How badly do you think konami regrets firing Kojima?
How badly do you think konami regrets firing Kojima?
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Japanese businesses just freak out because the wind changed direction. They probably fire Kojima because someone sneezed.
They're still making bank by milking his franchise with Pachinko machines so I don't think they care.
They don't. Gaming division was just a tiny fraction of Konami. They're known for more than that in Japan.
They probably don't think of him at all, Kojima was a money-wasting hack and now he's doing the same to sony, its only a matter of time before sony tosses him
>money wasting
>all of his projects brought back at least twice the budget
Based retard
>wasting money and making a profit are mutually exclusive
Konami could have made even more if Kojima was a bit more frugal.
i like Kojima but i think they don't regret firing him, they are now making moneys out of some shit pachinkos or something like that
that's basically no return at all considering the years of development each game requires
Sony is a tech giant, they can afford to gamble bigly with the risk of losing. But from the looks of things they aren't losing with Kojima. The game is on track to being finished and has a release date and will probably easily recuperate the investment plus much more, in addition to much more publicity and console sales for sony.
>I sure wish we would still spending millions on some guy's ego trips and watch him go around the world fooling around with celebrities on the company's money
Not at all.
Kona I made more money than Nintendo last year.
Sony is fucking retarded, they'd do anything BUT fire him. DS will be incredibly successful regardless, so they won't lose money or anything anyway, but even if it were, they would never fire him
remember, he is forced again to meet the deadline set up by publisher
I think Kojima was just too big for Konami to swallow, and they didn't lose much by laying him off. What they really lost though is how they handled what he ceded to them, they could've banked in pretty well with a direction that utilized smaller budgets.
I doubt they care. Konami barely releases games anymore because they are making so much money off Pachinko.
>Kojima was a money-wasting hack
MGS5 was a huge success though
they made profit from day 1
They probably put him on a tight leash and schedule to ensure the game actually gets finished on time, something Konami failed to do. Also, from what I'm seeing, it seems Kojima was merely an "ideas guy" for the game, rather than actually running and managing production. Sony pays him money for his ideas and the right to use his name and celebrity appeal to promote the game, sony makes the game using a combination of some of it's workers and former Konami workers while leading the production itself, game comes out, Kojima gets the credit, Sony gets the increased console sales and revenue from the game. It's a win-win for both of them.
>game doesn't undergo difficulty adjustment, comes out super hard
>ends up developing a cult-like fanbase like soulsborne games who are dedicated to exploring every nook and cranny in the game and gitting gud
They aren't, Pachinko has started going down way before even reaching vidya division's money.
What they make money through is their gym division.
They likely have forgotten him for the most part. Konami reported record revenue in 2018 (2.2 billion USD, which is more then Nintendo made).
What the fuck are you talking about?
Death Stranding is a one time thing, Kojipro isn't part of Sony, they are now independant, like Platinum games.
You don't even know what you are talking about, you don't even do research, you just make opinions based on your own, baseless assumptions with no proof whatsoever of what you claim.
Konami had a record-breaking year last year and are on track to have another this year.
Yes, and it's not because of Pachinko.
It's because of literally every other division.
People here would know if they actually knew what they were talking about, but people unironically think that games are Konami's main business, when they could shut down their game division and that would only mean 10% less money every year.
SIE is the publisher, they will reap the lion's share of the financial rewards and revenue from the game. Kojipro and Death Stranding only exist because of Sony's funding, and Kojima knows that.
At this point, expecting kojipro to make a non-sony game is like expecting naughty dog to do it.
No, this is the same as when From made Bloodborne.
>How badly do you think konami regrets firing Kojima?
They wouldn't.
They've had their most profitable years ever since they fired him.
Show Konami's financial charts by division.
It's not that I don't believe you, I just want to know how you arrived at this conclusion.
Because of things unrelated to gaming, because gaming for Konami means nothing.
That's why they barely release games anymore, they just don't care.
>Death Stranding is a one time thing
>implying it's not going to get milked for sequels regardless of how necessary they are
Kojipro is independent in the same way Insomniac is independent.
Sony basically has them on a leash to make sure they make playstation games.
No it's not, retard. From existed for years before Bloodborne, and that was done in conjunction with Japan Studio hence why it was a Sony exclusive.
Kojima pro was disbanded and virtually insolvent after konami fired him. It only exists now thanks to Sony. It's independent, but they only have an operating budget thanks to sony.
He's bullshitting. Konami had a 9% increase in revenue and it was mostly due to video games and slots.
And with the money they earn from DS, they'll be able to go continue doing their thing.
Hell, Kojima himsef is a millionaire, he could fund shit on his own.
>It only exists now thanks to Sony.
What exists thanks to Sony is Death Stranding.
Kojima has already talked about how he wants to make multiplatform games.
And lets not even talk about the rumors of a PC version since the game was announced, stuff that Kojima refuses to adress, and that DS doesn't have the "only on PlayStation" tag.
>implying it's not going to get milked for sequels regardless of how necessary they are
Sony will have to make them on their own, I really doubt Kojima will work on a sequel ever again.
Hmm, so by firing him Konami in some way cashed out their investment
Actually MGSV made more than twice it's budget on launch day alone.
The game cost 80 million to make and it made 180 million in the first 24 hours.
you failed 8th grade economics didnt you
>And with the money they earn from DS, they'll be able to go continue doing their thing.
SIE is the publisher, and major stockholder in the game, they'll reap the lion's share of the profits. Whatever the devs make is whatever the publisher pays them for their efforts.
>Kojima himself is a millionaire
Yeah and a hollywood-like AAA game such as death stranding costs easily tens of millions to make if not 100 million. You don't know how these things work, someone isn't just going to put all their entire life savings into one project and see if it works or not. Companies sell stock to investors to finance these things, nobody is going to spend their entire personal fortune on making one fucking game.
