ITT: Bullshit game mechanics.
>generic enemy has a couple of levels on you
>you do fuck all damage against them, but they can two shot you
ITT: Bullshit game mechanics.
>generic enemy has a couple of levels on you
>you do fuck all damage against them, but they can two shot you
>you have to mash A to go a decent speed on the horse
this makes RDR2 practically unplayable
That thing where to break free from a grab or something you have to spin the stick inhumanly fast and you consider dying or taking massive damage instead of maybe breaking your controller.
>blades are always better than crushing weapons
Let's have a look...
exactly what I was thinking of. Or those minotaur fucks.
>the floor is filled with spikes and you have to keep jumping off of walls or pogoing off of enemies to stay away from it
>enemies can attack in four directions at once
>there are several enemies moving around in an enclosed space shooting projectiles in four directions each
>if you somehow manage to get past this you are locked in a tiny space with spikes on the floor and angry enemies that charge you
I really don't see why developers keep doing this.
>turret sections
>quicktime events
Escort or underwater missions.
Reminder that TENSAI KOJIMASAN had these two combined in MGS2.
I didn't mind it at all there.
>that one fucking mission in GTA:SA where you need lung capacity.
>QTE during a long, unskippable cutscene
>you die and have to watch whole thing over if you fail
That figures, most people are conditioned to love all kinds of bullshit.
>your actions are limited by stamina, ammunition and mana
>meanwhile, enemies can swing their shitty sticks forever, can fire their guns all day long, and can cast consecutive magics out of their ass till the end times
>you have 8 part members
>you can fight only with 4
>time now to face an ancient evil that threatens the entire world
>hmm I think 4 teenagers who started adventuring 3 months ago will do!
I fucking hate Japan
defending objective against hordes of enemies with stationary MG is always kino
chopper gunner sections are alright too if done well
>tfw I now have a callus on my palm because of this shit
Fuck MGR, I now jerk the stick with a speed of light and it's still doesn't fucking helps!
it's alright if all party members get xp whther they fight fight or not
fuck you FF XII
>level scaling
Because nothing screams like fun as being level 40 and those rats from the starting area still does sizeable damage to you.
I think I actually damaged my controller's stick a little with playing RE 4, 5 and 6 in a row
took me excactly 3 minutes to process what am I looking at and what thread am i on
You cannot use weapons one level higher than you.
The one singular thing I've always hated about Capcom games is the fetish for destroying controller joysticks.
What the fuck is the point of this?
Would play.
Contact damage on all enemies, fuck you Rogue Legacy.
>promote how dangerous the world is and that you need to be clever by taking advantage of the terrain
>Turns out that's just the hobo stage and quite quickly you have so much health, armour and weapons that the game just becomes a button masher
Thinking about BotW, but I'm sure this is common in other games as well.
Platinum is in love with this shit.
I despise shaking the analog stick, whoever came up with that QTE should be castrated.
>enemy shoots at you with their infinite ammo
>kill them and check their body for ammo
>7 bullets
I'll never understand fallout fags saying their game is super realistic and immersive when that shit is the case.
>stamina mechanics and having to manage what you carry so you dont over burden yourself
>if you run out of stamina, you cant aim for shit
>meanwhile the AI isnt affected by any of that at all
fuck you arma, at least i could mod it out
Fucking S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
>Changes in difficulty only mean changes in damage dealt and damage taken
When will this die out? I like playing games on high difficulty, but it just seems pretty boring having to hit an enemy of your level 500 times to kill it and have to avoid getting hit 3 times to not die, there are more creative ways of making the game more difficult than just making your character weak as fuck and making all enemies tanks.
Such as?
This is why I gave up on destiny 2
>normal is too easy
>hard is just unfun and not designed with the core mechanics in mind
>walking into spikes from the side still damages you
Even back when playing the first Mega Man I found this to be bullshit. Yet most platformers haven't evolved since.
Thief gives you more objectives to complete on higher difficulties.
