I fink it's great.
What are your foughts on Fief?
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck foff
me rike it too
how's the 2014 Thief though?
Played it and Metal Age about a year ago and loved it thouroughly. Still too lazy to learn how to make fan maps work.
It's great but I'm still stuck in Bafford's manor.
Horribly generic, not even worth a pirate.
Hey, I'm going to the Bear Pifs fomorrow. Ya wanna come wif?
Best game ever made.
Bitch nigger you literally just open cam_mod.ini, remove the semicolon from the line ";fm", and next time you start the game the FM manager starts up and prompts you to tell it which directory you're storing the missions in and its self explanatory from there. Make sure you store T1 and T2 fms in different directories and don't unzip them, the manager handles that.
1 and 2 are great.
3 was ok, nothing spectacular. Fine as it stands.
Thi4f is the drizzling shits that should have never saw the light of day.
3 is also a great game, just not as good. But damn, it sure has one of the scariest levels of all time.
this game was so far ahead of it's time that gaming still hasn't caught up to it yet.
I love Garrett!
Nah, they don't make bears like the used to
If I can walk on granite in real life and not make noise, how come Garret can't? He's so lucky the guards are retarded.
Tap shoes
In Thief 1 and 2 you can run on granite and it doesn't make enough noise to alert anyone.
Fuck you! The fucking bears have got those new cock rings!
2014 is turd
thief 4 even failed basic stealth. It will still be better than bloodlines 2
I fink you're a thaggot
wanna purge some heresy with me friend?
Image a 1:1 remake but with modern graphics...
I like the monochrome lighting of Thief 1. Makes everything feel cold and eerie.
>Bitch nigger you literally just open cam_mod.ini, remove the semicolon from the line ";fm", and next time you start the game the FM manager starts up and prompts you to tell it which directory you're storing the missions in and its self explanatory from there. Make sure you store T1 and T2 fms in different directories and don't unzip them, the manager handles that.
Just use Dark Loader like a sane human being.
DarkLoader is long out of date and is incompatible with some missions. The one I'm talking about comes with newdark so you don't even have to install any separate program.
Arkane could make it if they wanted to. Dishonored 1 came pretty close to an OG Thief experience if you played low chaos.
They'd have to actually put effort into the stealth mechanics though. Dishonored's stealth is about 10% of the complexity of Thief's.
Do you yourself a favor and forget that it exists.
Thief is sadly one of those games where there's no true definitive "best game" in the series, Thief Gold and Metal Age have enough unique positives and negatives to them that I can never decide which is outright better when I replay them.
why did this happen? they had so much resources
Everyone who was actually interested in an IP enough to put effort into development was interested in Deus Ex instead of Thief. The rest didn't give a shit about anything and they were put to work on Thiaf. So Human Revolution and Mankind Divided ended up being really good. It was like the opposite of Ion Storm. All the good guys were put to work on Thief 3 and all the shitty ones were put to work on Deus Ex 2.
Thats because Dishonored was never meant to be Thief, it was just inspired by it in some ways.
They wanted to make something for normies.
Thief 1 and 2 are my favorite games.
Thief 3 is not great, not terrible.
Thief 4 ... doesn't exist.
It's a game about Garrett searching for loot (which is mandatory for mission completion to a bigger or lesser extent), while guards look for Garrett.
What does player do while going through gameplay motions? Searches for the point to the whole enterprise, be it story or gameplay concept. Of which there is none, lel.
In other words, it's "Searching for Nonexistent Black Cat in a Pitch-Black Room: The Game".
delet this
It's a masterfeast
It's just that maybe a spiritual successor 14 years later shouldn't have had any excuse to have systems that are so much less advanced.
The only thing that makes 3 not terrible is the cradle and how it spooked my younger me beyond repair
In other words I regard first Thief as a postmodernist construct in which stuff looks like it might symbolize something, but doesn't actually have single authorial meaning behind it, and is designed solely to lead you by the nose.
In other words, any "depth" to Thief 1 is allegedly solely in the eyes of the player allegedly blatantly overthinking stuff.
The ruse itself is fairly complex though, even from the standpoint of mechanics alone, and a lot of obvious effort was spent creating it. It essentially calling itself primitive and shallow is thus fairly dishonest.
Cradle was made by the guy who did Bioshock 2 later.