I swear Yea Forums's IQ lowers to single digits when discussing Kojima, Konami or the games.
Not only is Yea Forums incapable of understanding the simple story of MGS games, but they base the whole thing about Kojima and Konami, most of which is unknown, on people's own asspulls, not even knowing what it's actually publicly known.
For all it's claims that Yea Forums is "masculine", you sure behave like a bunch of hysterical women.
are you retarded
>And lets not even talk about the rumors of a PC version since the game was announced, stuff that Kojima refuses to adress, and that DS doesn't have the "only on PlayStation" tag.
hahahah keep dreaming. It's an SIE game, you're not getting a port. You're more likely to get a bloodborne port, literally. Maybe make a petition or something?
>I really doubt Kojima will work on a sequel ever again.
yeah it's not like kojimbo spent his whole fucking life making sequels to one franchise.
>Yeah and a hollywood-like AAA game such as death stranding costs easily tens of millions to make if not 100 million
Yes, and Death Stranding was, initially, supposed to be a much smaller, almost indie game.
It was others who pushed him to make him a full blown Triple A game.
Game budget doesn't include PR budget you absolute retard. Also,
>what is the concept of estimates
You need to return atleast four times budget to be considered a profitable enough to even bother.
>hahahah keep dreaming.
They would have denied it otherwise.
Not that I have any interest in DS. I would have if it was an MGS game, but not if this this nonsensical shit with ghosts.
>yeah it's not like kojimbo spent his whole fucking life making sequels to one franchise.
And we all know how much he ended up hating MGS.
But insomniac made multiplats and an xbone exclusive this gen, you don't know what you're talking about
About as badly as Kojima regrets not hiring pic related.
Why Kojima-San?
Yeah I'm sure Kojima literally had to be dragged kicking and screaming to make a high budget AAA game. All those instagram selfies of him with mega-celebrities with Robert DeNiro and JJ Abrams are just him coping with not being a small-time indie dev, same with his twitter posts about how "90% of my body is movies"
you're talking out of your ass
that was a joke of a game and even insomniac knew that.
I dunno if Konami care because their other divisions are rolling in cash but the pre orders for this game after that trailer are insane. Not only confirmed by my long time retail partners but the sick fucks in trannyera as well.
>That one doesn't count because it disproves my argument
Eat shit
He literally said so, but then again, you are the classic double-think Yea Forumsedditor who claims both that Kojima is just an ideas guy and never works on anything, and at the same time claims that the development of DS stops the moment Kojima types a tweet.
Also, he literally said so.
>"Originally I'd planned to fly a bit low key. I wanted to do an indie game, something on a smaller scale,"
Then again, we know you Yea Forumsedditors are not logical beings, you are hysterical women who base themselves on nothing but your own feelings.
When Spider-Man or Ratchet and Clank get an xbox port, you'll have a semblance of an argument, but you don't.
Where does it say he didn't want to make an AAA game?
>want to make indie game cause i have no budget
>sony brings lots of money
>now i make big shiny AAA game
do you not know how these things work or are you playing stupid?
Income - Expenses = Profit
100 - 50 = 50
100 - 20 = 80
Therefore, if Kojima was less wasteful and lowered the expenses, Konami would have made more profit. Didn't think I'd need to spell it out, but there ya go buddy.
You said sony keep insomniac on a tight leash. That is objectively false.
Just because they made a couple of ps4 exclusives doesn't mean sony own them or have them on a leash, which is proved because they made an exclusive for the xbox. Seethe more
Considering what made him do a Triple A game was just being convinced, I don't think it was a matter of budget.
I would have loved if she was in Death Stranding too. Are there new games she's been in?
Hopefully Kojima calls her back for his next game.
They don't give a fuck, since he doesn't make pachinko machines.
When will the mods finally ban any threads related to MGS, Kojima or Death Stranding?
They are all shitposting generals and people repeat the same things over and over again.
Nothing of value is discussed, it's all shitposting, so I have no idea why it shouldn't be banned like porn threads and console war threads are banned.
Cool story bro. The worst thing is that you're just an anonymous shitposter posting what you know are blatant shitposts and false speculation, but since you're anonymous, nobody will be able to specifically call you out in however many years time when you are proven dead wrong and call you the lying shitposter you are. Just like all the smug retards who kept screaming that Persona 5 was getting a switch port and then mysteriously shut the fuck up.
His name was entire PR campaign, though. If anything, he helped them save money.
When they ban all nintendo and CDPR threads. Seethe more, nintenshart. Sony always wins.
cult-like fanbases belongs only to the finest games
unironically based
Have sex, incel
Sony wins by having shitposting threads?
Also, I agree with banning those, specifically Smash Bros threads.
Mods need to do a big cleanup of this website.
Ban anything related to Kojima, to Smash Bros, twitter threads, and trigger an automatic ban upon the use of "yikes", "oof", "thot" or "incel" and any other buzzword Twitter millennials bring here.
Nigga, this was one of their most profitable decisions that only gets better as years go by.
Who needs a wasteful hack that manages to shit out one extremely pretentious and very mediocre game once in 5 years or so?
Konamichads are rolling in cash, their last years being most successful in the history of the company.
And not even full financial and PR support from Sony, combined with all the Hollywood actors that they had to hire for Kojumba managed to get HALF the attention that one simple Polish studio gets on its own
He is a liability for any employer, and is completely irrelevant in modern video game industry.
fuck of cdpr drone
all cdpr retards should kys
>Who needs a wasteful hack that manages to shit out one extremely pretentious and very mediocre game once in 5 years or so?
Are you implying a publisher cares about the quality of what they release?
You actually think the 60 year olds in the board rooms care about anything but profits?
