how is sam looking?
Other urls found in this thread:
very gay as always
SAM will be the #1 DPS for 99.99% of all situations but DRG and NIN mains will cry about how they bring utility that only matters at the top 0.01% of play
Significantly less Shinten spam but significantly more Midare spam. No more Hagakure management, just a 60s "here's free Kenki" ability. SkS builds dead in the water since you want a 2.15s GCD for things to line up nicely.
So that BLU expliot seems to only work up toward level 40~ content because after that my SAM can't seem to kill things quick eenough
that might be a bit of an overestimation
remember to bar all furries and homosexuals from entering your game
Parsers and theorycrafters are a blight on MMO's. Just play the game and have fun nigger.
hello? blm exists
>casters after 5.0
man I watched that vod some more
>didnt do the orgasmic abyssal drain/quietus spam that's so fucking nice at that level in the last week you'll ever get to do it in and doma castle has like three pulls that let you spam that shit
>blood price untouched
>grit the whole time
>carve and spit unpressed, plunge untouched, you know this dude didnt use sole survivor
>has literally no tank cd bound so he just clicks it if he realizes it
gonna comb this vod in my half awake state out of sheer boredom. how did this Yea Forums lad even figure out this dude streamed
>He's actually playing BLU
Stop that. The less people play it, the more likely it'll eventually get turned into a real job.
why not now that all ranged beside dancer have been ruined
I have no tanks above 30. Which one should I bring to cap? Or should I just wait until GNB?
>having fun
but user first time clears and world firsts and pad my parse
meta approved party comps only bring the BiS gear do not dare deviate
Didn't we just have an FFXIV thread?
fuck you I want my allied seals
>this retarded faggot is on my datacenter
I've never been happier to be switching to a tank main
gay, see
>it'll eventually get turned into a real job.
It won't. The amount of reworking involved would probably be as much work as a real job, and in that case, they would just make a new job instead.
Any bros on Omega? Is there a fc worth joining just for chatting while leveling?
what needs lining up anymore after they removed haga
>SAMlet thinks he can compete with BLM
According to one of his vods, he only uses cooldowns "if he feels it's needed" and only for "some of the bosses" I want to choke this nigger, I play tank basically always in the DF and this guy is basically the tank equivalent of the mouth breathing DPS I deal with in roulettes on the daily. Cant handle this shit
>muh alignment
that's what they said for SB too but a sizeable portion of the player base did not give a shit and went for SkS.
Who cares really, SkS SAM is fun
no we didn't, otherwise this would be a general and those aren't allowed
It's looking pretty good.
You want every role in your party for the teamwide +5% mainstat buff.
how the fuck is zenos so fucking strong, did I miss something? is it because of the artificial echo? how did he shit on the WoL so easily?
Wew, I'm retarded
It's actually infuriating because this dude's mindset makes him think somehow he's in the right and he's super smug about it. Like the textbook example of the shitty party finder 'my tank my pace' kind of players. There truly is no hope for these people.
'cause he's level 70.
What were they intending for this marker to actually symbolize? How would anyone instinctively know what this is without being told or experiencing the fuck up?
He got experimented by a mad scientist to not only get artificial echo, but also be able to use magic as a garlean, along some other crazy shit.
Minions are sexy
Adorable. Now sit back in your spot #2 and let daddy BLM show you the big dick.
>, the more likely it'll eventually get turned into a real job.
Still in denial? Yoshi-p litterally said in interviews your pipe dream was nothing more than exactly that, a dream.
These are the people that SE is catering to, let that sink in
Based, I wanna fuck em.
You've seen it since lvl 50. You didn't jump then come here to complain did you?
You mean, 'the more likely they'll stop doing anything with it, just like how Verminion died'
You want everything to line up with Trick Attack (and other CDs in multiples of 60s), and a 2.15s GCD ensures that you'll have 3 sens to use when Trick goes up. Of course you can go faster if you don't care about buff alignment, and in most cases is probably fine as the damage difference won't be more than a few percent at best anyway.
You don't at first, then you learn, then you know what to do when you see it again. Same for every common marker. The game didn't even start using consistent markers for mechanics until like 3.2. Stack markers were different for every fight. Gaze mechanics didn't have markers, you just had to know what the ability was called.
>go into trial
>Summoner has a macro that says stupid shit each time they summon/revive someone
Oh lord, how does anyone actually like that shit
now is the prime time to go full skillspeed and not give a shit
Verminion isn't completely abandonned by SE though, since every new minion still has LoV stats. If stuff like Rival Wings with its 5 daily players can still get updated, they're not likely to ever drop BLU either.
you ain't seen nothin'
>yeah the deal is I stay in grit longer so the healer can dps more presumably.
