only a few hours left bois
Only a few hours left bois
Other urls found in this thread:
im gunna cum
>Trannies Done Quick
Can you stop?
this was LITERALLY 5 years ago have sex already
I would really prefer it if you would be quiet
>hylics any%
>any% any % any% any% easy easy easy super easy
buncha slack jawed faggots on this schedule
>Doom at 6AM
This one is still my favorite AGDQ clip showcasing complete lack of social awareness.
Alpha and Omega tier cringe, seriously there is nothing more cringe to me than this kind of stuff from these events, i'm afraid to even start the video because of the risk i will hear something that will send shivers down my spine and make me have trouble falling asleep for the remainder of the week
gdq became soulless, pass
I never understood the hype of this. From what I was told, I thought he was basically making death threats and whatnot but it's just some weirdo telling jokes in what might not be the optimal social situation for them.
I "like" that clip precisely because it's a weird guy just loudly raving on about repetitive and obnoxious suicide jokes while apparently not really understanding how awkward it makes people around him feel since nobody is laughing. Prolonged social incompetence like that is best form of cringe.
Fuck that. That run wasn’t even funny cringe. Tomba2 was the real shit because it was actually funny
Am I the only one who thinks this guy was in the right? The other guy was just sperging out saying random, unfunny shit over the speedrun and wouldn't take the hint.
thought that was tyler1
This is truly magical to me. I almost cannot believe that an actual adult like this guy can be so socially inept that he does not, at one single point, realise how awkward he is making everyone feel with his troglodyte-tier humour.
It's fucking hilarious. It's like that kinda-funny but also quite annoying kid from 3rd grade just with facial hair.
Everyone who is not a complete autist thinks so.
Everyone except a few redditors think that he was completely within his rights. Check the youtube comments.
>Donkey Kong Country 2 staring right at me near the top but no DKC3 anywhere to be found
Are there people defending flowerpot hair guy?
proto being banned makes it ten times more watchable for me.
He got banned? Wtf did he do that they dare ban a snowflake?
Watch from 12:31 when the audience applauds for him saying that he hates himself
"I swear I'm gonna become a psychopath and murder everybody one day"
will the dilation stations be there?
Hey anons don't stay seated for too long, get up and stretch your muscles!
>[citation needed]
buddy, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but you're autistic
Tyler1 screaming incoherently for an entire run would be top tier entertainment.
>pokemon speedrun
>"are you a boy or girl"
>streamer starts crying
>"playing as the girl saves 15 seconds"
seriously getting rid of the trannies was the worst thing they ever did
It was hilarious to see how far they went to accommodate them, now it's back to normal idk
This but unironically.
This but unironically
This but unironically
This but unironicall
i love that game like no other and i feel like it's going to be too out there and all the zoomers will react violently
what a good pick
I was being genuine
Dunno about him getting banned but he wasn't a part of the staff during AGDQ 2019 or he was working backstage, can't exactly remember. Said he didn't want to be on camera because of all the drama or something like that, who knows if it was his decision or the staff's. He was also supposed to be a part of ESA's staff but pulled out like a month or two before the event.
This image is really weirding me out, I remember a guy with a very similar face to this thing who was really camp and had an obsession with jacksepticeye. Its too coincidental to ignore for me.
>Cave Story
>Nuclear Throne
>Cannon Spike
>Half-Minute Hero
>Kingdom Hearts III
>Lethal League Blaze
>Battle for Bikini Bottom
>Pac-Man World
>We Love Katamari
This is gonna be an interesting year for SGDQ
None of those games are any good.
Am I going mad or did they move this a week back this year? I remember watching this in the middle of the holidays in a comfy blanket.
Why did they stop trannypandering?
proto still put on some gay panel at agdq 2019
what...? there's no more trannies in GDQ? You can't be serious
Maybe he and the staff realized that nobody likes him.
Can't remember. All I remember is him being at the event but not on the main camera.
I feel sick now.
wait that was today?
i was staying up already but at least i have my guys on sgdq threads to keep me company
not in the spotlight
Reminder our boi Caveman is playing TRAG again and it's gonna be tight.
