Game is out in two days

>game is out in two days
>no thread
>max is streaming it
>they're just talking about Mortal Kombat the whole time
How bad is this going to fail?

Attached: samsho.jpg (206x245, 10K)

Other urls found in this thread:

no as bad as you did in life

PC port is late so I am not really hype about it right now. Will get it when the time comes.

Why does Yea Forums want literally ever single game ever to fail? How fucking pathetic can you be? Also
>Watching maximillian dood
Kill yourself you fucking faggot.

no cham cham cunny

>making thread because I already preordered it, love Samsho, and DON'T want it to fail
>thread doesn't even get replies

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Samsho was never that good, and this doesn't look that good either.

Shill thread. Hi Max's internet shill, whoever that is.

Same, I don't own any modern consoles.
Hope Yea Forums can muster some interest for when the port releases and that the game doesn't die instantly.

>No PC port
Yeah I'll pass

He's a paid shill for SamSho's direct and actual competition so of course he's gonna sandbag it in favor of Burqa Kombat (now with ethics).
Meanwhile, Woolie spent more than two hours getting absolutely hyped over this game and showing stuff off (though mostly of Darli)

>shitting on /ourguy/ Max

finna be a yikes

Woolie's video was based, but why no threads on Yea Forums? By making this thread I thought if nothing else, other people feeling slighted by this shit would respond negatively, but even then, it's basically dead. I just hope it doesn't instantly die. I want to pit my Charlotte against some other fans.

This but with the switch version. Only a dumbass would buy this game on ps4.

Because ecelebs are not video games.

>can't even say nonsense words that vaguely sound like nigger without prostrating himself and begging for forgiveness
>can't play a non-Capcom Japanese game or look at an attractive female design without loudly screaming UUUUUGGGHHH ANIMEEEEE I SUUUUURE HAAAATEEEE ANIME DOOOODS I'M NOT ONE OF THOSE WEEBS PLEASE DON'T HAAATE MEEEEE
>Actually and unironically defends MvCI
Literal, actual paid shill.

Isn't samurai shodown is technically a niche fighting? It was never ultra popular. All SNK games survive on nostalgia alone right now. Zoomers would just say its worse than Soul Calibur and move on.

Attached: samsho.jpg (1024x683, 107K)

>only a dumbass would buy this game on the console people actually play fighters on

100000 iq, you cant lose if you have no one to play against


the mob loves moral cuckbat

>Actually and unironically defends MvCI

Fucking based.

Only blacks (who are poor) main ps4 for fighters. And just imagine...
>buy SamSho
>59.99 plus tip
>get a disc
>disc has to install the full game
>your 59.99 disc is literally an exe
>still have to download a 25GB day 1 patch
>but you didn't download the latest Sony firmware that slows down the UI and Shop
>that's another 3GB download
>forgot to renew your PSN
>59.99, but don't use your credit card because Sony services are not secured
>finally time to play after waiting for 13 hours
>nobody is online because black people (who are poor) refuse to play anything but Shit Fighter V or Mahvel

I'm gonna be over here with my real Negroid KINGS on PC and Switch crossplay.

>playing fightans
lmao you mean cinematic """games"""

But he shat on it later on

Max is the fakest nigger regarding SNK, he gushes about Rock Howard and never played his game.


It's already a success from preorders

Who is the fat autist on max’s stream? I try to watch because I enjoy fighting games but god damn that guy is just constant cringe.

Samurai Shodown V Special just got a great port on Steam and it's $10. We should all buy that instead and learn together :D

already got it and stood at the top of the leaderboards with a certain character for several days

I've been watching quite a bit and I haven't heard them mention MK once. Maybe I somehow missed it but it really seems like people just reach like crazy to doomsay everything now.

Attached: 1486264968720.png (922x573, 182K)

everyone knows this by now

>people complaining about slow movement
>run and backdash are safer and faster than Vs

Attached: mr house.png (399x382, 89K)

> watching Maxshillian Shillberg
kys op fag tranny pos

>Thought I'd check that stream out to see some real gameplay
>The player 2 guy complains about absolutely everything
Max seems alright, but why the fuck would he have such terrible guests on the steam?

the game's boring as shit. Since combos are like 3 hits at best and each character has so few moves you just end up doing and watching the same shit over and over again. At least a match only last like 10 seconds.

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can't be more wrong

The most popular video hosting/streaming sites are draconian as shit so of course they are talking on eggshells to preserve their source of income. No one wants to bite the bullet and bet on the alternative.

>game is boring because combos are short
Modern fighting game enthusiast, everybody.


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actual brainlet

I> a heavily neutral oriented Fighting game with short Combo where the goal is to pretty much be patient and make your opponent whiff shit so you can punish them
Damn, i really don't know how long it's going to stay alive .....

I bought it as a show of good faith to SNK (and because the whole free season pass thing) but I am not anticipating high anything.

But thats is whats samsho, kiddo.
Cool combos are just additives in footsie based classic fighting game.
These people cant stop talking about mortal kombat because they are just casuals who "love" fighting games because of cool characters, including "ninger" max.

Marvel was a mistake

I wish this was coming for PC or Switch sooner. Will it have crossplay?

Why are you not playing the japanese free demo, right now?

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There's way too few characters in the initial release. It loos like an Early Access game for today's standards.

> in two days
No steam no buy.

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I'm super hyped for this. Watched some clips and it gave me the same feelings of the one from 25 years ago. I used to play it in the arcade, i was bretty good with Galford and Jubei.
Cant wait to play it, it will be my second day one buy of the year.

Attached: SS Lightning Blade damage.png (1282x722, 1.45M)

>16 characters
>too few characters

How this free season pass works? I will get it if i buy the game from Amazon?

Any idea on what DLC characters we are getting in the first season?

There's a leak that said the dlc characters are Rimururu, Basara, Iroha, and a new character. So far he got Rimururu right.

And more input lag than pc

It’s boring watching the same people. Will be hype in like a top 8 at tournament though watch

Rimururu a cutie

I'd like to get into it but you can't be releasing fighters in the current year with no crossplay. I'm not going to gamble on what platform to get, only for the playerbase to die out after a month.

They stripped out a heap of the mechanics from 5Sp.

Probably not the worst idea all things considered, 5sp had a fucking laundry list of them but it's hard to get excited about something mechanically simpler.

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>At least a match only last like 10 seconds.

Wanna know how I can tell you've never played samsho?

Attached: really makes me think.jpg (540x459, 41K)

Been playing the demo and I love it, shame it wont get the love it deserves.

No gold and even 67 years later I can't be bothered to make a japanese PSN account even though I know it would only take 10 minutes.