> chase enemy in watch dogs
> carefully shoot his shin with a silenced gun
> shakes it off and keeps running like fucking Forrest Gump
I mean come the fuck on
Level scaling. It's never ever EVER good.
Perfect Dark nailed this concept nearly twenty years ago. Higher difficulties change your objectives and give you more complex tasks. In one early level, you play as a sniper covering a hostage negotiator. On higher difficulties, you actually start as the hostage negotiator.
halo has enemies rush/flank you, take more cover, and throw back grenades on higher difficulty
It can be good if done the traditional way, meaning that the starting zone is level 1 and the surroundings are level 2, with inconsistencies thrown into the mix.
Fuck bethesda for normalizing global level scaling
kill someone in the middle of nowhere
you are now being chased by the police or have bad karma
fucking retarded
Another reason fallout is a piece of shit series. I tried replaying it recently, killed a legion patrol in self defense, and now i'm villified despite there being no witnesses.
>stealing is wrong, -karma
>but murdering is good, +karma
They used all their boolets shooting your ass, It's just sheer luck that they die with only a few left
Fallout 3 had a good system where each area had a maximum and minimum level it could be, and once you entered the area for the first time it got locked to your current level.
And then you have shit like Oblivion where leveling up makes you weaker but the enemies stronger. But for some reason escort NPCs don't scale up, making escorts quests next to impossible if you wait too long.
Technically it could be avoided with more nuanced scaling mechanics though. The idea of scaling could probably work with more careful implementation.
That in the year 2019 there are still games where you can't skip cutscenes.
the past few Mario Kart games
>be in first, final lap
>nonstop lightning, blue and red shells
>you only get coins
Fallout 3 was kinda bullshit with this too. And that redneck swamp DLC was fucking atrocious.
Lord of the Rings is this but with midgets who weren't adventuring at all before that.
Frodo was like 50.
Inconsistent gun damage values or boosting them with abilities in some way is usually what bothers me.
>a pump action shotgun does more damage than a semi-automatic shotgun
>an automatic shotgun does the lowest amount of damage
>a double barreled shotgun does the most damage
>a rifle caliber firing machine gun does lower damage per shot then let's say an intermediate caliber assault rifle
I like it when it's a bossfight
>turret with unlimited ammo, or some simple form of ammo management
>boss fires damaging projectiles at you, which you need to blast before they reach you
>weakpoints are temporarily open to do damage upon
I don't I've ever not loved such a fight. RE5 comes to mind, but I'm sure there were others of this variation.
Coins are unironically the reason I stopped playing mario kart. Getting a coin box is so unsatisfying, and losing coins is more disappointing than gaining them is satisfying.
>I like [x] Game though because it had a [hamfisted reason] to do so!
Except that is wrong. Hobbits got their shit pushed in constantly until they reached Bree and even there were saved by a high level adventurer who escorted them to be joined by other high level adventurers. Even after the hobbits sections are about hiding from everything or forming alliances with creatures that protect them.
The more I think about it, the more I realize that RPG stat systems don't add anything to action games, except give you the illusion of progress. All it really does is lock you out of content and arbitrarily turn enemies into bullet sponges or complete pushovers if your level is one number off, all because you decided to explore and deviated from what the devs "intended". No dev thinks to break away from this stupid leftover of games being based on DnD, and simply have RPG mechanics and character choices WITHOUT leveling up and all the stat bullshit that entails. It'd be so much easier to balance around. Going from DaS to Sekiro arguably proves that.
Dragon's Dogma becomes piss easy if you do every sidequest. Dark Souls has meme cheese builds in every game of the series, and certain areas become too easy if you do them late. It's even worse in other games. Why exactly is this shit necessary? Just give me the choices you were going to give me anyway to build my character, and get rid of these retarded number threshholds if you're going to fuck it up every time.