>in return the healer isn't allowed to dps at all
Uhhh hmm. Interesting strat you got there.
Any rez macro that isn't just "Casting rez on [name]" is shit, and these faggots only have them to be passive-aggressive little shits
Imagine a world without famfrit and lamia
What Final Fantasy game does he think he's playing?
He just wants the healer to stand around doing nothing, but also he kicked a healer because he thought they were standing around doing nothing
Aetherial Manipulation
One is probably Apoc, the other is Manaward
Only got to level 25~ or so before that Expliot stopped working due to inability to one shot. Fug
That was fucking gold. Playing like complete ass he opens up the menu to vkick which you can't do in combat. Realises he's not doing anything so throws out random uncomboed shit to pretend he's playing.
>Ravana marker means you have to stack
>The same marker in the vault means you have to stay away from the marked player
What the fuck were they thinking with this? Is there a lore reason for this? Your first instinct when you see that marker is you're going to stack because you've seen it before.
Autism wtf
How'd you know which minion I wanted to fuck?
Oh no you don't!
complete chad t b h
What will happen to the players that never did Eureka but want a weapon? In ShB, if they continue Eureka, then those players will be fucked.
BLU is so easy to level without the exploit though
they standardized the markers like halfway through heavensward, before that they kinda just did whatever
Please, I already have a boner.
Macros should all stop existing if only because of this
>golems have little kitty ears
Now any schlub loser can pick up the game. If we get anymore popular we won't be able to enjoy it anymore...
Rabbit naming rules yet?
Koji is fucking seething, trannies are fucking seething and the WoWfugees in this thread got BTFO.
>Vi'vi Ornitier
how dare he.
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YoshiP said the Eureka story is finished, so whatever they do for ShB will be a separate zone.
wait for the producer letter the week after official launch
dilation station
Who knows. They will probably nerf it like they do with all previous-expansion relic quests, but whether it will actually be enough to allow people to get the weapons in a reasonable way remains to be seen.
Macros are for emotes
Bros... maybe we should just play World of Warcraft Classic...
You did tell Krile to get fucked, and left her shitty classmate to rot, right?
Play Final Fantasy XII, A2 or any ivalice game, secondary.
Lore is that they were made in Meracydia, they have cat feets too.
eureka kinda scales to the number of players in the instance, so it should be at least completeable even if it takes much longer
plus i'd expect them to nerf the number of crystals you need for things shortly after the launch of shb
It's not even worth it now. There's no one in there. Maybe around 20-30 but that's it. Any new player wanting to try can't do it.
You fucked the shit out of Krile and her classmate, right?
This is probably for the best. With all the normie faggots aying dress up on easy mode reading weeb eorzeans runes, World of Warcraft Classic is the best bet for a nostalgic experience without any millenial trash mucking things up!
Really? Damn. They put Absolute Virtue there to rot?
Like it deserves
How should I be leveling BLU?
Shadowbringers dead on arrival... at least World of Warcraft Classic is coming.
1000 Needles will carry you to 40~45.
No, retard.
Me and her ate each other out while Ejika fucked us.
Found a game for you faggots to enjoy.
A level 60 RDM is enough to oneshot lv49 mobs in northern thanalan, if you gear it in aug shire.
sign me the FUCK up
good shit go○
sHit thats some good shit
right th ere right there
if i doaч so my self i say so
thats what im talking about right there
right there (chorus: )
Good shit
Do tell?
Don't bother it's an irrelevant class that contributes nothing.
Sup bros, just reminding you all again to level BLU before they patch the exploit for Shadowniggers.
To do it, go on your highest damage class, kill a high level mob in one shot, then change to BLU as soon as it's HP drops. It helps to put the job change on your bar.
No I did one better and just stopped bothering with Eureka after the retarded grind that was Anemos got eclipsed by the actual mind-numbingly retarded "content" that was Pagos
I did whatever Krile told me to do because I want in her pants
>implying monk won't be god tier with dancer
So ShB is going to last maybe a month or two before it has nothing worth doing. May as well unironically get on the classic wow bandwagon. No other quality mmos exist and since SE seems hellbent on destroying XIV there's no point in playing it anymore. Twitch streams confirm game is dying but classic is booming.
t. support tranny
yeah... square is bullshit now but blizzard is killing it with classic wow and mobile diablo, it's a good year for blizzard fans but yikes for square fans
Same, but I do this for literally every female character in the game.
My femiqo'te is quite the desperate bitch.
So basically it's not worth it. Good to know. I checked MNKs weapon and it looked fucking retarded.
