>Want to try a Jrpg but scared of becoming a weeb
Want to try a Jrpg but scared of becoming a weeb
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People on discord/twitch/twitter hating on anime is the most normie people on earth, or they're pedos trying to deflect
"But I don't want to go among weeaboos," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all weeaboo here. I'm weeaboo. You're weeaboo."
"How do you know I'm weeaboo?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."
I don't use any of those
I have never understood why people say they’re afraid to like anime or Japanese things or be associated with weeaboo or otakus I have literally never felt any shame enjoying something no matter how many people have said it’s bad or weird, and it just doesn’t compute when people talk about not getting into something they find interesting
I come for the memes and porn
People who hate anime on Yea Forums are even worse
You need to understand the normalfags are obsessed with other people's perception of them. It governs literally everything they do.
this, they're cringe and yikes
The whole culture is embarrassing, I have weeb friends but I feel sorry for them even though they are decent guys.
Don't worry OP, if you have a single shred of masculinity or self respect you don't have to worry.
Weebism appeals solely to lonely, broken people who's only method of coping with their pathetic lives is to endlessly consume the most derivative, trope-y and unoriginal form of media there is
If you spend enough time of Yea Forums you'll inevitably become a weeb
people who hate on people who hate anime need to dilate and have sex
There's a difference between enjoying Japanese media and being a weeaboo. Weeaboos make it part of their identity and centre their lives around weebshit and it's cringey. Normal people watch the anime or play the game and move on with their day
I've been here for years and I still have no interest or click on weeb topics
Congrats on being fooled by the retards from this shithole
liking jrpg != weeb
being obsessed with japan and worshipping rice cock "oh em gee everything in there is BETTEAR!!1!1!" = weeb
The loudest ones that claim watching anime makes you a pedophile turn out to actually be pedophiles to such a degree that I automatically assume you touch kids if your personality revolves around going on social media and complaining about anime.
then you don't belong here
Anyone that says "weeb", positively or negatively is human garbage.
prove me wrong, Yea Forums
They should sorry for you, you go on Yea Forums.
Remember when "weeaboo" was a term that originally referred to fucking morons who thought Japanese culture, games and shit like that aside, was superior to their own culture? Who got all of their fucking ideas of Japan as a nation from anime? Who thought tea ceremonies were the epitome of classiness and were deluded enough to think that high school students had easy access to the school roof and to eat and hang out?
I do.
How many people here bought and wore Naruto headbands to school? Be honest
I bought one, still have it, but I never dared wear it in public.
At least you knew the shame that came with it.
I'm scared of big titted ladies (female)
I can't, because you're right.
So do they.
I honestly can't
Come on, you can't expect me to believe only one of you done this
just play the ones without weeb shit. so no persona xenoblade chronicles 2 code vein etc
Which games don't have weeb or moe shit?
Dark Souls
Is that it?
what was his fucking problem?
Radiant Historia
Vagrant Story
SMT Strange Journey
SMT Nocturne featuring Dante from the DMC series
Mario and Luigi series
The Maiden Rape Assault: Violent Semen Inferno
He was the gay
This reminds me of the time I went to a Salvation Army store. In their vdgame section they had a bunch of PC hentai games just right there with all of the other games. Right out in the open. Although the covers weren't explicit, they certainly weren't G-rated, either.
So I bought the whole lot. The discs were good and everything.
Just goes to show how clueless some merchants are about their stuff at times.
Is that wrong grammar?
it should be too
It is basic English m8
I'd say as long as you don't go full retard like this faggot you're fine
no, I mean it says literal opposite of what you're trying to push here.
People dont no how to spel gud anymor.
It isn't. How do you not know the difference between to and too?
it shouldn't be, to is right.
wait, are you trying too trick me?
Depends on what you mean by weeb. The original meaning is lost nowadays though.
Weebs barely even exist anymore, and if you have the self-awareness to be afraid of "becoming a weeb" then you can't become one.
are you actually braindead or just joking?
"To many" is not right. "Too many" is right.
People who say there's a link between 2D and 3D are the ones that likely cannot separate the two.
Being here for 2 years doesn't count normalfag
who are you quoting
At least he isn’t a mlp fag
Did you get lost on your way to /jp/?
but his sentence was "to try a Jrpg" you fucking imbecile
I was talking about the picture you blithering retard. Holy shit.
>I was talking about the picture you blithering retard
No indication of that was given.
>"To many" is not right. "Too many" is right.
Yes but he responds with the "to try a Jrpg" line because prior to that no indication was given that it was the OP's image in question.