>In other words I regard first Thief as a postmodernist construct in which stuff looks like it might symbolize something, but doesn't actually have single authorial meaning behind it, and is designed solely to lead you by the nose.
I agree only in a sense that there are certain rooms and places (some even hard to get by) that you'd expect have some loot or reward in them, yet they don't have anything of that sort.
I liked the storytelling in 3. Not what the game should be about, but it really had a great atmosphere built up by the end.
haven't played it
is that good or bad?
Yeah the stroy was pretty stupid and I didn't like that they dragged the keepers out in the open, destroying all the mysticism around them.
Depends. It's fairly controversial. People who dislike Bio1 tend to like Bio2 better, as an improvement on all fronts, including more sensible and personal, even if much more low-key, story - and, to the contrary, people who liked Bio1 tend to regard Bio2 as a sort of "been there done that" DLC, I guess.
You will most likely successfully steal your neighbor's dog than to actually enjoy that travesty. I made the mistake of holding out hope when I first saw the gameplay. Never again.
Never again.
bioshock 2 is better than the first game on literally every possible area you can think of.
he's wearing heels because he's insecure about his height
90% of it is like said.
And then there's the Shalebridge Cradle. It's a meme at this point but that one level makes it worth playing.
Fuck, I was thinking about Deadly Shadows.
Thief TDP > Thief Gold > Thief 2 > Everything else
>TDP above Gold
Spotted the retard
>Putting Gold above TDP.
Thieves' Guild and Mage Towers are absolute dog shit. Song of the Caverns isn't enough to balance out the filler.
>Thieves' Guild
The sewer part of the map is awful, yes, but even then the rest is pretty good. Stop falling for the "Thieves' Guild is shit" meme.
>Mage Towers
Absolute shit taste, that's one of the best missions in the entire game.
Ironically enough, "Song of Caverns", the mission which you like, is almost as bad as "Thieves' Guild" just because it's so static. Seeing all those spectators stand in one place and not move at all kills all your immersion.
If Thief 3 didn't run on such a shitty engine and wasn't so casualized, the keeper assassins would have been an interesting enemy because they would have utilized stealth and because of their telepathic connection you really couldn't hear them. Instead they ended up being the least stealthy enemy that the player can detect more easily than anything because of them talking inside your head and attacking every living thing in sight.
At least that image was from a version of the game that actually featured all the guard character models.
>Stop falling for the "Thieves' Guild is shit" meme.
It's absolutely not a meme. The level design is just bad all around. Think about it:
-The only way past a paranoid chef is to exploit AI's inability to notice you keeping a door open and sneaking in behind them, and then jumping from a table over a doorway so the chef can't see even the tiniest glimpse because she doesn't have a suspicion state, only a full alert stage. Because these level designers apparently thought that everything needs to be Half-Life and wanted to force a canon way through by making certain strategies impossible. Namely, not knocking out the chef.
-There is only one way into the casino.
-There is only one way into the sewers and it's a secret door, albeit easy to find.
-There is only one way to the first mansion and it requires you to find a single key that is constantly guarded by an NPC and there are no clues to the key's location.
-You need to find a secret safe to get the key you need to get to your objective.
-You need to jump down a random cistern and dive underwater to find a secret room with a switch that opens the only way through to the second mansion.
-The only way through to the second mansion is guarded by another paranoid chef but this time the chef is entirely unavoidable, so there finally goes your ghosting attempt.
-The final objective is hidden in a secret area that requires destruction of property and therefore leaving of evidence to find.
-Your escape route is fifteen steps away, but when you get there you realize you're missing thousands worth of loot from your loot goal because everything is almost worthless and hidden all over the place in well-patrolled areas.
>Game went through literal hell.
>Following it back in the day, they changed teams like three times during development.
>Started with what was a direct sequel to Deadly Shadows (also evidenced in the artbook)
>Canned that game.
>Changed team director and made a new team who went and made a 3rd person Assassin's Creed version
>Canned that game.
>Made a reboot/Frankenstein mesh of the previous versions into what is now Thief 2014. >All of the interviews near the release were focused on "How we play a game today is different" "Immersion" "Smell the streets and be really there!"
>Basically their excuse as to why they're making a watered-down condensed version of the game.
>XP headshots were a thing and fans went crazy when they showed it at E3.