It sounds like your mom married a black guy after leaving your dad, so you've got a shit ton of black step brothers that called you and your PC a
bitch and set up a PS4 in your shit, because your ass is blasted.

Why would anyone want to talk about the game in a shitty Yea Forums bait thread? So we can hear how it will be dead so no one should try? Some nonsensical comparisons to other games? Let /fgg/ out their containment thread so they can spam their shitty memes here as well?

Yea Forums is a bad place to talk about fighters in general, but even worse for smaller games that it actively wants to fail. UNIst only gets by as it keeps the threads under the radar.

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typical snk.
in garou mark back dash are so op they give you full invincibility until you land, and almost all characters can cancel their forward dashes, few of chars even have infinites like that but they are hard, but still hit feint dash hit feint dash is super strong pressure tool.
same is the case about back dash being invincible in kof98 too but its not as severe.

SNK already made a profit so they probably don't care.

Just buy the game before the end of the month and you can get the season pass for free.

You may not even need to buy the game, it may just show up for free on the store.

>no thread
The only place worse than Yea Forums to talk about fighting games is /vg/

>How bad is this going to fail?

The game is already a profit from the pre orders alone, saying it's going to fail is moot at this point.

Attached: Samurai Shodown Charlotte.png (535x600, 383K)

Games sell 10 million and have 10 threads a day or fail. There is no kind of in between.

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>The only place worse than Yea Forums to talk about fighting games is /vg/
r/kappa exist

That's charming as fuck.

It's not going to fail since pre-orders were successful, the question is how long will it last?

Bad but not quite as bad as Yea Forums or /vg/

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>Free season pass
>Single player, including boss character
>Cute girls and boys
>Good entrant numbers at evo
>No need to worry about combos
>Reduced input lag down to the lowest for a UE4 fighter
>Netcode decent according to those with early copies
Yet Yea Forums still refuses to play.

Attached: 1546737772452.webm (640x546, 2.99M)

Honestly, it's not that a great game. I've been a SS fan and I can't give it a pass. It's casualized. It's Xrd of this series. SS is SNK's deepest series and frustrating to see the game lose so many stuff. You can't even lay down or hop around! Those features were from SS2 !! There's no bust versions, no universal get up attacks, no follow ups after knock downs(""""""OTG""""""for you hipster fags). The camera getting stuck on low planes is a big one for me, when I saw SS3 for the first time the visual shock was like what I imagine other people had when they saw GGX or BlazBlue or DBFZ for the first time. It was fucking beautiful and I didn't know NG could handle graphics like that, and a lot of that was from camerawork. SS4 is SNK's deepest game of their entire fighting game library, and SSVSP is probably their best balanced game. SS3 tried something new at least despite a lot of it not working out. SS1&2 had their old school draw and SS6 had the whole let's-put-every-fucking-body-in-here thing. What does this game have? This game has nothing new.

They bribed EVO guys to put the game on it, but those guys aren't exactly known for loyalty. It didn't exactly work out for KoF 14.

If your thread isnt appealing to zooners, it gets archived within 2 minutes. To make it appealing it either has to contain porn (cute and funny, boobs too small, trap link), nintendo bait (just say X is better than zelda) or it has to be a bait where you say blatant lie so many anons jumps right in to call you retarded. Predicting and laughting at failed games also works. Simple as that.

I might consider it if it has cross play. And for that we first need to see PC release.

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>Yet Yea Forums still refuses to play.
I've seen so many people play early i wasn't sure if it was out or not, I've sat down and watched a money match that kinda sold me on the game, only to be informed that it won't release on my console of choice till a few months later, I want to play but SNK doesn't want me to
I also want to support it because SNK doing well brings the prospects of a new metal slug game on the table

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>SS3/4fag is here
Literally every SamSho player shits on those games. Enjoy your easy infinites

>Those features were from SS2
And it has features that weren't in 2.

I didnt like SS 3 but the 4 was probably the best of the series (also the last one i played)

>Cham Cham and Iroha wont be in cause of america

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I'll buy it because they told Epic to fuck off
However I suck at fighting games and this one seems to be even harder than average but I'll give it a go

>snk makes 40+ character roster
>too many
>snk makes 16 character roster
>too few

Attached: 1521422254392.png (1638x2091, 1.28M)

>and this one seems to be even harder than average
Not especially, there is less to get to grips with but you'll be punished big for failing. Isn't like you got to learn combos, and the frame data for stuff is pretty obvious as only a handful of moves will be positive. The harder part really comes from using the more unique aspects well, like getting use to deflect/whiff cancelling. Watching footage where people could burst and instead taking the damage and losing a game is frustrating.

pre ordered

They're not in the base game, but they can be DLC


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that's what they get for not putting gen-an in

God tier art

underrated comment

Dont care about console release dates, only pc matters.

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Just don’t spam shit like an idiot and you’ll be better than 50% of players on the first day


All that faggot Max talks about is Moron Kombat in all of his videos. He’s literally their biggest shill. If you want to hear someone talk about ACTUAL fighting games I recommend literally anyone else.


Better know how to jump out of a crashing plane.

Max is a fake boomer, James Chen is the legit one

Simmons. Completely unlikable cynic that has a million shit opinions and will try his hardest to voice them.

SNK Fighting Games where always just mediocre at best.

SNK is one of those does alright everywhere not America. In particularly South America and Japan. Which might have been fine for SS if e-sports took off years earlier and s. Americans paid for games.

i prefer to play fighting games rather than watch other people play them and the game isn't out yet so there's not much to talk about
maybe you should play a fighting game instead of watching ecelebs faggot

>max is streaming it

I can’t wait for kof15. I just want to see it


>James Chen avatar.

Guess I'm not the only one who noticed that amusing expression he can pull off.

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Hopefully it does well, because it looks amazing.

I'll support it because they told epic to fuck off

I bet they're regretting not having taken that Epic offer.

The game is already profitable, that's why they refused it

Dead in a month it won't last

>The game is already profitable
How so? They're lucky if they sell more than 500k on PC.

You ask them

Attached: file.png (1081x312, 86K)

>its a fighting game
>among fighting games a pretty small franchise
>Yea Forums is full of casuals who get triggered when someone mentions any competitive game where you have to learn instead of their usual garbage rpgs
How does it even surprise you there's no thread about it? Anyways i have slightly bigger hopes for this one since it looks way better than KoF14 and i'll be waiting for the PC release

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They've already said the game is doing well. Epic only offered to buy 100k copies, which isn't really all that much and doesn't actually help the franchise. Social capital is worth x100 to SNK right now, over "selling" a few copies and locking the game to a store with even less players.

>also looses her glasses when disarmed.
God. The little details.

Does it matter then SNK said themselves that the pre orders are profitable from Japan alone.

