>one copy of Planet Zoo please
One copy of Planet Zoo please
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The eternal anglo strikes again
Who is that discount Asa Butterfield looking fuck?
I'd colonize them
What do they smell like?
What a Chad.
If I had to guess, probably very earthy
Why do they have PS2 game hair
salty coins and bags of sand
it depends on the caste
working members of an african tribe smell worse than animals
daughters of rulers, shamans and other assorted mumbo jumbo usually smell of flowers\plants
as with medieval societies, the paesants are smelly while "the rich" smell well
t. been in africa 5 times
He cute
Are white males going to start bleaching Africa now?
didn't medieval rich people refuse to shower and just bathed in perfumes while the peasants had to wash themselves, resulting in rich people smelling pleasant for 5 minutes and then like shit? idk where i heard that
women are always sluts that want to racemix. no matter the race.
Are tribals full proof communism doesn't work?
>idk where i heard that
I think those are the only tribes women from africa who i ever found atractive. I wonder why that tribe in particular hoards them while girls in other tribes look like grandmas with saggy tits. I mean look at those funbags.
how do these kinda tribes even treat outsiders? are they used to different races?
fuck are you talking about pol
Imagine how great it must have been to be a middle to upper class white guy in 1880.
You could go out to Africa with your money and your guns and just spend as much time as you wanted shooting elephants and stealing shit from the Zulu and fucking all the women
Aids hadn't even been invented yet so there was literally no downside
>t. been in africa 5 times
Did you bang any african chicks?
How can bl*ck boi compete?
Rich people didn't wash themselves daily during the middle ages but they also didn't do any hard work or live in a shitty hut, they most likely didn't smell as bad as a peasant even if said peasant washed in a river a couple times per week. Rich people also had multiple sets of clothing and people to wash them, the average person had pretty much just 1 pair of everything, that got washed every other week at best
theyre probably not even 18 yet
Any games where you can mog starving subhumans?
They probably have different ideas on sex appeal
They survive on tourism, like in OP's image.
You really think some chucklefuck white boy wandered into the bush to find them?
making africa white one pussy at a time
Surely he's dead from aids by now? No way you fuck that many niggers from Africa bare back and not get HIV.
You are thinking of renaissance not "middle ages"
The way she is about to touch his hair, how come I only see it on African chicks, the way they extend their finger to touch stuff.
In France, yes.
also empress Elisabeth of Austria had fuck long hair which was so long she never washed them.
This. Nobody bathed for months in the Middle Ages.
thanks bro
Probably not good, Africa is full of various ethnic groups and tribes with their own cultures and traditions.
Thats why it comes as a shock to baskeball americans when they visit Africa, and are treated indifferently or met with hostility, instead of the brotherly love they expected.
>the way they extend their finger to touch stuff.
it says french user, not white.
i'm not even trying to take a jab at the French here.
they would not jump on his cock if he wasn't white though
Yeah. Modern Europe was in many ways more fucked up than medieval europe until the XVIII century.
honestly some very suckable titties.
Medieval Europe had lots of places, especially in inland central Europe, where it was a fucking pain to gather enough clean water for a bath and nobility and the rich definitely were not going to wash themselves in lakes, rivers and sea.
What the fuck is with the nigger spam tonight?
but then again, they probably "bathed" more by proxy of working in rain, lochs the ocean etc.
So how is afrika anyway? are people chill there or will you get killed for being white and robbed
Fuck she's a cutie. I want her to look loving at my cock like that.
Why the fuck was Mike Matei posted I didn't even want to upload a pic.
Look at the boner in his shorts.
>or will you get killed for being white and robbed
this one
who cares about the nobs, a peasent wouldn't mind taking a dip in a lake or working in the rain.
no, you're thinking of renaissance-victorian era
the chinese are cute, they try to shard to teach these tribes some resemblance of civilization of culture, but they just end up breaking down everything into "fancy rocks" to trade with other tribes
some of the most autistic tribes attack the chinese on sight, dont ask me why
some are fine if you respect their rules, some are very hostile
but you're never going to visit them in the wild by yourself, that's a good way to get yourself speared to death
there are guides that bring you to them, and the tribes that allow guides in the first place to begin with are probably the nicest tribes out there
no, they're tribes, not primal brothels
you fuck one of those girls? you have to marry it and live with her in a hut in the middle of africa.
Reminds me of this thing called a “hyena”.
Basically within certain tribes, there’s a “hyena”, a man whose job it is to take the virginity of a girl who’s come of age.
One such guy once got interviewed, and admitted to knowingly having spread HIV, but that didnt bother him.
user, now that you've discovered they've infiltrated your computer system, what are you going to do
>some of the most autistic tribes attack the chinese on sight
hella based
haha yes
>the way they extend their finger to touch stuff.
Just like monkeys
BLEACHED.BIZ is real??
Wonder why the CIA wants to shitpost Mike using my computer.
Truly depends on the area. In my travels I've deduced it's basically you want East Africa thr most and South Africa the least.