I heard something about some tranny in the staff actually doing some research into where the money was all going and discovering that PCF is a con laundering scheme so all the trannies got held back in response.
Im only excited for
>Devil May Cry
>Metroid Prime
>Dark Souls
>Dark Souls 2
And maybe the C&C Red Alert 3 run
is /ourguy/ gonna sneak in and btfo the trannies on stream?
Save us Goose.
remember when sayvi came to speedrun sekiro last time and they hid her face because she's a biological woman and the trannies were jealous
Good God the chat on GDQ's channel is such a shitshow right now.
>"Please sub"
>"S-sub please, it's for the charity"
>"WTF?! Yikes oof. Ban this, shitlord!"
>the other guy
How is it possible to not know the name of our lord and saviour, Chibi?
It does in Emerald
Pivotal Cloud Foundry?
Point coordination function?
Polymer-clad fiber?
Pounds per cubic foot?
Yes i know the image came from tumblr, shut up.
>People shilling for free
>People advertising their favorite streamers with their sub emotes
>Some fag is acting cutesy and shit
>Everyone's trying to be PC
I'm unironically getting sick of the last part. Everyone is so easily offended these days. Can't say anything out of the ordinary or you'll get brigaded with oofs and yikes and get called a bigot or some shit.
I was thinking more about HG/SS but yeah it does in emerald as well.
The point of speedrunning is its a way to be "good" at a game without actually being good, just autistic. Its why trannies are so prominent in that shitty community. They arent good at gaming, never were, never will be, but speedrunning gives them an illusion of being a real gamer.
Replaying the same game ad infinitum until you can complete it completely on muscle memory is not gaming, its autism.
>He was also supposed to be a part of ESA's staff but pulled out like a month or two before the event
He probably realized he would have to interact with actual girls and would be shown on camera together with them.
Prevent Cis Foundation
Imagine looking forward to watching a bunch of trannies speedrunning video games
and here I thought Yea Forums was all the based "fuck e-celebs and fuck streamers" thing.
God, you're fucking pathetic.
>reading twitch chat
I don't even care about being called bigot/racist/etc. I just care about the ramifications of being accused as such, such as being censored and removed
but the whole point is to laugh at them all and to have comfy chats with randos on these threads
whens runescape
Is Metokur streaming this shit?
based. Speedrunning is for mentally ill faggots
What the fuck am I reading nigger
>starts today
what the fuck
I could have sworn it was later this week
Is it time for GDQ already? Time sure does fly
Heh, you weren't kidding.
What actually happened to Blueglass?
>"""Speed"""runs over 45 minutes
Died of cancer two years ago.
Yeah, well, I mean some games require decent amount of intelligence to understand the deeper mechanics.
>9 hour speed run last year
>6 hour speed run this year
>someone has stolen your shtick, imitating it almost exactly
What kind of trannies are we gonna see this time? Will anything top the Benjamin Franklin one?
>Play a game
>One guy is really bad at it
>Typing like a girl/fag in chat with lots of emotes, trying to act cute
>Even when he makes mistakes, he tries to act cute and doesn't admit he fucked up
>Tell him to get his shit together
>Other teammates instantly reply with "Yikes" and telling me to stop bullying her
>They votekick me out
I'm done. Fuck online video games, fuck social media and fuck these fags for ruining it all.
>jrpg speedrun
SGDQ? more like transitioning done fast
11 hour FF3 run at ESA was amazing though
I feel genuine joy like 2-3 times in a year
one of these occasions is seeing cavemandcj on gdq beeing the based lad that he is
nah it's AGDQ
All Genticals Detached Quickly
>not enjoying nearly 9 hours worth of constant and almost flawless execution with the commentary team giving and in-depth explanation to the game and what the runner is performing
>instead prefering a """""""""speed"""""""" """"""run"""""" where the main character is teleported to the ending via a retarded glitch
is plebbiness of such magnitude even possible?
will give it a look
>NES races
It's not really a speedrun if anyone can do it.