This is why Yea Forumseddit is not a website taken seriously and why this is nothing but Yea Forums with games.
Because you are, by far, the most stupid community related to videogames on the internet. You know pretty much nothing about videogame development and base yourself on your current mood.
It'll be a good day for the internet when Yea Forums inevitably shuts down.
>It'll be a good day for the internet when Yea Forums inevitably shuts down.
just leave this place retarded cunt
>Konamichads are rolling in cash, their last years being most successful in the history of the company.
Yes, because they finally stopped making videogames.
Their profits come from their gym division.
They have no interest in videogames, which is why they don't release anything anymore.
No, I want to see it die.
I am incapable of understanding people who want this shithole to live on.
If you actually have spent more than 4 years here, you'd know this place went to shit a long time ago, and Yea Forums 404'ing permanently would be an act of mercy on a has-been of the internet.
I wonder what it would take to shut down Yea Forums, maybe damage more of Hiro's ways to create revenue?
That fat gook sure seems like he doesn't care about anything else, but without moot in the way, it should be much easier.
>ban video games on a video game board
I thought you were just pretending to be retarded, but holy fuck, kill yourself.
No, i'm suggesting banning shitposting.
Generals in /vg/ are banned if they create nothing but crap, so apply the same here.
Legitimate discussion never happens in these threads.
Their 9% increase in revenue last fiscal year was due to gaymen and slots.
The entire Internet should be shut down, but there's no need to make a spastic screed about it.
Considering how disappointing MGS5 was?
Yes, I bet the 60 year olds at Konami's board room were crying for not being able to play Mission 51 while cleaning their tears with the money MGSV was making.
Yea Forums is unironically the best video game board on the internet. It's anonymous there's no months long wait to create an account, and you can talk about literally anything vidya related.
it's the only place on the net where you can instantly start a thread with just a picture, you don't even need an account or anything, and expect replies within minutes.
Compare reddit, where discussion revolves around everyone praising thing endlessly and any serious critique gets showered with downvotes so you can say goodbye to it getting noticed and having a serious replies, and if your "replies" are unpopular enough you have to wait ten fucking minutes between making each reply.
or sites like neogaf or resetera where there's literally a months long waiting period to make an account, you can't even make new threads unless you're a super sekrit club member, and you get instantly banned the second you say something that isn't a SJW circlejerk.
Yeah, why waste money on an investement of several years for a 100% profit when you could use that money on a 300% profit that requires a year of setup?
Just being profitable isn't everything in the world of investements.
I'm not saying that Konami was right or wrong with their decision, but they didn't fire him because of random reasons.
Konami regrets nothing. Fans of their video games have plenty of regrets, but the company has shifted focus, and it is doing well financially. It's sad to see series such as Silent Hills, Suikoden, and Castlevania die off, but they're making bank. I imagine eventually they will license their IP to some developer?
It's also a board where 90% of discussion is politics, shitposting and waifufagism.
>Compare reddit
You can compare it, considering the opinion people have here depends on what the majority thinks, and doing the opposite.
Yea Forums exists only to shitpost, and that has gotten boring, so might as well get rid of it.
sony willingly wasted lots of money on less profitable shit
You do know Sony is the one that made the TASM movies and the one that made the 2016 female Ghostbusters reboot, right?
Hell, Sony is so incompetent that The Amazing Spiderman 2, despite having a box office of 750 million dollars, it only actually made 35 million in profit.
You are the worst retard on this website, that doesn't understand anything about business an businessmen.
Do you believe that "caring about profit" is possible without having full and in-depth knowledge of the things you are selling, and people you are selling it to? Do you really think any of these "60 year olds" would be fine spending a single fucking dollar without full understandment of what it is going to be used for and what results it will achieve? Are you really that fucking stupid?
Your simplistic low-IQ world view is baffling
3rd party in this argument but this was a faggy post.
Reminder that Death Stranding is just On the Silver Globe: the Game
Game development is hard. But debugging and assembling happens in the last year or so of development. Reminder that games used to have 1-2 year dev cycles, and that used to be enough to get the game into a complete and polished state, this was even true for the complex games. Now games have increased in size and complexity so it makes sense they would dedicate more than 6 months for this single process alone.
The Kojima Productions team has a long half year ahead of them. God fucking speed.
I'm sure a lot of those investors had plenty of interest in concluding Eli's story.
Considering Konami has killed every single franchise they had, i'm pretty sure they are all brain damaged.
I cant wait to climb ladders in a game with a story that's really complex and come out just as confused as i walked in
>300% profit that requires a year of setup?
Tell me what magical wonder project does this? Why the fuck isn't the whole world investing in these 300% ROI projects? Stupid investment bankers going for less than 10% ROI when they could get 300% when they invest with user!
You would be confused even with a goddamn COD campaign, Yea Forumsedditors.
You are the retards who needed 15 years to understand the stupidity of MGS2.
>Yea Forums
>make reply that goes against majority opinion
>get lots of (you)s and genuine answers, starting a discussion
>make post that goes against majority opinion
>get six million downvotes, no replies or serious discussion ensues because nobody can see your reply
>have to wait ten fucking minutes to make another reply
The only problem with Yea Forums is falseflagging shills who openly look for excuse to attack company they don't like. Like dumbass CDPR shills who have overblown the fucking tifa thing over the past few days in order to drown any positive discussion of what otherwise looks like a great game, or general anti-sony posters in general who took the "censorship" memes too seriously.
>twice their budget
>not tens of thousands times their budget
lmao no wonder they fired that hack
not him but kill yourself
>Yea Forums
>make any reply
>get a fuckload of overused Twitter memes, pepes, wojacks
>90% chance that people have started talking about politics 100 posts in
The only place as bad as Yea Forums is Resetera, which also needs to be shut down.
