only seven and a half hours until GDQ, Yea Forums. are you gonna watch it?
Only seven and a half hours until GDQ, Yea Forums. are you gonna watch it?
Other urls found in this thread:
yes and I'm going to complain the entire time too
same as always!
Yes with uBlock Origin
Get out of here with that fake shit.
No its for autists
kill all liars
Will they allow multiple entries for each multi-system?
No, I haven't watched this shit since they kicked the touhou plushies out. That was pretty much the end of any kind of fun this sterile shitshow held for me.
Every year I check out a run or two on Youtube after, and it's always pretty mediocre despite retards saying it was the best thing on offer.
Nah, I'll just enjoy the threads and funny webms of disgusting autistic trannies.
I usually watch when I can. I don't care about the wholw trans/whatever shit Yea Forums whines about unless it is so bad that it distracts from the game. Like when some "woman" is playing and they have an obvious adam's apple, manvoice, and look like a man in drag.
You'll just make Yea Forums look bad in comparison and everyone will see it as if all of us were pissy whiners
>wound enlargement stations
Can someone explain to me what dilation actually is?
are they still banned?
>dilation stations
>Trannies done quick
no thanks
>believing that silly shit is real for even a second
200% brainless
can someone post the image explaining it for this guy? i don't have it on hand
It got banned?
It's inserting progressively larger dildos to maintain a festering wound in your crotch. Usually, wounds try and close up over time, so dilation prevents this natural process by keeping it open.
>law enforcement being contacted.
wheezing here
when you get your dick cut off, you have an open wound where it once was. your body tends to heal and close open wounds so you dont die. dilation means you stick something into your open wound "vagina" to literally stop your body from healing the open wound
Trannies should be holocausted at this point.
>Can someone explain to me what dilation actually is?
Shortly put, imagine you have a open wound in your crotch, so in order for it not to close (because how else would you pee?) they have to re-open it (stretch it out) with a dildo.
>it's actually real
Who, you?
Thanks to this place, I will forever associate the word dilation with trannies.
>my vagina is going to fucking collapse
can't stop fucking laughing
I cannot find any mention regarding dilation
I ain't watching
I'll be asleep by then
wait does the word have another meaning?
Do you know that trannies can't have sex with a guy with a over 4 inches dick, otherwise, that canal will break apart?
stay mad
>imagine being so gullible
Obviously they removed it later.
Why else would Google show it as the top search result
Dilation also refers to pupils enlarging in the eye.
Sounds like they're just my type!
Are you fucking joking? Please, drop the act just this once and assure me you are just looking for some (You)s.
Why do we allow our fellow human beings to get into such a state where to them the best outcome is to cut their own genitals off?
hopefully the shitposters get bored and leave faster this time arouns. Usually takes 24 hours though. Then the autistic jannietard shows up and starts throwing out ban requests.
Looking forward to it like always. Haven't given the schedule a scan over so what's happening will be a surprise I suppose.
No shit you absolute moron, it's called a joke.
But it's nice to know that you'd partake, given the option
I'm not, but you are.
oh yeah that i'm stupid
That is a low blow user, Left one is a brain dead tranny with a cut-off dick while the right one is a based bro tier drag queen
>ids a joge :D
>several total retards in the thread actually believe it anyway
I'd rather get fucked by Ivankov than fuck that thing.
>posts trap porn
>calls others tranny
>People use the least yet most inclusive term
>We don't like that!
Trannies, not even once.
Nah, I'll just wait for them to upload the runs on Youtube and watch what interests me.
If the player/couch/commentors are pathetic, I'll just watch another run.
>can tell an image is trap porn from a crop
Iva is a drag queen that can literally change gender with magic powers. And the wild asshole still goes for the man in drag look. One Piece okamas are based as fuck, Bon Clay is a fucking champion.
Doesn't matter since they're all transsexual lesbians.
The most pathetic kind of transition.
