Comfy ps4 thread. What are you playing Yea Forums?
Comfy ps4 thread. What are you playing Yea Forums?
A bunch of games.
I was getting tired of Bloodborne around the second time you arrive at YarGhul so I'm taking a break now.
Right now I'm alternating between story focused games like Metro and Yakuza 0 and more arcadey games like Hitman and Subnautica.
And you dude?
I downloaded FFXIV and realized that playing an MMO with a controller was a fucking dumb idea almost immediately
Neat. Game is built with a controller in mind and plenty of world first raiders use a controller, even on PC. But hey, you do you. 5 days til ShB!
Maybe I'm just not used to it. It felt like a pain to even talk to NPCs or navigate menus.
I'll probably give it a couple of more hours and see if I can adjust.
I have 110h now waiting for mission packs to go on sale
game is much harder than original but more fun to play
remember kids yakuza spin-offs > yakuza games
>dragon quest builders 2
cant wait for demo
>red dead redemption 2
I played this 14h straight for 2 days
asbolute kino much better than first game
Give it a shot! Also, you may think this is retarded, but it's always an option. If you plug a mouse and keyboard into the PS4, you can go to the game settings and with one click turn on PC layout and play that way with no problems as well. It's pretty awesome for people who would rather have that. Controller does take some getting used to, but once you DO get used to it, it works pretty damn well. Hope you can get to that point brother, it's pretty damn fun!
I bought spiderman ps4 about a fortnight ago do ive been playing that, and i recently got back into Fallout 4 coz i finally bought all the DLCs
Oh, I had no idea that was a thing.
Thanks for the advice, user. I hope you have fun with whatever you're playing, too.
You faggots are far too nice for this board
just cause 3 almost ready
got it for a few bucks last year but couldn't get into it. trying again now
I dont use my ps4 much, I got dreams just to fuck around when I’m high, there is a lot of truly kino art, people are extremely creative
i never understood this.
ps4 has a feature to have themes and even animated themes but you hardly ever see any themes based around actual games.
its always some shitty deviantart type of artist making these themes.
sony did the same shit when the ps3 as well.
Nothing. Haven't played my ps4 in months.
The Division 2. I'm enjoying constant dips to 20fps and screen tearing every two seconds, also input lag allows me to relax between button press and action. My kind of comfy relaxed experience.
Also kys pctards.
Is mankind divided any good?
Had to dust it off because Netflix on my TV stopped working. Good thing it's a sony tv so I don't have to use that god awful controller and can just control the PS4 with remote. Would be nice if I didn't have to fucking update the PS4 every time I connect it to the internet, just to use Netflix.
Unironically, DayZ. And I’m pleasantly surprised, I thought I would have to wait months for this game’s value to catch up with the price. The game is basically a camping simulator, especially with a friend. It becomes STALKER bandit kino once you get military gear and masks though. I love camping out in an abandoned lumber yard waiting for the rain to pass. It’s as comfy as it is janky.
Also thinking of getting Darkwood but Sinking City is coming out very soon so I’m not sure if I can spare time for two somewhat similar games.
It’s good but it’s on a cliffhanger that won’t be getting a continuation any time soon. I think it’s a weak compared to HR though, the themes and sheit just pale in comparison. HR was more like the disparity between classes and those who can afford to get auged while MD is just racism against the augs, which felt hamfisted at the time.
Uncharted 4 Im halfway through and im already starting to feel burned out on it.
Nice try out DJ max respect
The game themes arent as good as some others. This one is animated
is it actually good? looks like one of those mobile rhythm games
I have a Pro and X and I always prefer playing my shit on Pro for trophies and comfy PS4 controller, even though X will run everything better
>game is much harder than original but more fun to play
No, it isn't. If you choose classic mode it's the same.
It's great, if you like taiko and miku. Its originally a PSP game.
Just Google up some tracks and judge for yourself
gonna buy bloodstained later
Snoy too busy censoring games to give me my FF7 theme
medium is harder than orginal
you can finish classic without drift boost
in NF you cant
great so far
>worldend syndrome
not a bad VN even if it makes you work a bit.
