Is the steam controller worth it if I want to play FPS with controller?
Is the steam controller worth it if I want to play FPS with controller?
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just buy a switch controller if you want gyro
if you want to play fps with a controller, buying a rope and smal wooden stool is worth it
I'm not sure I want gyro, but I feel like with steam controller's touchpad it might be easier to aim. On PC with a controller it's already ten times easier than on console because less lag but I still feel like the sticks are kinda clunky
why? aside from online shooters (which I don't play) what's the point of playing with KBM? I used to think like you but then I picked up a few shooters for my 360 and the experience was great, been playing exclusively with controllers where supported on PC since then, I even played the original Wolf 3d with ECwolf and controller, shit was cash
FPS with controller is always a mistake, unless you want to play some chill stuff like doom.
Anyway I do own a steam controller, the lack of the second joystick makes moving the camera incredibly frustating soi discourage you from buying one
>want to play FPS with controller
It's too late, you already went full retard.
first thing I wanna try the steam controller on is Zdoom and Quakespasm lol. is it really that bad?
Getting that to work on PC is far harder, and far less customizable than the Steam controller. Its gyro is far easier to get working and more tweakable.
is it good to use as a controller or should i just get xbox/dualshock
i read somewhere that you can switch between touchpad and stick mode
For these kind of games not really because you are not trying to get every single advantage possible (like for a multiplayer game for example)
There are ways to get around the shitty touch pad, one of them is use the gyro for smaller movement of the camera and touchpad like the second joystick.
What really rustled my jimmies is that it's a pain in the ass to make pirate games work with it (others game are fine, as long you add them as non steam games, by the way, you realized that you need to play all games from steam right?)
I'm not bothered by having to play with steam, it's what I mostly use to buy stuff, but I thought the touch pad would be good. Might just settle for a DS3 then
oops, DS4*
Simple stuff like Doom works less-well though with the steam controller, because that actually works with two-joysticks. The SC's trackpad and gyro make it vaguely usable for casual play at least on most generic AAA singleplayer fps.
>without a keyboard
Bruh what, stop that. The movement is very keyboard based and it's the single game where having a dedicated bind for each weapon is most important (and easiest, because your only other controls are jump, move and shoot).
what about Amid Evil and nuDoom?
NuDoom's fine, AE's probably alright too if you're not playing on Evil or whatever. Mind you the whole trackpad or trackpad + gyro thing definitely takes quite a bit of getting used to.
What about using the steam controller for fighting games
Well fuck it, it's probably going to get discounted on the summer sale so if it is I'm ordering one just to try it out.
How is buying a empty bomb shell anarcho capitalist?
Don't, no dpad and the action buttons are tiny.
zoomer here, can you explain ancap, come and take it and don't tread on me ideology
>Empty Bombshell
But I fill your girlfriend on the regular.
It's normal anarchism but you believe that once society falls everyone will magically decide to follow their samurai code.
sounds reasonable. government should give handouts about this on how to survive Armageddon
>whole trackpad or trackpad + gyro
you look like on of these morons on tv ads that are way too invested in the game
The track pad is a mistake i tell you.
I haven't found 1 (one) game where I was glad i had it
Science fiction
>you look like on of these morons on tv ads that are way too invested in the game
Who the fuck cares what you look like while playing a game in your own home?
It can definitely be used better than sticks for shooting once you do get used to it.
At the very least, it's a far better mouse-emulation than a controller and allows you to play a variety of strategy games or RPGs and the like from the couch. I've also realized that it has some unique potential that would need games be specifically designed around to be really useful, like analogue control + pointing at the same time.
I was thinking beyond FPS games I can use it for stuff like civilization or DoW2, I wonder if I can make it work in CIV4.
It's far better for fps games than a normal controller, and the gyro is really good depending how you sit. It's an extreme hindrance if you like to rest your hands/arms on a table, your body, chilling back and relaxing. But the pad is very accurate and really nice, not as good as a mouse obv, but still really good. The main problem is it works poorly or not at all with some games. I tried for hours and visited many many forums to find a fix to play it with my Uplay copy of R6: siege, and never got it to work. But I played a ton of Serious Sam and Painkiller with it without a single problem.
>But I played a ton of Serious Sam and Painkiller with it without a single problem.
Nice because I definitely want to replay those games sometimes.
Definitely works for Civ. It's not as good as a mouse but at the end of the day it works. It's like playing on a trackpad on a laptop or whatever.
based retard
Let's go an all the possible solution
1)You put the game as non-steam game
2)You opened both the game AND steam with admin privilege
3)(Kinda new and it actually worked for me for some pirated game) You put (or install) the game in a steam folder (Iike steamapps/common)
4)You tried for some third-party software (never worked for me but maybe you are luckier)
5)you modified the default option for the controller to work as XInput
Why can't the gamepad just work with XInput when everything is shut down REEEEEEE
Linux has that
Hopefully CIV4 in particular because I only played 5 and I want to exhaust 4 while waiting for 6's DLCs to release.
how is wanting to be comfy retarded?!
how did you switch weapons in SS?
Have you never played an RTS?
Mouse and keyboard bitch
Actually it works just fine if you use it through Steam. Otherwise you're right, though, it has no inherent compatibility with anything but Steam and external ximput programs are finicky.
I've been playing E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy with my switch pro controller, and using gyro for aim assist is absolutely fantastic. I also used it in Garry's Mod, Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2005) and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Chernobyl and had the same results. For games without built-in controller support/controller aim assist, the pro controller is a pretty viable choice if the price doesn't bother you or you already got one for your Switch or whatever. Doesn't justify the price on it's own, though.
Anarchists who think there will be a monetary system left for us to scrooge mcduck in rather than just suffer in our unregulated and chaotic barter system.
mostly old shit like C&C and Red Alert 2, did like WiC and the DoW saga though. Why?
Upper middle class incels who want to own heavy weaponry and child slaves.
You can't play them with a steam controller can you?
doesn't seem very comfortable
C&C and older DoW prolly not. WiC and DoW2, maybe?
I dont remember desu, It was SS3: BFE which uses a weapon wheel you can see in this vid.
I assume it was on the left bumper or maybe the back bumper on the handles.
You are retarded if you think using a joystick to move the camera is better than using a trackpad.
seems fluid enough. was this on serious?
I just think it's funny but people take it seriously for some reason
not my vid, i played on hard and got shit on plenty
Except it's not. Most people put it down because they don't have the patience to get use to it.
that's pretty much every online ideology... people start making fun of the nutjobs and instead just make it more popular somehow
>playing FPS with controller
>not playing FPS with controller
wow that actually works well