Nothing good worth watching today
What're your plans for the stream guys?
any anime or manga you're going to read up on maybe some nice food or a good game
The blindfolded menuing saved that run.
i've got some baked potatoes cooking that i'll probably have with beans and some doujin to read over
Runescape when?
>people unironically get excited for this
Anyone here actually speedrun? Been thinking about grinding a platformer or something
I don't have mental issues so no
>Laffy Taffy 3D Pyramid Challenge
It's from a Glasgow sketch show
nah just chilling with the threads and stream. been grinding some game the last few days and going to get some good sleep in tonight.
she cute
i gotta fix my vision i thought that was smeargle the pokemon
It would be cool if it was an actually interesting game to watch and not a fucking RPG where the extent of the speedrun is "I use specific moves that I memorized and I move optimally".
>he watchesMetokur
Outed yourself as an Incel, user.
As always, just hanging around in the threads and shitposting.
I'm glad it's happening now because I have literally nothing to do with my time until Mario Maker 2 comes out.
Too many disgusting panty flashes.
>he doesnt watch based and redpilled e-celebs
Can you guys watch my chocolate milk I gotta go to the bathroom real quick
Should've caught it then, fag.
What new game should I play whilst sgdq in on in the background?
Maximum comfy is the goal
Nigga that's what speed running is.
Nothin' cozier.
I feel so sorry for him when I watch him get absolutely btfo. He just wanted to have some friends, it's not his fault he lacked situational awareness. That could've been me.
I honestly don't really care about Transgendered people, but I find it amazing that they actually consider their gaping wound to be a vagina. That is fucking disgusting. Just keep the dick.
me on the right
Yeah but moving optimally in an RPG is just holding forward and cutting corners.
Imagine working for that airline and some degenerate started to yell at you about dilating.
It's "Transitions Done Quick".
Who isn't here?
but this says the copypasta is fake and you can go years without dilating!!
I hope you'll watch my run!
Holy shit this is all my fault. i'm sorry Yea Forums. I didn't think the gays were actually going to do this.
>This is the future I chose
What are you pretending to run this time
FUCK TRANNIES, that is all.
Exactly. Apparently from what I've heard the process of becoming transgender makes your dick bigger so I dunno why the fuck you'd ruin that opportunity by replacing your dick with a gaping wound. Surely having a normal dick despite identifying as a woman is the better option when the alternative is to have a hole you constantly have to re-wound that is very obviously not a vagina.
Always, you little shit.
>process of becoming transgender makes your dick bigger
Chilling in the threads and playing bloodstained during the runs I'm not interested in. GDQ makes the wait for ceo on friday easier.
>Apparently from what I've heard the process of becoming transgender makes your dick bigger
>reducing testosterone in your body makes your dick bigger
fucking retard
I have literally no idea why but I've known two people who ended up being transgender (I met them before I knew that but they're not fags about it so whatever) and they both said their dicks got bigger. Something about all the hormones they pump into you regardless of them being estrogen just gets your shit into go-mode.
Bricks in minecraft aren't even brown
There are literally no brown bricks
What did he mean by this
wtf I'm trans now
>chugging in alot of estrogen alters your DNA to make your dig become bigger than what it genetically should be
>Person decides to become a tranny
>Penis becomes scared
>Penis decides to show off one last time in hopes of making the person to reconsider so it becomes the big penis
>Promises to become like this at all times, says it'll please any woman
>Big penis efforts fail however and the doctors end its life
How hard can it be to stick something up your "vagina", just go to the fucking bathroom and. What an entitled loser demanding an airport of all places to have a bed for him to prevent his eternal would from closing. These people think the world revolves around their feelings and problems
Tranny penis had a hard life. F
___ ___ ___ ___
I__ I___I I___I_ I___I
I I I____I I
F for all the benises that lost their life because of the tranny menace
Gee I guess I don't know much about the process of transitioning, what an idiot I am for not doing this important research.
>process of transitioning
it's not even about transitioning, it's basic fucking biology you retarded mongoloid.
I hope mutts get nuked.
F, I stand up; saluting, for those benises who can never do so again.
have sex, holy shit
wtf i love my benis now
F to all the other unfortunate benises out there though, fuck trannies.
