It's 2019 and we still have no new Dune game

It's 2019 and we still have no new Dune game.

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>you'll never be the kwisatz haderach and declare jihad on the emperor of the know universe

I love my wife Chani.

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Reminder that Paul was just a pawn of Bene Gesserit and started genocidal Jihad that ruined the empire

FUCK Atreides FUCK Fremen and FUCK Bene Gesserit

>Ywn all the possible outcomes of cumming in and on her while fucking her

Check out this Harkonnen loser

>tfw live in a timeline where Panzer Dragoon isn't dead yet

I kinda feel like all bets are off. Dune game is still possible.

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Is that Alia? What's this from?

it's one of those franchises that gets exponentially worse the more you become invested

A man without the spic is lost. But the same man can get lost in the spice - Paul Atreides

I don't remember spics in Dune

*Slaps your Mentat's ass*
What do you do humie?

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We could wait for a good 4x sci-fi game and mod it, right fellas?

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Nah fuck off with this boring genre

Isn't there a dune movie on the way by nu-kubrick?

Shh... Back to your Nintendo Switch, Nincel

Dune card game available for IOS and Android, pre-order now to unlock Harkonnen and Ordos decks

I'm not so sure about these Brian Herbert books, guys.

Wtf is 4x

This can't be real

couldn't someone mod the shit out of KOTOR?

we still got the porn game
Best way to experience Dune, prove me wrong

Hit me up senpai

search for behind the dune
it's a flash game, not exactly good but I had a good ammount of fap out of it

>Tfw ywn lay on your back and drink lady Jessicas water from her pissflaps

empire was controlled by jewish trade guild and had to be cleansed

God Emperor of Dune was alright. Is Heretics worth it?

It is by will alone I set my mind in motion.

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It is by the juice of Sapho that thoughts acquire speed, the lips acquire stains, the stains become a warning.

I never managed to run emperor battle for dune
but the harkonnen soundtrack always makes me want to play it

It is by will alone I set my mind in motion.

Frank Herberts Dune was kino as fuck.

But Behind the Dune has just gone final this year.

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Fear is the mind killer

There's a clear drop off in quality, but I found them enjoyable still. There's cringy scifi fantasty shit you have to put up with, like a guy that can slow time and literally teleport behind people to kill them, and women that have mind controlling vaginas. It's a new trilogy that was also never finished, so you'll read 2 books of set up with no conclusion or pay off.

If you're satisfied with God Emperor then you can stay there knowing you're not missing much. If you really love Dune and want more, they're fine and aren't going to ruin the series for you.

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>you will never be in a timeline where a psychic becomes a dictator for the betterment of mankind millennia from now in which he frees you from the space jews

Never got into Dune. More of a Foundation fan.

There's a Foundation manga too.

Yes, the Lynch movie.

Which games let me live and use guerilla tactics like a Fremen?

>He doesn't read up to book 5 where there was a literal Jewish enclave in planet Gammu

that one porn game is unironically one of the best dune adaptations

I liked Emperor Battle for Dune and thought that the Ordos were a good addition.

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That pic is fucking amazing. Which book is that "scene" from?
Also, I can't believe that the artist who did that is working on System Shock 3. How watered down would his art be, I wonder?

what is it called? dune fan here & never heard of this game, might check it out.

What the FUCK. Hit me up.

Who is your favourite girl?



>frees you from the space jews
>tfw the Atreides descendant, Odrade, assimilate a Jewish girl into Bene Gesserit

God I hope Villeneauve does it justice

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>behind the dune
>that mohiam

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thank you both.

Book 2, when Paul's throne room is described (for either Mohiam or Edric, I can't remember)

maybe there's a conversion for endless space 2

Princess Irulan, that spice hungry slut.

Kek I can't even imagine how shit those are, got anymore?

The most boring of all video game genres.

The first movie only the first half of the first book, if it does well then he gets the go ahead for the next half. I'm worried if it's good but no one goes to see it like BR2049 and we only get half of a great movie.

I always use the voice on the reverend mother

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Then why did the Bene Gesserit want to kill him in the sequel

>but no one goes to see it like BR2049
I'm not sure I understand
BR2049 wasn't exactly a box office success, even if it was a fantastic film

And fuck this faggot too

people love timothee I think it will survive

>the lips acquire stains, the stains become a warning
Just drink through a straw nigga.

Patrician taste in lewd games.

I'm still mad jodorowsky never got to do his dune with Dali as the emperor and Orson Well as Harkonnen
it might had been trash but by god with Geiger and mark foss doing concept arts for it it would have been quite a ride

he didn't even read the book though, it would've been trash apart from the concept art

We're getting a new movie trilogy by the bladerunner guy tho.

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It was a great movie but it didn't do too well.

why not both?

>Ghani! Ghani come out into the desert Ghani!
>I turned myself into a sandworm, Ghani! I'M SANDWORM LETOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Too bad that it won't be updated anymore

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>stillsuit uncovers hair

leto was based


Imagine getting human-horny as usual but having no dick because you're a fucking worm and being exposed to Ixian-manufactured thots all day.

he disclosed bits of the script for a french documentary, it was quite different from the book especialy the ending Paut was killed but his personality would live on as other characters would all claim they are Paul and Arrakis (the planet itself) would start a journey to enlightened the galaxy and free it from opression. it was absolute bonkers, I love it

>tfw developing an insatiable foot fetish because my feet and legs have been reduced to flippers
so it goes

>ywn get a bj from Irulan while Chani gives you a rimjob, bringing millennia of peace to the galaxy.

