
2. Yordles have "glamour" that alters other people's perception of their true forms
Kled is too much of a chad. He's so good at killing that humans take him into their ranks.
Yordles have natural glamour magic that hides them.
Kled n Skaarl appear as a old man on a Pony.
Tristana appears as a old woman.
Ziggs and Heimer both appear as midget scientist.
Veigar projects himself as a massive imposing wizard.
the only way the glamour breaks is if you get too close or they become under duress ect.
that's one thing i can accept from Yea Forums then
and that's a good thing
holy shit
Fire Punch
I'm actually of two minds with the "you're always facing another person" mechanic.
It certainly makes the most sense out of the three autochess games so far but having watched a dozen TFT streams now. Always having a loser consistently makes the last 1v1 stretch at the end shorter. Also, it makes losing to hefty RNG all the worse.
Since fucking when. As far as I recall, it was only their homeland/Bandle City that was glamoured or whatever. Fuck the lore team makes me mad.
stop shilling ur art you weird diaper drawing autist
Hopefully the RNG aspects will be less obnoxious by Tuesday
the lore was always garbage anyway so it's not like they've been doing anything different
I have to leave this thread before the fact that yordles aren't real and that I'll never impregnate one ruins my entire day.
To be clear, the RNG I'm talking about the most is unit AI. As shown in both DAC and Underlords, even the slightest change in unit targeting in late game or whether who procs which spell first can pretty much completely swing the fight in your favor.
>played a game after 3 years break
>playing against Pyke
>true damage execute
aaaaand I'm done for the next 3 years.
Sure. When is it coming out? Wednesday?
Pyke was one of their best champions in a while. All the recent ones along with the Morde remake are all trash.
iron man got another rework? when will it end
since like 2 or 3 years ago I think?
idk whenever Kled came out they made up that rule.
Forget Morde. They're fucking with Ryze again.
Is that anything like Realm Royale?
>and it all went downhill from there
Is there a mega that has all of Meru's art, old and new?
Can I even play it?
Only if you have an active League account in good standing.
I just suffered through a 46 minute League game playing as support. Why? Why do I do this to myself?
june 25 is the next update, it will probably go to the live servers at that time
I used to hate support but Yuumi changed that
low skill rng fest so zoomers can watch their favorite fortnite youtubers while playing
she's cute and funny but I don't want to molest her half as badly as I do a blue or purple midget.
I cant, Log in queue on pbe is to high, requires 23 hours just to log in.
because you can make stupid gimmicky team comps.
As soon as they stop requiring you to actually play LoL to enter the PBE.
No, its a good thing that only honor lvl 3+ can play PBE.
Its also nonsense for non league players to enter the beta servers.
Pyke is the worst mistake rito has done in a very long time, bot meta was cancerous enough.
Yes. It's a damn shame Sona isn't in it, from what I can tell. She's my favorite league girl overall, even if yordles are super top tier.
The new Jhin legendary is pretty good.
>That skin that looks exactly like Futaba
Sometimes I like Riot.
Why? It's a completely different game, your skill with LoL doesn't matter at all.
honor has no relation to skill, it's based on you not getting reported for calling people niggerfaggots.
you still have to know if the abilitys work properly, also its a more fun enviromnt with all the spergs not being allowed to play
Its a deckbuilding board game
I started playing this game 2 days ago cuz of this image, I already like the purple midgets, what should I expect in the near future?
thanks for killing my boner asshole
Hairy Yordle pubes
Yes or no?
To be commissioning porn of them.
Yeah like that guy says it gets really painful. Unironically just type /mute all in chat at the start and don't try to play seriously, that's how you'll have the most fun.
>no way Noxian
Ironic since Kat is a filthy Noxian.
But user, I already draw like this
When is Plague going to do more yordles?
I have Skullgirls Mobile to play. Why would I stop that to play this?
To be drawing porn of them
I can't wait until Lulu gets her visual update where they reveal she was actually two gay men fused together the entire time
You can't say something like this and not offer proof. Make some yordle OC so we can escape the endless reposts.
Draw Poppy and Tristana in maid outfits.
>stubbornly never uninstalled LoL despite not playing it for years yet keep it updated
>TfT may have given me a reason to play again
I could never justify being stuck in a game for more than 30 minutes, and ARAM doesn't let me pick who I want. I'm glad Riot is finally doing something with their IP even if it's a reactionary release.
Hell, it may lead to me actually playing the game proper. Its the only moba I have at least a passing interest in.
I'd like to have a threesome with poppy and tristana. I want to FUCK Poppy and Tristana.
This image wouldn't be half as hot without Trist watching.
Voyeur fetish? Yeah that's pretty hot.