The two times I tuned in live were during these fucking runs, seriously ban this shit
He meant that he liked to build brown bricks in minecrap
Trans here - my dick got smaller cuz I never use it and rarely pop boners.
>he doesn't like comfy runs
Shame 2bdesu
Maybe you just have to constantly be horny all the time.
Is the touhou block back yet
It's been replaced by the indie walking sim block
Lots of “trannies” are transtrending autogynophiles constantly turned on by the idea of getting fucked as a woman or the idea of turning into a woman. Gross fetishists. If you’re AGP unironically kill yourself because you’re transitioning over a fetish.
I have no fucking idea what you just said.
suicide rate bar chart you dip
Does anyone have that webm of that autist freezing in front of the projector, and then pantomimng and crab walking. I need to laugh at him today.
[she's] from /lgbt/.
My definition of comfy isn't dedicating half of my waking hours to watching fucking Halo
I think it means a lot of trannies are just leaping onto the bandwagon to transition just because they get off on the idea of them being a girl and getting plowed.
"What's wrong with-"
>see the game
>see the caster
that time of the year again boys
lmao he's so excited to be there
what run was this guy watching, his smile is infectious
I don't get it
I don't really care about trans politics I'm just here to make fun of people playing games quickly.
cause they have to leave it in there for like 5 hours
>first game is a fucking nintendo platformer
what's so infamous about mr shasta?
Literally the only time that this was fun was that time form the OP, which also happened to be the time that Mormon couple went and the wife ended up fucking everyone.
I honestly cannot fathom being excited to be at a GDQ event.
I mean, you're just sitting in an uncomfortable chair what you could be watching online wherever you want.
What other stuff do they even have at GDQ besides the runs? Do people literally just go to see the games being played live?
not like this
He's 40% human
he's not the reason
It's edobean. She's an attention whore that people love because of her voice. They donate just so she would say POYO and other stuff.
>tfw my only motivation for wageslaving 9 hours is going home and browsing 4channel (Formerly Yea Forums)
When was the last time your were this happy about anything, Yea Forums?
when are zelda games getting banned
well, I ask myself why people bother going to sports events when there is tv
oh god I just opened a video on her channel
what the fuck
>They donate just so she would say
fuck you reminded me of the ruined ff9 run now.
goddamnit spike vagina you better have gotten these faggot attention whoring announcers to not take over a run again
>3 hour borderlands 2 co-op
I mean, it's one thing to watch a bunch of athletes in real life actually doing something in the physical world.
It's another thing to sit in a chair to watch a guy sit in a chair and play a game on a screen when you could be at home watching clearer footage of said guy's screen.
Guys, I'm Russian personally, but why these freaks are allowed to participate in such public events? These people are getting beaten heavily in my country, why you can't do the same? All you need is some enraged guy with a rifle and everything will be solved.
nice try FBI
>guys i'm russian
>perfect english
fuck off
I agree.
All motorsport enthusiasts are fucking retarded. They are literally just watching a guy turn a wheel left or right, what a waste of time.
how many trannies will we witness
>perfect english
>I'm Russian personally
>why these freaks
protomanfreak will force himself on camera at some point i'm sure
if agdq2019 is anything to go by, very little hopefully.
>tfw you're halfway through the run and you forgot to dilate this morning
that's perfect english for a russian
guys I'm speedrunning zoo tycoon today wish me luck (giraffe boner mode btw)
Perfectly sane.
zoomer education is fucking terrible
Is fun allowed yet ? Or is still serious speedrunners running serious games seriously for a serious cause ?
I see no real difference except having a better overview of the game on tv.
Who here /ourguy/ Prize Goblin?
Jesus christ, still at it.
will all these trannies commit suicide?
please explain
>Bitch, your english is slav-level!
Just how much of an insult would it be?
why did you post this....
IDGAF about the whole goose drama and caleb drama, why the fuck do they keep denying big jon's runs? He's better than 99% of the people they accept, let the man play nes golf
This is what true mental illness looks like.
I don't really care about people playing games quickly I'm just here to make fun of trans politics.
Right after Rabi-Ribi, the GOAT speedgame.