>Game should have been dropped at that moment as it was clear they had no idea what "makes a Thief game"
>Insisted they needed a different actor for mocap and acting.
>Mocap video of development features cut content from the game.
> It was supposed to be a next-gen exclusive (PS4 and Xbox One)
>Spent so much money and resources on the development they decided they needed to make more bang for their buck.
>End up cutting out half of the character models.
>Fill hub areas with loading screens to support previous gen.
>Private demo's they showed the press on the brothel mission completely different to what we got.
>Garrett described as sprinting across rooftops through an open world city, observing the clocktower to make it to an area in time. If he didn't he would have to find another way in.
>Big shield guards and other character types mentioned (all cut from the game apart from cutscenes).
It feels like a small bit of justice that Square Enix dropped Stephen Russell in favor of a perfcap actor in Thiaf and Russell ended up voicing one of the protagonists in a much better game.
Jesus. You got sources for this stuff? I'd just love to read about the shitshow in detail.
>Thieves Guild
I played that map once and threw that out of the window after 3 hours.
It took me 6 - 9 hours (not sure anymore) because I didn't use guides on Thief.
Fuck this map. If I'm ever to replay it there will be a guide on my second monitor after the 2 hours mark.
Stop opening doors.
A mafterpief?
Don't forget about leaked design document where thief 4 was reimagined as a game in modern-day setting.
I ironman ghosted it (to the extent it's physically possible) after memorizing basically everything so that I'd never need to play it again. Still took me more than an hour. youtu.be
>What are your foughts on Fief?
It should get ray-tracing.
How masturbatory this entire post is
>after memorizing basically everything
pretty autistic but I respect that, good sir.
>no mention of DarkMod
Why come?
I only memorized which loot items I needed to take so that I wouldn't need to search after stealing the main objective. If you want autism in Thief, go to Youtube and search "Let's (Really) Ghost Thief". It's a massive marathon of retard-level savescumming to technically avoid the tiniest amount of NPC attention. I think those videos alone inspired me to ironman ghost the entire trilogy and upload them.
Because I'm having a hard time inventing new retarded figures of speech that literally nobody has heard of to describe the primary merits of the product in a way that confuses everyone.
>It's a massive marathon of retard-level savescumming
I can't say that I'm not savescumming to stay unseen all the time desu.
But mostly because as a child I always feared to miss a dialouge because some AI was triggered.
Today I do this out of sheer routine.
It's a /vr/ Thief general inside joke about some very dedicated Dark Mod shill always shitting up the threads trying to advertise the game using language nobody uses
Why is Down to the Bonehard such a comfy level?
Why does Thief 2 doesn't have 1 or 2 levels like that?
I know many people wanted to rob estates and banks but thief for me was always this supernatural steampunkt mix.
I can agree with most points but he acts like mindless shooters/action games are a bad thing per se.
We need more games like Thief but all those action blockbusters have merits on their own.
That's entirely subjective. For me the level everyone else hates, Casing The Joint is the comfiest level in the trilogy.
I think most people hate it because you play the same level twice with added guards.
I also remember that you can go up to the masks in Casing the Joint without being able to steal them.
I have only ever attempted to go up to the third floor back when I played unpatched retail, and it was completely impossible to make it past the guard behind the window without alerting him to the extent that causes a game over. So from my first hand experience, that has never been a problem. If the game has since been "fixed" to make that problem possible, then I guess that's still not my problem because I'll just assume it's impossible as it was originally supposed to be. The only thing I can agree upon is that such design is contrary to the LGS philosophy. Just because the objectives aren't there yet doesn't mean you should be artificially kept from entering the area. At least they tried to use an actual NPC to keep you from entering rather than an impassable door or something.
Are you autistic
It was not a critique on the level more like a trivia.
I played the Thief 2 version from steam for the first time cause I was never able to get my hands on it prior and knew only Thief 1 till the late 2000.
I find all the Thief 2 maps to be pretty lackluster cause I personally miss the supernatural parts.
fief free is great.
learn a common idiom, TDM shill.
>Thief is sadly one of those games where there's no true definitive "best game" in the series
Yes there is. Thief 2 is by far the best game and the greatest stealth to this day. Gold is way too clunky and half of it is obviously designed with zero core concept. All it can boast is one really weird level and one pretty creepy level, until you actually go through it. Even Deadly Shadows despite its small levels is designed on a much higher level than Gold.