>Another scuffed game riot makes as a cheap knockoff of a popular game mod
Nexus Blitz should've been permanent. It was quite short and actually let you fucking choose your champ.
>originally yordles (and meglings I guess) were just the obligatory gnomish tiny tinkerer people
>now they're ancient fae magical people who live a gorillion years and shit
>this completely negates Lulu's entire unique backstory which was being a yordle who got mixed up with fae shit
Why does rito insist on fucking up everyone's lore?
Weren't the fuzzy yordles supposed to be different from the blue meglings, but Riot thought it'd be too confusing if there were two small races?
Magic has ruined this land
Yeah, Yordles were an all male race of hamster-like dudes who liked building and guns, while Meglings were an all female race of blue smurf girls who liked fighting and guns. So Riot just kinda merged the all-female and all-male races into one normal race.
No, and I worry for the future of the industry when literal mobage trash takes the mainstream stage like this.
Autobattler termed by cucks.
It's obviously autochess
>>this completely negates Lulu's entire unique backstory which was being a yordle who got mixed up with fae shit
Lulu lore butchering WHEN?
I still love playing league characters, the tanks and supports were always so fun but god I fucking hate the forced meta.
League was always for fun too never ranked I don't care about some number, I stopped using flash no matter who I played and I just did some tanks supports to spice it up.
But just fighting the same shit over and over in the lanes is so fucking boring fast I just moved onto Dota.
I miss Fiddles and Rammus but unless something like Turbo or some kind of 6v6 on summoners rift is back shit is just straight up boring.
post it
Underlords is unbalanced as fuck. You go mage or you lose.
If there are no mages, you go hunter or you lose.
They already did it. She's now Yordle Prime
>Yordle Prime
is she also stacked?
>League lore
>They retconned the titular League, so the name of the game literally has no relevance to anything in-universe
Pokemon Autochess clone when
ayy lmao
>I'm editing my backstory right now!
Autochess was heavily based on Pokémon Defense for Warcraft 3
One for All should have been permanent
My friend told me riot isn’t an evil company, just irresponsibly incompetent. Is this true?
>Update Trist and Poppy
Why Riotfags stopped at that? Why not just update every yordle?
Yes. Their incompetency reaches mythical levels.
Never played the shitty game but I've slapped it to Poppy and Tristana countless of times
Thank you user for your censor
It's certainly sfw now
Don't eat hairy yordle pussy. You'll get hair stuck between your teeth
ah, thank you user. Weird adaptation.
>ransomgram monster
bless /aco/ for the Shortstack general
So that's where that Poppy reaction image comes from.
yeah well i'm that weird guy that when urf or some other gay shit is out I ignore it and only play ranked games because it's when kids and boosted bonobos are focusing on getting a pentakill on urf than feeding in my plat promos
(but desu i don't know if this will only be an event or it will be a permanent game mode)
>Why does rito insist on fucking up everyone's lore?
Because sometimes the lore doesn't make sense or is just really shit. For example Taric and Gangplank's lore got improved.
I hate LoL but love Yordles.
So it's basically a card game with only 50 cards right? And you can only have 9 in play at a time? Seems like the game is going to get solved soon
It's kind of self-balancing since the total pool of units is shared. If everyone is going for the same strategy, it's worse
Riot plans on adding more cards and rotating the available ones every so often, there's also card synergies to take into account, positioning, items, economy, etc.
who /vice/ here?
Wait...WAIT... IS THAT HER--
I just hope they don't fucking break Linux again.
This from the guy who used to draw those Soraka comics?
lendo? yeah
>literally voiced by the same person
they knew what they were doing
>YWN be a yordle sex slave
I'm getting real tired of never getting to be anything fun.
I wish poppy had good skins
everything is a downgrade from base skin
Depressingly accurate, even making a team with 3 dragons, a 3 star puck, 80 gold, and the item that gives 1% damage boost to dragons per gold you still can't beat a Kotl sitting in the corner next to CM.
is bee dead?
when was the his last upload?
Old poppy was cancer, THE ONLY reason no one played her is because of the absurd mana costs that riot admitted they gave her so no one would pick her because even they knew she had by far the strongest passive in the game
Valiant Fighter is the single most broken ability the game has ever seen
Underlords is better though I do wanna fug a Yordle
Old Poppy was hot garbage dude. Imagine Nasus without life steal and his ult doesn't give him HP and he doesn't have wither. That was old Poppy laning. She was 100% helpless in any serious play even without mana issues.
What did it do again?