The article doesn't even state the French person IS white you fucking retarded wojak poster.
>being this triggered
holy shit
they are hostile to everyone, not just the chinks in particular
i guess it's something to do with european colonialism?
to them anyone that isn't pure black is an invader that must be dealt with
that or there are way intricated reasons, i didn't ask nor i ever met hostile tribes, just heard of them
they attack them because they DO use the tribes as primal brothels
They do that in asia too if you’re aryan or black.
Golden locks and black wool is irresistible to them.
This. Half of France is Algerian by now
real talk, planet zoo is shaping up to be the best release this year
Ahahahahahaha and they call whites cucks?! Fucking hilarious, the bastard who started this "tradition" is a fucking genius.
Based chinks, I hope the Chinegro is an interesting specimen
Go to China, Asians are crazy about blonde hair, they wouldn't stop touching it.
>the body of a chink
>the mind of a negro
truly a biblical abomination
Unless you were doing buttsex it's really unlikely you, as a man, would catch AIDS from an infected woman.
well, Valve promised to release their VR title this year
What's up with all these black girl threads lately?
CIA and FBI browse Yea Forums/4channel all day, some of them even shitpost. Wouldn't be surprised if there were 4 CIA agents posting in this thread right now
the one on the right has nice tits.
Post more pregnant women
So are we allowed to like black girls again?
What a wonderful man.
so, we can all agree that niggers are subhuman, right
Why is the risk higher in low income countries?
I was waiting her to slap him.
They absolutely post here. Fuckers used their own shitposts to justify a search warrant on 8ch.
>Yes, it's true that this ritual helps to spread HIV/AIDS. I know that, but our custom demands that we have sex without using condoms.
Yeah, but the ritual doesn't demand that you continue being a hyena when you know you're positive. Imagine being this much of a cunt and how the fuck is it only 104 women over probably 20 to 30 years time?
A nation of tiger woods, I don't think we're ready for something that based.
>what is India
u mad bl*ck boi?
No but isn't it much easier to catch HIV which then becomes AIDS? I know catching AIDS is pretty rare with normal sex.
Yeah what a fucking scumbag, he knows he has HIV but continues to spread it like it's nothing
>uncircumcised - high risk
>(((centers for disease control and prevention)))
self explanatory
Would you date a black girl?
>custom demand that
I call it a bullshit.
there is zero evidence that uncut cocks are more susceptible to std's
that's just jewish lobby lies
why are black women so unattractive and masculine? seriously most of the time it's hard to tell if a black woman is female or male.
Not that thing but sure. It all depends on one important factor, does she have a father?
They're fucking phoneposters on top of that
>implying this isnt the future that awaits us
Notice how its the older women cheering them on.
Soon Chad will get paid to take the virginity of young girls.
You can't catch AIDS retard, AIDS is only a consequence of untreated HIV.
Kek what the fuck is this shit?
Fucking EA and their surprise sex mechanics
No but id fuck one
This might be a stretch, but I think it just happen after the new pokemon girl's scandal?
>be CIA agent
>be tasked to browse Yea Forums on the lookout for spree killers and pedophiles.
>be exposed to shitposts and photoshopped wojaks too much.
>end up forgetting their mission and just spend the rest of their career shitposting anal vore wojaks.
>see video
Haha, fucking based, that guy has the job of drea-
>HIV positive
What the fuck
>that's just jewish lobby lies
They are just mad they don't feel shit anymore.
God, imagine being a white boi somehow living in an african tribe with qt black teenage girls who want to get colonized by you.
So many bad answers, I just pray that you will read mine first.
Medieval people DID NOT SMELL. This might come as a surprise but PEOPLE DONT LIKE BEING DIRTY FOR OBVIOUS REASONS. Only when you get retarded trends, like when the French started covering the stench with perfumes, do you get people who dont bath (and even during this trend, it was reserved for the wealthy and even then they used a washcloth to get rid of the worst of the grime from their bodies). Bathhouses were common in cities throughout the medieval period and onwards, peasants had access to lakes and rivers. Fucking google this if yiu want sources, I am pissed off and on the phone you fucker.
I don't really get what's going on in this. I know they recently did a search or something but don't know anything more than that.
I imagine its hard for a dusty nigger to give ip his virgin buster job.
HIV does not spread with semen. Heterosexual sex has an almost 0 chance of spreading it. Homosexuals spread it because the butt bleeds a bit and that blood is what infects the one fucking it.
of course it was the french that started that trend
>East Africa thr most and South Africa the least.
Shit I'm going to Capetown next year.
Is it really that dangerous?
Ah yes the good old javelin wedding
Why is finding genuine 'tribal' so hard?
Excluding topless-only stuff that's everywhere.
>white women
>having sex with virgins
>dream job
give it a try sometime, its pretty much the worst sex possible.
>Implying he knows that
>lundun engulund
>Heterosexual sex has an almost 0 chance of spreading it
based retard
This proves nothing you fuckwit
What the fuck that stupid NTR trope is real? Imagine being one of these girls' boyfriend.