>When was the last time your were this happy about anything, Yea Forums?
I truly cannot remember.
I'm going to indulge in my autism and write fanfiction while intermittently playing through the Senran Kagura games during lame runs
How can you look yourself in the mirror with that face and think
>>perfect english
is that jim sterling?
He seriously terrifies me. Seems capable of just pulling out a boxcutter and going nuts on everyone around him.
Is he like that in public too?
i hate animefags
>i hate animefags
gonna play through JPRGs on one monitor and passively have the stream up on the other
Nah, it's anger is aimed inwards just like it's penis
The duality of Yea Forums
any trannies in chat?
iiiya don't be so ijiwaru~ >.
what kinda fanfic do you write user?
You are on Yea Forums
>watching GDQ anymore
I gave up after 2018, it's not even funny bad like E3, it's just bad.
Last E3 wasnt funny.
E3 hasn't been funny since 2010.
So what runs will be good and not have attention whores?
I'm guessing you've never watched this shitshow before.
I will never understand what hes trying to do here
Nuclear Throne is nice
Why even have rules, last time I went the dilation station was in such disarray, left over dried blood pretty much caked on all dilators available, random used tampons scattered around, a fucking used diaper that someone tossed in a trash can meant for food only.
Is this the flag of the christian/Sikh alliance that will be formed to btfo muslims and Jews?
He's pretending to be an animated anime character. Notice the exaggerated movements.
You mean you actually went to one of these shitshows in person?
>SGDQ 2019 starts on June 23rd at 11:30 AM CDT!
>cross dressing time
Some shorts in a Final Fantasy setting with pone
Its good to indulge in autism every once in a while.
>last time I went the dilation station
This would be considered unimaginable even 20 years ago. This is what happens when you allow the mentally ill to have a prominent voice. This needs to end.
The answer as usual is Jews
pone as in pony?
Best you can hope for is those dancing cunts aren't there this year or at least get told to not do it this year before the stream starts. Grandstanding is against the rules which they are fucking doing.
You remind me when I used to write Tifa x Red XIII smut. Good times.
well yeah duhhh if someone else smells how will the trannies be able to detect there own by sight?
no can do boss they blend in too well with real women
The last one was in rockville right? I lived three minutes away from it, I just walked in without a ticket or anything, mostly because my friend was dressed like an anime autist, he had to use the station
The very same. It's very fun to write shorts and snippets in a setting rather than full stories.
They count touhou dolls as grandstanding too.
guys, agdq 2020 is going to be in orlando which is where i live. memes aside, how easy is speedgirl pussy actually?
Funny bad, not funny, they're two different things.
i don't get it but if it keeps you happy my man power to you
No amount of meme images can express my level of disgust. Even if this is a troll, this fucker needs to be executed
It wasnt even funny bad, just boring.
Do you mean actual pussy or open wound pussy?
Out of all of the gore/rekt threads I've ever browsed, nothing makes me more sick than reading this exact post.
Stupidly easy a few years ago
Now the only challenge is to find an actual speedgirl pussy
You’re not at all. Caveman gave him tons of hints that he was being annoying and when finally push came to shove he asked chibi to be quiet in the most reasonable manner possible. Chibi’s autistic but still you gotta learn social norms. More than likely it probably made him more self aware.
>I'll ask my doctor as well but first I need to double check these anatomy facts first and foremost with you likeminded individuals in this safe space forum instead of even jumping on google
This is poorly thought out even by their standards.
actual pussy. traps/cute boys are fine too, but no wounds.
God save us. Why would a man want to be a woman? Being a man is just genuinely better than being female. You're physically stronger, you don't get pregnant, etc, etc.
I don't see the appeal in wanting to cross over to the other side - doubly so when you're slicing off your penis and replacing it with a wound. Is it really a mental illness? It seems like it to me.
And then one day for no reason at all people put Hitler into power
please explain the speedrunning autism to me
you guys don't actually watch this spastic shit for any reason other than to see embarrassing and cringey things, right?
sometime runs are fun to watch, but 99% of the time it's for autism and cringe
>it's real
Based gdq
Not him but what is fun to you about watching some awkward sperg play a game fast?