50% dmg taken if that dmg was >10% current hp
holy fuck no
if you ignore her mana costs, her Q is straight up a 300 stacks nasus Q, her ult was an absolute rape train, it was a giant middle finger to everyone, she wasn't picked in pro play because she didn't have wave clear wich is the most important thing in pro play
He did a lot of good Yordle stuff. a good amount is futa but most of it isn't. This on is.
Don't know but I hope not. No other artist appeals to me like he did.
I only got 1 question
Did my man Veigar got some pussy or no?
he's the pussy
>goblin shirts
goblin darts
I haven't played League since fucking Zyra came out for trying out auto chess and this skin are lures to try to bring me back. My fetish for round glasses cannot be contained[/apoiler]
Why is poppy so fucking cute
Post more poppy
where's her diaper?
Why is Veigar R63 so common?
holy shit i just noticed
fucking pubg on mobile has lower recomended settings than underlords
which means underlords is dead on arrival on mobile
Who give a fuck about mobile, zoomer?
Yes, gender swapping.
Not really. I play it semi-regularly and most people I go up against are mobile, especially chinese mobile.
that feel when
I swear, plat is the hardest and most disgusting elo in existance, it is where the people who think they are challenger stay, they are worse than silvers, silvers at least know they are garbage, these people no, if you dare to say
>maybe you should buy zhonyas
they will fucking afk on the spot
oh you thought he is genderbent
veig is a girl for some time now
no he's not
Well his last update was on 2018 so he might as well bee dead
5/10 Bait
i could had only buy it because of how shit is Riot nowadays
get your tranny delusions out of here
Now it truly is.
how big are her ears
It's still not very combinatorially complex.
Is that balanced or does that just mean whoever is lucky enough to roll the optimal strat just auto wins?
If 7 people are going for the optimal strat, and the other one is going for a decent one, that guy will be favoured even if his strat is suboptimal in a vacuum
so you can solve human minds now? and predict what will other do?
I miss Dominion. Riot should just suck it up and give them queues.
Is it wrong to like shortstacks? It feels like a forbidden fruit. Semen retention is a bitch and I'm finding myself liking such strange little creatures...
Sure that's true. But then what's the strat? The wise player will say "heh fools, I'll go for the 2nd best strat and actually get it!"... But what if everyone is "wise" and also just does that? Then suddenly going to for the best strat becomes best again
because league won't make another girl yordle so I'm gonna force her until Riot gives in to my demands
No one at all:
Not a single soul:
(You): WoMeN cAnT uSe MaLe PrOnOuNs
Once qts like Orianna are in and the queue times shortens.
Gotta adapt by looking at other boards
thankfully I've picked up several allies in my mission
Also because jet black skin and huge titties are a top tier meme
>literal facebook memes
i shouldnt adapt if game is solved
Playing reactively in a game with a shared pool and random rolls for building up synergies and multi star units sounds like a surefire way to lose.
If someone falls for this I swear to god your all dead to me.
If someone falls for what? Opening a Spoiler Image?
literally vanilla iceberg tier come back when your older and more degenerate
People will look at you with a hairy eyeball and accuse you of being a pedo (because they're retards who equate height with age), but they'll feel pretty stupid once they realize you're there for condensed thickness
I don't know about that partner, don't want to be known as a diddler.
Yeah see you get it, yeah fuck it, God I wish they were real.
Am I the only one that masturbates to Yordles?
Yes you are, sick fuck
just been playing underlords until 9.13. pbe Q times are 11 fucking hours
Kill yourself chinaman.
I swear its made so you dont get skins for your mains
This is the Legue of Legends audience, everybody.
How come Dota doesn't have a shortstack?
What do you mean, poppy just got that absolutely AMAZING hextech skin! Only 10 gem stones!!
Do really want to deprive yourself of all the shortstack porn out there, just so retards don't call you a pedo?
>tall yordle
From boxes, i've never spent or will spend a single penny on this game.
Hextech is the dream though
Streamers have been wanting an mmo set in league world, riot gave us this
Tristana, 100% She like to force Poppy to do more lewd things and have more accidents in public
Lulu and Annie have the cutest designs but suffer from the worst art/models. I think that’s why they have so much fanart and porn, artists think they can do better, just like with 2hu.
>kirrrryu channnnn....
>Annie still has the most skins and 4th most porn of any champion despite not being relevant in the game for like 6 years
How does she do it?
She was the original mascot and loli. Zoe didn’t really steal her thunder either.
Teamfight is a generic MOBA term. It just refers to any 5v5 as opposed to smaller skirmishes, split pushing, etc.
It's generic alright. Never knew MOBAs invented fighting in a team.
Just how the fuck we got from talking about tft to yordle porn
Look at the OP, it was always about yordles.
Because the game isn't our yet. Yordle porn however...