Based Heihachi main.

Cool. Thanks for clearing that up.

Redpill me on Ukyo please,he looks the most interesting to me

You back dash instant overhead a lot

The chick at gamestop had enough people coming in to pre-order it to comment about it to me, so that's something. Gonna get together with some friends release day and play it for as long as we can mentally handle it. Excited to try out Darli and Yoshitora since I've mainly used Charlotte while dicking around with 5S in the past.

You fuckers better be routinely making lobbies for this shit.

>Yea Forums
>actually playing fighting games

thanks for the heads up. i have it pre-ordered but would like to try it before picking it up

>Tam Tam is finally good
>His rdrdrdrdrd win pose is the worst it has ever been
the sacrifices we make

Attached: 1542369133258.gif (132x100, 8K)

>already on sale

Attached: file.png (915x316, 210K)

>this low
my fucking sides

That demo still has the old lag which is a shame.

Iroha is almost confirmed as DLC

confused why that happened instead of the collection that was originally promised. Frankly I hope the people who ported this do the collection because Digital Eclipse totally fucked the SF collection

The game is kusoge, no one played it before and no one will play it now, just like FLEX

played the demo with a bro last night. if you liked street fighter 4 you'll like samurai shodown.

>street fighter 4

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are you drugged?

nice try

Attached: Capture.png (600x169, 12K)

its what they were aiming for. just no focus or links, so it ends up making more sense fundamentally

>just no focus or links
Then it's not SF IV

He always goes around with a lot of apples...

SNK hasn't been relevant since the 90's. Maybe early 00's at most.


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>boss loses her clothes mid battle

It's a port of the PS4 version

Honestly, thread should've ended here. You could slurp up the crusted AIDS-laden semen of a nigger assfucking your father and still not be half the faggot the OP is watching an internet celebrity play a video game.


what's this

People gush all over random Capcom characters in Marvel VS Capcom without having played their games, but no one seems to care. In fact, if you try to actually bring up their source material you just get called an irrelevant hipster weeb, or something.

the final boss

Honestly its an SNK game, what did you expect?

It already turned a profit.

USF4 is the best shit fight me

.99, but don't use your credit card because Sony services are not secured
Yo, dis nigga usin condoms like a BITCH.

Tekkenfags have always, and will always, be shit.

Please don't respond to bait

thank you, brother

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I prefer it that way. It's like how I would have bought a good port of ST for cheap but I didn't buy the SF collection for $40 because it's just a bunch of stuff I don't want.

isn’t that simmon though?

The guy that plays literally every single JPRG?

Games these days must have 25+ on opening with DLC promise later down line.

At least for normie purposes.

>those who cry about the size of a roster will always play 1 or 2 characters before dropping the game anyway
I hate those retards.

I didn't know tekken was the only game with long combos

KoF 14 is the pure example that it's all about presentation, not roster

Attached: 1561064326420.png (512x512, 144K)

This is so cool

>Tekkenfags living this rent free in your head



Zoomers have never heard of Samurai Showdown and there's no le ebic single player story mode so they don't care.

Which is kinda sad, because it looks like they put a lot of time and effort into making a fighting game where spacing and thought matter a lot and rounds end quickly. It should in theory be a ton of fun for newer players and help them more intuitively understand those fundamental aspects of fighting games.

>and there's no le ebic single player story mode
Well there kind of is, but it is more arcade mode with a few extra scenes. Ghost battle seems cool in theory, in fact the game has a decent serving of single player. But yeah, if you aren't a big name it is an uphill battle. A good showing at EVO could help a lot though, the game is naturally great for clips cause of big damage and weird interactions.

Is there any better feeling than spacing or timing a heavy correctly and chunking someone for 80%

They are already developing a new Metal Slug

mai waifu

how many characters at launch and how many in the announced season pass? anyone know how the "free" season pass is going to work? is it open for anyone on PSN to redeem in the launch window (even if you don't own the game)? or is the retail game shipping with codes?

ghost battle actually is really neat if you ever played killer instinct

16 and 4 with season pass, it's free for those who preorder or bought the game 5 days after it launches, the character will appear free for you in PSN/Live

I totally want to play it but fuck paying for PSN.

you're most likely going to need to own the game to get the season pass for free

This 100%. I think more people here talked about how dead soul Calibur is then actually play it. It’s detrimental more than helpful especially when it’s spreading blatant misinformation like I kept seeing with Granblue versus threads

in game redemption method (as opposed to the SP being openly listed in the PSN store like the free Xrd characters)?


Yea Forums is way worse than /fgg/ for doom and gloom

/fgg/ is just pure shitposting these days, mentioning any game is bait in itself and will be followed by flipping out calling it dead.

Don't they at least like SFV and DoA 6, that's more than Yea Forums that literally don't play anything except UNIST threads hiding at dawn time

>Tfw Kyoshiro is dead
It's not fair bros

Attached: Pako2221.jpg (600x600, 40K)

>they at least like SFV
A handful do, most seem more interested in false flagging or complaining about it. You won't get a real conversation about it for more than 2 posts.

>DoA 6
That was like a week where they used it as an excuse to post the girls

Why is the game so uglyyyyy

She cute

Where's the PC version?

>completely ruin charlotte's classic design to make her show more skin for muh waifu money

Attached: charlotte 5sp.jpg (456x515, 107K)

Ok, I might get this game for this nerd. Is it 60 bucks?

Charlotte was a nobody that couldn't merchandise selling nor have any worthy crossover appearance, as a company of course they will try anything to make the character be more appealing if they aren't satisfied with the results she had.

50 at Amazon

>meanwhile other companies have ethics departments and are infested by feminists
SNK confirmed for based and redpilled


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>People pretending to have ever liked Charlotte in the first place

Attached: Gobinda_-_Profile.png (799x799, 940K)

What's the Single Player like?

December (along with the potato switch version)

Wasn't Shiki's super the safest of the bunch? Is her everything else really that bad?

Max talks about whatever fighter is out at the time

does it not stand to reason that the people who did like her, liked her due to not being generic waifu uwu bait?

She takes forever to rage

but he likes final fantasy vii so he's our guy

>Story (Arcade mode)
>Ghost battles
>Ironman (survival)
I think there is time attack but I'm not sure.

Is that SS V Special that was ported to steam any good? I only played 1 and 2 and LOVED it, and while i'm waiting for the steam version of the new one it got me curious.

People are struggling to figure out what she is even meant to do. Her tools don't really create a gameplan outside of throw shit out and hope it lands. But the moves aren't even great for that.

Hell fucking no, the people that liked her such as are just armor fetishists that are just pretentious waifufags that think they are elevated for liking a "non-waifubait character". Which is stupid because Charlotte's femininity us very pronounced.