Every post in that pic was made by a glownigger. If you look in the upper left (on the scanned portion) there are (You)s for the posts he used to get a search warrant, which is how we know his ID. That pic is proof glowniggers are posting to incite anons to say/do things that can get them arrested. It's from 8ch but if they are doing it there they are probably doing it here too.
is there stuff like the way blacked raw is filmed but without the turd dicks?
woah africa niggers got some nice tits
>unzips dick
>very well your majesty
>Why is finding genuine 'tribal' so hard?
The friendly tribes are quick to get influenced and quickly become less and less tribal, and the hostile tribes you're not gonna make contact with.
Explain the (You)s on the posts used for the search warrant, Agent Thompson.
t. FBI
>Heterosexual sex has an almost 0 chance of spreading it
yeah, need source on that almost 0. and no, 40% is not almost zero
I hate they way they film ahit why would you want that?
I wouldn't be so sure, given the company's really shoddy track record with this kind of games.
>0.38% x 1400
Statistically he would've gotten infected at least 5 times.
>Envy Mi
yeah I think its called Tushy, it's exactly the same but without nigs
>peeing behind the bushes in a park will get you charged with a sexual offence
>this is totes fine tho
wtf America
they die from aids before their 12, mate
idk man
France is 90% white, thank you very much.
>tribal community
Where's that reddit cuck shit where a guy is excited the bull is HIV positive.
Google (((changed))) the results but if you ran this picture through their reverse image search it used to give you Shrek and el ogro de las Americas.
do they at least fuck their pussy as well? anal does nothing for me. cheers regardless
Source(s): Bae trust me
Hands bigger than mine
Zulu girls have some nice tits
I doubt they have boyfriends probably just fuck partners
b-but France will be 80% nonwhite once America is completely 100% overrun!
didn't know it was only anal, theres probably another title by the same producers
they love us
this is literally my fetish, black girls in tracksuits
Its the equivalent to Gimli wanting to have Galadriels golden hair, or a normal peasant wanting to touch a blonde princess locks. True natural blonde and red hairs are uncommon in this world, so touching it feels kind of special all in all.
t. Asian who cant help touch true blonde hair from exchange students.
My guy, Capetown is one of most dangerous places on the planet due to the sheer amount of murders that take place, how did you not know this
and bigger than your entire crotch area just IMAGINE
> dbinom(5, 100, 0.38)
> [1] 1.12941e-14
looks latino to me
i think the blacked people do vixen as well but there is no "vixen raw", oh well.
I have never had this feeling is it a girl thing?
free pussy only in africa
>receptive anal 1.4%
wtf it's that low? how did it spread so much
That looks really fun dude.
This fucking cracked me up.
The FBI is literally shitposting and they PRINT PROOF of it.
I know /pol/istinians arent welcome here but *HONK*.
topkek. based chinky chad.
Holy shit, man. Good luck. South Africa is in some deep shit rn and I suggest not staying long and having a guide.
>chances are good that not a single of these girls has actually contracted HIV
/pol/fags making a big stink out of nothing again
Fags fuck a lot and a lot of different partners
And he didn't even remove the (You)s from his posts, what a lazy ass glownigger
Honk indeed
cause if you have sex with 50 men (gays are very promiscuous) then your chances keep increasing. and if you keep doing it with a group that has a much higher rate of HIV, then obviously the chances are higher.
Where are his arms?
>black heritage
literally noone
Why do blacks live in white ppl heads rent free?
>0.38% x 1400
That's not how it works retard
Makes sense, but AIDS in Africa is very common in straight people, how does it spread so much there?
Niggers never pay rent
Probability that he got infected by HIV at exactly 5 times.
Fair enough. Point taken.
Because they pay aids niggers to fuck their virgins. Are you not following the thread?
because sex is not just some one off occurrence, incel
hes walking on them
The blacked shitposting is declining so they have moved to try and trigger insecure blacks instead of whites
>dem white girl features
God damnit. She is a damn cutie.
>implying I am a girl.
Hey. I find caucasians/slavs cute too you know. Its not my fault you people always visit our islands for a quick fuckie.
He seems to be having a good enough time at least.
How does it work?
>he doesn't know about the Irish who fled from the potato famine and married black women
retard. you were just explained how this works. if you keep having sex with a lot of people and with a group that already has a high rate of aids, your chances increase.
That doesn't make sense at all, aren't those stats about the chance of getting AIDS when having sex with someone that ALREADY HAS the HIV virus?
those are teen girls
>104 women
>his chance to spread HIV is 0.08%
>most likely only had sex with them once due to it being a ritual and not an actual relationship
>chance that ANY woman contracted HIV is less than 10%
you're just jealous of him lmao
Not really. Id bang hot black chicks. I live in a lower class mixed area so im not a naive faggot about niggers though. I hope a bunch move to your suburbs.
You are on the right track though.
Why is this still up?