I have no idea but lets keep going and see what happens
Post poppy porn
But then this thread will get deleted. Post Poppy lewds instead.
Why do retards always claim pre-rework champions were broken? Poppy saw no play in high elo and was literally extinct in competitive.
Only a few champions that got reworked/fixed were actually good and Poppy was not one of them.
so new league of legends lore is utterly pointless to the game? I mean it seems completely divorced from the actual game itself.
I'll give it a shot when it hits live
A lot of the the pre-rework champions were unbalancable. Akali, Irelia and Evelynn were either never picked, or abused something to become flavor of the month.
>Riot's first game is a copy of Dota
>Make nothing else for ten years
>Finally get off their asses and make another game
>It's another game copied from Dota
Riot are simply doomed to mimic whatever Dota does
TFT graphics look like shit and it's obvious the models do not look good at this resolution. Underlords graphical fidelity is much higher, the somewhat more cartoony models show up way better.
>the only other other game they made they bought from someone else and didn't even finish it
riot's always been a joke but it gets better every time
Too bad underlords is 1 grey color palette and dark as fuck
Wait, I heard they were making a MMO based off LoL and I thought udos to them, it was the best course of action to keep the franchise alive.
You telling me THIS was the project alla long?
riot can only copy games, valve would have to make a dota MMO first
>other game
The MMO was a baseless rumor, Tryndamere even had to make a post saying they didn't have any plans to make one.
>You telling me THIS was the project alla long?
they started making this mid april
im playing right now because i need to waste time, and yordles are fucking worthless except lulu, because stacking 2 rageblades on that bitch make her an auto win
Some fans were working on a League of Legends fighting game for fun, they ended up getting hired by Riot presumably to make the fighting game, years later nothing has been said about it so it's safe to assume it got shitcanned.
You have to be 18 years or older to post here.
they're worth it solely for gnar
fed gnar is cancer
in -theory- poppy would be too but the knight bonus needs way too many knights to be good
Yes retard I was born in 2001
theyre worth it if you have room to rely on dodge chance
>rotating the available ones every so often
Fucking hell just let me use whoever, riot.
I saw dota autochess being a thing a while ago and this game looks just like that.
So riot sent off their 5 programmers to copy that game before valve takes the whole cake of this mini-game genre?
Lurk 2 years before posting.
I remember the talk about that fighting game. Too bad only that dumb board game nobody wants to spend money on made it.
Anything valve does Riot can do better. So why not?
they sent off 1 programmer to make a carbon copy, except its more shit.
nothing about this is good
jesus, never thought id see the day ill read this trash here, even on a shittier game thread like lol.
Riot seems to try their hardest at making everything as generic as possible, but "Teamfight Tactics" is a little too on the nose.
i can still hear this horse's line all these years later.
I'm okay with that, at least they are fast and don't regret ignoring what is happening in their own game like blizzard.
i don't think it was originally even a League fighting game, Riot just bought them out to turn it into one and then abandoned it. Sad, I doubt they even paid those devs very much.
well, at least yordle porn stopped for a while
I want Poppy pubes
This is bait
And I'm biting it
Apart from yordle pussy what does it have that's better than underlords?
Yes yes, good.
Everything, underlords is a copy of the chink mod which was being dumbed down and made for mobile
oh god... oh no...
Is there a term for porn where you actually find it negatively hot. As in, my dick shrunk looking at this. I like shortstack porn but this is horribly unappealing.
I think the real problem is virgins drawing porn.
Because it's great.
But user the guy who drew this is married
He must not have sex much then.
Get off my board used goods. We are all Yea Forumsirgins here.
I don't want you to swing your contaminated dick around my shortstack goodness.
more shortstacks
I came in second last game because I rolled for 25 fucking turns looking only for a Gnar because of Wild/Yordle/Shapeshifter/Dragon team, but couldn't find one until the second to last round.
Fucking RNG, man.
>rng gives me 1 item per minion on the tutorial levels
>literally overflowing with items
>champion rolls are all dogshit all fucking game
>wolves and raptors also drop 1 item each enemy
>i literally have almost 15 completed items now
>still lose because my champ pool is so fucking garbage while some asshole has a 3 star lulu with 2 rageblades and spear of shojin
game of skill my ass
alright dude, I need a source
it's because there are only a certain amount of champs in the game. so it means someone else was running a gnar on their team / was hogging all the gnars
this is how you automatically win a game. just need a rageblade and the ONLY chance they have is to instantly delete this pile of shit
If there's one thing Underlords did right was how it did items. You're given an option of three and can choose the best one for your comp, the items aren't stuck to the hero you put them on and can be moved around freely.
everything about autochess is shit, and league's iteration on it is the most retarded solution ive ever seen