You will never be a woman you sick fuck
>i know you are but what am I
Oh, I forgot school was out. What a blunder.
people like you are why I used that image
>Keep yourself clean by showering regularly
>If you smell, staff may ask you to leave the marathon area, as it is disruptive to others around you.
damn this is pretty coo-
>reusing dilation tool with strangers
>transsexual lesbians
So, uh ..straight?
>Obviously they removed it later.
because??? it just triggers trannies?
>Not using the master race streamlink+mpv setup
Because people laughed at them
I have two autist friends that love this gay shit and have been talking about it all week. They are going to be texting me all day about it even though I’ve told them I don’t give a fuck. It happens every time they put this shit on. Someone fucking save me.
I admit my failure in not using this
guaranteed replies, ladies and gentlemen
does it bypass ads?
Why do autistic people love speed running so much?
Is it just because your have to be autistic to play the same game over and over for years?
>are you gonna watch it?
No. The novelty of speedrunning ran out years ago, and I'm not a slave to rituals.
>An event where basically they just host/invite streamers to make a no-fun, no joking around stream of the game they speedrun so the event can take all the subs and donation money to """"""""prevent"""""""""" cancer
Basically, they just hand out pamflets or pdf's online telling you not to eat charcoil burnt meat and to have a varied cost
>it/she are both fine
Huh? Isn't referring to a person as "it" generally considered to be very degrading and mean? Aren't LGBTQ people usually very offended by such a thing?
Yes but you're too brainlet to use that
I prefer SGDQ to AGDQ because at least 90% of donation messages aren't sobstories about a relative dying of cancer.
Wish they wouldn't read out donations in the first place, but that would be too much to ask.
how many are trannies this year?
Who fucking knows, neither one of them even play a single game that is going to be at the event
What is dilate anyway? DO I want to know?
>charcoil burnt meat causes cancer
this is news to me
You are literally just going around screeching tranny at random people. "I know you are but what am I" is too good for you. Come up with better material.
>generally considered to be very degrading and mean?
well it is, calling somebody *it* means that you dont see them as humans but more as objects or subhumans, But you cant really use logic with these kind of people.
Most of the dono's are fake, you know that by now..........right?
They're not referring to their identity. They're referring to their communal group hivemind. Because that's the new thing. Referring to multiple individuals as one shared hivemind entity. It's totally not a cult or mental illness, though.
post op trannies need to reopen their neo vaginas with plugs so that they don't heal over
Dilation is the opposite of contraction. Beyond that, no you don't really want to know what it means in this context.
Prove it.
We know zoom zoom, it was a big thing after the 70's and 80's now go back to eating Tide pods
Thank you user for replying to my ublock original post with this
200% if you watch on twitch you turn into a tranny
take your meds schizo
What is YOUR dilation policy, user
user's donating big with what the staff would consider a "bad" thing to read loud, so they just said "Anonymous donated 500 dollars, but with no comment" or "Anonymous donated 500 dollars, kill the animals!"
People dont put so much effort into making "jokes" look like the legit page unless the joke is how many dumb asses you can get to believe it.
>trannies dilating done quick
it's not the same without werster and fun being allowed.
someone post that cutie in the yoga pants asking the autism guy to touch her in a conga line
Where did they even come up with the kill animals part?
Communal group hivemind? What, does that person have split personality disorder or something? What's going on?
How would you make the trannies leave GDQ, Yea Forums?
Greetings from dilation station. First time female here. I love to see my childhood pictures destroyed so as to not trigger me with deadnaming. Save the trannies, kill the cis shitlords.
Some stupid Metroid game where you can choose to save or kill the animals.
It's gay as fuck I'll tell you that
I got your back, user
transgender bullshit aside are there any good games this year?
or is it all the same shit as usual
It's really not too complicated to set up, and once you have it's a great way to watch Twitch or YouTube videos.
Some Twitch ads are unavoidable now because they actually have pre-roll adverts as part of the RTMP stream. They will even show up in mpv when using Streamlink before delivering the requested stream.
