Wow user, did you seriously bring a Nintendo Switch to our date?

>Wow user, did you seriously bring a Nintendo Switch to our date?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Well, I'm at the final boss. It can't wait.

>say I'm going to the bathroom
>leave her with the bill

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No, I brought a hoe to my gaming session.

Natural and normal - quotes have been paraphrased for readability

Low estimates indicate a significant portion of men are sexually aroused by female children
>Consistent with previous data... 26.25 % exhibited penile arousal to pedophilic stimuli that equaled or exceeded arousal to adult stimuli... In recent studies, 12 to 32% of community college samples of men reported sexual attraction to children... [a]
>In a sample of nearly 200 university males, 21% reported some sexual attraction to small children... In another sample with 100 male and 180 female undergraduate students, 22% of males and 3% of females reported sexual attraction to a child [b]
>In a sample of 80 “normal” volunteers, over 25% self-reported some pedophilic interest or in the plethysmographic phase exhibited penile arousal to a child that equaled or exceeded arousal to an adult [c]
>all 48 soldiers showed penile response to adult females, as did 40 of 48 to adolescent females, and notably, 28 of 48 showed penile response to the female children age 4–10 [d]

High estimates indicate the vast majority of men are sexually aroused by female children
>In another study, “normal” men’s erections to pictures of pubescent and younger girls averaged 70 and 50%, respectively, of their responses to adult females [e]
>89% of community males exhibited some sexual arousal while viewing slides of female children [f]
>Penile plethysmography (PPG) has shown that about 9 out of 10 normal men are sexually aroused by prepubertal children; (88.7%) [a]


I don't go on dates honey

i too have mastered the nintendo bait and switch

old hag


B-b-but... It's called a New 2DS BITCH ! Swicth is a home console you can take on the go, while the actual new 2DS is a 100% pure handheld. It's mean to be played outside !
OMG how could I even imagined you were able to understand me, no one can ! You're not worthy, I wwas wrong, you're not the one I can give my virginity to !

Based and roastpilled

Does this actually work?

yeah haha look bing bing wahoo haha

god I want a gf

yeah although i am the guy and i am supposed to pay for the bill anyway, it happened to me twice
literally just a free meal and left as soon as they were done eating

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I did it once with a chick that was way fatter than her tinder profile suggested.

Yes. Unless she gets up first, then you are probably fucked.

my friend did that and they ended up getting together anyway

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Based Ronnie, he knows the more important things in life.

ha, jokes on you I’ve never been on a date

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I'm glad i wasn't the only one thinking of this comic

My goal in life is to get so wealthy and appealing that I can do shit like this and just crush women.

Yea but he missed the most important step.
Waving to her trough the window afterwards

>implying she's even my type
>implying I'd go to a place like that

who hurt you bro

future school shooter right here

yiikes, incel alert

Literally no one on this board except for me can pull a bad bitch. 95% of you lame ass niggas still stepping outside the house with Walmart graphic t-shirts and Payless shoes on. Fucking tragic.

Same, I was asked by a fat negress once though.

Also the town bicycle gave me a lap dance offered to fuck me, but she was a coalburner and I was afraid of AIDS.

Not that user, but... We've all been hurt at some point in life. And not everyone here is Burger, so school shooting is not likely.

Wow. Why are you guys so mean?

I just want to have some fun :(

Jokes on you. We don't have those brands in my country!

>age of consent is a meme and has no basis in biology
no way man

>Don't talk to me when I'm gaming

I wish I was attractive.


what makes you think it wouldn't?

>Turning down sex because of an STD

You can compensate by being really confident douchebag. Almost sociopathic but not too much. Bitches love that.

I've never been on a legit date in my life nor do I even own a switch. what's your problem you nutty bitch?

not gonna lie I would of gone through with it, I’m so lonely and desperate at this point that I would fuck anything that isn’t a landwhale.

Sex isn't worth risking disease, I would still turn it down if I was offered by a diseased whore like I did in the past.

I'm not even attractive either, I'm a 26 year old virgin, but I'm not retarded.


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Eh, well she was chubby but not a landwhale.

Still though, wouldn't recommend it, last I heard of her she got impregnated by some nig and she's a single mother.

That was years ago though, she might be dead of drugs/STD's/suicide/etc.

Lads, I need ideas for how to date and ditch.

So you meet a girl off tinder.
I then assume I have to go to a remote restaurant i havent been to before?
It would be absolutely hilarious to just make up everything the entire night. Pretend you're studying something, pretend you work another job, make up all kinds of waking emotional stories.
Then just have your phone set to fake call at a certain time. Answer it and pretend its serious so you can walk outside then just walk away and leave her there.
Imagine how hilarious it would be to sit at home reading those fucking messages when she realizes

JESUS. I have to do this. Every week i could be another character.

Only works for attractive people.

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it works for everyone not ugly as fuck

It's worrying to think that psychos like this browse this board

What the fuck, women really are sociopaths.

Get help, sociopath.

It worked for a very overweight 6/10 dude. He switched girls like clothes.

yeah good luck not being considered ugly as fuck

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I refuse to believe this image is real.

That's a whale right there.


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literally don't even bother with tinder, it's just a tool for attractive people to hook up and for below average girls to boost their confidence

Bitch none of you faggots has even had sex or even gone out with a girl. These threads are so fucking retarded.

holy shit looks like photoshopped hair

no u

Maybe they also want to fuck little boys and are looking for a hookup

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Friend of a friend. Not right in the head.

>implying women on tinder don't to this all the fucking time

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t. roasties

I hope that alternate timeline me got to /ss/ with a hot teacher.
If infinite parallel timelines exist, then in at least one of them I must have gotten lucky and scored.

post more faggot

Man, she's pretty.

How do I get into a penis inspection study?

tell me it's not real bros

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>fake phone call
you are autistic
just say you need to pee or just say you have to call your mom or something or say you left your phone charger in the car
if you are going to ditch her anyway it doesnt mtter what she thinks

Is there a better alternative to tindr?

remove all the makeup and she looks like a 6, like all women do

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It's not as great as it sounds, man. It kind of fucks you up for life. Not that I would know, or anything...

>only posting the hot ones

>implying she's wrong to judge you

Why go out with a girl if you'd just rather play vidya instead?

You kidding? There's some mongoloids in there.

Why would I post the ugly ones?

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I'm a desperate virgin and it's impossible to make me believe that it wouldn't be awesome to /ss/.

Is there a version of tinder but for ugly people?

>skeleton with skin
>plain jane hair
There's a perfectly good cum slut in the back, her choker is a dead give away
Go use her and leave twigs McNotits with her thoughts on the Switch

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What's the point?
It'll get infested by the same people

99% of these pedos are ugly af

>are you jewish?

I'm gonna take a shit, and when i come back I'm gonna talk about how much I hate women.

well, you know...

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Nice projections.



You are ugly. Women would rather fuck a dog than you.

Nigger either google and educate yourself. They have pictures and shit or don't believe me for all I care.

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>our date

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user are you calling other people ugly because some user called pedos ugly? Or do you think the half breed there is attractive?