Charlotte is a boring, braindead ass character.

Attached: 4-1.png (128x128, 26K)

Normalfags don't even play these games. They like NRS stuff the most.


>Free season pass
only if you buy the gae on release

>Single player
Get this shit out of my fucking fighting games, sick and tired of shitty tacked on singleplayer modes being shoehorned into my fighting games

>Cute girls and boys
Im not an incel i dont but fighting games to jerk off

>Good entrant numbers at evo
M-MUH NUMBERS!.. Who cares

>No need to worry about combos
Combos are fun

>Reduced input lag down to the lowest for a UE4 fighter
Still far higher than acceptable

>Netcode decent
decent doesn't cut it in 2019, literally no excuses for not having great netcode anymore

It is a very good port, great netcode as well.

>Short combos are bad
Are you 12 years old

Preordered it for the hell of it. I’m fucking pumped for new SamSho. Really hoping it at least gets 1 or 2 more DLC packs. I want to see the Kazama Bros, Shizumaru, Gen-an or Amakusa in this thing. Gaira and Yunfei would be awesome too but I feel like their odds are low

Why does that nigga have five swords?

7, 6 named after his waifus and one after himself

Is it like the Shadow Mode where I have my AI fight other dorks? I liked that mode.


Yeah, but it doesn't have the whole structure of being a campaign. Least far as I know



You know I keep hearing this about every fighter sucking dick. So which fighters on any platform actually has decent netcode and stable play?

>6 waifus
Did they die or is he just a playboy?

ArcSys and Marvel Vs games have conditioned an entire generation of players into thinking that extended combos, blockstrings, and dash-n-mash setplay is the standard for fighting games.

Generally western fighters have good netcode. Japan never makes it much of a priority. But we have no idea how good or bad it is here.


Is this game hard to get into?

>Arcade is a tacked on mode

Playboy. He is the next shogun but goofs off for a while. They use to appear in his win poses but not in the new one. Which is weird cause Ukyo got is fan girl army back.

No, its a very casual (and very boring) game

Killer Instinct and Skullgirls

Season 1

Season 2
>Cham Cham


>How bad is this going to fail?
Didn't it already made its money back on pre-orders alone?

>the few samsho scenes that play dont like how issen is in game, jumping feels off, they can just play 2, 5sp instead since characters are more or less carbon copies in regards to moveset
>rest of fgc dont actually give a shit about samsho
the game was destined to not sell well

The series in general isn't, new one has a tutorial as well. The game is punishing, there is a pretty wide range of universal mechanics and there is tech to learn. The characters can be pretty unique with tools you wouldn't expect in a neutral focused game, but you don't need to learn anything complicated to do it. The hardest thing the game will ask you to do are basic motions. Combos barely exist and framedata is pretty straight forward as most moves will be negative.

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Who is the zoner or rushdown guy?


Genjuro, Ukyo, Shiki but she is bad

>no PC
>no crossplay
literally not worth thinking about. it's dead

>muh max dood is shilling it though!
he shills every new fighting game. he is a paid shill

>too many
said nobody who mattered ever

Now I have a question, technically speaking, how difficult it is to implement crossplay, because despite the demand for more games to have this features, developers still opt out of it.

Like, is it too difficult to make crossplay, too expensive maybe? Is it Sony still being a bitch?

>western game has violence

>japanese game has violence
>"Mmmm, ah yes...the tasteful paint of blood done by japanese hands....the passion and the fervor of the poetry in this game and the themes in it. Truly, the japanese are masters of the craft of game making."

This but unironically

Attached: 5319F563-9FF2-4653-BD9D-B01B123F29C4.jpg (1024x913, 70K)

Apparently its as easy as flipping a switch and allowing servers to connect to each-other, though i dont know how much port quality effects this.

>Japan never makes it much of a priority
Why would netcode matter on LAN?

All your post proves is that Europeans are retarded.

Attached: 1557841176109.gif (329x302, 71K)

SamSho is kusoge and everyone knows it.

>muslims are retarded
No shit lol

Thanks doc

They still mad

Attached: mad.png (1346x338, 281K)

Except that Epic and Tencent are both already planning to form a massive smear campaign against SNK in retaliation. Rejecting Epic's offer is no different from rejecting a crime boss' deal that you cannot refuse.

That was Max every moment he played DoA6. He looked like someone had put a gun to his head and couldn't ever shut up for a second about how much he WASN'T attracted to anime girls and that anime was for shitlords whenever Marie was onscreen.

>look guys I used the 2chan word!
lmaoing at your life

Attached: judo fat bitch.png (1503x1325, 1.52M)

its easy to implement but for fighting games its not worth it. majority of pc fighting players have very poor connections and you have to worry about pc players constantly cheating/hacking the game. the first thing you'll see is the last boss playable online on pc.

nice to have a fighting game intro that's styled more like the attract mode of old arcade releases.

>. majority of pc fighting players have very poor connections
I'd assume its the other way around, more people on PC are on wired connections as opposed to wi-fi which is built into every console this gen.

>pc players constantly cheating/hacking the game

Shitty devs

Mad about what

30 seconds ad

Attached: 1557753224601.jpg (1641x1080, 236K)

melee got shuffed out of evo this year and them fags are mad about unist and samsho "buying their way in"

I like this pic

Smelee boys seething.

Attached: Wu samsho.jpg (183x275, 9K)

Autists can't start discussions without baiting.

Look I know they're shitposting but that still hurt the genre in a long run when you have to look at mk11 as the standard

Yeah obviously online is super important especially in the west where meeting up to play fighting games isnt always an option. But in Japan they legit have enough local scenes for poor netcode to not be an issue for them, especially when they do actually play online they just get matched against other nips so the poor netcode isnt as bad as someone in US-Central trying to play with US-East.

I really can't wait for the EVO threads. Smashers will be raging hard, which will make people push unist and samsho harder just to shit on them. If it all culminates on a Nakoruru for smash reveal it'll be perfect.

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> MK 11
> standard for the long run

NRS games are literally the worst thing you could provide as an example because they replace games every other year and the community are notoriously considered flakes.

SS5 was very different from other SS titles. Also some shit like the stamina gauge weren't good additions when SS already had so much shit to prevent you from going unga with your offense.

KI still has the best netcode to me desu ne

He sold his soul in order to become strong.

MK11 is by far the best fighting game on the market

Attached: Bait.png (500x500, 7K)

why would they though
Ultimate is the most popular game at EVO this ysat

She was pretty popular back when SS2 got released.

Yes, that is exactly how it is.
Look at an Akira Kurosawa samurai film followed by, say, a slasher movie and tell me those handle violence the same way.