Playing through a lot of Hitman at the moment. I recently bought both the Hitman HD collection (Blood Money + Absolution) and the expansion pass for Hitman 2. Both were on sale on the PS Store recently. Love these games but they really fucked up the story in Hitman 2. Also my PS+ ran out yesterday so i cant play metal gear v, sonic mania and overcooked anymore. Sucks a lot. Right now im thinking on buying Marvel vs Capcom 3 to play with my little bro, its 12 dollars in my region so its not a lot of cash.
I liked it. Since the game didnt sell as well as they hoped its often on sale, i think the deluxe edition is around 7 dollars right now. I got it for 9 dollars a couple months ago and it was tons of fun, but it ends too soon. And the microtransactions, one-use items, and DLC that feels like it was cut from the main game ruined a bit of the game for me. At such a low price i'd say its totally worth it though.
It's a big celebration of DJ Max, the base game has about 40 new songs plus almost the entire tracklist from Portable 1 and 2, the tracklists from the later games are being released as dlc.
Nothing, my ps is together with other stuff and will arrive in a month or so. Then I'll play Sekiro and probably get CTR, maybe Bloodstained.
Can you play mgs4 on ps4?
with psnow
bought Mankind Divided with dlcs on the flash sale, I've only completed the tutorial mission and I've spent like two hours talking to NPCs, exploring the city and doing some weird sidequest on the sewers
gameplay is kinda clunky in comparison to MGSV but at least I care about the story unlike the latter
graphics suck ass though, maybe because of that weird engine they used
I guess I'm enjoying it so far, I've never played a Deus Ex game before and this doesn't looks so bad of a start
Is the PS4 port really that bad? I've heard it got some pretty bad performance issues, I'm interested in buying it during the flash sale because I liked JC2 and it's dirt cheap
really? I played like 10 hours during the free weekend and it wasn't that bad, Wildlands was far worse performance wise
it was a fun game, specially coming from Ubisoft, maybe I'll buy it for 10 or 15 bucks later
based Neptunia avatar and PS2 UI theme
same, but I d
Just Cause 3 is pretty bad in base hardware across the board, if you have a ps4 pro and enable boost mode it becomes actually playable.
I'm loving Dreams. The game still needs some polish and extra features but the community feels like peak LBP2 and some great stuff has been made
Just platinumed God of War. Now im moving onto Assassins Creed Odyssey. A bit overwhelming at the moment.
Nothing to play. Literally.
I've played only RE2 and Days Gone this year. That's fucking all.
That's why you can choose classic an play how it was
Did you even read my post?
Why even do that stuff? Its not like you get anything from it
This is literally the best game on the PS4
Is the new Crash Team Racing good?
I need some local multiplayer games to play with my roommate.
If not, any suggestion?
I got a platinum avatar for god of war, not if Days Gone has any platinum rewards
About to fight BSB
Playing Gravity Rush but finding it a bit boring. Heard the sequel is much better but saw the online part shut down, so not sure I’ll support that.
Autism. Also if youre not some Euroshit you can trade them in for a bit of PSN credit.
Recent bought
>Ctr Nitro fueled
> Dishonored 2
Also got tricked into buying sengoku basara 4
I mostly use my ps4 for fighting Games and ITS the best console for that
I have around 40 fighting Games installed
IT IS literally Just Crash Team racing in pretty
There is No Innovation and Most people would Argue that you dont Need Innovation
IT Has a good amount of Singleplayer and Multiplayer content, Not Sure about the framerate during 4 Player Splitscreen
ITS the best best Thing after Mario Kart 8
>There is No Innovation
I just need it to run fine and be bug free. Does it run at 60fps?
They canceled that
Got Prey for $10 on a sale not so long ago
playing it rn, and it's very good
Okay, well just autism then
Prey one of the best games i played this generation. Very underrated
Nope, 30
Its pretty polished Tho, Loadtimes are a little too Long and online Has some lag issues
I don't respect anyone who doesn't have at least 1 platinum
How is the Expansion? Do i Need IT?