This is fake
Well, assuming you can sift through the trash and find a real life biological female who isn't already with someone, i'd imagine they'd be too socially awkward to say no. Good luck finding cute boys that are actually cute, most are just 40% waiting to happen
It doesn't say anything in that picture though
Every now and again there's a legitimately entertaining run in and of itself, but otherwise you are correct and we're in it for the tranwrecks.
The event rules don't mention dilation once.
And mashing X like an autist for hours to get through the endless dialogue
Some people who do runs aren't autistic spergs, and those are usually interesting to watch. The Super Metroid run last year was a blast to watch because the runner and his couch were actually fun and knowledgable
>think about going to agdq next year since it's relatively nearby
>realize there's no point because you don't have any speedrunning friends and can just shitpost at home instead
is it dead or something
Only 40% of it
Can't wait for boring runs, cringe police, annoying repetitive donations messages, trash runs
>5 years
was it really? shit.
echo chamber and filter bubble is the magic keyword
uh oh, guess who woke up
I think it was seeing DS dad that tipped him over the edge. Hope he's back this year.
I stopped watching GDQ after summer 2016, its not fun anymore. Twilight Princess summer 2013 was peak GDQ.
Please tell me protomagical"girl" isn't announcing and dedicating another 30 runs to himself and his men in drag.
Mofat chopped his dick off now
at least he lost some weight
and he got boobs and is a girl
>literally exactly the same except now he has long hair and wears a dress
These trannies don't even bother trying to pass as ugly women.
Suicide (((Girls))) Dilate Quick
>GDQ starting again already
I hope people donate in his memory.
>ugly mentally ill nigger dies
oh no how sad
Only 6 100% runs in the schedule.
who /spyro/ here?
Is KungFuFruitcup in preshow? She is my waifu
>inb4 >SHE
Why does Yea Forums hate transgender people? Like, isnt it better to just not be bitter and angry at other human beings all the time?
You think this is something you can prevent?
Stop pushing mentally ill people to take HRT you fetishist tranny.
because normalizing mental illness is a mistake.
people don't like it when you piss on them and tell them it's raining.
I never think about this trannyfest when it's not on, but I'm always delighted when it starts because of the shitposting potential it provides.
/pol/ is trying to save the west by posting on a video game board
Cut off your own dick and staple your own vagina closed, but leave children alone and fuck off to non-problematic, non-imperial places like South Sudan and West Sahara to live out your mentally ill life away from the rest of us.
I actually live just north of where this is hosted, and when I go to the "how to attend" page it seems pretty focused on people who are coming in from out of town and the available hotel rooms and such
Can I just buy a ticket and show up or something? Or is attendance actually full?
go back to r/anime
"mentally ill"
Are they going to launder more cash and somehow continue to beat the records they set despite losing viewers and having lower viewer engagement? And if you want hard numbers they made over 800,000 bits less AGDQ this year than SGDQ last year, and SGDQ is the smaller event.
the tranny positive mainstream narrative is actually fucking evil and causes plenty of harm because it prevents mentally ill people from getting the help they need and instead only worsens their issues
You are actually insane
This shit hasn't been entertaining since the first 2 years. It's full of trannies and leftist propaganda. No fun allowed or you get permabanned, both in chat and if you're a runner. Sub only chats so they can silence legitimate criticism and if you restream the event with free chat you'll get twitch banned for "hate speech".
Someone needs to beat the living shit out of all the disgusting trannies there since they cause more cancer than the money prevents.
>cutting off parts of your body isn't mental illness
underrated post
fucking schizofrenia is natural too, does it make it anyhow better?
Can't wait to post "Is this a boy or a girl?" in chat and get permabanned
They USED to have passes available on site, in 2013/2014 when I went, but I don't know anymore, you could always just show up, or ask in the IRC, where they're more prepared to answer questions.
I wouldn't recommend going though unless you have people you want to meet, because the badge is super expensive and 99% of the time everyone's hanging out in the casual room playing smash, or the practice room practicing runs.