People were already obsessed with combo length and would talk shit about games without long combos since KI and SF Alpha.

Cause they are still mad about it. You'd think having one game at EVO would be enough, but it isn't hard to find people still whining or complaining games stole spots etc. Just search "evo melee" on twitter and it turns up loads of recent tweets with people moaning.

Attached: 1535904815299.jpg (800x800, 477K)

I always thought Charlotte was a tranny.

>movie with main focus on serial killers has over-the-top blood and violence in it
>movie with main focus on samurais and drama has no blood and toned down violence


Antis not a melee player lol hes just mad about the samsho ad. I had a casual friend say he was sick of seeing it too lol.

it was dead on first place and its going to stay dead after this new game is released nothing will stop it

anti ain't no melee head

A smasher is a smasher. Also funny to see the defence force turn up out of no where cause people were laughing at a tweet.

>A smasher is a smasher
oh user, you're breaking my heart now

And those games were trash

fgc ads are terrible period

It'll get worse when CyGames just buys it out but that's for another day

Japs handle violence with flair
Amerimutts treat violence like food.

It doesn't look bad but personally I can't stand fighters that don't have a good combo game. Literally the only reason I play fighting games is to pull off cool combos because that's what's fun to me.

The absolute state of the fgc

Japanese handle violence like they handle child pornography
It's only good and moral when they do it

The quality of those games is irrelevant, people dissing on games without long combos is the subject here.

Only reason why nobody talks about the game is because literally nobody knows about it except 40 year old Boomers long gone from vidya and the 5 fightcade bandwagoners who played 10 minutes of Samsho 5 Special. The game itself has a decent enough presence at EVO and the Samsho shenanigans going on at pre-release tournaments have been hype. If anything it's going to maintain a dedicated fan base like UNIST despite the stream boars keep trying to call it dead. The game is good and brings it's own uniqueness to modern fighting games you can't get anywhere else, that should be enough to enjoy the game if you actually play fighting games.

Attached: images (7).jpg (262x193, 11K)

Max is a closet weeb. His favorite type of fighting games are the CURAZY FLASHY fighters with overly long combos, ie anime fighters. His favorite game overall is FF7. The only reason he is open with the MvC series and FF7 is because it is socially acceptable to like those.

I'm excited for this game because I've been getting tired of playing frantic games like dbfz, gg, and even Tekken can be relatively fast paced. Never played samsho before, but Earthquake, Yoshitora and Kyoshiro look like the trifecta of my niggas

Why everyone saying kysoshiro so bad though?


Fair, and it's more accurate to say that it did all start with those.

>Why everyone saying kyoshiro so bad though?
no clue, but they probably nerfed the frog

>Why everyone saying kysoshiro so bad though?
a lot of those people are from Capcom side and they don't know what they're talking about. Kyoshiro has never ever been a bad character in the entire series. His design just compliments the series.

>fgc ads are terrible period
Samsho ads have been pretty great

maybe if it comes to PC and isn't dead, not paying the playstation tax for a 60 dollar game

This picture is always attached to the stupidest fucking opinions, I swear to God. This is the 5th time I've seen in this month alone. I'd archive search but I'm still in bed.

Lower damage, slower and easy to punish. I doubt he is actually bad though, only character I can see being legit awful is Shiki.

seething that he is the only one playing a dead game.

>The game is good

Attached: 2ec.png (600x580, 572K)

whats so bad about shiki?

She has nothing going on apart from a good SSM

Nothing she does does anything, also since she's "the emotionless girl" she takes forever to get rage (ironically, her best tool is her WFT since it's a blisteringly fast ranbu)

t. 38 years old boomer who loves SNK

Attached: 30 years old boomer knows.jpg (724x540, 136K)

Literal dead kusoge

What defense force loll people just saying hes not melee hes ult

i'm going to keep talking about SamSho, tricking people into buying it by telling them how great and active it is, but I will never actually buy it myself

You mean drawing against actual child traffic like in the west?

Attached: 1557982632522.jpg (1024x658, 120K)

you can tell how seething the artist is,fun fact many crimes are unreported in japan or swept under the rug to maintain their "crime rate"

>sick and tired of shitty tacked on singleplayer modes
what kind of retard are you

Because I already have the full game.

Ask questions.

Attached: Samshops4.jpg (720x1280, 241K)


Don’t pretend you play fighting games.

how quickly did you get bored of it?

Pretty sure that his favorte fighting game IS MvC, he loves western fighting games unlike any "anime" fighting game player. Basically, he loves kusogames.

So the one guy who is actually honest? A ton of people dickride anime and then the games are dead as fuck because everyone secretly hates them, but is too afraid to say it due to weeb pressure. At least Max actually plays MvCI despite the massive backlash.

Still having fun and I only played arcade and practice mode, not even went online once.

>A ton of people dickride anime and then the games are dead as fuck because everyone secretly hates them
So Max right? He's the most dishonest motherfucker on the site.

Will this game start an epic SNK comeback with even more glorious reboot as Art of Fighting, Fatal Fury, Metal Slug ecc

Attached: is such a thing even possibru.gif (480x271, 2.04M)

you know he say that shit about anime to get guys like you mad and its working

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>Legitimatizing Japanese statistics when the definition of rape is more strict there and tons of child abuse isn't counted
You still don't understand how to people lie with statistics?

Yeah he was super dishonest about anime games to feel apart of the hivemind. He seems way more honest now though and it pisses weebs off.

Attached: 9kK3j5J.jpg (500x468, 65K)

>japan has no pedos!

No, but it's a fun game, infinitely better than KOF XIV was at launch.

If it gets a solid playerbase it could be as decently played like BBtag and Unist.

fuck making an account

How is Yashamaru? I've heard people being down on him but on paper he looks pretty good to me.

Also what is the full list of features? And how does ghost work?

how is charlotte also fuck you faggot i have to wait til monday

weebs are so fucking stupid

Waiting for pc port.
>Watching burger dood
Kys btw

KOF15 is for 2020, next one is probably MOTW2 since Last Blade would be a bad pick just after Samsho.

Attached: 1529969174178.jpg (1397x944, 338K)

snk has already said starting next year they want to start putting out two games a year, i think kof 15 was supposed to maybe be released next year too

Isnt the release date thursday?

last blade is done user

in nip land tuesday for america

Ghost is absolute trash at this point, I think it need time for the AI to fully process the way you play right now, even when you pick the top players their AI is out of control and doing dumb shit like activiating rage on first round and spamming jump and heavy slashes. The feature is broken at this point but again I think it is because nobody is playing and everyone is learning.

Yashamaru is okay but relies a little bit on his gimmicks to my taste I prefer a more grounded fighter.