Live is unfair.

>Chani will never take a 800 meter sandworm in her vagina

you forgot the part when you're also getting cucked by a clone of thousand years old servant of your family

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The last two of Frank's books do some interesting setup before ending on a devastating cliff-hanger because Frank died. His son Brian took over, wrote some prequels, then tied Frank's notes for the ending into some of what they created in the prequels. I honestly thought the last 4 after God Emperor were more entertaining and enjoyable, but less philosophically inclined

There is some open world survival crafting mmo shit in development iirc.

No! Fuck that shit!
I'd rather have Dune remain dead as it is, than having any shit modern developer touching and defiling it.

It's already a miracle Dennis Villeneuve gets to make the new movie. Thunder like that doesn't strike twice.

There is a dune mod for civilization 4

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There is straight shota rape. Herbert was absolute genius at sneaking some degenerate fetishes into muh 2deep4u sci-fi.

Homeworld Deserts of Karak is the closest we'll get to a modern Dune game, I don't have any hopes for the Funcom game in development.

It has a great cast for normies. Also, people are sick of shit Star Wars movies so if they market it well it will succeed.

>fuck Fremen!

>jodorowsky does tarot card reading on youtube at the age of 90

seriously, that guy...
Can't even be mad at him for not giving a damn about the source material.

I really hope it succeeds.

Chapterhoes is good, but after that it goes downwards because Brian either didnt have enough notes to finish the story and/or wanted to implement his own ideas. Especially ending is massive let down, similar to game of thrones tv series, there are two books dedicated to prepare reader for final engagement... and it ends on few pages.
That said prequels to dune are very good and well thought out, same for sequels written by Brian from fathers notes. Butlerian jihad series is kinda meh.

Let's hope new film will rekindle interest, rts genre is dead however. I enjoyed first game as much as sequels, a visual novel or grand strategy Dune would be based and spicepilled

based leto

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Yes, I think it's set for release in 2020.

try 2022

Dude was absolutely not subtle about it.

I just hope it's close to the actual books. The Lynch movie was only a Dune movie in name.

I liked mom the most. My name is Paul too. Send help.

Lynch wasn't THAT far from the first book, the second half was just really fucking rushed because of production trouble
There have been worse adaptions for sure

i only ever read the first book. are the others any good?

Could be worse - we could keep getting new games that suck ass like Conan. I just don't understand how hard it is to make a Conan game where you actually play as Conan.

why the fuck does everyone in this game have massive cow udders

big dislike

I thought the sci fi mini series was pretty solid

It really depends on how much of a tolerance you have for Frank's weird stuff like living chairs and sex magic slavery. There's a definite dip in quality as the series goes on but personally I still think even the worst Dune book written by Herbert is still much better than average sci-fi. Dune Messiah is pretty short if you wanna give it a go, and you comfortably end there or at God Emperor later on. I personally think God Emperor is his best Dune book.

>tfw the game is officially vaporware

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>he doesn't like massive bene-gesserit cow udders with faintly visible veins

I'm sorry user, your shit taste is terminal.


big tiddy girls are always either FAT or have chronic back problems. both are a big F

Both are untrue for reality and fiction alike.

Awful taste

>read the first dune book
>it's just a mary sue self insert doing everything perfectly and just gettin away with the whole galaxy for no reason
it was so shit

This sounds extremely unfortunate

imagine being so simplistic and shallow.

Then read the second book, Dune Messiah, but stop there.

They realise they can't top Dune 2000 so they're not going to try.

>Dune 2000 and Emperor with those C&C tier quality cutscenes

Maximum fanservice.

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No, looks like 2020.

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Out of all the properties to make a porn parody of, why the fuck would anyone choose Dune?

I'm sickened, but curious.

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WTF, Paul's dad is a nigger?

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It's more a porn parody of the first Dune game. Which is still pretty good, by the way. Both the parody and the original.

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Worse. A Klingon.

Almost wish he was canon.
Definitely better than what Herbert's son and that hack shat out and keep shitting out.

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>4x is the best for anything
Yeah if you're a neet autistic fuck with nothing better to do.

Were people this cucked back then, that they accepted breaches from canon for the sake of forced diversity?
Good thing we came along to stop and fix this madness.

Is that Gimli?

>taking your human glands with you when you change corporeal forms

the gilf

Its been on going for a while now but I cannot find a translation of it anywhere.

Lynch movie did a lot of 1:1 stuff
But it also missed the point of a lot of stuff entirely, to the point where you get that Lynch and scriptwriter didn't even understand what Dune was about.

I.e i get the point of packpedalling out of proper still suits, where you can't make out who the wearer is.
Or going for some sci fi supernatural martial arts involving a object to shoot a shockwave. So you can quicken the war montage setup.
But its a lot like that user who posted a calculator: Completely missed the point

And the bit about how Duke Leto is a eunuch and Paul is born from the merging of Leto's and his wife's blood or something. I don't care too much that Jodorowsky borrowed the setting and characters from Dune and the rest was his own thing. It would've been good to see.

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Third book was about how the entire galaxy wanted to force 10y old twins to make babies
then they get possessed by their parents and the mom-possed girl gets frisky