Steam summer sale most likely begins next week.
Post wish lists and rate.
Steam summer sale most likely begins next week
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all but like 3 entries on my wishlist are things i was keeping track of in 2012-2015 that i would likely not buy nowadays unless they were marked to like 95% off each
this is half my wishlist
the other half is full of not released games and shitty space sims
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
Bridge Constructor Stunts
Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition
Call of Juarez® Gunslinger
DRAGON QUEST® XI: Echoes of an Elusive
Hollow Knight: Silksong
La-Mulana (2)
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne
Medal of Honor: Airborne
miniLAW: Ministry of Law
Poly Bridge
Pummel Party
Rain World
Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale
SteamWorld Dig 2
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky SC
Upside Down
Changed recently from Playstation because SNOY
Xanadu Next
>Upside Down
Have a 2200ish list.I doubt it will fit here its so big.
I only really expect Ori to go on sale. Bloodstained doesn't look worth $35 to me even on sale, maybe if it's below $20 in a year or something.
Wow it must be nice having normally priced video games
why? you don't care about 99% of the games on it.
Sale lol. I use my wishlist to save games im going to pirate later.
Someone please get me a Dragon Quest XI key
I've yet to think of a price limit, I'll set one when the day of the sale comes.
Terraria is already cheap though user
Do you think Sekiro might get a discount?
I can only get a couple of these, Help a poorfag out señor por favor
man of culture
Dusk is fantastic if you're into that kind of fps.
> Talos Principle DLC
> Baba is You
> Stephen's Sausage Roll
I just finished TP and crave for more puzzles.
Very possible. Japanese devs don't seem to like putting their games on sale, but Fromsoft is decent.
>buying games
Yakuza is on sale right now, isnt it?
It is. I am waiting to see if somehow it goes lower during the sale, but I think I'm lying to myself.
>VR set customer remorse kicking in.png
That doesn't happen anymore. If a game is on sale just before a sale it pretty much always stays at that price during the sale.
Got a wishlist full of games I either pirated already or am mildly interested in and wouldn't spend money on.
I'm thinking nothing.
yeah but buying stuff during the sale will help you get arbitrary points towards a useless medal
I don't even have my vr yet
should I get Ni-oh complete at 20$ or wait for summer sale?
not gonna buy all of that
doubt it will drop to 5$ yet but you can hope
wait two days
what if they don't discount it for the summer sale lol
that would be dumb. I'm sure many that want to buy it are waiting for the sale.
have we ever seen a dev/publisher actually do that with their game? seems incredibly counter-intuitive
Get it now.
It won´t get cheaper.
I only want Sekiro and Steam controller. Will get Ni-oh and Sleeping Doges on this weekend sale
TRON 2.0 (matching or new lows)
Skyrim SE (new lows only)
Fallout 4 GOTY (new lows only)
Quake 1 & 2 (w/ add-ons) (new lows only)
Grim Dawn DLCs (new lows only)
Titan Quest DLCs (new lows only)
Those are the only specific ones that I can think of at the moment.
I always enjoy entertaining new deals but I only look at new or matching lows at this point.
>tfw It's mostly either stuff that hasn't been released, stuff that's for when I get a VR headset, or stuff that's a massive time sink when I have enough going on.
At least I'll never run out of games. In approximate order of how much I care about them, and there's more list, it's just I couldn't be bothered to copy/paste any more.
[Edit] Somehow I copy/pasted the last entry twice the first time. Also the browser crashed while posting. Fun day.
Fallout 4 is a decent shooter with tons of mod support that can patch up the lacking areas of the game, if you can get it for 15-20$ GOTY it's worth it but I doubt they'll go under 30$. Wasn't a big fan of Skyrim though
Defunct is great and usually 1$ on sale. Strongly recommend it
Just waiting for Subverse desu senpai
Think Nioh will drop any lower than the 20€?
Or is it best to buy right now?
buy now and if it goes lower in 2 weeks or 2 hrs playtime then you get a refund for the difference
this is the first time it's been 60% off, last few times were 50%, I think eventually it'll drop to $10 but you'll be waiting for another year or two
>he didn't got at 10 euros during the kikestsrter
boohoo I have to pay 20% more than americans
it won't be cheaper during the sale
Oh shit, I'm sorry.