As I recall these pre-roll ads were breaking some other media players when using them with Streamlink, but mpv handles them just fine.
we need another chlorine leak
Can't believe they're finally running Rabi-Ribi, the uncontested GOAT speedgame. Gonna watch that run, the rest is boring shit.
>taking the time to post this
You genuinely have too much time on your hands, user.
I think that it amounts to is that the GDQ transgender clique now identifies as a single person. Literally a hivemind entity. So they need to define the acceptable pronouns for that, too.
back to twitch zoomer
Formal dress code
imagine taking the time to type 4 sentences on Yea Forums
see for yourself
This shit cant be real
the trannies only
not everyone
>Let me tell you sonny, the crazy times during early 2000's. Trannies weren't considered mentally ill by first world countries, every country was basically competing with eachother how "accepting they were"
>"But trannies all go to mental hospitals, that's how it's always been daddy"
>And how it always should've been son, come on, let's go meet mommy in VR
No, I have some sense of self-worth.
Far point
>nugget man is doing a silent hill game
please be trainwreck
and I thought I was the sexless autist holy fuck
I am a travelet but don't airports count as "neutral" territory so stuff like "No Visa" isn't a problem?
I've only seen bits and pieces, honestly. This shit's too retarded for even my eccentric ass to care about. I just see the looming end of civilization, and I'm too busy trying to figure out how to preserve me and mine.
back to your grave boomer
Not watching then
a lot of literal whos this year, but puwexil is doing chrono which is a good comfy game
did all the trannies leave?
No I'll be busy shitposting
"Claris" is on Prime 2, so no.
I made a mistake.
Don't listen to that retard. Protomagicalgirl is legitimately mentally ill and declared that they have multiple personalities with different pronouns and shit.
>search for ProtoMagicalGirl
>the trannies are here they just assumed new names
fucking hell
>the GDQ transgender clique now identifies as a single person
You're just fucking with me right?
"""""She"""""" is in, it's some of her personalities running a few games
>the dog
it knows.
Wasn't at the last one either, supposedly quit the event forever.
I hope that means more Blechy doing interviews and such, someone actually born with a handicap instead of fabricating one themselves like trannies.
Wow. It's literally fucking nothing. Also what's with the secretive bonus games?
Of all things I've seen this shit still makes legitimately sick.
What is their knitting policy?
No, it's fucking propaganda. There are plenty of cretins on this board that don't bother to check whether things are true or not. Why do you think half this fucking website is retarded Nazis?
split/second and punchout wii should be cool but the rest looks boring
Totally not
The clock is stopped and the runner must pause the game when someone needs to knit their pseudo-vagina wound closed.
yes and I will get banned in twitch chat immediately and constantly shitpost about the event on Yea Forums
Even if it was, what’s it going to do? Teach people that trannies have to dialate and it’s fucked up/gross? People should know that already.
you've never use inspect element before have you you dumb tranny.
>you are banned from this channel
all cause I used danSexy once
no matter, can make alts in 30 seconds
I've never watched agdq and just like shitposting here about the clips of the autists and the low effort trannies.
looks like she had to turn around and tell him "c'mon, it's okay it's a conga line"
that was nice of her but still doesn't take away from how sad this looks.
>it's just a joke
The OP is clearly a fucking jab at post op trannies.
And there are people that believe this isn't mental illness at all...
You just know..
Resident evil warned us about the T-Virus
Fuck off Koch shills
It’s not happening. There’s no way out
Exactly, they are the butt of the joke.
Dude's just playing it safe. You gotta be careful dealing with women if you're a creepy weirdo.
Kinda like how Black guys have bigger dicks than white boys? Whites are the butt of that joke.
remove the dilation stations.
I think it's some split personality meme, where they want to switch between multiple made up identities. Kind of like genderqueers deciding to identify as a boy one day and girl the next. It's crazy the bubble these people live in.
>wtf dude I was just joking
Haven't watched them since they banned bonesaw
no, it's not for me and Im not going to support faggotry and celebration of mental illness.