I don't believe you
>normalizing mental illness is a mistake.
nobody is doing that, the thread is 99% shitposting about trannies and 1% asking why the thread is nothing but shitposting about trannies
you forgot the last panel where you wake up from your dream and you're still a freak
Is Poverty chat on Trihexes stream today?
history has all sorts of records of people suffering bipolar and schizophrenic behavior. doesn't mean we should socially normalize their manic fantasies and delusions to be degenerately "inclusive" and play along.
it's not an effective therapy as it doesn't fix the suicide rates within gender dysphoria sufferers and thus society is constantly blamed for being "not accommodating enough"; ignoring the fundamental problem that the treatment is wrong to begin with.
because trihex hosts the only "real" poverty chat, because he's in on the ultra strict moderation of the official chat. That's why. And even he turns on sub mode quite often, it's all a way to make twitch money.
is any ideology as fragile to mere words than today's radical left? whenever there are calls or actions for censorship, it's from them. their tactic of choice is to avoid discourse and prevent the opposing side from being heard, while the right clearly prefers winning via arguments, talking points, rhethoric and such.
So where should I go to have entertaining and uncensored chat? It's really the only reason to suffer through this garbage.
Based as fuck
>90% of the people here only watch and post to make fun of the trannies, cringe, and make 6 year old jokes about a guy told to be quiet
We're almost there fellas
With me
right here on, you will have it up on your other monitor right user?
gifs you can hear
>nobody is doing that
Wasn't he banned from twitch
what does that have to do with the video games board on Yea Forums
no, he's one of the most popular streamers on twitch. He's the basis for the trihard emote. If they banned him it'd probably have to be for some serious shit.
He also makes them assloads of money.
What other reason is there?
it was an honor posting with you, comrade
he has (and thoroughly abuses) his black immunity card. He can get away with most things.
Will Trihex chat be the main poverty chat this time agian?
I know, that's why I said it'd have to be some serious shit. bigjon and bwana too. bwana got bwanaslug taken out as an emote though because of le bignig meme.
On standby.
bwana? like the runescape thing?
i miss when it was games and drama
anyone remmeber stivitybobo?
No, bwana was a streamer when twitch hadn't split from justin tv yet, and he streamed games, so he was one of the first real partners, along with the likes of trihex, cosmo, etc. people who have global emotes. Brainslug was an emote that was bwana's face doing some cockmongler expression, but everybody always used it to meme "brainslug = big nig (no space)" so bwana eventually figured it could be easy money, asked twitch to change the global emote to a futurama brain slug, and made the original emote "bwanaslug" on his channel. It was pretty funny.
>are you human?
I don't think he's that popular anymore, he's a 2k viewer type of streamer
He's still getting WRs on B&K.
based stiv smashin records and broads
why doesn't gdq attract hot trannies?
gdq only has lesbian trans girls not the hot trannies.
How many tranny runners this year?
He's still in the top like 3% user. 2k on ANY game he plays is enormous. He usually pulls 3k-4k when he's doing super mario maker or yoshi's island too. It's his "real talk" shit that killed him. Anyway my point wasn't that he's the top, just that he's still incredibly popular and a pillar of the community. They can't just get rid of him like they unperson'ed werster.
what runs should I be looking forward to?
I'm so glad I get to spend all day shitposting and watching SGDQ with you anons. I have no friends, so this makes me happy.
trannies and cringe
the RPG runs. Ironically they're so slow paced and unpopular for the general public that you tend to get the best people showing during them.
Alternatively any run over 2h that isn't a nintendo property. Nothing against them, just that they tend to be super popular so everyone shits their pants and makes them unberryable to watch.
it's okay fren
You don't become a master speedrunner of beloved PS1 classic Tomba! without being a bit autistic yourself.
who here /3am cozy NES runs/
What's the best way to come out to my bf that I'm trans? I was thinking about slipping hrt into his breakfasts for a few months before doing it so he'll be less angry.
Same. Although it's become a joyless corporate event, making fun of trannies with the boys makes up for it.
you're right, that's why he stopped playing it
god I wish I had a friend like pepe
>poison your boyfriend's breakfast
>this will make him less angry at me
And you wonder why everything thinks you're crazy.