Karras hath forged me perfectly.I am the holy vessel that pleases The Builder. Praise Karras!
how would you implement modern graphics in a way that doesn't fuck with the gameplay
this is much harder than you think
Ghosting is kind of retarded to me. I tried watching a youtube video of a guy ghosting and he reloaded a single part for an hour because a spider kept spotting him in some cave. I don't really see the point. It's a spider, what's it going to do, report you to the watch?
Best FMs?
Just finished Rose Garden, enjoyed it a lot.
>Even Deadly Shadows despite its small levels is designed on a much higher level than Gold.
kek pretty ironic when you read the sentence right before that
I really liked The Den and The Seven Sisters
Thief Gold has much more memorable levels than T2, desu
the black frog series of missions is good.
Fantastic mission with so much to find and explore. I wish more FMs went with the Thief 1 gothic city tone as opposed to T2's city tone. Stuff like Endless Rain.
Too many to count
Check out the Unholy Vivid Innocence series
seconding this as well
What's the best way to play Thief in AD 2019? There's Thief Gold on GOG, but i think i saw some open source version or something like that a while back?
Thief 2 is no doubt the dullest of them all. 1st one is overall the better game.
go with the GOG version
DON'T get the steam version, it never works
t. fell for a steam sale
Yeah, you're not wrong. The world and concept in Gold is elder god tier but it feels like they didn't really know how to fully make use of it. To be fair they didn't really have the tech for it either, mage towers was really trying for something it couldn't do.
It's a shame, by now we have all the ingredients for a setting like Thief Gold to be fully realized everything is so dumbed down it'll never happen.
T2 was a little less ambitious maybe but did everything it tried to do very well. That bank level is still my favorite overall
Awful post, razorfist pls go and stay go.
T1 is designed around the idea of you being a thief in a D&D setting and the levels compliment this ethos. Thief 1 is full of great levels and you're a pleb.
I can see why people like T2 the most but isn't it all the same?
rob estate 1
rob estate 2
rob esta... police station but you must ghost
rob bank
rob estate 3 twice
I know I'm simplifying a lot but that's how it felt to me.
I'm sure you can simplify 1 the same way
Heart of Bohn. That first time I looked up and saw that mural on the ceiling of the museum's main room was breathtaking. And if you want a more recent FM from T1/G, The Sound of a Burrick in a Room was excellent as well.
This. T2 had nice levels in terms of mechanics, but they all felt the same: break into an urban setting and steal stuff.
T1/TG had more originality in one level than all the levels of T2 combined.
>I'm sure you can simplify 1 the same way
You can but lets do it to 2 first
Too many levels are samey. You can argue they're more focused but it just gets dull at times. The game has a few shitty levels like
The exact same level repeated
>Sabotage at Soulsforge
The worst clusterfuck of a final level I've seen
>Trail of Blood
Nice atmosphere but linear as hell
Boring ass repeat of T1
>Tracing the courier
Shitty version of Thief 1 Assassins and reusing Ambush level
boring city streets
I prefer T1 despite it having its share of shitty levels but they're both great and have plenty you can criticize while still being goat.
I do prefer 1 for its variance. But I wouldn't mind the lack of it in 2 at all if it weren't for that one mansion you go to twice in a row and that one huge city map that barely has anything going on in it that you go to twice as well.
>The Seven Sisters
This. Lady Rowena is great.
Guys, shes gonna come back, right?
Bruh isn't she dead?
I like the inclusion of security cameras and sentry guns in Thief 2 and the robots are fine for the most part but some of them have broken pathing and are always walking in place into a door frame. Also that golden robot boy is broken.
>get death of the outsider
>spend almost 3 hours on the first damn mission because i try to do literally everything
>also do it without getting spotted
i can't fathom why the series doesn't sell well.
the gameplay is so god damn good
I never understood the hate for soulforge
>Guys, shes gonna come back, right?
It's tedious and goes on for too long, convoluted unclear objectives and far too many robots that are downright irritating instead of challenging and force me to just speedrun the entire thing.
If they had put 3 supernatural maps into the mix and got rid of the revisit of masks it would be on par in my personal opinion.
I mean in T1 you first go estate robbing, then you go tomb raiding after which you go into an urban level which feels nothing like baffords mannor.
And the estates all feel different while in 2 it always felt the same.