To be fair, the karma system in New Vegas is completely meaningless, I have over 300 hours in the game and can't remember ever being forced to interact with the system. I do agree that the faction reputation is pretty faulty though, all they had to do is tie it down to quests and acts of violence in faction locations and it would work perfectly fine
This is truth, and only plebs who don't want to accept their sense of achievement is a lie will deny it. Stats are a mouthbreather game design almost every time
>there are unique entities that you can summon to fight for you but you have defeat them beforehand
>they are beefy when up against you and the fight can take 30mins to 1hour to finish
>they become noodles when summoned by your side and you have to look out for their health constantly
Very true, you only have to compare Igavania with Metroid (or other non-RPG Metroidvanias like Hollow Knight).
Dragons dogma? That feels so long ago.
Paper Mario handled its RPG mechanics pretty well
Bloodstained ritual of the night.
They weren't intended to do the adventuring by themselves, they were just supposed to transport the ring while the others escorted them because gandalf believed i anyone could resist the temptation it'd be them
>low on ammo, takes ages to get through a section and kill an enemy so you can loot more ammo
>Despite them firing mag after mag on full auto they only have >10 rounds on them
In STALKER your gear is your level, and you can equip anything you get your hands on. That's one great way to do it. You can take our a power armored soldier with a five billion ruble gun with a jacket and a pistol, but it'll be hell of a lot easier with gear similar to his, and vice versa - when you get good gear you tear through bandit ambushes.
especially if the enemies are programmed to "know" that that's how it works and just careen into you instead of trying to fight normally
also like Rogue Legacy
>enemies have a couple levels on you
>do fuckall damage to them (far less than any level difference should make)
>try to kill them using things that should ignore levels
>try to knock them off a cliff
>enemies higher level than you collide with invisible walls and can't be knocked off
>can instakill any enemy knocked down
>enemies higher level than you will NEVER get knocked down by the knockdown spell
AC Odyssey and Witcher 3 respectively. Don't send these high level niggers after me if this is what you're going to do
Agreed, user. STALKER does progression perfectly by tying it to equipment you find as you go through the game, while still giving you a lot of options to fit your playstyle. It's how an FPS with RPG elements SHOULD play like, instead of the shit every other loot shooter like Borderlands and Anthem does.
>>enemies higher level than you collide with invisible walls and can't be knocked off
Holy shit what? That's a thing?
I always liked the AC-130 mission in Modern Warfare. That meaty artillery cannon was fun as fuck
>Enemies spawn behind you in the room you just cleared
Did you know that swimming speed is locked to FPS?
I only figured it out after finding it impossible to train swimming for that mission.
> handgun has tighter groupings at long range than a long-barrelled rifle
Yes. Spartan Kick's main use is to boot people off high places. You can push one of those fuckers right up to the edge of mt doom, spartan kick them and have them animate for getting knocked back slightly while not moving anywhere. Fuck them to hell and back
This kind of shit means you're unable to ASSAULT forts until you're max level or two levels from max level. Because if you go in swords blazing mercenaries will start coming, higher and higher level until you get to ones that can OHK you, take almost no damage from your overpower attacks and lose maybe 1/30 HP from an assassination attack.
They might have patched it but my copy is illegitimate
the OG games do this iirc
Oh and its especially funny when you use the ring of chaos and knock an entire platoon off an edge in one go, but the elite mercenary stays there because fuck you
i hate all those games where you effectively get weaker as you "level up".
>Enemy attacks you with a powerful weapon
>Kill him
>Can't loot said weapon even if it is clearly visibly lying there on the ground
That shit rustles me so much
the new WoW expansion was fucking horrible for this. In the expansion before it everyone got a bunch of really strong gear, but Blizzard couldn't balance it going into new content, so they just had it abruptly stop working halfway through leveling to the new max level. Because of that and the way that level differences work in PvP, it was possible for a level 110 player to 1v3 level 120s and barely even be in danger
There isn't really anything that interacts with the karma rating of your character except I think Cass, who will leave if you're evil. Problem is you never get there because killing a few feral ghouls in Novac gives you like a billion positive karma that you really have to work hard to lose.