Features : Online/Arcade/Practice/Survival/Ironman Challenge (100 fights)/Ghost IA mode/gallery and som minor shit I probably forgotten, the game's content is a little bit light.

As good as she ever was. She pronounces "Aurevoir" correctly this time.

I can't even use her anymore because of all those fuckers even if she actually my favorte fighting game character of all time

I've gone beyond following people online with early copies. IDGAF anymore. They've all proven to be big cunting hypocrites of the highest order, including Max, UltraChentv, Avoiding the Pussy, all of those motherfuckers. HYPOCRITES and shills. So Samurai Shodown can flop for all I care, that's SNK's problem (should've had better graphics and content). I'm buying it anyway.

Absolutely based. Hope they will found out a way to put a team of DoA girls in it, considering Mai and Kula were announced for DoA 6.

>literally dropped sekiro because he couldnt beat isshin

fuck off

they didn't put any doa characters in 14 or snk heroines so i don't think they'll do it in 15 either

They've already confirmed a new Metal Slug and a new KoF next year

Art of Fighting cannot survive in this fg climate. It would need to play distinguishably different to KoF, Fatal Fury (they're already rebooting that), and Street Fighter. And it if it played like the old versions of AOF, it would flop.

A new Metal Slug is coming out in 2020.

Anything about the free season pass

Watch WoolieVersus. Motherfucker got pandered to and is absolutely loving his shit. You don't get hype this pure nowadays.

How are they hypocrites and shills if they only play what they like?

Not available yet, hope I won't get fucked because I played it too early

For comparison

Delaying the PC port is killing the game before it even launches
One of 3 things will happen
1. The game is bad, then nobody will buy the PC port in Q4 because everyone knows it's bad
2. The game is good but has no staying power and is dead by the time the port hits, then nobody buys it because the hype is dead and no one cares, same thing as happened with KI
3. The game is good and is still alive in 6 months. This has essentially no chance of happening
In every scenario SNK is run by chimpanzees who apparently want their game to fail

KoF14 was profitable. A game does not have to take off in America to be successful.


>Name is literally Darli.
Something has to be up here.

>Delaying the PC port is killing the game before it even launches.
Man I just hope they are using the time to make a good port

Fighting games are irrelevant on PC stop deluding yourself and get a console if you want to play fightans seriously.

probably a counter move to piracy fags. denuvo being swiss cheese and all. can you honestly blame snk for wanting to make some money off the game

cause snk is totally a big company that can handle more than one thing at a time right

You forgot a few scenarios
4. It launches on PC at the same time but you call it dead and pointless as everyone plays fighters on console
5. It launches on PC with crossplay but you call the netcode bad without even trying it and say people only play Street Fighter
6. The game does everything you ask so you make up a new issue

unironically this
ps4 players don't even want crossplay with pc shitters

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 265K)

Are all the characters available when you buy the game?

Spam 2H because if you hit with it you take a chunk but if they block it they can only punish with a baby hit

Except for Tekken 7, that launched basically broken on consoles, literally any other game is more popular on consoles, stop deluding yourself

Why does Ukyo cough

Or fighters are for fags.

>Nooooo everyone needs to be a cuck like me and pay for online stoooooop!!!
the absolute state of consolebabs

the "I'm dying" samurai cliche

Because gaystation 4 players know they'll get shit on lol

>No simultaneous PC release
the game has no chance. Console gamers have no idea how to use the screenshot nor video capture features. There won't be any seriously in-depth discussion without PCbros. That's just how thinigs are in terms of generating hype during release.

Reflects were made super easy in this game, plus your super special move has invincibility and invincible moves are stronger than before in general. Ukyo's 2C is even negative on hit. Spamming heavies is so weak in this game

It wont since SNK already stated that the game as already broke even and more on preorders alone

They're still reeling from what happened to them with the SFV release. Reality sure stings, I guess.

How can 4/5 happen? Already confirmed to be pc later

The non-existent combos and high-damage pokes are exactly why I like the game
>other fighting games
>30 second combo does 15% damage
>1 swing hits for 30%
I recommend you #EmbraceDeath

Attached: 1559719260971.png (520x549, 225K)

I know spamming heavies is worse because you can't cancel the recoil of every move but it can't be that bad right? Also, doesn't Tam Tam being obnoxious by spamming jumping heavy count?

>he thinks that the PC playerbase actually matters for a fighting game

I never played a SamSho in my life, but I pre-ordered this. It's one of the rare fighting games where over half the cast is visually appealing to me.
>Tam Tam
I bought KOF14 as my first KOF, and I ended up selling it because only four of five characters in the entire cast appealed to me. Even now, the only characters I can remember liking are Andy, Terry, Benimaru, and Maxima.

Attached: 1561257199489.png (480x480, 148K)


go back to your board you dbfag

Whobis the cutest girl and guy?

>not just using her anyway

Everyone knows it's shit. They've never made a good game

>but it can't be that bad right?
I believe they also do less damage than before. They aren't unusable but with how the game is geared I don't think we'll be seeing them much in neutral. You already see people like Aroo fucking with people who through shit out like mad. The first week of this game will probably be brutal as people find out just how not real a lot of stuff is.

>Also, doesn't Tam Tam being obnoxious by spamming jumping heavy count?
Isn't there more height restriction on it or something now? Still seems like a good button even though as an air to air it sucks now.


Great-Great-Great Grandmother of Mei

Attached: Mei.jpg (700x1029, 476K)

Shiki is the hottest. Till the Iroha DLC drops.

Who do you think is going to be the guest characters? Since Harada is a big fan of SamSho, I won't be surprised if Yoshi gets in.

Attached: SC_Yoshimitsu.png (284x350, 108K)


Attached: HAIL TO A FATHER DIVINE.jpg (512x456, 31K)

Cygames likes SNK a lot, and it makes sense for both to promote each other. They've done collabs before as well

Attached: 1531329748741.png (536x779, 535K)

t. never played a SNK game

I'd love to see Sekiro, Mitsurugi, maybe even Vega

KoF story develops in trilogies, the 14 was the first chapter of the new one.

He has tuberculosis.


I don't think Cygames would want to have their characters get hacked and cut in half.

Jesus Christ, this presentation is fucking aesthetic.

Kill yourself

It always makes me laugh that people who "like" Charlotte don't realize she's had her moments of being a waifu.

There are already options for that to be turned off in general, so they can just make it auto to that setting with any character they put in. The same problem appears for most guests really. Same happened with Kratos in MK, despite being from such a violent series they had to change how some fatalities worked on him.

I get that, but the Japs can't seriously say they can't understand why fighting games don't take off in America when they are making the netplay only a priority with how the architecture is setup for in their region.
I'm not a fan. If you like it, that's your game. I'm not somebody who will hate on somebody's fun.