It certainly did, considering MGSV made twice it's budget on launch day alone, a fact ignored by Yea Forums because they still insist that MGSV was a flop based entirely on their own, pathetic feelings since they spent 3 years spamming obnoxious "DUDE IM NUCLEAR XDD" threads.
Considering they had to pull out of video game development because of his dumb extravagant ass hiring american TV actors they couldn't afford, not very.
I'm guessing by your general attitude and fucking cluelessness you're thoroughly impressed with the utter lack of gameplay they showed in those trailers. That's good, the industry needs easily impressed retarded fuckwits like you to sell games, and it keeps the industry healthy so good games can continue existing. You're like the fertiliser at the bottom of the field, enriching the dirt so other good shit can grow.
>money wasting
That's just objectively false, the PS3 got a huge boost in sales after it was announced that mgs4 is PS3 exclusive, MGS is in the top 5 best selling games of the PS1, MGSV is Konamis best selling game to date.
If anything, Kojima is the big money maker.
quite the opposite, Konami are quite happy with the decision.
>Considering they had to pull out of video game development because of his dumb extravagant ass hiring american TV actors they couldn't afford
A 240 billion dollar worth company couldn't afford to hire one actor?
>what are console sellers?
>CEO: Steve Sutherland
>>make any reply
>>get a fuckload of overused Twitter memes, pepes, wojacks
% chance that people have started talking about politics 100 posts in
literally doesn't happen, except, as I mentioned, by anti-sony posters who try to derail any positive discussion of a sony game like TLOU or God of War or Death Stranding or Final Fantasy VII.
and all anti-sony posters should unironically be banned. Shilling for a company is tolerable because it actually stimulates positive discussion on the good features of a game. Shilling against a company is just cancerous because they go out of their way to lie and shout down anyone who wants to have a genuine vidya discussion.
They had interest in releasing a high quality product that they paid a shitton of money to develop and promote, in a reasonable amount of time that they all (Kojumba included) have agreed upon in the very beginning of said development process.
When Kojumba asked for more money and time - they gave it to him, they gave it to him multiple times.
And after all of this he still sharted out a half-finished 6\10 game, and his dumshit fanbase is blaming muh ebul Konami for everything.
Fucking hell.
>The only problem with Yea Forums is falseflagging shills who openly look for excuse to attack company they don't like.
? Are you serious nigger?
How about the porn and literal pedophile justification on a mother fucking videogame board? How about completely off-topic /pol/ shit? How about the pepes, wokjaks, and Twitter posts? Please.
>When Kojumba asked for more money and time - they gave it to him, they gave it to him multiple times.
At that point you have to ask yourself how much of an investment MGS V was for a company the size of Konami, and how much of a loss they were facing to make that choice. If their wunderdev was causing this much financial grief, then either the company couldn't afford a project this big, or they were already moving away from video game development and seeking other financial venues.
I think it's a mix of both, but I generally see Kojima's run at the board of directors as negative for the video game side of things.
>At that point you have to ask yourself how much of an investment MGS V was for a company the size of Konami, and how much of a loss they were facing to make that choice
I bet for Konami, a 240 billion dollar worth company, a 80 million dollar investment was way too much.
you're over reacting, discussion here is fine
dont click on threads that have a sexy girl as the OP image if you dont want to talk about waifufagism, same goes for shitposts
also, you can ignore posts very easily you overly sensitive sissy
>How about the porn and literal pedophile justification on a mother fucking videogame board? How about completely off-topic /pol/ shit?
They get deleted pretty quickly. Yea Forums jannies are on their game, unlike Yea Forums jannies
>How about the pepes, wokjaks, and Twitter posts?
if the discussion is vidya related, there's literally nothing wrong with it.
Dilate, tranny.
It's funny to me how you think their net worth is in liquid assets, and that those assets are all allocated for casting actors for Kojima's passion projects. Your childish view of the situation in general is proof that you shouldn't be discussing this with others.
Additionally, most of that is from their arcade/pachislot business, not the video game division Kojima and the other directors ran into the fucking ground.
I'm sure Hudson fans share your enthusiasm.
that could be the case, since Konami does have other projects and products they sell like yugioh and slot machines, kojima probably kept going over the companie's budget limit constantly during MGSV's development that they got tired of it . Even tho MGSV had a good return, for a company that is a huge risk financially if MGSV would have failed.
Except it's universally acclaimed by critics, won multiple game of the year awards, and currently holds a "Very Positive" rating on Steam by users. Not to mention that it sold over 6 million copies.
If this isn't considered a massive success, then I don't know what is.
>Additionally, most of that is from their arcade/pachislot business
No, it's from their gym division.
>not the video game division Kojima and the other directors ran into the fucking ground.
Sounds like Konami is pretty useful at videogame development if they have managed to kill every single franchise they had.
Niggers really are stupid. You're proof.
240 billion dollars that aren't allocated to a single game's development, for their game division at all, or even assets they can liquidate to begin with. Your insistence in throwing this money around is hilarious, you're like a child comparing numbers to see which one is bigger.
You only invest as much money as you think you can make a profit on, not the company's entire net worth.
He's not wrong, time is money.
If we were room mates and you gave me 100 bucks today expecting to make it back at an agreed time with interest, and instead I asked for 100 more a week later would you just shrug?
Even if I gave you back 400 many months later it wouldn't matter if you're relatively richer from our first dealing, your own total financial situation could have changed since then making it not worth it.
But if you gave me as little as 10 bucks now and within the week if not day I come back with 20, it's no lottery jackpot but at least you're on to something reasonably profitable.
Before someone says the obvious, these figures are not remotely near how game development works, they're adjusted for everyman scale because a single individual could not grasp the proper expense, scheduling and returns expectations of a development team and publisher.