A lot of the Lux weapons look fuck better than the Physeos weapons.
man i can't wait for classic... it's gonna be so hype
Will this top Heavensward's title screen? Is such a thing even possible?
Blizzards still got it baby. They really are the best.
I want more Hingan (not Doman) themed content, bros...
>one-shot a mob
>another nearby mob aggros
>can't job-change because in combat
Mildly annoying.
I can't wait to play DNC and only take tankCHADs as my partner
Baldesion Arsenal is fun if you can put up with discord faggotry but because the weapons look like they came straight from XI without visual upgrades and their glows are all shit it's not worth for glamour at all.
Do people actually spoil themselves on stuff like this? Why not just wait until you actually can play the game and let it surprise you?
>he isn't nuking them with RDM ogcds
>queue for frontline
>afk at nodes while flames try to fuck adders
Go for the ones that aggro first, the non-aggressive ones shouldn't link to aggressive mobs.
Unfun thing to do because tanks are slow
He doesn't use magic, his revolver sheath imbues aether into his katanas
Only place I had success leveling with that method was running laps around the giant shard and cliffside opposite it in northern thanalan in the upper half of the zone. If you get any closer to Praetorium entrance there's just too many grouped mobs that will aggro you.
still a giant waste of time to level it though
Gunchads are trained to dance, after all
Who is ready to use me as their Ascian Tank in Shadowbringers? Do not worry, you can trust me to not shirk to you before the tank buster.
Previously. But now Ascian Zenos can use magic because Ascianhacks, and Elezenos can use magic because he's inhabiting an aether-attuned race.
That said I'm still kinda butthurt that he was buried with his katana collection. Aside from me, as a SAM, wanting them it's also horrifically culturally offensive to not have returned the artifacts to the Kyojin et al, and to leave them there for graverobbers.
This is retardation on the level of "chuck the eyes off a bridge".
Seifer did nothing wrong
>not drawing pictures of his daughters
because Yoshida made it possible to make catboys when he made 2.0
>But now Ascian Zenos can use magic because Ascianhacks, and Elezenos can use magic because he's inhabiting an aether-attuned race.
I don't think so.
The capacity to use aether is bound to the soul, not the body. Elezenos probably cannot use magic because of his Garlean soul, while Elidibus can because he has a normal soul.
In the final cutscene where Elezenos kills a Garlean Centurion he uses magic.
Maybe he can use his fake-echo as a conduit or something though.
I hope we get another good couple of translation fuck ups.
he put Trick Attack up?
Midare Setsugekka it.
Unironically based.
absolutely fucking based holy shit
Meanwhile in Japan...
>also known as "chomp chomp chomp" or "nom nom nom" in the Land of the Free
Does he? It looks like he just killed the Centurion with a slash from his katana.
God imagine the Garuda porn
He did.
>how did he shit on the WoL so easily?
I'm more wondering how we actually managed to beat him. We didn't nerf him like we did fordola.
He completely wiped the floor with as every time before. But now we won because i guess the plot demanded it.
At which point?
We brought 3 other people.
Because we also reached Level 70 and had a group of 3 others with us.
He does not. He just uses the same upwards cut that he always used.
Spent his entire life fighting
Has a body toyed with through experimentation
BEEG Garlean build
WoL got cocky, too used to being the biggest dick around
Only 118.5 hours left
o no
Goddamnit YoshiP.
What's wrong user don't you like your weapon going from robot fists to fucking knives glued onto a paper plate
Don't worry bros, everyone is immune thanks to my good luck Ala Mhigan Earring.
Will they ever be relevant again?
Fucking try me, Yoshi
Anyone else going to miss Stormblood's zones? ShB zones look pretty meh desu
Thank you based SAMberd.
I will do anything to get out of the Reach. So no.
Thank fuck these zones will be irrelevant. Gir Abanian side of the expansion was boring as shit
>low level duty
>rdm why didn't you raise
Yanxia is literally the ONLY good zone
Quite the opposite for me. The only place I liked in Stormblood was the stepps. Most of the shadowbringers ones look good.
Imma idle in Rak'tika greatwood
You guys still visit me, r-right?
This track and the Azim Steppe are the only things I'm going to miss
Ala Mhigo sucked so no
>hear the DRK story is 10/10
>just cannot find myself enjoying the job
i think the only tank i'll actually enjoy playing is GNB, WAR is barely keeping my interest and PLD looks bland af
Stop posting ZR memes on Yea Forums. We already hit the peak of it being funny when we found his stream, it's not funny when you spam him like this
Racist detected. Mhiggers will rule the world one day.
GNB is DRK but can only Dark Arts every 30 seconds.
