Why is the pacing so fucking terrible? The stuff at Midgar is genuinely good...

Why is the pacing so fucking terrible? The stuff at Midgar is genuinely good, but afterwards it ranges from decent to boring as fuck

Attached: Final Fantasy VII.png (817x960, 902K)

You shut your whore mouth!

Stop making this thread, zoomer.

This. Midgar is the best part of FF7 so of course it deserves its own game

I'd say the pacing is pretty good, though I've been replaying with the 3x speed enabled. Some of the puzzles are far worse than I remembered. And what has aged badly is how you navigate in different areas and shit, at times genuinely hard to see/know what you need to do if you haven't played it before. I had to look at guides couple of times already because last time I played it was like 12 years ago.

And now you know why people fondly remember Midgar/Saucer and conveniently forget the rest.

I just got to gold saucer, first time playing. It's insane how shitty sephiroth's 180 in character was

Only played this a few years back.
Was hooked in the Midgar section, then lost interest progressively after.
I couldn't tell you one thing about the story afterwards.I pushed through till Aeriths death, then closed the game and walked away.

I just hope it's still story driven and they don't have six million pointless fucking sidequests that are completely irrelevant to the plot ruining the game like in FFXV

Just started a playthrough.
It has too many minigames and all of them are low effort and just boring. Especially the ones where I had to dress up as a soldier.
Also not a big fan of the materia system so far. Parts of it are okay but it's annoying having to reshuffle stuff when they force change the party for me.

XV only had like 10 sidequests, despite that they were still shit

No fucking way was it only ten. Maybe ten sidequest ARCS, each consisting of five or six sidequests. Then you had all the countless hunts and "go catch frogs for me"

>it's annoying having to reshuffle stuff when they force change the party for me
You can move all materia from one character to another with the arrange option.

Most of the content is in Midgar. Barely enough shit to do outside.

FfXV only had a hand full of side quests you just did them over and over and over and over again
>2-3 Quests for the power plant lady
>Imperial Bases
>Chocobo ranch behemoth hunt
>Chocobo ranch rescue quests
>Rescue Hunter random events
There's two or more in forgetting but that's the bulk of it.

>That performance was terrible!
>Send that soldier a bomb!
*Received grenade*
I had a chuckle

Well I guess it's different now that I got the option to make my own party.
But maybe they will put me in a two person party again, I don't know. Never played the game before.

If you just left Midgard you still have a long way to go until the game ends. You'll be forced to play with (or without) someone in the party a bunch of times when you reach certain parts of the story related to them.

The game doesn't even start until after Midgar. Extremely overrated, a narrative Squeenix loves so they can sell 1/10th of a game.

I’m going to be upset if the remake doesn’t have the part where you climb 60 flights of stairs.

first time playing in years and i just got to aeris death and honestly it felt like i barely knew her. the game is comfy tho

FF9 had the same problem, it was amazing in story, world building, characters & music. But the pacing was fucking horrible which ruined the game. Ironically FFX is the only FF since FF6 that doesn’t suffer from horrible pacing & unbearably slow combat

Quoting myself from yesterday
>Only played it once, near 100%, never felt the need to go back to it. I feel like it's shorter than it actually is, but it's because there's a big build up to "City of the Ancient" and then a bunch of underwhelming "nothing" (just the huge materia and then cloud's stuff) leading up to the final battle, but I guess that's because Shinra weren't actually compelling bad guys to me, just a bunch of overrated crooks and I didn't care about their shit at all.
The more I think about it, there more I strongly believe there's a bunch of nothing spread like butter over three disks, it easily could've been two.

Attached: wokfru.png (467x358, 29K)

>sneaking in with Tifa instead of busting through the front door with Barrett

No use to it without the "retard" insult, might as well scrap it.

>missing a Elixir

>busting through for 30 random encounters instead of going throgh a couple minutes of fun banter between Tifa and Barret
no thanks fag

Attached: you guys.jpg (230x192, 27K)

>needing elixers

i did both

Attached: 16b.gif (425x481, 1.51M)

Junon is great. Wutai is cool. Good saucer is fantastic. Nibelheim is iconic. Corel prison is cool. Cosmo Canyon is iconic.


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Cosmo Canyon is the only good scene after Midgar.

>not playing with difficulty mods

Would people actually like this game if it weren't for the story and music?