Those parts in recent Bethesda games where your at low health and the enemy takes away all your control and kills you in a cinematic way, especially when you were about to kill them.
current wow is like a couch that got red wine spilled on it so you scrub and get most of the wine off but it's still red so you bleach it but now the couch turned white so you get a gray crayon to color it in but now the color is a bit off and the couch is waxy so you try melting the wax but accidentally burn a hole in the cushion and then eventually throw the thing out and replace it with a cushion from a different couch
they need to scrap the goddamn game and start over, the code and systems are a fucking disaster from 15 years of fucking around
It's sad the way they have been milking players, by just making your current items stop working for no reason. It is so obvious that they want you on the treadmill.
>laying in cover with camo
>fire a couple of pop shots with silencer
>all enemies spin to exactly where you are and calculate your distance
>domed by a pistol
thanks Arma
Item shops are complete bullshit in virtually ever rpg. For example, I'm playing Witcher 2 right now, and I sold one of my weapons for 8 orens. But if I wanted to buy that same weapon back? "That'll be 300 orens pls lol" Or if I accidentally bought an item for 100 orens but wanted to sell it back? "lol we'll give you 5 orens for it lol"
Every rpg does this bullshit to extent or another.
>enemy shoots several magazines worth of ammo at you
>kill them
>2 bullets from corpse
>reload save
>kill them before they can shoot at you
>2 bullets from corpse
Crafting is competently optional and ingredients are everywhere.
I've been told it's supposed to be "justified" in Witcher because Geralt is being ripped off by the merchants and are purposely overcharging/undercharging him because he's a witcher and they think he's super rich, which I think is stupid because you'd think merchants would try to rip off a Witcher and secondly, it assume Geralt is retarded enough to get jewed constantly.
>The more I think about it, the more I realize that RPG stat systems don't add anything to action games
Now you understand why RPGs can only work on a turn based system and why ARPGs are the worst of both worlds.
KoToR 2, because damage peaks once you fully upgrade your lightsaber and after a certain level it's just +HP for you and the enemies,
I thought only Skyrim does this? Does Fallout 4/76 does this too (never played them)?
Skyrim's was especially bullshit because you could be blocking and know that you could survive the hit but if you were low enough, it would act like you took the full hit anyway. Thank god for that killmoves mod that lets you turn that shit off for the PC.
name 3 games that do this
any I've played either have maces and swords be functionally identical, or balanced out with each other in some way (usually mace does more damage, but sword swings faster)
>game features a lot of guns
>your favorite IRL gun is a peashooter and is considered shit tier and should be replaced right away
>the turret is a trap and completedly useless in the bossfight
general raam demands you disperse his batshit with the bow and headshot him with a sniper rifle almost 20 times in a row, or you'll be instantly gibbed even looking at the turret
>tfw this was me in CoD4 but I always used the Skorpion anyway
fuck borderclaps, but this mechanic would be slightly less obnoxious, had the high lvl beasts been isolated in certain locations by the plot (e.g. ''don't go into dark forest or rabid spider-bears will wreck your shit up'')
That's why I am now a huge fan of transmogging.
so, mandatory controller-breaking moves
it's the definition of skinner box
RPGs have the most bullshit mechanics, but what I hate the most is when they give you status inflicting moves and they never fucking work.
>normal attacks are strong enough that you don't need to use DoT's or status effects on fodder enemies
>bosses are immune to DoT's and status effects, or resistant enough that they aren't worth using
Well duh, the ancient evil in turn is just a huge fucking eye that sits atop a tower.
>if anyone could resist the temptation it'd be them
In all honesty Skyrim has one of the better ways of doing that. Every enemy has a minimum and a maximum level.
Do not forget giving you uber weapons for effectively clearing the game of enemies you'd want to use these weapons on.
>You take 3 hits in battle before dying
>Ultimates freeze your character in the air
>But don't give any temporary invulnerability after you finish the ultimate attack
>the 9mm pistol with a small magazine does good damage
>the 9mm pistol with a big magazine does shit damage
>the full auto 9mm machine pistol fires pieces of low-velocity tissue paper