I always liked the Neo Geo arcade cabinets. Samurai Showdown, Bust-a-Move, Super Baseball 2020, all in the same machine....*sip*

I've had enough Genjuro and Hanzo to know that we don't need another character that can teleport behind you for crazy damage.

I like both. There's different ways to present violence and there's preferences for it, who would have thought?

>Kill yourself


Attached: Darli Dagger Slices Shiki In Half.webm (800x450, 2.78M)

Attached: Darli Dagger.webm (600x548, 2.86M)

Attached: Darli Dagger2.webm (688x554, 2.82M)

."The game is already profitable"

Lol the cope

Attached: 1554348025356.jpg (502x438, 24K)

It'll probably be about as successful as KOF XIV was, maybe a little better because a lot of people were put off by how that look, and there are people like that with SamSho but less of them, but I don't expect it to be a huge success. I'm still getting it though.

Attached: Darli Dagger3.webm (414x468, 2.18M)

This game was made for probably less than 500K, if it sells a 100K it'll have made a profit

Attached: Darli Dagger4.webm (800x450, 2.88M)

Attached: Darli Dagger5.webm (432x406, 2.83M)

Yikes, this game looks so bad

Awesome move but really gimmicky

It is unblockable at full charge

I don't think the heels fit. She should have just had regular boots.

Max is shit, but mvci is honestly pretty fun.

>Epic games store offers to make it exclusive to their service and offers to buy shitloads of copies

>Say no and try to appease to the general public, but at the same time shun PC players releasing the game later than consoles because "everyone who owns a PC is a fucking pirate"

>General gameplay of Samurai Shodown series is really slow combat with small wow factor, something not that really interesting to watch, only to play, which kills streams unlike games designed entirely for streaming to easily impressionable audiences like the new MK

If they wanted to sell they could have

a) Changed the core game, which is an insult to Samurai Shodown
b) Released all versions at the same time
c) Accepted what Epic games was offering them, even if I fucking loathe that platform but it was a nice deal altogether

>Samurai man who is the best in the land
>Unfortunately comes down with tuberculosis that will kill him while he's young.
>He serves a young noble lady who tends to his illness and loves him very much. Despite wanting to love her too, Ukyo refuses to let his feelings develop as he knows he will die young.
>Other noble ladies learn of his plight and Ukyo quickly becomes the most sought after man in Japan. This is why you may see women chasing after him in his victory animations.

>Dude has after-image strikes that can phase through moves
>Has one of the best special moves that acts as both an anti-air and an overhead, and it can be done the moment he jumps an inch off the floor
>Can chuck lots of apples into the air and do a mutli-slash attack. You can also just leave it at throwing apples to bait your opponent.
>Has one of the best buttons in the game that does big damage and only allows opponents to punish it with baby damage if they block it

Isn't there a thing about heeled boots for ships? Or maybe I'm just thinking about how they were more common for men at the time

>with small wow factor
Game is full of it

Attached: 1545393921129.webm (1080x720, 2.85M)

It will always be the most frustrating thing that they don't understand WHY games get switched out at EVO

I love SS as much as the next guy and used to play 2-4 religiously on arcades, but it isn't as good or entertaining to watch as other games.

Bro, if you want, you could just join the discord I'm in, the fucking scene's alive.

because CyGames hasn't bought everything out yet

>a) Changed the core game, which is an insult to Samurai Shodown
Smellies are getting really desperate huh

Attached: b80.jpg (1440x1715, 105K)

The fact that SNK knows their games don't sell well in the U.S. and still foregoing an actual deal with Epic Games is admirable. Not sure if it will pay off, but it's reassuring to know that they're not in a place anymore where they have to make deals like that to survive.

As for the PC version, every fighting game should have console + PC release on the same day and cross play included. Not giving SamSho any excuses, but it's par for the course at this point. Dunno what it would take for Japanese developers to realize just how big a deal cross play and simultaneous releases are in the West.

SF4 did it, everyone hated it at first for it, but look where it got them

Which character is most similar to Shizumaru in terms of gameplay? I want to be ready when they put him in the game.

IIRC Sony doesn't get along with others in crossplay terms, that's really difficult/impossible, see what they did with for example, fortnite where sony rejected crossplay because PS4 offered in their own words "the best experience"

>SF4 did it
No it didnt

The best part about the whole thing is the idea that either SNK or French Bread have the money needed to bribe their way into EVO. Both of these companies are doing kinda well for themselves, but they're no Capcom or Bamco. They probably couldn't even afford to bribe their way to EVO if they combined their money together.

>6 months until pc release, yea its dead

Prove it.


Attached: 1497329304518.jpg (724x663, 37K)

>Gives easy comeback mechanics, removes parries and changes it with focus much to everyone's anger, brings footsies back, extremely simplifies shortcuts for the game, overall making the entire experience beginner friendly and catering the game to newcomers more than veterans


Yeah, I figured that'd be the case, which absolutely sucks considering that PS4 is the fighting game console of this generation as opposed to the 360 which was the FGC console-of-choice of the last. Now that I think about it though, I'm unsure if the Xbox One version of games like Tekken actually play with PC players or if they have their own segregated pool...

KoF14 was apparently a financial success. They clearly figured out how to budget correctly to get a profitable return.

Attached: 1515477660255.png (442x353, 130K)

Thank you for pointing all the reasons why Max Is based

>majority of pc fighting players have very poor connections and you have to worry about pc players constantly cheating/hacking the game

Yeah you don’t know what you’re talking about. FG’s are highly deterministic and hard to cheat in. The most you can do is cheat inputs, and the infamous bots that roamed SF4 were on consoles.

>New easy comeback mechanic
>Removed an old option
>Change some defensive mechanics
>Easier inputs
>Some mechanics made easier to use
You just describe new samsho moron

If people don't know what to look for in the thing they're watching, then they're a fucking braindead spectator.

Parry is not a core mechnaic and SF3 is the only SF game with parries you fucking clown.

they should have double dipped and taken epic's money but delay the PC game anyway to avoid piracy eating into console sales


Attached: 1537545836815.gif (320x240, 2.09M)

>the amelicans ale the leason I fuck kids!