>Hollow Knight
Attempting teh trial of the fool, game is pretty comfy
>Hitman 2
Game is phenomenal, i just love finding new ways to kill the targets
Waiting next week for the non jew free beta
Got an X, should I be relegating my PS4 to exclusives only? Always been a PSfag
>Got an X
Why the fuck would anyone do that? Get a PC instead
If you enjoy the lore yeah, but outside that its just doing the same simulation over and over to piece together a story. It wasn't as good as the main game
Did they really? The trade-off was pretty shitty anyway, since it was 10 Plats = $10 (and it didn't even count retroactively for all your previous Plats before this thing started), but I've never read anything about it getting cancelled
They cancelled registration of it. You can still trade your trophies in until the end of the year
I have autism and I must 100% games that I love, which often leads me to looking like webm related whenever thinking about what to play.
Avoid shooters
Get exclusives
Get Games that Run at 60 FPS (Like fighting Games with bigger communities on console)
For Singleplayer ITS Up to you, If you have a good PC, Buy them there. But on console its less of an hassle, cause shit Just works
Some plats are enjoyable when yoy grt them for completing the whole game.
Then you have shitty ones that require multiple playthroughs or you need a guide for missable shit and collectibles
54 here
Of which only 3 are telltale
Thats a sick looking theme. What is it?
I unironically loved Celeste and just got the plat without using assist (bitch) mode. Chapter 9 when?
This reminded me just how ugly the interface of the console is, funnily enough in my year or so of owning ps4 I haven't encountered a SINGLE decent looking theme. You also can't even have a nice plain grey/black/beige background because all the icons are fucking blue.
pretty good so far but it performs like ass and I'm a lot more interested in shin yakuza anyways
>yakuza 0
cleaning up some of the stuff I hadnt' done in my previous playthrough, finding new appreciation for some of the mini-games I hated before
also want to actually reach Amon this time around
holding R1+X a lot
>onions of war
still haven't played past the initial few hours, honestly didn't like anything about it and I wish I could refund but I've also never been a fan of the first three games so joke's on me
not touching that until Iceborne for PC
too burnt out to even finish the epilogue
maybe one day
Really want to try out Dragon's Crown too
name is made up
Rez Infinite - Singularity
It was free for a time period but i think it's paid now.
I have 33 plats, and that's PS3, Vita and PS4 combined.
Also, I don't have PS4, but I borrowed from a friend to play one game. You can already guess which one.
Currently playing DMC V and Dragon's Crown pro in parallel.
I don't have a ps4, but if I did.. right now i'd buy that ffvii theme that makes the God-tier noises from the game. Now if only sony made a silent hill one that makes the silent hill menu noises.
Nice, you cheated. Congrats.
You can't buy that separately i think, it comes with the FFVII port.
I've got Prey left to play
was in the middle of Spiderman and God of War, but then i got RDR2 and im on chapter 6 its so fucking boring but i feel like i need to finish it before moving on to the other games
what else was there last year that's actually worth playing
I only have 1 game played on ps but trust me, the plat is definitely worth bragging about. This shit was nowhere NEAR socom 2 and was a fucking buggy mess. I don't think you can get any trophies for it anymore. (servers are shut down)
Finishing Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise before I get my physical copy of Judgement on Tuesday. I've already played it quite a bit in the past months and I'm already in the last chapter before the finale but I keep getting sidetracked by all the optional content. Bartender Ken, Manager Ken and Racing are top comfy.
Just reinstalled the Uncharted trilogy and about to go on a comfy adventure again.
This is why no matter how shit xbox is now, i'm never going with playstation. Their exclusives aren't jrpg's anymore, they're fucking garbage like uncharted, spider man and god of war.
Nothing. Haven't turned my ps4 on in weeks because the games are well garbage. Last game I tried was god of war and it's some linear trash with tacked on puzzles. Terribly designed game.
Cool, happy for you
I stopped forcing myself to try western movie garbage and got persona 5. Literally the best thing on it and makes me want to to get 3 and 4 now.
Xniggie cope
I was thinking of picking a Pro up for bloodborne + horizon + spiderman + gravity rush, but then they revealed ps5 has backwards compat so I guess waiting is the better option now, I'll just exhaust my ps3's backlog in the meantime.
The question is, do I believe the rumors saying it will release in late 2019, 2020, or 2021? I can't wait for 2 years...
Nice lie
Yeah because Xbox has stuff like Persona amirite?