So Crystarium is going to be the main city and where all the tome vendors, Market Boards, etc, are located right? This time they won’t tease us like with Ishgard and Kugane right?
What mod are those abs?
What a crock of shit. Elidibus can use magic in zeons body because he's a fucking space ghost. Elezenos didn't do any fucking magic
where's the khloe one aaaa
We can only hope so, but SE seems to be stubborn with that.
You know why they make MNK weapons look stupid? Because they know if they always make it look like MNKs AF3 weapon, they will run out of designs for it.
Sudarshana and Fist of the Fiend are the best looking MNK weapons. Nyepels Lux looks fucking retarded. It looks like a spaceship glued to your hands. Physeos looks like it will easily break and it actually looks dangerous to yourself as well.
Fucking SE. Fucking hacks. Give MNK good looking weapons you shit.
How do we get her brought back into the main story?
I hope 5.0's Grand FATE's are as impressive as Odin. 3.0's Proto Ultima and 4.0's Ixion/Tamamo were pretty disappointing.
the plot is probably too bigbrain for you anyway fren
3 in 4 dark knights did not understand this scene
Greatwood looks great. Always liked foresty areas.
Exactly. Zenos will never be able to do magic, no matter his body, and Elidibus will always be able to do magic, no matter his body.
literally same shit
We get invited to her and Little Sun's Wedding
I'm still in the 30s so you're right, I don't
He's a hrothgar player, the entire game is too bigbrain for him
did she realize it was retarded half way in or was it all just an act from the very beginning?
You forgot Couerlregina.
>Job that's all about fighting unarmed
>The best looking weapons are ones that just look like gloves
What a shocker. MNK weapons look retarded because a Monk using weapons is a retarded concept to begin with. If they wanted to have a Monk job with weapons that didn't look stupid they should have given them nunchucks.
That's not what I said. Elezenos hasn't even tried to do magic on camera and he doesn't even know how anyways
It's got nothing to do with their "souls"
Post examples.
The whole thing was to protect Rielle
Coeurlregina is the only one beyond ARR that I've done, and I didn't even remember it until you posted those atrocious fucking rewards.
>It's got nothing to do with their "souls"
So then how is Elidibus able to do magic in Zenos's body?
Is Yugiri coming to the 1st to marry Y'shtola or is it going to happen when we all get back?
5.0 DRK is the same as it is now, but you use EoS instead of DA, and you use it less.
GNB is the same as 5.0 DRK but you use EoS 3 times every 30 seconds.
If you want actual fun on a Tank, play PLD.
Because he can do magic even without a body as a ghost so why would a body inhibit that
Garleans have a genetic mutation that stops them from generating aether. Ascians can generate aether from their souls. It's not like a garlean body stops that like a rubber soles to an electric current
Tragic, but to walk the path is to suffer. I'm surprised she didn't show up in the lvl 70 quest I wonder if Sid saw her face before he did the do. Can't remember if he had some dialogue addressing that moment.
>GNB is the same as 5.0 DRK but you use EoS 3 times every 30 seconds.
Blood weapon also doesn't let you go fast anymore
It was Sid's kill, so I suppose she doesn't count.
she did retard hello
I prefer SelenE.
Won't SkS rule now that TP is gone?
Who among us is a Cat/Lizard, and intends to fantasia to Viera?
nobody prefers selene and now that she is nothing but glam we will never see her again
EoS, not Eos user....
never had any interest
I legit didn't even remember fighting her, but yep she's there. How the fuck do I remember everyone else who showed up, but not her
wtf bro
Thanks, bro. I will set aside our differences to combat this greater enemy!
I love my miqo'te too much to change her for the story. I did the start of SB as an au'ra and it never felt right.
only going to fantasia from lizard when they give us a better loli race than lalas
based ascian bro, I'll partner with you my man.
>What were they intending for this marker to actually symbolize?
a piece of Dalamud.
I'm so used to the way my character looks I can't even change their hairstyle without it feeling wrong.
Same here, it bugs me especially on miqo'te since hairstyle changes change their ear shape too.
Has anyone made a GNBerd yet?
going to male cat to bunny, tired of people thinking i'm gay desu
It's a shame lalas aren't proportioned like Bravely Default characters.
Now those are midgets I'd fuck.
Does anyone else besides reddit like Hildibrand quests?
Now they'll think you're a tranny instead
What's going to be the best Viera voice?
Same way Noct learns what it does in the 15 minutes he spends in this universe.
He fucks it up once but watches you do it right and learns by your example.
Not like voice matters when they'll be choking on MY COCK
really hoping voice 11 doesn't sound stupid in combat
Female Miqote Voice 5
I'm changing to Viera. If they never fix the hat/helm issue, then I will probably change to Elezen or maybe male Au Ra.
