Delivery for user, it's the Splatoon thread you ordered!
Delivery for user, it's the Splatoon thread you ordered!
So they are 100% making a third one right now right?
Was a third announced? First I've heard of it.
No it was not, am merely speculating it must be in some stage of the process of bein produced
my friend says this is furry shit is he right? I can't seem to convince him otherwise
Squids evolved to be composed of ink and can take humanoid forms by puberty, but now they can't swim. There's no fur, but I have no idea how furries think so whatever.
Idk, my reasoning was that it looks like people not animals so it's not furry
He also says Nekopara is furry and some league of faggots catgirl is furry
>tfw no Splat three announcement at E3
He has no idea what he's talking about and is just regurgitating memes, ignore his prattle.
It was mostly because of me mentioning that Marina is attractive and he said he doesn't do furry shit like that
Ah, I’ve been waiting for this.
I want her to write the letter out for me with her special ink.
>that pic again
furry is such a loose vague term that it's pretty useless
labels are not worth worrying about anyway
I think they're gonna keep it Mario Kart style, with one game per system.
That'd be cute, if it wasn't a filthy octo
Well fuck them and their shit
Absolute horrid taste
I'm sure octo at least taste good.
Guess I should see if I can play Salmon Run. I want to take off my shoes.
I want to make her deliver.
Deliver what, user?
I want to make her deliver.
In the hospital.
Backed up by midwives and nurses.
>ywn impregnate a squid
it hurts bros
I unironically like Octopus more than Squid
I have a craving for burgers.
ah yes, my order for squidkid cunny, right on time!