I can't think of one map in 1 that reminded me of another I already visited.
2 is still really nice. I mean 1 still has th*eves guild.
I only played 2 twice and 1 like 20 times so my opinion might be a bit based towards the first.
yeah no argument there that was dogshit
It's a pretty good final level though, in the sense of testing all your abilities. T1's final level is cool but super easy and linear and anticlimactic to say the least.
Soulforge is probably the best LGS final level desu, which admittedly says more about their ability to fuck up endings than anything else
Yeah it wasn't great but the schedule thing and intercepting the guy was cool
>Tracing the courier
The level maybe went on too long, but the idea was good. As a lead-in to trail of blood it was great.
>Trail of blood
Cool as shit, okay it was linear but so was a lot of Gold. And the atmosphere was unmatched
Into The Maw of Chaos was also not a perfect final level since you are just following a long hallway yet it was made clear that you only try to stop constantine and the map was really beautiful.
Soulforge feels so empty in comparision even though you have more to do. I also think it was pretty unclear where to go at first if I remember correctly.
Honestly I prefer the dark gothic atmosphere of Thief 1. It feels archaic and interesting.
skacky does a great job of recreating it desu.
Soulsforge I talked about
just boring and tedious.
Disagree about T Gold being linear. There were parts like the first half of Assassins and Songs of the Caverns where the game forced you to follow a specific route before opening up but the rest of TGold was pretty non linear.
Threadly reminder that there is absolutely zero chance for Thief 2 Gold to ever come out and the levels will never get polished and we will never experience the content that got cut from development.
96-04 was just the zenith of gaming. We will never again see the likes of Doom, Thief, Gothic, Jedi Outcast or Deus Ex
How comes?
I'm not so much into the development Thief 2 went through.
LGS got shut down during the development of Thief 2 Gold and all we got were idea discussions and a few base maps. Sad days
I like that weird floating tube of water you have to travel through in that level and you fall from eventually.
I agree. There's no practical reason to avoid detection by spiders. Though it is kinda lore-friendly because Garrett is an egomaniac, not a pragmatic. He doesn't avoid murder out of morality but because it's easy.
>Ghosting is kind of retarded to me.
You have to see it more like fans having played it so much that normal play is 0 challenge anymore so they try to beat it with ghosting since they still can't get enough.
Savescumming for hours is pretty stupid though.
I get the challenge part and I can understand wanting no guards to see you or to even get a whiff of you, I even get leaving no evidence and trying to put everything back into place to leave no trace. But I can't see Garrett sweating a spider spotting him. Maybe I'm just not at that point yet.
Some people may or may not be making one of them for the T2 contest.
For me it's Gems of Provenance, a four-mission campaign that feels like it could be an official expansion. It's for Gold and it uses only that game's stock textures and sounds and it captures the mystical, semi-surreal feeling of the main game better than any other. If you do play it, I recommend downloading The Widow's Ire, which is an earlier version of the first two levels which I found superior to the updated versions included with Gems of Provenance. Once you finish the second level with Widow's Ire, then switch over to GoP and skip to the third level.
>tfw hoarded a grand total of 20gb worth of FMs
>played only a fraction of those
One day
>It's a spider, what's it going to do, report you to the watch?
not my favorite but easily the most immersive game I have ever played
for all the hate Masks and Soulforge get, please remember that TDP and Gold literally just let you run through the final levels without consequences.
And even that was better.
Karras' voice is so fucking annoying holy fuck
garrett stomps his feet every time he walks just to flex on the guards
The guard stomp around too. There's one engine bug that has never been fixed in Dark Engine and it's that characters always play one footstep sound with one foot and two footstep sounds with the other.
Delete this
Reminder that it's never coming out.
I think that after the TDP 20th anniversary contest there will be more TDP/TG style missions. In fact there's a very cool one that mashes TG with T2 coming up soon.
this makes for one hell of a wallpaper, do you have more screenies like this
you shut the fuck up, nothing happened in 2014
A masterpiece
>replaying thief gold
>get to thieves' guild
why the fuck do these thieves have such good electrical lighting in their sewer ratways
hi skacky
Wow Taffer Wow
Fuck the thiefs guild level. To this day I am baffled that they decided it was ok to put this in Gold. I guess they wanted to say they have three new levels.
I kind of want to replay Thief Gold, but now I thought about THAT level.
pretty nice