So, what's the deal with this Cavalry Elbst image I see being tossed about all over the place?
So is there any reason not to specialise into Paladin?
I would play a Elezen if I could make them look like Chaderic instead of some lanky abominations
It's going to be able to fly
they're making it so all ARR mounts can fly.
Elbst's description says it can't swim.
All flying mounts can swim.
This is also my deal breaker. I went from Au Ra to Cat to see if I liked the animations better but I want to try Bunny for a while. I'm not sure I'll get over never being able to equip helmets though, so it might be back to Au Ra for me.
how are they going to update wondrous tails for 5.0
you can't specialize DoW/DoM classes retard, only crafting classes
the in game description says the webbing on its feet is clipped to move on ground easier but removes its ability to swim
but, ShB is making all mounts flying (and thus swimming as well)
I'm thinking of finally using my fantasia from the praetorium quest
Will I still look like a womanlet if I go max height fem Au Ra? Should I just go Elezen/Viera?
Playing the MSQ with Japanese voices was an ordeal and a half.
I thought they'd already done that? I could've sworn I'd been flying around on my Ixal wolf months ago.
So it's just another Koji Fox translation fuckup? When are they gonna fire that tossbag?
The same way they did for 4.0
they won't, besides adding some more things to the existing stamp pool
this is it bros... i haven't uddered this since 3.1 but its gotta be said
yoshi p is a hack and i'm switching to wow
I joined mid stormblood, what exactly did they add? are we getting 4 line shit now?
>it's a koji fuckup
how? When they were released they had no plans to make them be able to fly, let alone swim.
Don't be dumb
Elbst is the only one of the beast tribe mounts that can't fly right now
There's absolutely no reason to stay as one of the basic starter classes. Once you reach level 30, upgrade to the job asap.
Really hope I get to use some blm hats with my viera
I hope they finally add the "one night with Khloe" 3-line reward
>So it's just another Koji Fox translation fuckup?
Except that mount released like 3 years before they added flight.
Just change description, they’ve done it for other stuff. I remember crawler cocoon being in east shroud gathering before hw when they added crawlers to highlands.
are we getting one more choice per reward tier?
It's going to be the same shit with new items
> loli
> fluffy ears
> chocker
You’re retarded, Koji is one of the most important people and not just because he’s a English translator.
It appears there's some sort of row of vendors in a line in tents in the crystarium, with a mysteriously empty tent at the end...
also they were labled in the media tour, so it's possible
also eulmore doen't really make sense to set up shop in, desu
Being Yoshi P's personal cocksleeve doesn't mean he's important.
Please excuse my oversight.
So it's just overreacting about the description for the heck of it? Just a bit of fun then.
A bit less interesting than I'd have thought, but thanks all the same.
I like voice 1 because I'm pretty sure it's Rina Satou, but it's really high pitched so it will probably be annoying in combat.
Are you ready to go questing with Y'shtola and get sent on a 10 hour quest to find more cheese?
As long as it isn't as bad as that one Miqo voice
You know nothing.
I'll have to choose between 1, 2 and 5 and make some alts to test them Friday morning before I actually start playing.
Wish you could preview everything in the CC.
i'm going to make a few viera alts and find out, since they start with 3 fantasias a piece
I chose voice 7
i love this guy
>goes to pull colossus in doma castle
>presses shadow wall like 5 seconds before
>slow runs to the next group
>by the time he's there it's run out
>uses no CDs for the rest of the pull
>MNK dies because he can't hold agro
>"why is the ninja dead"
Why do cats have fat asian faces?
I'm ready to be a big strong tank for my husband Alphinaud and then let him breed me after a long day of adventuring.
The only thing Yugiri is marrying, is her job
Whats this expression trying to convey?
How many times do we gotta do this, old man
Yeah I'm thinking about voice 1 or 2 myself, the others are too low pitched for my taste. Creating alts to test the combat voices is not going to be fun, with the long queues and the full servers.
What do I search to find a doujin like this
No, only obsessed retards from Yea Forums will think hes a tranny. No one else will give a shit like healthy white grown individuals.
Nothing will ever come close.
What is this called in Japanese?
What vod?
I'm gonna test voices and anims before I actually play so I don't end up with a mi'qote 5 situation
Azim Steppe was the only good SB zone. The real question is, does anyone else miss the smaller, yet more flavorful and less empty areas of 2.0?
She racemixed and nobody knows.
I already did that months ago, but thanks for telling others, bro. You want to join my static?
>another shitty week at work before salvation
I don't know how I'm going to manage.
Quick Yea Forums predict how Koji Fox will fuck up this next expansion.