Skelebro reporting! Probs not gonna do a tier list for the event this time since it took too long and tier lists are big zoomer meme now. Still, excited to share another week with you guys :)))
3/10 bait made me reply
one to many
What the fuck? Rabi-Ribi is happening this time?
I thought they banned that from being played years ago
I wish I had a friend.
I didn't even watch the last event. Trannies unironically destroyed anything valuable in this outside of "ha-ha it's a tranny look" and that got old after 3 times or so.
>Caveman is there
>Chibi is not
My smile and optimism: gone.
Twitch should allow anyone to rehost it so there can be a completely free poverty chat. But no they're jewish. I hope Twitch fucking dies
>no Super Metroid this year
you get to sniff seats
Nevermind, I'm fucking retarded. It's just that Rabi-Ribi actually is a good game for speedrunning
They used to, but now twitch basically co-owns the event with GDQ llc. Or did you not think it was weird that in a time when every major gaming event (I know I know, this isn't one) is on every fucking platform under the sun, even god damned twitter, that gdqs are still twitch only?
Trannies don't like a real female character, they would only allow it if Sakimoto announced that she's a mtf trans
>2:42 PM Link to the Past + Super Metroid Combo Randomizer Andy, Ivan 0:10:00
3:00:00 Co-op Beat the games — SNES Skybilz
I'm here for you user, I love you.
The actual runs aren't why anyone goes anymore, it's all about people meeting the "famous" runners like stiv and formerly sig/cosmo, trihex, pj, jewyama, etc.
As for extracurricular shit, the badge costs $80 cause they have a full arcade set on full freeplay, and a casual room where people are usually playing smash but there's usually some other games there. I won adam_ak's toki going ape spit tournament when he held it a few years ago.
You're in the club when this guy gets right into your face and tells you to SAY IT
wat do
super metroid has been a massive chokefest the last 3 or 4 times it was run solo. Every time they ended up dying.
>exams starting tomorrow
I'm going to fail
Can we just start treating trans folk like regular people? How are they ruining this event other than just looking "weird" to some people?
>fucking nikasaur is in the chat
what in the hell. Is she a speedrunner now? how do you go from ASSFAGGOTS to speedrunning.
I think it will work, he doesn't really pay attention to how many I have left, and there's a lot to spare.
You freak, if I could I would beat you to death.
You'd be committing an actual crime you deranged fucking tranny
i literary cannot finish this video to this day, the furthest i've made it is like 2 minutes
This "title screen" is the most gay and furry pixel art I've seen in quite a while.
If you pour all that into his breakfast you're gonna have a girlfriend
What's this oc character running on my screen?
why do you keep watching this tranny convention?
proto's fursona
It's a transsexual roadrunner
>No Sonic block
Good. Fuck sonic.
Why are you so upset? Don't you want to be a cute girl too?
I just bought the twitch gdq sub, what should I say?
it's sad that people actually think this
Say nothing and commit sudoku for your sin
trihard 7
Hey guys,
Im from CT any GDQ type shit or gaming con stuff around me?
Also does todays gdq have their own main stream?
whats the point of any% easy mode runs? is it just for faggots?
Any dragon quest?
what are they?
Will someone silence that fucker already
Sonic speed runs are never as cool as you think they are. In 2d its "Find the Zip that lets me teleport to the end." and 3D its "Find the wont seam in the 3d coding and bypass walls".
There good for one off runs, but blocks tend to blow unless theirs some gimmick. Just like Megaman
How does he know about your pills, but not know that youre trans?
But they aren't regular people. Unlike actual retards, these people are "irregular" by their own volition, and they're obnoxious and in your face about it at every opportunity. And what, you really think that like half the speedrunning community would turn out to actually be trannies, but only after a few years of GDQ's? No, it's just another form of peer pressure, like smoking in junior high.
>original tweet font is stretched and distorted
>reply isn't
you didn't even try
I tell them they're for depression (which they are!)
I hate it.
>no Heroes run
>no Adventure 2 Dark Side run
>no Unleashed run
Looks cute
Raptor? Looks like a fucking bird