>mind immediately focuses on black dick
user is there something you want to tell us?
Don't you fucking DARE compare them.
its a fucking conga line
>dont wash balls for a few days
>smells like the holocaust
Imagine the smell coming from those open wounds. It's probably like that but with a pinch of sewer juice.
PJ is the only one I recognize as being worth watching for the game commentary. I'll sleep through the rest.
This sort of shit is why America is just an awful nation. You call them mentally ill but don't want to help bring the cost down or provide mental health care for them to make sure they are making the right decision. Instead they are forced to save up money to get their dick cut off and doctors are happy to and encourage them to do it because they get paid.
Then you cunts bitch about it on the internet, just awful people.
>Koumajou Densetsu II: Yougen no Chingonka
touhou fangames are back?
>same games as always
Shit will be fucking boring.
I bet they don´t want to add new games because there is a chance it could trigger someone.
Americans are literally the worst fucking people in the world. Arrogant, obnoxious, ignorant. The Republican party might be the most vile institution in history, as well. I don't think there has ever been an organization that has actively worked towards the destruction of the planet.
someone pls post the ass sniffing guy
I think he just got confused from the guy behind him taking his hands off. He is the one guy that looks like he might actually be normal.
>This poster is unironic
>You just know..
You know 30 years of new games don't suddenly appear, right?
Climate change is real, man made and the Republican party actively denies and lobbies against climate action. How is that not utterly vile? What other organization in history has actively worked towards the destruction of the planet?
Name of that girl?
>these disgusting plastic boobs
Yeah okay Al Gore, we get it, you didn't win the presidential election, but you sure won the lottery on your "Global warming" which was "Global cooling" in the 80's, and now called "Climate change" cause you can't be consistent
>he doesn't know "the Koch bros. are liberals" is a meme
They're so liberal when they actively campaign against workers' rights and anti-climate change action
>the US using some solar panels is going to outweigh India and China polluting 100000x more
stupid liberal Americans
It's a known fact republicans have no soul.
If we assume unproven absurdities as truth, then I can say you're an alien and we need to kill you for the betterment of the human race.
Man everyone in this thread went full retard
How do you even keep track on which side you're on
That's the Chinese you're thinking of
This is what I mean. The Republican party has indoctrinated millions of imbeciles like this poster into discrediting actual scientific fact.
It's extremely telling that you cite the Republican talking point of "LOL AL GORE IS SO SILLY" without talking about the findings of the scientists at Mauna Loa.
The chad elephant.
Do the planet a favour then and off yourself. Be an example to all us ignorant carbon sinners.
It's extremly telling you're from reddit or some other site cause you got the reddit spacing
Also, climate change is just another bullshit hoax amplified and magnified a million times worse than it is, scientists literally use the "climate change" excuse to claim funds
>China and India arent doing anything, which justifies inaction
Dumb. Also, the US is by far the biggest polluter per capita, and has the economic power to strongarm other nations into cleaner energy.
I wouldn't even make a dent in the emissions of giant oil companies.
>no ZFG
My nigga.
did you know despite not being in the Paris accord the US pollutes FAR less than China/India?
do you realize how bad Mumbai/Shanghai are?
Reminder that Caleb the Megaman Roid Rage chad got banned for bullshit reasons
meant for
>as if all of us were pissy whiners
is anyone gonna tell him?
No, he's not wrong, he's referring to the fact liberals tend to use empathy and feelings to justify whatever the fuck, republicans cold brutal heartless logic. Take for example Try to explain him global warming is just a way to gouge taxes from retards, he ain't never gonna accept it. They just go after that mongoloid girl shilling this shit, without understanding what "acknowledging" global warming entails.
>Le reddit spacing
I've been here since 2007 you fucking electionfag, I'll post however I want.
>scientists literally use the "climate change" excuse to claim funds
Or maybe climate change is real and they're given funds to study it, you fucking dunce.
What's your point? We shouldn't try to keep lowering emissions?
The US has less than 1/3rd the population of those countries.