They might appear during some Shadowbringers cutscenes for the "Meanwhile, On The Source..." shit that they plan.
Also, when we getting an image of Hien with Yugiri and Cirina? Why would he limit himself to just one?
I still don't understand why he thought that title was okay.
It has always been the time to not give a shit about metafags
Stupid bitches can't even beat Sephirot
whats the joke with this guy? who is this guy?
2.0 areas suck
what title was this about
What was the title?
>waaa waa muh spoilers
it wasn't about metafags it was about running out of tp in record time
He's some literal who furfag streamer that got linked in the last thread because he's a fucking retard
And you, if the game ever includes NPC romances.
Papalymo's Final Witness
The title you get for watching papalymo die
Papalymo's Last Witness
Which you got after you killed Ilberd and Papalymo sacrificed himself
Who the fuck even has titles enabled?
I think it was "Papalymo's Final Witness".
No Node beast tribe. Shame all this art design went to waste.
"Silence of the Mother"
Are we even getting a 6th zone in ShB? Not even the CE art book has anything.
something something we become zodiark title after we convince the entirety of the first that we're essentially him
They're better than big open empty areas filled with nothing of interest aside from a few key points that you spend minutes doing nothing except flying back and forth between them.
Of course we are dumbass. They're just keeping it under wraps for spoiler reasons, which they've mentioned doing for all sorts of content multiple times now. My guess is that its the Burn-like area that we see Eden in.
Sorry, who are you again?
>fall into a twitter hole
>find several accounts straight up posting modded nude lala gpose stuff
It just uses a literal translation of The Saint Shiva Statue. But Mother of the Sheave is the canonical name since that is what the eorzean alphabet on the map translates to. English is the core language for naming locations because eorzean is just a slightly modified version of english and everyone else translates based off that.
you can't just do that and not tell me any twitters
Nah, you are a fag. Flying ruins MMOs every fucking time. Now every area is a big open space.
Just 117 more hours bros
Some of them just post under #nsfw #lalafell tags. Started at @Kogmtof, who does some outfit mods, and found a bunch more under @Royal_blue6's retweets. Stuff like @Dark_Lalafell is pretty explicit.
>people think that ffxiv is growing in users
Yeah no 70% of ffxiv players are bots embarassing really
>classic FF goblins are in
Based Koji
Where are these images from?
>implying Magnai will ever get laid
he's too much of an angry incel to attract women
>30% xp bonus earing preorder exclusive
that is such a dick move
>one group of bots is representative of the FFXIV servers as a whole
Wanna know how I know youre retarded
Someone posted some pages of the CE art book on leddit.
Nothing new beside some enemy and minion concepts.
Cute piglet
CE art book.
And Basilisks.
【 PV■NK.℃ O M 、■ = PBA 】, Gil & Eukera level & Gear 390 - 405 ( 5 slots ) is on hot sale!.Cheap & Safety Guarantee!【Code: 714 ,5% OFF 】!!!-oeccb
Hydaelyn is sleeping you better go awaken her.
Why couldn't they use these goblins rather than the recycled XI ones?
>expecting something like an exp boosting earring whose stats adjust based on your level wouldn't be preorder exclusive
>he posted her again
they are accounted for, retard.
Your mother?
>fc member is planning to main MCH
>claims he has already made overwatch macros
how do I convince the FC leader to kick him?
XIV has been creatively bankrupt from the start
That's why it relies so much on XI designs and old FF references all the time
Remember when they said BLU would be so broken it would break endgame content if they allowed it to do endgame...?
>Ah yes I have a tranny gf and we always raid together, how could you tell?
Maybe back in 2.0 days when they used to send you whispers every 3 minutes for gil offers, now you're lucky to see a group like that when before you'd see four or five groups like that around city state aetherytes at a time.
Has anyone considered making a Toddberd?
How many hours do you think it'll take to complete ShB's MSQ if you aren't poopsocking?
>how could you tell?
You idle in Limsa together like humongous nigger faggots.
I also remember it was created to do old content in solo
>tfw you need level 70 to carry you getting primal skills
I was absolutely not hyped for Shadowbringers at all thanks to this motherfucker. Thank god everything else looks pretty decent
They should permaban everyone who stays at least 5 seconds AFK in Limsa
Remember when they said using Level 5 death against Omega was a realistic possibility, hence why it was restricted?
Turns out every important boss is, as is FF tradition, immune to instadeath.
u jelly? ;^)))))
I'm always impressed by the creativity used to bypass square's filter.
Please understand. PS4 limitations.
Is there even a time limit to afk before being logged out? I swear I've seen people afk for days.
>as is FF tradition, immune to instadeath
They're up!