No hate on ₹ pls
People are gonna 'hate' on the
far more than the Rupee.
>Drift Stage
feels fucking bad man, that game had so much potential, I got a steam key right before they completely fucked off, it's broken though and unplayable.
get MM11
get Baba is You
ori likely won't get more than 50% off but if you don't mind, go for it.
get TPVR
get Bastion
get MM11, Bayonetta, and FighterZ if DLC is on sale too
get REmake 2
how many of these games have you even heard of?
What is TPVR?
talos principle vr
It's in my shopping cart already
Geeze, ditto. Been waiting on that for so long now to the point I practically know that public demo track backwards. Not one for preorders / early access, so never got a chance to play the later backer demos. According to the steam fourms the main programmer got tied up with something else so they've been sitting on the active development for ages. I still hold out hope though.
I have Bayo on Wii U and never actually beat it, contemplating just dumping it / finding the ISOs elsewhere and holding out for CEMU. MM11 probably should get but FighterZ I'd only want to play if I found some other local people to play it with.
whoops my bad. i've been up all night.
very few AAA games itt
this is what you guys are spending $1000s of dollars on? indieshit and pixelshit?
go to bed user
in that case drop bayo.
all except warlock and revnture
I won't buy shit as I'll switch to stadia.
you can buy it and if it's cheaper on summer sale you can refund it and repurchase it, as long as it fulfills Steam's refund policy
thanks brother, appreciate the input
i'm is there something that i should drop definetively or something i might like based on what you see?
Terraria deserves full price.
>Steins Gate Elite
Don't, why would you want anime visuals that look like ass
Just buy the original and pirate Phenogram jesus christ
I'll wait when they add Halo Wars 2 Complete instead. I like the entire crew of the Spirit of Fire as a whole as the protag.
Sekiro, Pummel party and risk of rain 2. I know pummel party will be on sale but I hope sekiro and ror2 is, as well.
stellaris dlc
wargame red dragon for autism
>recently bought new gaming rig
>now only have about 30€ to spare for vidya and the sale
The games I want to play the most are Nier Automata, Dragon's Dogma, XCOM 2, Lobotomy Corp and Shadow Tactics. I'll grab one of these+ a cheap indie game or two
Notice how this is the "Wish list" thread, as in what hasn't been bought already? Most anons have probably already bought the GTAV's and Doom's.
definitely get shadow tactics. phenomenal game. it's been averaging around $20 on sales lately.
Disgaea (not sure which one)
Grim Dawn - Forgotten Gods
>Most anons have probably already bought the GTAV's and Doom's.
big yikes AAA is fucking trash
super mario bros 2
street fighter 1
wizardry 4
Dusk is fantastic. Very underrated, it's my sole purpose telling my normie friends about it
Everyone should play it imo
Two copies of Outward to play with my sister.
Katamari Damacy.
Crash Bandicoot.
Super Neptunia RPG.
Team Sonic Racing.
I should probably work on my backlog...
>buying single player games
An Atelier games to see if the one with the thighs is worth buying.
And probably a multiplayer game for a friend and I
Oh look, it's that faggot again.
either nothing or shit that I will never ever touch
>Paying for Melty Blood
killer7 because I'm too lazy to setup the emulator
Rabi-ribi because I've missed the Golden Week
The Hong Kong Massacre if it'll get at least 50% discount
RAGE 2 if Jewthesda will give it at least some discount
Nier: Automata inb4: no discount because Jew Enix
Final Fantasy IX inb4: no discount because Jew Enix
>buying or playing other than singleplayer games
I've got more than 200 in my wishlist, these are the games i would probably play right away if i bought them.
>Max Payne 2
2 and 3 are pretty lame compared to 1, why bother?
>MoH: Airborne
ma nigga
get rayman origins, bayonetta, and ori.
You might as well just buy it now. I doubt SEGA will go any higher in terms of discount. Bayonetta was getting -75% discounts for long time and it worked for them pretty well.
>Looking at all these games people want to buy
>already played most them
>didnt buy any of them