We need another upskirt from her this year lads
dilating is the act re-opening the wound you created on your body through surgery that your body is trying to heal.
They call it a vagina.
>Try to explain him global warming is just a way to gouge taxes from retards, he ain't never gonna accept it.
Try to explain to you global warming is real and there are active corporate lobbies to discredit its impact, he ain't never gonna accept it.
Thanks for drinking the corporate Kool Aid, by the way.
who the fuck would not carry their own dilation device
Ha ha ha are you an actual trannie? Ha ha ha holy shit.
You will be a girl. You will be a man who has dedicated his body for all time. I pity you.
We went through the industrial revolution and we're just fine. And liberal retards think we're all going to die in 10 years cause of a climate disaster.
You are all fucking idiots and you would do humanity a better service by jumping off a fucking bridge. Please, do Earth a favor so you don't generate any more carbon.
Fucking idiots.
I just skimmed through the last SGDQ and spotted only 3 trannies.
What is this autistic obsession with them?
Can anyone tell me what the hell is dilation?
tranny dudes sticking shit up the open wound they created to keep it from closing up.
your gaydar is fucked m8
>We went through the industrial revolution and we're just fine.
We're not. Emissions have been rising and so has global average temperature. We're decidedly not fine. Who the fuck told you we're fine?
>And liberal retards think we're all going to die in 10 years cause of a climate disaster.
We have 10 years to cut emissions to avoid heating the planet beyond 2 degrees, which will have catastrophic effects on the planet.
>You are all fucking idiots and you would do humanity a better service by jumping off a fucking bridge.
When people cut off their dicks, they then create an opening to serve as the """vagina""". This opening is unnatural as fuck and thus the human body sees it as an open wound and attempts to heal it, closing it off. If this happens, the person can't pee anymore and will eventually die because of it. Dilation is the act of inserting a metal rod up the hole every once in a while to prevent the body from naturally closing it off.
when you get a fake vag, your body is trying to heal the wound by closing.
by putting shit in the wound it prevents that. yes, this is how ill these people are.
>gaming too much is considered an illness by the WHO but this is not
Daily dose.
How do I filter all these dilation posts?
You mean their artificial """""vagina""""" ?
>catastrophic outcome
notice all the people bitching about climate change use private jets that are a cancer on the ozone layer?
why is that?
>We went through the industrial revolution and we're just fine. And liberal retards think we're all going to die in 10 years cause of a climate disaster.
What does this even mean. Do you seriously think there were more greenhouse emissions 150 years ago than today?
You should look up the definition of acceleration some time.
do you think technology will suddenly go in reverse?
over time we will naturally produce more cleaner energy sources. no, the world is not ending.
Literally what does that change about the actual, measureable impact climate change has had and will continue to have on the planet?
Just be fucking honest about your beliefs. You think there's an elite conspiracy because you're a fucking loon.
>Climate change is real
go outside
Its dilating! Run!
If we are headed for a "catastrophe" why are these people all so careless with generating carbon/pollution?
BECAUSE they want to further their own agendas via this nonsense and "world ending" rhetoric. If people think the world is ending in 2029 they need to lay off the fucking pipe.
No one is saying the world is ending. They're saying we have 12 years to drastically cut emissions or it will have serious repercussions on the planet and the ecosystem, ranging from uncontrollable wildfires and mass migrations to even more catastrophic issues like ocean acidification.
Kill yourself, Exxon shill.
>we have 10 years to cut emissions
They've been saying this for decades.
I remember being a college kid too.
>This can't even derail threads anymore
Why the fuck does this need to exist? Why can't doctors and modern medicine figure out a way to prevent this borderline medieval shit from happening?
And what the fuck has your country done about it? Not a single one of you fucks actually followed the Paris Agreement. Your liberal politicians all say a bunch of flowery words and then do NOTHING. The republican party may be unapologetically evil but they do not hold enough power, even with Trump in office, to be solely responsible for ANYTHING. At least American Democrats can use Republicans as a scapegoat for not getting anything done, what the fuck's your excuse?
take it to /vg/ twitch worshiping subhumans.