Remember when they justified the three weapons shit by saying they didn't want BLU to farm dungeons for weapons, and then proceeded to put half its spells, some of which are mandatory, in dungeons?
You'll see one at the beginning of Shadowbringers. After the queues will become short again they'll remove it and you can stay AFK forever like now.
Who is this woman?
For a dying world, people sure do get obese fast in the First
Everybody's living life like one big Vegas bender before the end because they've given up.
That's because they're eschatological hedonists. World's going to end so just sacrifice the poor to the sin eaters, take their belongings and live in luxury until the end.
is there porn of the one on the left
It was pretty obvious from the start that BLU was low budget hype bait, and they were hoping the name carried enough hype to cover up to general shittyness surrounding it.
Not sure it truly worked as expected though.
This is why NA/EU clear rates are so low.
what's the objective best Journeys track
Amatsu Kaze.
Are any of the tomestone event items actually worth it other than the Pegasus mount and the two diadem pets?
Amatsu Kaze, eScape is close though
brute jsutice
Amatsu Kaze, E-Scape a close second.
is there a method to mod in music to the game? Playing O11S and Byakko EX with the in game music muted and the journeys stracks playing instead made the fights so much better.
Yeah, but you need ffxivexplorer I think? Some other anons are probably more knowledgeable.
.torrent link?
>he doesnt skip the cutscenes
so what level will the AF4 gear and tomestone gear be
why are all the night time themes in this game so good
I got you senpai
Probably 80
>so what level will the AF4 gear and tomestone gear be
80, like every other gear that you get at cap, unless you meant ilvl
Because Soken is currently SE's best composer
ilvl obviously
I'm at cap and only get level 70 gear
AF will probably be somewhere around 420, tomestone probably 440. Just basing this off Shire gear compared to SB gear, I could definitely be wrong come launch.
Why is the music in matoya's cave so melancholic
thanks nigga
AF4 is 430 and pre-raid tome gear will be 450 most likely
>no dick
Because it's the best minor arc in all of Heavensward.
will these be better than melded ilvl 400 stuff right off the bat?
Hello Xaela roleplayer
Probably 420 for the AF4, 430 for the base tome gear and 440 for the upgraded versions.
>cap is 70
>only get level 70 gear
I assume yes since they said pentamelded stuff won't be as useful in ShB
post a dick version or fuck off
kill yourselves faggots
for sure
they're making it so accessories can have 2 melds, which will probably do away with most pentamelded accessories
I've been busy with work. I'll make one soon
I see, the only thing i'm scared of is losing my 700 crit from my katana
I'm assuming its a relic weapon? Weapon damage is always more important than sub stats.
I was speaking more towards accessories and belts since they will have 2 materia slots in ShB as opposed to one.
lets be real, futas are great especially when they have no vagina desu.
Is there any hope for BLU?
Oh I forgot about that, the skillspeed memes will be exquisite
based Slaanesh worshipers
the AF katana is guaranteed to crush it
As a standard job? No.
Them actually unfucking the learning and making the Carnivale actually decent content? Maybe. Yoshi-p did say they were going to add more difficult content for it, and something like Carnivale (extreme) could be interesting.
What would you even want to see in Carnivale (extreme)
They also need to make it a "Solo" job and allow me to solo content easily. Because dragging soon to be level 80 friends to 50 trials is plain stupid.
Existance is reasonable, let's make things better!
Actual challenging stuff, with more than one or two gimmicks per fights.
Have you ever been in a party that wiped to Ifrit?
I was in one today when I was healing 3 sprouts and all of them refused to attack the nail even when I told them and marked it.
Yes, but they want to build up on what they have, so don't expect dramatic reworks.
BLU as a limited job would be fun if it could solo extreme trials and was designed as an actual solo job instead of having to get carried to get their primal spells. Unfortunately pic related was a big fat lie.
>Friend just told me they butchered Haurchefant's character in the English release
What the fuck did I miss. Was he a dick on Japan or something?
I want to steal her swimsuit and bury my tongue in that potato cunny
Anyone know why the japs seem to be a bit more strict about leaving the copyright watermark on their screenshots? I would've expected them to want a less cluttered and clean look
They "butchered" him by making incredibly lovable.
No, he's way more overtly horny for you in the Japanese script.
someone link this guy
art theft in japan is a huge fucking deal and that includes not acknowledging SE's copyright
it's a cultural thing, not a legal thing, but it's a great way to get them to fucking hate you if you ignore it
Why do people that skip cutscenes always the worst/most annoying people?
Mor Dhona > Idleshit >>>>>>>>>>>>> rhalgr's reach
/ourguy/ is streaming right now.
