>He still uses wired mouse+KB
Get with the times, grandpa
Wireless is much better now, arguably even faster and more responsive than wired
There is no reason to use wired equipment in 2018
>He still uses wired mouse+KB
Get with the times, grandpa
Wireless is much better now, arguably even faster and more responsive than wired
There is no reason to use wired equipment in 2018
Other urls found in this thread:
>arguably even faster and more responsive than wired
Shorter travel distance for the signals
there is more resistance in a cable than the air
>battery overheats and explodes
I’d rather not die thanks
But it's more expensive right?
How insecure do you have to be to make this thread?
Asked /g/, they ignored, too busy shitposting about cpus.
MX518 legendary, used for 45€, worth it if I have a g502 proteus (without the HERO sensor).
why? I never move my kb/mouse from my desk
>im gonna come off, my mouse and keyboard are dying.
Recommend me a pair of good wireless kb/m then
>There is no reason to use wired equipment in 2018
>Get with the times, grandpa
enjoy being a slave to batteries lmao
>needs batteries
That's another resource I need to take into account. No thanks.
Wireless keyboards are retarded unless you need to control a computer from across the room.
I have a wireless mouse, but for what purpose would you need a wireless keyboard?
All my mouse need is to plug it up with a usb-c and voilà a couple of hours of charge and I can use for a week without charging.
the G502 Lightspeed is like 60 hours of use on a single charge, it's the best in the market.
just plug the usb before bed desu
>Get with the times, grandpa
I've died in so many games from having my mouse running out of battery, I don't want to deal with the constant bother of batteries. Wire just works.
>look up prices on some of these mice
>120+ for a fucking mouse
yeah im happy with my old boi thanks.
>even faster and more responsive than wired
How is a signal that has to change forms twice, faster than electrons traveling in a cable?
Why the fuck is there not a >$50 wireless gaming mouse that comes with and is charged through USB like a console controller?
Better yet, why the fuck is there not a wireless mouse that can also be used as a wired mouse?
More input lag
More expensive
Need to worry about batteries dying and replacing them
Misplacing your mouse because it fell behind something and it's not tethered
Now, all the above are fairly minor things that aren't too big of a deal. But the thing is, all of this is for what? What benefit do I actually gain from having a wireless keyboard or mouse for my desktop? I can understand a wireless mouse for a laptop because of portability, but for a desktop, I'm just sitting there at my desk. I don't need to use them further away. It's like saying I really need a wireless HDMI solution because of that pesky cable going to my monitor.
>what is weight
>what is signal quality / interference
>what is the physical presence of metal to carry the signal
people will meme you the cable drag to be one big problem
>just plug the usb before bed desu
I plugged it in when I bought mine.
>I really need a wireless HDMI solution
brb, selling my billion dollar idea to Asus
Even the PS3 controller I use for PC games, I choose to just use it hardwired rather than through bluetooth. Not gonna happen.
Velcro tie the cable to something else to create slack. Zero drag. Do people actually have issues with this? That’s what the ties are for
>sits next to his computer
>uses a wireless mouse
>Do people actually have issues with this?
it seems like it
Wireless alternate to video cables would actually be useful, but for a different reason. It would allow for you to keep your PC at your desk but then also switch over to a TV in your living room. So you could watch movies or play games from your couch without needing to move your desktop.
>pay more for less and call it "upgrade" because its new
Weak marketing.
If i ever wanted to control my PC from distance, i would simply install app to do so on my smartphone.
Why would I ever willingly use something that requires a battery
I don't want to have to go to the fucking store when I run out of batteries.
Bluetooth is such a shit meme outside of phone. The moment I relax my hands so my controller goes under the desk it desiyncs and skips because of the desk.
I use rechargable batteries for my Xbone controller.
I have 4 and one charger which cost me 20 € together. 2 Batteries last me 20 hours and it takes 3 hours to load 2 at once. Up to 4 if I forget to charge those who are empty.
I have no idea why Bluetooth is so shit in terms of range and line of sight outside of phones and consoles
>arguably even faster and more responsive than wired
LMAO you will just swallow whatever the bullshit marketing will feed you fucking faggot
I used to use wireless shit, but then I got sick of it running out of battery at inconvenient times.
>like 60 hours of use on a single charge
Is that 60 hours of actually usage, or do you need to charge it once every three days?
>Wireless is much better now, arguably even faster and more responsive than wired
Be gone, pleb.
I've got a Logitech G613 and G603 and it's basically flawless. I've got no wireless issues at all. That said its perfect under Linux, but Windows used to give me weird stuttering on the mouse. Part of the reason i switched to Linux.
I don't have enough fedora images to throw at that pic.
Wireless mouse I get because I use one myself. But does a highly responsive, tenkeyless, mechanical (red switch), not overpriced wireless keyboard exist?
i wouldnt mind having everything wireless, except my mouse.
Are there any that don't need batteries?
Video streaming already exists. Steam already provides a solution for streaming games from your PC to another device. Steam Link isn't sold anymore, but you could still plug a cheap laptop (or any device with Steam installed) into your TV and use it that way.
I'm pretty sure there are desktop streaming apps which you could use for non-gaming purposes.
I eat at my desk like a degenerate so having a wireless keyboard was a godsend because I could just turn it off. Now that I have wired keyboard and mouse this is a problem