If he's really a woman, why does he act to masculine? Surely, he would be feminine like actual women.
To be fair it's pretty good trap porn (is it gay if i'm only attracted to 2D traps?)
if "global warming" is a problem why did we notice a polar vortex that was incredibly cold this past winter?
>but it's climate change!
keep changing the story. soon it will be GLOBAL COOLING
>If we are headed for a "catastrophe" why are these people all so careless with generating carbon/pollution?
because they're like you, they don't believe it's real
We don't put our faith in god these days so we put it somewhere else
those operations cost a fortune
user we have no time for actual problems in modern society, you won't get people to care until it starts mildly inconveniencing their daily lives.
I know it isn't real, so Al Gore can go suck a dick.
I will idle my car to spite his ass.
>If we are headed for a "catastrophe" why are these people all so careless with generating carbon/pollution?
Maybe they don't care? Rich people will be absolutely fine. They've been creating luxurious bunkers for themselves in case things get particularly bad. They might be too old to actually ever have to feel the effects of Climate Change. Otherwise, they might just want to maintain the standard Capitalist modus operandi of more profit at whatever cost. Or they just don't believe in the science.
Yes, and every time they've been right you idiot. We're locked into 1.5 degrees of warming because people ignored the warnings like you're doing now, fucking cretin.
Jesus christ.
> Why can't doctors and modern medicine figure out a way to prevent this borderline medieval shit from happening?
oh they tried but classifying it as mental illness was too ((offensive)) so it's embraced instead.
eventually leads to suicide. many such cases!
Uh it's they and it sweetie please check your pronouns
>it's cold today so climate change isn't real
every fucking time with this retarded argument. I bet you got that from president retard didn't you?
>we are to blame for massive climate changes!
how many cars and airplanes did we have when the ice age occurred, user?
This I always ask the lady before i sniff her chair
if fapping to gujira doujins makes me gay then I will gladly be gay
>Breast falls out when fighting another woman
That's my fetish.
>hurr durr muh cycle
Carbon is a greenhouse gas
If you pump enough of it in the atmosphere, the temperature will increase
The amount of carbon particles in the atmosphere is a measurable metric, and has increased steadily since the start of the industrial revolution
Temperatures have also been increasing in close relation to the amount of carbon in the atmosphere
Were Americans not taught this shit in fucking middle school?
I honestly refuse to believe it's real. I've never heard about this until it started becoming a buzzword.
B-but last winter was really cold
What will be this season's highlight?
plants need co2 to survive, user
would you rather we kill ourselves so we don't exhale and save the planet?
Moment they stop getting attention (good or bad) they will leave to do something else that will give them attention.
dunno, I skipped the last two due to how boring they were
GDQ is long dead, and the only retarded trannies stupid to watch it are speedonvhs adamantium jimmy and hazmat who all need to get to their dilation stations
Good, I could do with less cold in my life. Saves money and energy on heating the home. It all works out in the end.
I don't go to the circus any more, GDC fills me with that sense of wonder and subdued horror that brings back memories of childhood.
Maybe Clarence will have another mental breakdown
Don't think it's going at all this time cause of the ffxiv expansion
>all these retards on Yea Forums pretending they wouldn't do the same
>plants need co2 to survive, user
That's cool. Global temperatures are still increasing.
Your apathy is depressing.
people think we will be in hellfire in 10 years
hyperbole is bad. this is why no one takes climate alarmists seriously.
Of course it's not ending, but the alarmism is justified. We're already locked on for 1.5 degrees of warming, if we go beyond 2 degrees the effects will become much more catastrophic. This is not up for debate - it's a scientific fact.
he doesn't actually look that bad. would bang.
Humans will adapt to the increasing temperature.
You alarmism is grating. Do you think we haven't had enough of authorities and fresh-out-of-school kids browbeating us with this shit? I fucking fart in your direction, how's that for emissions?