Why do so many people hate the Epic Games Store? I've bought a few games on it and have had a completely fine experience.
Why do so many people hate the Epic Games Store...
Because they buy exclusivity to video games, that's literally it. There was a rumor of the epic store being spyware but that was shot down, people just hate them because they buy developers to only publish on their store.
most of this board is underage americans
i only use it for the free games, axiom verge is great
>Why do consumers dislike a platform that has been explicitly stated to favor publishers over consumers?
> Spying
Debunked, not true
> Offline play
Epic has offline play
> Regional pricing
Epic has regional pricing
> Two factor auth
Epic has two factor auth
> Listing marketplace gambling as a positive
Now how you argue against actual good features steam has like cloud saves (which was already supposed to be in the Epic store) or it's fantastic controller support.
Y-you're wrong...! FUCK YOU
Muh Excl00sives with Muh Fortnite money
Think customers are "toxic" and the only business partners they should appease are publishers/devs
Don't have forums or user reviews
Dislike Sales
Shit/No Features
Owned by Tencent
+much more
>that was shot down
>Epic has regional pricing
Yes, standard pricing + $20 for Asia and +$15 for Australia, nice meme pricing you got there Tim.
> fantastic controller support
Steam still can emulate only XInput controllers.
Steam doesnt work with generic Direct input over bluetooth.
Steam has like 10 ms polling rate which means that you can lose more than half frame using it.
> $20 for Asia and +$15 for Australia
Based Tim makes chinks and aussies cry.
Aussies don't pay more you fucking faggot. Asia don't pay more as well, not couting nepal and india
>picking out 5 things in a huge 30+ list and thinking you proved anything
kek, dumb chink
t. Chinese bug man
>Sources: my ass
user who the fuck gives a shit about item inventory and trading cards? People buying games on Epic obviously do it for the games, not collecting fat people's version of hockey cards.
>why are people concerned about aids, I have not contracted it yet?
> Spying
>Debunked, not true
yeah, sweeney denied it.
much debunked, such not true.
>picks 2 things out of a list of 30+ thinking it proves anything
Trading cards are free money for a poorfag like me. This is the reason why I always get those free Humble Bundle games. I've already bought several games from selling my cards.
>Asia don't pay more as well
Metro Exodus is USD $85 where I live and Borderlands 3 is $90.
Because Steam is just as fine an experience.