Holy fuck is this game diffuclt. The last boss of the first game is doing my head in. It's easy in theory, but there are so many phases, and so many balls to dodge it's insane.
Ayden Roberts
Robert Peterson
keep in mind that the hitboxes are NOT the same and there is a noticeable input lag in the remaster
Dylan Davis
All ps1 games are difficult for modern audience, even their remakes.
Hunter Lewis
*gets in the slow lane*
*wins anyway*
Connor Peterson
Don't worry, Crash 1 is the hardest, the other two are a lot more merciful
Brody Myers
Finally did it, after like 20 attempts. Good to know it's more manageable from here on.
Brayden Taylor
I hope they're making a new platformer. I want to see if they can pull it off.
Why did they make the final bosses in 2 and 3 such a joke compared to 1's?
Luke Russell
Ryan Foster
Given how easy CTR is vs. NF, you're full of shit.
Gavin Torres
based coco