But the point is eventually, relatively making back extra expenses isn't a sensible way of doing business. I don't support Konami's business practices but my love of the MGS games doesn't mean I'll blindly excuse Kojima's and imagine up this scenario where Konami execs are sobbing over Death Stranding. It's a very witless way of seeing things.
So you have no source, just like everyone in these threads, just assumptions that are based entirely on you being mad that MGSV was unfinished.
>for a company that is a huge risk financially if MGSV would have failed.
How was a huge risk?
Are you implying Konami is a small company?
This is why Yea Forums is a place only for shitposting, you are like hysterical women who are driven entirely by emotions and not facts.
The only reason to come here is to laugh at you because you have nothing of value to say.
By this logic its even less than 6/10 because Fallout 4 (that received more GOTYs) is definitely below 6/10
Not him, but post the proof.
This keeps getting thrown around, but I want to see if it's more than >source: trust me bro
>You only invest as much money as you think you can make a profit on
Well, it was a sound investment, after all, MGSV made more than twice it's budget on launch day.
The costs of MGSV were below 100 million dollar. That's a fly shit in comparison with other big budget games, your average Ubisoft titles costs 100 million+.
game is going to be a mess that makes phantom pain look good.
No shit.
>Sounds like Konami is pretty useful at videogame development if they have managed to kill every single franchise they had.
That doesn't sound very useful.
literal zero fucks were given
Or we can shut down a website full of people who do not deserve to have their own website.
Would be fun to see all the scum in here trying to find another place.
>So you have no source, just like everyone in these threads, just assumptions that are based entirely on you being mad that MGSV was unfinished.
im not mad at MGSV, also most information about Konami's real reason for their decision to drop kojima is almost always a financial decision since Konami is a huge company.
>How was a huge risk?
come on, really? even wiki has MGSV as one of the most costly game in development.
stop being a retard plz
konami is constantly making profit since they left aaa gaming...
According to you, maybe, but for the overwhelming majority (which is where the money is, in the end) it's a great game, and objectively successful.
Considering it has nothing to do with the MGS universe, it's already automatically better than all of them.
Not having to stand the retarded 90's archetypes that all MGS characters are is already a plus 5 to the game's rating.
Nor the garbage character design MGS games had, for some reason.
Venom in particular was embarassing, overdesigned crap.
thinks it is profit
>also most information about Konami's real reason
What information?
Care to provide a source?
>even wiki has MGSV as one of the most costly game in development.
What are you talking about?
It cost 80 million dollars when the game that cost the most to make was GTA V, at 250 million.
Or well, I guess now it should be Star Citizen with their 300 million.
They didn't. DS is Metal Gear
I doubt it, considering they had to shut down development for financial reasons. Maybe the company as a whole is doing well, certainly better after their re-adjustment, but their video game division is a different story, or at least was during MGS V's development. Think back to that time, and tell me how many hits they had before it? Let's set a reasonable timeframe of 10 years.
We all yearn for that day to come, you'd know if you had spent here more than two weeks.
Shut down?
Kojima left, the rest are still in the company.
>but their video game division is a different story
Yes because they wanted to focus on developing smartphone games.
>and tell me how many hits they had before it? Let's set a reasonable timeframe of 10 years.
More hits than games released ever since, really.
Konami just barely makes games anymore.
>They probably don't think of him at all,
This is probably true. In the eyes of the suits, he pissed away a lot of the budget on living a jet-set lifestyle while they were pretending to work 80-hour working weeks. Kojimer's success would also have been moderate compared to the pachinko ass shit Konami decided to go in.
>Kojima was a money-wasting hack and now he's doing the same to sony,
Don't think so. It's got a hard release date this year so now it all depends on the success of this game what will happen.
Konami insider here. Working at MGS5 and MGS4 a little too. Rumors about why Kojima fired is bosses got wind of him demented. Herd once he went to ladies bathroom instead of males cause he forget. He also soild himself on board meting once. Thats why Konami fire him.
>Kojima; out game has lifelessly rendered b-type movie/tv frame faces.
>CDPR: fucking keanu live on stage
he host pretty bad...
I'd like to see the achievement stats on the game, see what percentage actually finished it. The "core" video game audience might be statistically different during a game's launch, but it becomes increasingly relevant as time passes, word of mouth does its thing and the company faces dropped sales numbers. The people you deride as irrelevant are the ones keeping those profits steady during dry times.
>turns out to just be another inafune or schafer
konami was right
American education
This entire post is an emotional response, more focused on getting a negative reaction than stating any facts whatsoever. I love how the people who pretend kojima fans make it very evident they just jumped on the bandwagon and never really bothered to play the games he was involved in.
konami's money comes from slot machines and gambling in general. Not just pachinko, not just slots, but altogether it's something like 35% of their revenue. The next biggest thing is vidya (Which is now basically just PES) which is around 20%.
user... Kojima himself said (and this was like 2 years ago) Death Stranding would come out the year before Akira and the Tokyo Olympics
guess which year is in Akira and guess which year take place the Tokyo Olympics
Putting celebs in games is bad practice either way. They add literally nothing to overall value of the product.
are you retarded
>Shut down?
Development for the game. Perhaps wrap up is a better descriptor.
You're contributing nothing of value to the conversation. There are healthier ways to find attention.
I did, played through all of them.
Pretty competent stealth games, but the story heavily drags them down.
There's an obnoxious focus on storytelling when the story itself is not good.
But MGSV made the proper decision of putting storytelling in the background, despite the trailers hinting at an obnoxious movie game, so I have hopes the same happens with Death Stranding.
>Herd once he went to ladies bathroom instead of males cause he forget.
He was just re-enacting scenes from the MGS games, you retard.
Not at all.
Best they ever did Financial wise, since they focused on gambling gambling in Japan and mobile gambling fucking exploded.
