This was a good game and it deserves a sequel.
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Wrong and wrong
Only good thing about it was the spell crafting system and the momentary illusion that your choices and interactions were meaningful.
too many women for my taste
Agreed. Only played it last year, but it properly sucked me into the world. With the exception of the retarded not-werewolf, the companions were interesting, the Tiers and the various stories as well, plsu you get a lot of replayability.
Shame it will never see a sequel because Obsidian gave the IP (one they've been sitting on for a long ass fucking time) to Paradox, who will either do nothing, or worse than nothing with it.
It's a good game and for that reason it deserves to rest in peace. Let's not give Obsidian a chance to fuck it up. The fewer words they're allowed to write the better.
Why would you name your game "Tranny"?
God I wish this spellcrafting system was in each and every game with magic. It's too good.
Because Kyros.
I wish prime Obsidian made it, though. Concept is great and many really misunderstood the tagline as "be evil" when that's clearly not the point. Strangely enough so many systems in the game (extensive spellcrafting, multiple homebases, legendary item progression, casting your own Edicts, etc) felt extraneous to a game like this aka relatively short and meant for replays. You barely dabble in any of it and the game's already done. Also, fuck Obsidian for skimping on actual portraits.
Anarchy is canon. Everything else is plebeian.
getting tunon on your side is great
>I fundamentally disagree with what you're doing
>but you are also following the law to the letter so I cannot disagree with it
What the fuck was the point of leveling up artifacts is still beyond me. Also Edicts system is too underused.
this. it was 100 times better than the derivative snorefest pillars of eternity and that got a sequel
and the sequel was even worse
fuck this timeline
Had some neat combat changes compared to PoE. Particularly how it felt a whole lot more active and faster paced. On the flipside I hope you like fighting humans and some beatsmen because that's all you're getting. Also, wisps in dungeon. Horrendous lack of enemy variety.
it was a ok game with a shit story.
Hard to play this game knowing PoE2 got a turn based system which makes it 100x more playable, I think this game needs the same treatment. Not really interested in the playstyle of the game.
There's also the problem of the mandatory base-building being shallow as all hell. The whole game felt like the first two acts of a five act story.
It was fun
>"After weighing the charges,
>Local court members: "HOL UP"
>this court finds you..."
>Mark: "HOL UP or else"
>"...Innocent. Against all reason or expectation, I find you innocent."
I hope the sequel is a visual novel. 95% of this game is a fucking chore, which is too bad since the branched story paths are actually kinda interesting and I would've like to see them but won't waste 80 hours replaying the slog.
it was hella cringe
>it deserves a sequel
It should have been actually finished. The game feels like we got 50% of what was planned. At best.
More like 30%. I wanted to kill Kyros, goddamn it.
so does Microsoft own the IP now or Paradox?
either way i want to see Obsideon do somethint with the Wasteland universe since Microsoft also owns Inxile
we gotta get ready for Wasteland: Neo Paradise
The voice acting for that was great too. Bafflement, relief, simple proclamation, maybe even a bit of vindication in there. He had the best voice in an Obsidian game since Kreia.
I washed the smelly metal man and he hated me for it. At least my tower did not smell like shit anymore.
The premise is cool butbthe battle system is awful
That was indeed pretty damn good
It was decent, it has major flaws. Sequel though, yes please.
>tfw I never got to convince Tunon to join me and always had to fight him
How the fuck is this so hard? I really thought I had some good arguments and proofs but it was not enough. Feels bad.
And yes it should get a sequel, felt like you were just about to start something big and shit about to hit the fan.
I went independent and I had to destroy all other because of that. If there was a way to convince anyone to join my side I could not find it.
Agreed, at least on normal difficulty there is very little reason to use the spire bases. I only used the forge to max out Lantry's quill, but I could have replaced him with any other party member. Plus whatever you delay until getting the 4th and 5th spires is literally extraneous cause the game is 90% over by then (though I'm sure you can sequence break to some extent and get them early as possible, haven't tried).
VO is kinda full of stars.
>Ray Chase as Tunon
>Allegra Clark as Verse
>Patrick Seitz as Barik
>D.C. fucking seven minutes Douglas as Lantry
And so on. Also Bleden Mark's VA is underrated as hell.
half a game
Story was actually fun the gameplay really wasn't. I would read it as a visual novel
You need all your current party members to have 3+ approval and as high approval as you can for Tunon. Everything else is just "I did nothing wrong, check the law". And don't shit on Kyros during the trial.
This game was fucking trash; how can anyone excuse it?