I thought BLU was going to be the job to do old expansion content solo as no one does it, like it would solo ARR and HW when SB was main expansion. I guess trust will eventually be worked on for old content.
Scottzone doesn't stream on Sundays
>why are wowfugees annoying
Because they are permanently butthurt that a story-focused game has lots of story and constantly complain that it's not a hardcore raiding game instead.
Probably depends on how well recieved is its next update and its "hardcore content".
idyllshire beats everything else for one singular reason
I'm assuming this guy
He was linked at the end of the previous thread. Skip to around 08:06:30, that's when he kicks his healer for using Holy on a trash pull.
I feel compelled to jerk of to Khloe now.
Solus as troll trust would be top kino.
it'd be really cool if we got a questline with a 'new hero' and 'taught' them game mechanics, as a way to teach jump potion people how to fucking play
and you can fuck up and teach him wrong on purpose as a joke
I'd sooner trust Tataru with my life
Made for facials!
Sure thing bro, I'll bring my gunblade.
>Furries are totally fi-
>"I don't know why the healer in standing in the middle of the combat like a dipshit"
>Try to kick the WHM for using his fucking aoe
What the fuck?
Like, seriously, what the fuck??
if you're for real you have my blessings
Look through other clips, he's a fucking legend at being bad.
I find nothing attractive about this one.
If you have 1 other friend, you can go to North Shroud's Ixali Logging Grounds and you pull everything while they one shot the mobs. You still get the BLU exp without doing an "exploit". The mobs are close to level 50 and for some reason they have a higher than normal respawn rate so you can just keep chain pulling nonstop.
>slider says "body odor" (体臭)
oh no
She's cute so I'd inside of her rather than ruining her pretty face
PVPN.OM 2.1$/M We have sufficient stock! Real 5 Min De1ivery Guaranteed! 5%-20% Gil for free! Have a good day!【Code: 714 ,6% OFF 】!!!-xwkbk
I killed myself bro, no kill for you.
i hate fuckig french. i need to get out of chaos right now
do you sell eukera level
they're evolving, theyre using the world visit system to rotate their bots throughout the entire data center now
what's the japanese title?
I still haven't forgiven that faggot Kojifox for changing Bloody Warrior and White Knight into faggot meme titles
Will Alma and Ramza ever appear again?
what if these became sentient
it would be retardedly easy to filter this shit with regular expressions and I hope they're at least doing so "silently" to detect it.
He succeeded in kicking the healer who was just doing his job
>just heard they want to use the new gear design contest gear for the NieR raids
It's a joke right?
What will the Warring Triad / Four Lords equivalent be for ShB?
Hello my friend.Warrior of Light Here.1000K=3U$D and 30% as a gift.5 min delivery. we have the cheapest hero service,come on,my friend IIMv thank u2
I have no idea how bad it is over there but they still leave a shitstain in df on Light as well.
Looking shit
Meta is looking to be DRK, PLD, SMN/BLM, DRG, DNC, NIN. Sorry samurai you're in the shed for another expansion
Existence is reasonable. Lets make it better.
Goodbye SB you wont be missed
the four faggots
janny, mod, moot and gookmoot
I don't care much, nothing can top four lords
Does no one tell him to stop being a goddamn retard and let healer DPS and to use his goddamn cooldown?
In all the clips I saw nigga has only being using his GCD and dart arts once what the fuck?!
or better yet, I'm surprised that this game doesn't have a customizable word filter yet. guildworks addon used to have one and using a pastebin list you copy paste and all the RMT spam stops. heck if people used it to block out all the offensive words then I guarantee you that more than half of the harassment tickets GMs get would not exist.
but it was a good expansion :)
Sapphire/Ruby/Emerald/Diamond Weapon
Not gonna miss Kugane but I'm not really feeling Art Deco Crystarium either.
Ishgard is still best.
AF4 is ilvl 430, unaugmented tomestones (at least i'm assuming they're unaugmented and not the initial uncapped tomestones) are 440
>turn defiance on
Who will tell him? He will probably stop streaming though because people started posting his clips on discords.
>if people used it to block out all the offensive words then I guarantee you that more than half of the harassment tickets GMs get would not exist.
Isn't there a built-in profanity filter enabled by default already?
Oh right this one also exists, actually had the ranged dps ones in mind.
yes but it's stupid easy to bypass and you cannot update it yourself you have to wait for the devs to do it for you.
Please queue up for Seal Rock in Primal
What the fuck is that skill used at 3:25? The one that sounds like it's hitting like 15 fucking times.
Dancer LB3.
thats dancers lb3
What DC is this guy from
It's 9AM in the fucking morning on a Sunday.