Konami went from some has been Japanese publisher into one of the biggest publishers in the world with a revenue of over 2billion$ a year.
Konami currently is fucking printing money and online gambling is only getting bigger, meanwhile gambling laws in japan didnt pass and due to criminal ties of most of those places and high corruption of Japanese politicians its unlikely they will.
>Konami went from some has been Japanese publisher into one of the biggest publishers in the world with a revenue of over 2billion$ a year.
You actually think that happened in the past 4 years alone?
Videogame division has always been irrelevant for Konami.
It largely depends on how well this next game fares. It would have to be an absolute all time classic and best seller for Konami to consider his firing being an even wash.
I remain unconvinced that it will be an all time best seller or classic. This isn't to say it will be bad or anything, just that the bar has been set quite high at this point.
Well, I just checked on Steam, and it looks like 20% of players completed the "truth" mission, which is essentially the final mission of the game.
As a comparison, 27% of players have the achievement for completing The Witcher 3.
Now, it's true that more people are currently playing W3 than MGSV on Steam, but that's probably because of the heavy promotion of CDPR these days. It would be interesting to see what the numbers would be if another Metal Gear game was coming soon.
They're laughing all the way to the Pachinko Machine.
At least Bloodstained is good. Death Stranding's gameplay looks like trash.
Just imagine how fucking boring it's going to be trekking through the wastelands as well. Nice big open fields eh? Sure worked out well for Survive didn't it?
isn't konami busy rolling in money from their totally not gambling shit
Their video game (and yu-gi-oh) division makes more money than all their other divisions combined. Their financial information is readily available on their website, you don't need to make stuff up.
Survive looked like it was Open World but it wasn't due to that fucking mist
>license their IP to some developer
They already tried that, and it's one of the reasons why they had to move out of video games eventually. Remember all of those dogshit Silent Hill games made by western studios.
Survive sucked because it took the worst parts of MGSV and made an entire game out of them.
It's like they listened to the criticism MGSV got and thought they were actually praising it.
Their film division has been in dire straits for decades now, it's anyone's guess how they're still managing to operate. Their consumer electronics like TVs and stereos aren't doing much better. I think the only decent film their film studios managed to shit out in the last decade was Baby Driver, and nobody went to see it.
You just don't understand the genius of Sony's kino division.
I think you're giving Kojima too much credit and are going to end up disappointed. His repertoire of media consumption never leaves entry level shit TV shows like The Walking Dead and Superhero movies.
>>all of his projects brought back at least twice the budget
Its called an opportunity cost.
Returning 2 times budget does not mean that money was well spent if you could drop it into Pachinko machines and make 10 times profit.
The simple fact is while Konami are ruthless cunts, they are also smart ruthless cunts. They didn't cut Kojima because they didn't like him, they cut him because he couldn't make the returns that they wanted.
But till recently it wasnt the majority of its income source.
Konami tripled its stock value and quadrupled its net profit in last few years.
Still even they are projecting some losses for next year in anticipation of any gambling law changes as now they literally exist on relying on a legal grey area, if its ever regulated they are finished.
Not at all. Their stocks went up when they fired him.
>regretting a shit tier walking simulator full of cutscenes
Sony still have the right to spiderman and ghostbuster.
I wish hed just go to film already
>hurr IPs are the same as developers
Fuck off
You mean like all MGS games?
Yeah and look at the trash they've done with that.
He has absolutely no idea about film making, and Hollywood is a decaying industry where you don't get anywhere if you are not a jew, or a woman willing to fuck jews.
If Death Stranding turns out to be good I'll buy a ps4
Her career is dead bro, she doesn't even get modeling work any more. She had her face and voice in Spacelords, which was a flop and she did VA for a sidescroller. She also did a couple background roles/ crowd acting in a couple indie movies. That's the full extent of her career for the last 5 years
at least GZ and 3 had gameplay
If they're clever they're going to shift their focus on other markets, like they did before. You can already see they're ramping up production of smaller scale games as the gambling situation becomes more difficult.
Running around a discarded COD multiplayer map and menu crawling isn't gameplay.
Sure buddy, but you also have to make money to be in that industry, otherwise your jewness or lack thereof doesn't matter.
GZ had more gameplay depth than all of TPP
>only like mgs1 and 2
>will never get tightly designed maps with decent bants and gameplay anymore
>just giant open trash forever
I hates it
if you're talking about Ghostbusters, they're making a a 3rd movie
There was no depth at all, it was a casualized game with health regeneration made for the COD audience, it was the exact same thing as MGSV but in a smaller map that still didn't have anything compared to the level design of previous games.
The only reason people have positive opinions about GZ is because it was released when the hype was still going on and you didn't know any better, so the mood was positive, and you associate that with GZ.
It was impossible for GZ to dissapoint since it was just one level, the actual game was still not out.
Objectively, all post-MGS3 Metal Gears are trash.
>>will never get tightly designed maps with decent bants and gameplay anymore
that is what GZ is for
I watched him cut off a mans finger with a sword earlier this week
>There was no depth at all
t. didn't play GZ, just the story mission
Yes I referred to the Ghostbusters reboot as fucking trash. You'd essentially need to be retarded to claim otherwise.
I'm looking forward to your reply.
Yeah i just wish we had a full game that went for a smaller scale but is just as ridiculous.
The ganeplay has always been almost good so Im not worried about that as much.
Maybe after he gets DS and V out kojimbo will make something smaller since open world meme isnt going to last forever
He meant the 3rd movie, not that thing user
DS is already going to be a very small game.
Wait, with "depth" you mean mission variety?
That's not depth, that's mission variety, the gameplay was still barebones and piss easy, and the AI was just way too stupid to make the game challenging in any way.
In fact, MGSV commits the worst sin a stealth game could make, making the game actually easier when you are detected.
