Can I build a PC with better specs for a lower price?
Can I build a PC with better specs for a lower price?
Why would you even buy an Xbone post-2015? Is literally all you play just Western multiplats?
>Nintendo themed thread died for this
Can you fucking kill yourself, you selfish cunt
just wait for next gen
Pretty much, just want to fuck with Witcher 3, rdr2, and other single player games in 4k
Just make another you selfless cunt
If all you want it for is gaming, no. Consoles are manufactured with special deals with the manufacturers and sold at a loss by the Sony/MS. You won't match the same performance at the same price, though you can come really fucking close if you shop around and buy your rig piece meal. Make sure it's the fancy pants One-X model though. And keep in mind they'll be rolling out new consoles in a year or two
There's no point in building a low end PC
So boneX is my best choice for multiplayer on a budget then
Obviously. They're called potato masher PCs. PS4 was always a piece of shit
Yeah that's the price for the one x, I generally stay a gen behind so it's about time for me to get something for current games. Figure if I'm gonna at least spend 150 may as well get the best picture possible
Yes, you can.
And with far bigger library + more versatility.
Yeah, just slap a mediocre cpu and an rx 470 inside of a rig and you have an xbox one x.
You would have to spend around $450 to build a machine with better specs than a One X. That seems like a good deal, but be wary of the eBay scammers from China who put stuff to a price you can't pass up and claim they're based and shipping in US and never send anything. They're always the lowest price like your listing is and they build up enough fake good feedback to seem legit.
Lowest I'm seeing is like 350
No you really can't but if you only want to play western multiplats its alright or the few noteworthy MS exclusives like Forza. Xbone is missing a ton of Japanese multiplats that PC does have. Also as far as 4K goes your basically either stuck with 4K/30FPS, 4K/60FPS games are extremely rare outside of a few 1st party MS games and most games that do run 60FPS run with a dynamic resolution.
tl;dr: Buy it if you want the best console version of western games but Jap support is very hit or miss.
>So boneX is my best choice for multiplayer on a budget then
If you think paying $10 a month to play games online is a good investment sure.
Good point, seems almost too good to be true
>Costs less than the Switch
The absolute state of Nintendo in 2019.
If you buy pre owned parts like the xbox you have shown, then of course you can.
Buying a pc is a waste of money OP, don't buy a pc.
Yes. You may also buy even better used desktop for that money.
>just want to fuck with Witcher 3, rdr2, and other single player games in 4k
None of those run at true 4K.
Are you also OK with (sub-) 30fps and what's practically Low settings?
Yet it's perfectly OK when Snoy does it?
Shit meant multiplats. Fuck online multiplayer that's not videogames
>None of those run at true 4K.
The Xbone X does actually run quite a few games at 4K, that's the PS4 pro that nearly everything runs at 1440p with checkerboard upscaling. Anything over 30FPS is extremely rare though unless it's a first party MS game.
Not much of an fps snob till it's closer to 20, as long as it's playable I'll take resolution over anything. But low settings? Just looking at footage online it seems draw distance, textures etc are closer to high for something like witcher
In the short run, it'll be difficult. In the long run, a PC will be much cheaper. Have you factored in subscription costs?
I don't want live, may bight on gamepass but I don't play online
No. No you can't. Not even close. Trying to build a cheap PC is retarded anyways and against the point. Spending less then 265$ on a graphics unit is retarded. Only retarded PC faggots would try to tell you this.
If you want to game for under 500$, stick to consoles. Gaming PCs aren't worth bothering with until you have a midrange card.
Never. And if you even try the thing will burn in 2 months. Mixing pre owned parts for a PC is the worst idea.
It's crazy how far the lengths these scammers go nowadays. I bought a used 4k bluray player that the seller said had no remote for a family gift that was $25 that seller had 10 of. Seemed like a good deal and seemed legit due to seller having around 350 positive feedbacks with only 1 negative and also claimed to ship from US. The next day after payment they changed their username, made all their feedback comments private (can still see the numbers of negative/positive feedback though), ended the listing early, changed their location to China and have about 20 negative feedbacks from the past two days. So now must wait until expected shipping ETA is over to get the refund. Turns out it was a complete copy listing of a legit listing that was only $40 (and still a great deal) also. It amazes me how eBay seems to be fine with refunding massive amounts of money out of their own pocket from the massive amounts of scammers when it would probably be easier to find ways to stop it.
>Against the point
So the point of PC gaming is to spend lots of money and fap to your high res mods?
Well then if you want to play current gen, it's probably the cheapest option for single player only, unless you made back the cost by pirating instead of buying. Which is totally viable for single player only.
No. It's to have a robust system and not a ghetto piece of dogshit nigger PC. Toasters are worse then consoles.
It's to waste money building a pc then convincing yourself and others that it was worth it instead of admitting you fucked up.
>Being poor.
>Being frivolous and rather slapdash concerning your financial earnings
>Paying $10,000 for an extra 30 fps
>a pc is only for gaming
based retard
>Mixing pre owned parts for a PC is the worst idea.
Eat shit and die, mate.
My last two computers were nothing but pre-owned stuff, and they both have served me for years.
>can afford luxury
B nice
>buy PS4 competitor
>pay for online
>pay more for games
>will have to buy PS5 competitor later
Doesn't all this add up to more than a good PC?
>Paying $11,000 to play games and browse Yea Forums
The Bone X is fucking great. Premium fucking system. It's what this gen should have been from the start.
Luxury is overrated
I'd rather save more money and be as or more happy with a good deal than spend 90% more for 10% better performance
yeah you would. because youre a shit eating faggot
Based wagecuck
not new. you could throw a gpu in a decent prebuilt for a similar price, but thats a pain in the ass thanks to proprietary power supplies, cases and motherboards.
>>buy PS4 competitor
For 260
>>pay for online
>>pay more for games
Buying discs used comes close to steam sales or whatever
>>will have to buy PS5 competitor later
Way later, I stay a gen behind
>Doesn't all this add up to more than a good PC?
Doesn't seem to desu
New? No. Used? Yes, and since it's a second hand xbone in the image I assume that used parts is fair. So the answer is yes.
Apart from the obviously shit cards, i bet most Steam users will be able to play PS5 games at medium or low. Even more if they drop to 720p.
Who cares, you NEED a PC, and you can play games on it too.
Meanwhile, you don't need a console and you have barely no game to play on it.
Look at all the cards on the chart above. Everything down to the shitty HD integrated intel processor will be able to handle PS5 games.
You don't need a pc, phones and tablets are just as good or better.
No you cant. You cant even build a PC which plays the games in the same resolution/framerate under 700$. No retards. @discord trannies: Used parts dont count. Also only GPU and CPU is not enough to build a PC. You have to add everything else to including mouse and keyboard.
You can't comfortably play shooters on controller (at least without gyro) so no.
Websites are mostly designed like ass for mobile and only remotely usable with specialized apps.
Touch keyboards are shit.
Watching movies, managing your music library is better on PC.
Programming, drawing, modeling, animating video editing.
Life without PC is misery, welcome to the future.
>user is buying used
>used parts don't count
no but the pc will pay for itself because you can then pirate all the games
You're wanting to "save" money by getting a console instead of a PC, yet you're willing to waste money on expensive phones/tablets that are shit to do even something as basic as word processing on? PC is the most practical, powerful, and cost-effective computer you can have, everything after that is extra luxuries. No surprise that people with bad spending ideas in the gaming sphere have the same in the general tech one.
No, you can't.