>Game sells itself literally on just being Evil
>Promises to not be the generic shit we've seen in Bioware games over and over
>Start up game
>Immediately put between a conflict of Lawful Evil Blue or Chaotic Evil Red
>Tell both sides to fuck off with this Mass Effect Reddit level story telling
>Holy shit the game actually lets me do this
>Every side story is now closed off for the rest of the game as everyone turns hostile
>Ending concludes the Red vs Blue team conflict like I even knew anything about their factions
>Game abruptly ends
>Thanks for the $29.99 bro, too bad there wasn't a story
couldn't resist
>not going anarchy and NOT getting Mark (and Tunon) for yourself
One job, kid.
I'm assuming there is way less choice involved than the game presents. But yeah it felt weird spending all that time gathering evidence against Ashe and Nerat, only to have Ashe come at me the second I refused his command. Then Tunon judged me out of hand I guess because I had just destroyed the other archons.
Is there a way to have a trial with Tunon, where you present evidence and sentence one of the archons?
>He was
>the most human
>of all of us
You need high approval AND it tallies your choices up to that point concerning law and Kyros.
This whole vid is YLYL
It was a terrible game, full of promise, that absolutely wasted its premise. The choose your own adventure prologue was unironically the best part.
>dat feel when Bleden Mark is either a completely random one-off boss fight or your ally
Maybe going independent gets him to do more?
I'm sorry who are you, again? Oh, right, that creepy guy who stares at people from the shadows. If you want to say hello, just come talk to me, already.
I should thank Kyros, as the Overlord has finally unburdened me of the need to treat you like anything more than what you are: a sad little sociopath who will soon be gasping for his last breath at the end of my weapon.
Did your predilection for children turn even the cast-metal stomach of the Chorus? I've often wondered what crime Tunon must have on you to keep you on such short a leash. Of course, short leashes are ideal if the servant lives only to lick his master's feet.
Sharpen your blades, freak. I'm coming for you. (Because let's face it, you can't come for me before you're ordered to, can you?)
entire point of edicts was to make kyros shit his/her pants seeing as someone else can also proclaim them. shame it never amounted to anything.
Have you seen the map of the world? It'll require shittons of Edicts to conquer.
Graven Ashe is a useless bum. He stood in Iron Hearth for the entire campaign, he literally did not move a fucking centimeter, while I won every battle in his name.
This guy is a near immortal warrior god and he fathered how many children, three? Like stop worrying about how your traitor daughter died, and get some of the Disfavored women pregnant you senile old bastard.
tyranny more like tranny devs
>being a cuck for ashe
Look at this loser.
Yeah I personally killed him, his daughter, and his granddaughter, big time cuck over here.
If you go independent, Uncle Bleden is your main questgiver, and you have plenty of banter with each other. I think he is my favorite Archon with Tunon
I agree. Sadly the sequel will probably suck since Obsidian turned to shit with PoE 2.
I'll try that if I replay.
>game was so bad Paradox literally declared that CRPGs and RTwPs are dead
I'm pretty sure that was because Obsidian siphoned Tyranny's funds to PoE2.
Who cares about these greedy fucks
>You are their father, but I am their commander
Unironically based.
>not making Tunon your literal bitch and have him call you Master
literally every crpg this decade has suffered from being complete shit.
the only exception is divinity 2, which lets you do 4 player coop
OCs are cringe
Everything is cringe
more like it was a mediocre game that should have been finished
What am I looking at? Aside from the companions and the Archons everyone was so bland that I can't tell who is who.
Wait so you're the one on trial? What about finding evidence against the archons?
If it doesn't sell gorillion units it's a failure for these swedish kikes
This is the first trial. And then Tunon summons you for the second one.
If you tell them both to fuck off (kick out the representative you took the spire with) then you are on audit from act 1. Whereupon Bleden Mark tells you that you need to man up, and get artifacts so the archons won't crush you.
Then once Act 3 rolls around, you are put on trial for your actions of telling the arcons to fuck off, and taking shit for yourself
Question; the only way to not kill Ashe or Nerat is to side with them right? In all the other paths you can't get enough favor, and have to kill them?
Nerat is more complicated than that, but yes.
Thanks. I want to be annoyed that I missed the trial but it sounds gay desu. At the end of the day, killing those clowns with the blessing of Kyros and cleaning up the mess they made was a far more attractive option than continue to play politics.
Okay, then I won't try to be apologetic in hopes to avoid the killing.
Making them bow to you and admit the better is awesome in it's own right. But purging is pretty great too
Killing Archons is too fucking sad. Even Nerat. They all have some speeches, last lessons, than make sense and actually damn good.
Nerat was surprisingly emotional yeah.
Use pause dude. Take your time.
>he opposed kyros
have fun being incel
t. Kyros
Rather than a sequel, it could have done with several large expansions a la Baldur's Gate 2.
Overall I don't think it's a bad game, just suffered from bad management like most of Obsidian's games.
it was so poorly optimized
for a game with the 2D graphics of a 20 years old game, it should've run much smoother and without any loading times
hire some engineers you hacks
It's a unity game. Nothing can fix this shitty engine.