Maybe in progression but not in scale of map
>Sony basically has them on a leash to make sure they make playstation games.
I mean, Death Stranding is coming to PC, but sure.
>Wait, with "depth" you mean mission variety?
no, the map had way more ways to tackle things and variety than all of TPP
Yes, you could sneak from one way, or sneak through another way, which is the same crap MGSV had.
>It's an SIE game, you're not getting a port. You're more likely to get a bloodborne port, literally. Maybe make a petition or something?
Who needs a petition when Sony signed a deal for a console exclusive and then announced said game as being console exclusive on multiple separate occasions? It's like making a petition for NieR: Automata to come to PC. We all knew it was coming to PC. We all know when Sony is doing their faux-exclusivity thing because they give off very clear tell-tale signs like "Announce the game as a console exclusive and then never do anything to disprove this while never outright saying it's a full exclusive".
I don't think he's interested in going back to making linear movie games.
Probably thanking their lucky stars every day. He's Sony's accounting departments problem now.
Dont put words in my mouth cunt
>you could sneak from one way, or sneak through another way
holy shit I bet faggots like you didn't play all the different GZ missions on hardest difficulty with the gay ass slowmo turned off.
>Objectively, all post-MGS3 Metal Gears are trash.
Objectively, all pre-MGS V Metal Gears were comprehensively outclassed by Thief and Splinter Cell.
I did, which just meant having to be more careful.
She looks like Quiet from MGS5
>tfw I only truly like mgs1 and its mostly because the plot and maps
Even though I think 2 is better in most ways I just really liked the design of shadow moses.
Now half the shit is crazy for the sake of it and nothing else.
I find hard to believe Kojima wasn't responsible for some of the retarded decisions Konami's video game division made up to the years before they kicked him out. The dude was a fucking VP and everything that wasn't MGS was going to shit.
sony doesn't own him or his studio. he's an independent developer and i expect him to make at least 1 exclusive for all 3 platforms within the next 10 years whilst focusing mainly on multiplats as that's where the money is for independent devs.
There is no third movie, Harold Ramis is dead. Whatever they make is going to be an abortion like the reboot.
yeah its her transgender brother. they look identical after the sex change.
>im right because I can see the future
Sure thing buddy.
No way in hell they want to make actually money this time and appease fans by literally discarding the reboot wholesale.
No way you actually think companies are okay with losing money.
why do you keeping shilling this narrative? Sony delayed a shitter like Days Gone three times. They have no problem delaying games, let alone a game as important as DS.
Not him, but he's not independent. He is currently bankrolled by another company which is literally the definition of dependence. He's a contractor. Contractors have clientele.
Until he starts making games on his own dime, he's dependent.
>it's going to be great because I'm a retarded sonibrony who has no idea why the original movies were good
Look at the movies they make now, that's all you need to know. The fact still stands that Harold Ramis died a few years ago, and he's kind of essentially.
Don't try to discuss things you have no idea about with consolewarrior drivel, it makes people realise how much of a fucktard you actually are.
not at all i guess
after seing DS trailer... i think konami is chill
>its going to be great
Dont put words in my mouth cunt.
>Kojima Productions Co., Ltd.[b] is a Japanese video game development studio founded in 2005 by video game designer Hideo Kojima, creator of the Metal Gear series. It was established as a subsidiary of Konami in Tokyo.[4] The studio had just under 100 employees in 2005, but grew to over 200 for the development of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.[5][6] In 2015, the company was temporarily disbanded after Kojima left Konami. In December 2015, Kojima's employment contract with Konami was officially terminated, and he reformed the company as an independent studio in Shinagawa.[1][7]
just because sony are paying him for his services to have an game on their platform doesn't mean he isn't independent. bioware back in the early 2000s was bankrolled by MS to make exclusives for their console but they were still independent. same for remedy in the last 10 years. same for quantic dream etc.
bioware only lost their independence when EA bought them and ruined them.
Yeah there's a slight resemblance. I'm sure it's a coincidence though.
By your definition, Sumo Digital isn't an independent developer because they're making Dead Island 2 for Deep Silver and just made Sonic Racing for SEGA.
Let's try this again:
If Death Stranding turns out to be a mediocre money - because Kojima spent money on diners with celebrities - who will be to blame? I know Kojimadrones will try to blame someone, but I wonder who that person will be.
>retards dont know what second party developers are
Of course.
Fucking hell Yea Forums
>If Death Stranding turns out to be a mediocre *money*
I wrote 'game' here, not 'money'
What the fuck?
Right back atcha, retard.
literally no one even mentioned this you clinical retard. the discussion is independent vs dependant. fuck off.
>implying death meme isn't going to sell stacks
I'm not even a sonyfag and I'm going to pick it up because i'm interested.
I also sometimes spend money on diners. What the fuck that has to do with anything? I guess I work better when I'm not starving, but the fuck don't you ever buy food? Kojima should eat much more. He looks like he's starving. But maybe he's buddhist.
I never changed the meaning of your statement.
You literally claimed that unreleased media still in its creation is trash because muh feels.
I said that companies like money so they will do whatever they can to make right after the last one.
I never said it will be good, if anything it will be a bunch of references and nothing more which is all the modern consumer needs to feel good and fit in.
If it ends up halfway decent thats already miles ahead of the reboot Richard.
>because Kojima spent money on diners with celebrities
But I thought you were saying that Kojima is irrelevant towards the development.
Maybe the money Sony gave him is for making games, not expensive lunches in fancy restaurants with people who, after that, shill the game on Twitter. I don't know.
It's the same with ''new genre''. He said DS is a new genre. It probably isn't. That's just an excuse; if the game gets mediocre scores, you Drones will claim how ''people just don't get it, the world was not ready for it'' or some bs like that.