Music isn't even top 5 FF. The better question is: she doesn't die, would people care?
My guess is 100% no.

iirc all of those sections together are only like 2 hours total of a 35+ hour game

> got to aeris death and honestly it felt like i barely knew her
I had the same problem after the event was hyped so much. I feel like your (or Clouds) relationship to her is not built up enough to give shit. I think people made a lot up in their own minds, what I expected to be in the actual game.
I guess the added content in the game will fix that at least a bit.

You mean characters, the story is shite.

Just look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself you stop being a scrub and then stick to it. It'd be best if you found all the QoL settings on your own but since you seem to be entitled piece of shit, I give you some pointers.

>magic materia is nice but you wont be needing to hold all of them all the time. Too many magic materias on one guy and you can kiss your physical attack's strength good bye
>in fact, the only magic materia you wanna carry is Restore juncitoned with All
>Enemy Skill materia. You get 4 of them during the game. Utilize it. It takes up one materia slot but it's the most diverse materia you can have and it doesn't lower your stats. Frog Song, White Wind and Big Guard are fantastic and the attack enemyskills make elemental magic and summons obsolete. Magic Hammer guarantees continous mp pool
>Cloud: Long Range + Cover + Counter attack. If you feel the need to grind someone else's kill count for next lvl limit break, switch the materia's to them
>Added Effect + ChocoMog or other status inducing materia on weapon slots
>don't be a scrub

All the eternally underage fags are really coming out of the woodwork since the FFVII remake hype train kicked into gear.
Nobody cares that you played a beloved classic game and found it stupid and confusing because there's no mini-map and quest marker.

I was 15 when I played it and I used a strategy guide like with literally every FF that had a guide until 12, then the series factually died and I stopped caring.
It's not stupid and confusing, it's short and watered down. Even if you consider each disc an act of the classic three act structure, there's a lot of "who cares" shit.

>using strategy guide

I found your problem

>I used a strategy guide
>It's not confusing
lol ok. Your opinion on video games are worthless.
>"who cares"
Why care or feel invested when you're reading a book that tells you every single thing about the game?

I always felt the opposite. I hated Midgar and the beginning of the game. You don't even find a new sword for Cloud until you get out. Everything gets so much more interesting once you leave

It's not like guides tell you "go there and watch as Aeris fucking dies", they just tell you where to do and maybe spoil the items, that's it.
Didn't affect my enjoyment of many other games, like Valkyrie Profile, Grandia, DQVII.
I just don't like going "le blind epic adobencha" for the sake of it, Jrpg are already time consuming as they are, I tried going blind in TiTS and restarted when I realized I missed liberl news.

where to go*

Really? I feel like the game starts after midgar.
Imo midgard is boring as fuck.

Sadly, the feeling of the world opening up after Midgar has no effect on zoomers who were born after GTA III was made.

Keep telling yourself that.
Why would someone ruin their experience and then whine about it?

I feel for them though. Not knowing anything about the game and then go "oh shit, this world is huge and there is so much fun to be had " is so much better than just watching some retard streamer play it on twitch.

FFVII has god tier pacing.

You didn't ruin shit.
You know when you ruined shit?
When you beat VP and it's "nice going, dumb fuck, you got the worst possible ending" and then you realize you either follow a guide or you are never going to get the real ending.
Some games are factually tailor-made for guides.

So far I got flamethrower on one of my enemy skill materia, but it feels like you can barely learn any enemy moves.
I just got two summons and I'm not sure if they're worth it. Tried shiva but she only did like 3 times regular magic damage for 9 times the cost. Also seems like I can only use her once per battle.
I did added affect with bio thinking I was smart, but that lead to 0 damage on non-alive enemies.

it aged like milk

Stick to skyrim you fucking faggot

I just don't agree. The pacing pretty great outside of Midgar, because you're seeing new and varied locales very regularly and every place and population has a unique identity. The outside-Midgar is the better part of the game.

But since you asked "Why?" specifically. It's because Motomu Toriyama was in charge of the event direction within Midgar only, so there's a definite approach difference.

However if you want impeccable pacing, your only FF choice is V.

you can actually steal a new sword for Cloud in the Shinra Tower. It's such a good sword that you can't purchase it until Junon

I wish zoomers to DIE