>Piracy eating into console sales
SNK doesn't have the resources to pour into a PC port. That's all this is. KoF14's PC port is very good compared to XIII. Clearly they want to give a shit about version control.
>Bring footsies back
What are you even on
What are you even OOOOON
Stop using words if you don't know what they FUCKING MEAN

Attached: 1525471703559.png (680x512, 235K)

>dissing Shiki and Kyoshiro like this
What did I ever do to you

you aren't dilating yet


Attached: 1481510222188.gif (360x360, 1.72M)

I downloaded Samurai Shodown 2 on Gamepass.
It's awful.

you silly bitch do you not know how crazy people get off of seeing big damage in any fighting game

>morons were claiming this would sell more than MK11

>Eastern fighting games
Yikes, into the trash.

the japanese-worshiping manchild cries with pain as you strike him lol

>something not that really interesting to watch
Can't wait to see it at EVO, the game will literally steal the spotlight and you will eat those words.

Attached: 1537240149552.jpg (433x650, 66K)

Unfortunately no one. Kid has a projectile and a DP, but what really separates him from the rest is his ability to charge a button by holding it down for a long time and then doing a special move that does massive amounts of damage (think Balrog's TAP from Street Fighter.) Outside of that, he has moves where he spins his umbrella in place to slice opponents and (I think) a reflect move that works on projectiles.

i think you guys tend to forget that the companies that release all versions of their games are big companies with loads of money behind them,the only exception might be arcsys but they are still way bigger than companies like french bread and snk

Dilate that fake vagina, friend.

Attached: 1511122455857.png (256x256, 130K)

>No PC release
Hope it's shit

To be fair, KoF14 had the biggest hype moments at EVO when it was there and people ignored it. Frustrating that SNK makes good games but Americans refuse to look at them.
People think a PC port is easy and doesn't have to be optimized properly, user.The PC port will come out and it will be functional. Now if only SNK could learn how to fucking advertise their PC releases.

>that the companies that release all versions of their games
Pretty sure the game is being released through someone else, which is why preorders took ages to go up

SFM guro artists are gonna have a field day with this gamke

Funny you should say that considering SamSho II is Japan's favorite version of these game. It's also the game that's serving as the "base" for which the new SamSho is built upon. If you want to try something different, SamSho V Special is the West's favorite version of SamSho. Not sure if it's on Gamepass or not, but the developers behind it recently patched it to have rollback netcode that works incredibly well.

the tranny's undilated wound hurts him to this day

Literally no one ever said that, brain damaged faggot.

Based puddle poster.

I love retards that like to waste their time being retards

Eh that's too bad. Thanks though.

I heard the walkspeeds are horribly slow and you mostly need to dash and jump to get around. I've had my fill of that playing SFV.

all the more reason to take Epic's 100k units offer and run for the hills

SNK's demographic is China. That's the reason why they're not dead in the ground. It is safe to assume Epic wanted the GLOBAL release of Samurai Shodown and would have fucked SNK over with how tiny in presence their launcher has for their largest consumer base.

Its a shot in the foot, user.

the hit boxes in this game are huge

lol so much seething
If you like masturbating to little girls just go and live in Japan

It is slow, but you can still easily space your opponent. You have so many defensive options and will just get fucked up trying to run in constantly. Your back dash is huge as well and it seems to have some invincibility.

Attached: 1549542731011.png (625x289, 34K)

Learn to walk.

Epic Store is chinese though Einstein. Your arguments are making less and less sense

Closest suggestions I got would be playing Nako/Rimururu (when Rimu releases) and Haohmaru. Shizu has one or two normals that are the same as Haohmaru and they both share having a projectile and a DP. The reason I'm suggesting Nako/Rimu is because they both have short normals compared to other people, which also applies to Shizu even if their play styles are different.

I'm getting the PC port eventually. I hate the self-fulling prophecy of "don't get it on PC because fighting games on PC are always dead online". If people weren't dissuaded from getting them on PC in fear of them being dead, then they wouldn't be as dead.

The game will never sell 100k units. Across all platforms, across all regions (including China). With or without Steam. It's just that niche. SNK fucked up royally by not taking Epic's money.

People don't understand that the guy behind this Samsho is Hidetoshi ‘Neo G’ Ishizawa, the man who made MvC2&3, CvS1&2, SF3.3, TvsC, SFZ2 and Darkstalkers 3.

Epic store doesn't work in china

It fuckin better not die until it comes out on PC

EGS is not the Tencent launcher.

Chinese money, chinese influence. Suggesting Epic would somehow force a publisher from making sales in a territory they have no presence in is ridiculous and baseless reaching.

I guess we'll see, then, user. I'm glad they didn't damage their brand or piss off their customers by taking the money. Fuck Epic and you need to consider that sometimes money in the short term isn't worth the long term damage.

Never played SamSho but it looks interesting. Nakoruru is pretty damn cute too.

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user, the launcher exists in China, and it has zero presence, and all its exclusives are exclusive to it. What's your fucking evidence otherwise?

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I have the theory that it was Nintendo that bought SamSho's entry into EVO
>takes Melee's spot
>holiday release for Switch
>possible inclusion of a SNK char on Smash

I thought Itsuno made CvS2?

No one gives a shit about EGS vs Steam except autists who want all their little boxes perfectly lined up in their Steam store Library. Fuck Valve and their uncontested and undeserved monopoly.

But it is true, and Epic don't care if they fuck over a game

SNK heroines tag team sold 300.000 units.

A soulcalibur guest would work pretty well

Probably not mitsurugi though since he would just be haomaru's smoller twin


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her sister is funnier and a better function

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>SNK heroines tag team

on consoles

Yea Forums doesn’t play fighting games

Doubly so because Charlotte is a fucking boring character to play as.

t.Tim Sweeney

Anyone could tell he was one of those Toonami generation dudes who liked Dragonball and that was it. I've always disliked the separation of fighting games into "anime" and whatever else, just like the term JRPG somehow got people to forget how diverse the RPG genre was, and being mad that for a long time, Japan had the RpG market down. The term JRPG is almost used as pejorative in some circles for why someone can't get into a game, as it's too "anime". While they have several Japanese made games in their library using the same tropes.

Nakoruru a cutie

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ukyo should just impregnate half of japan in the time he has left

>You've spent like a hundred hours playing and mastering this little girl character with shorty shorts. Care to tell us why?
>'s-she's really cute that's why i swear'
I don't buy it

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why is shiki bad

I'm waiting for SNK to not be fucking plebs and matchup their console and PC releases, seriously I hope they still have the season pass for free offer when it comes to PC or I'll be so fucking mad just release the shodown you fucking fags. I'll even give them 10 extra bucks for Iroha if she shows up as a PC and Switch exclusive just to dab on the censorfags.

Don't be autistic, just join a discord and ask people for a match. Even dead 5 million year old games have active discords with people willing to play with you. Hell, if you're too lazy just ask Yea Forums, I bet if I posted at the right time when the board is most active I could get a Melty Blood matchup in 5 minutes tops.

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Ukyo is so passive that he turned into a cuck later on

This is the mind of an incel