Why should they regret it? Death Stranding is exactly what they didn't wanted.
potential 5th party here, embarrassing post
And if the game gets high scores Yea Forums will say they were all bought and claim it flopped no matter what.
Yea Forums's opinions are worthless, the only reason to come to Yea Forums is to laugh at the bottom of the barrel of society and their suffering over their failed lives.
>It's okay when I do it.
Yeah, you're clearly a retarded child and not arguing in good faith. You're even pretending sony can produce good movies currently.
If you need attention, go call someone. Suicide lines will probably chat with you for a while.
Please tell me where I said it would be a good movie.
I can wait big boy
they're making millions from cheap mobile stuff. literally low effort huge reward while KOJIMA was huge effort, huge money, low reward.
The general consensus seems to be that scores are irrelevant here. Where you got a different idea is anyone's guess, probably some troll thread or some other gaymer web-sights.
>And if the game gets high scores Yea Forums will say they were all bought and claim it flopped no matter what.
But user, sales will determine if the game flopped or not. If it sells well then it obviously isn't flop.
You haven't gone to MGSV threads.
People still claim the game bombed.
Make spiderverse?
Or is that also trash to you
Why would a millionaire have to use game development money to pay for some food? Plus he could eat at fancy restaurants every single day without making a dent in a $50+ million budget anyway.
>eating 150$ meals every three times a day for a year
164,000 dallory dingos is nothing to sneeze at.
Thats just 1 year for 1 person
Salaries have to go to the entire team as well
I don't know. That's why I asked here, on chan. And now you're asking me the same question.
You're right, I didn't.
Why would they regret firing a hack?
Next question:
When you put the disc in your console and the disc starts spinning, what do you think, how many times you'll see a message ''Hideo Kojima presents'' or ''a Hideo Kojima game'' before you start controlling your character?
A: only 3 times
B: 4 or 5 times
C: definitely more than 6 times
Why do you imply publishers care about the quality of what they release?
One, in the title screen.
Not sure if there's anything in the opening splash images where they show the company logo and all that.
>death stranding
>kojima in front
like pottery
>eating 150$ meals
>every three days
>dallory dingos
Did you think that was funny?
Are you a millennial?
5 times would be my guess, just the right amount for a narcissist hack
Every day three times a day.
And im a boomer you fuckwit.
Come back when your 31 and can beat original castlevania without using the free shit on the final level for dracula.
Even that would only be 0.03% of $50 million. In reality most of his meals are fucking convenience store sandwiches and instant noodles judging by his tweets.
And now the question that terrifies the most of anyone in these threads: source?
You are a millennial.
Which fits considering your childish sense of humor of thinking that spelling words wrong on purpose is somehow hilarious.
After all, you are the creators of "Drumpf" and "womyn".
>"Drumpf" and "womyn"
Not the guy you quoted, but I blame niggers and MTV for that.
kek nice try.
I still dont even have a smartphone because I dont need internet access if I leave the house.
>hes so retarded he doesnt know what the meanings are on 4chin
I miss when MTV had good music like Tribe
I miss time when Madonna was normal and (kinda) sane.
>what is opportunity cost
>"I-I don't get the message of MGS2"
>"W-why is MGS4 so convoluted"
>"M-MGS1 started the cinematic meme"
Look, I personally dislike the MGS saga because it's TOO simple. If I want to play something with an actual complex storyline I'd play Legacy of Kain. But getting mad about MGS because of Kojima vs Konami (I think Konami is a shit because of their treatment of Castlevania) and the "convoluted" storyline is dumb. MGS is simpler than fucking CoD. It's not that fucking deep nor that hard to understand.
>twice the budget
Why do that when you can get way more using Pachislot?
>Sony is a tech giant
Ps3 almost killed them. hopefully ps5 does a proper job.
You faggots know public earning reports exist, right?
>It's not that fucking deep nor that hard to understand.
But my Japanese animes...
Kojima is literally an "ideas guy". He comes up with a cool or whacky idea, tells the development, and then goes and has dinner with Mads Mikkelsen while Sony's slave army and fired konami employees slave over it 24/7 trying to implement it as an actual game.
>This triggers the kojimadrones
No, that's actually all sorts of stuff combined.
Conducted a major update for the well-received mobile game “Winning Eleven 2019 (PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2019)”;
Recorded sales growth of “PROFESSIONAL BASEBALL SPIRITS A” marking its third anniversary since launch;
as a result of various measures implemented
Smartphones games for example are included.
Well looks like you'll be waiting for a while. Sony won this gen and will win next one. Sony always wins.
>Kojima is literally an "ideas guy"
MGS4+5+PW have shown that he is a hack.
The ideas came from his team.
He is basically the George Lucas of Vidya.
Minus the competence that George Lucas had some ages ago.
that's why I said Konami's 9% increase last year was mostly due to gaming and slots.
>will win next one.
Most actual gamers don't like their SJW censorship and are sick of thier shit.
Also $600.
>guy makes huge profits for the company
you're not too smart, huh
MGS4 was kino, fuck off.
You need to make the text red if you want anyone to believe it
>Johnny marrying Meryl
>Snake being an old sack of shit
>Staring at the old ass for the whole game
>Bosses were shit
>Bosses story was copy+paste+shit
>Act 1 was acceptable
>Act 2 was not that bad
>Act 3 was terrible and boring
>Act 4 was inaccurate
>Act 5 was oh it's over already
>Could have been rescued by Snake going hero
>"Wait, I'm Piss Boss, let me fuck over MGS3 in retrospect"
>Minutes of chapter installations
>Hours of cutscenes
>Ruined Eva in retrospect
>Eva is now a crazy old cat lady
>Liquid's arm: never happened
>Ocelot: I was actually retarded
>Did you rike it?