Xbox only has pure garbage
also do you think there is ANY chance that they'll extend the BC to PS2/PS3 and re-add pressure sensitive buttons to the controller?
It's obviously gonna be a 2020 release for both next gen hardware since both companies have been teasing it for a while now
I'll admit that I want persona 5 and dragon quest 11 on xbox, but seeing as how they're coming to switch, I don't see why they wouldn't to xbox.
I can work with that. I guess it will be a good choice too because I can play PS4 games while PS5 gets it's library extended
Dragon's crown
Just remembet that the launch consoles might have flaws and be damn expensive
Iceborne beta, next week I will be playing Judgement.
Yeah it's boring as shit. I own horizon, god of war, uncharted, tlou and spiderman and the only game I enjoyed was spiderman. I also enjoyed the kingdom hearts hd collections was more than all those other games I just mentioned combined except for spiderman. If these shitty cinematic over the shoulder action games are the ones which are getting "good" reviews when in reality they're fucking trash then this industry is dead. I'll just buy a switch instead of a PS5 next year because it looks like it'll actually have good games and not this cinematic trash.
Except it is. Its shitty hub worlds with linear progression. Theres no open world aspect to it at all you can't just go randomly exploring around the map compared to spiderman which is an actual open world game.
So you are a shit taste weeb, got it.
I'm not dumb enough to buy a ps4. Buy a PC.
theres nothing comfy about this. probably one of the all time ugliest dashboards ive ever seen in my life. if anything you just declined my sale on a ps4
Funny, I detest gimicky shit nintendo does but I might also get a switch.
I doubt they'll go with a 600$ console again lel. Well if I can get a pro on a good deal in the immediate future I'll go with it instead, but, but they're almost always 430-450$ here
>your main pastime is gaming
>you have a gimped PC with censored games
It's pretty much confirmed to be $500+ and cerny said it would have premium pricing when asked about it in his wired interview. We know the xbox is going for $399 so it could make for another 360/ps3 launch all over again.
Would anyone reccomend Persona 5 for someone with only a fleeting interest in JRPG's? Im after a new RPG to get lost in
Just finished Last of Us.
Started playing on hard and it felt like a boring brick throwing simulator. Then I switched to normal and enjoyed the game all the way to the end.
Maybe, but at least wait for the whatever it’s called edition.
The game is very repetitive and you’ll spend the majority of the game reading text dialogue of varying quality.
I had a dream there was a sequel for War of the Monsters
>didnt finish rdr2 epilogue
you have missed so many kino moments
Started my 3rd P5 playthrough, getting into Dreams, just hit lvl 75 Gunzerker in BL2, playing TLOU factions, BFV, or Uncharted Survival with the bros, and trying to get better at GT Sport.
You post on a gaming board and consider gaming a hobby yet you still play games like BF5 on a fucking console at 30 fps in multiplayer. That's a yikes from me.
All multiplats have the most thriving multiplayer on Playstation you retard.
>playing dead online on PC
Lumines Remastered is such a jam, but it makes me feel like a brainlet after getting good at Tetris Effect.
What Remains of Edith Finch was neat but felt like wasted potential due to the lack of a real climax. The game absolutely peaked with Lewis' story. If only more of the stories were as mechanically interesting and developed as that.
>What Remains of Edith Finch
Forgot I just installed this, I have no idea what is it though.
Imagine being this deluded. At least you admit you're black.
You literally have no argument as I am 100% right you fat spic mutt, now fuck off.
I play games on PC, PS4, and sometimes Xbox. I have no allegiance to one platform. I play certain games where I know I'll play the most with my friends.
I finished off my platinums for tlouremastered, bloodborne, sekrio, dark souls 1-3, and uncharted 1-4 crushing trophies, and just sold my ps4 pro last night.
What a disappointment of a console. Two actual exclusives worth playing over 7 years.
BFV gets like 50fps on base PS4
A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Videogame. You go through this empty house learning about the horrible and unlucky ways all your peculiar family members have died through little interactive vignettes.
Sounds comfy enough. I have a couple of hours to kill today, how long is it?
3 hours max.
Cope negro
stinky Kat's 2nd game.
Is it worth playing when the online mode got killed?
It hovers around 30 fps in multiplayer
user go watch some better movies.
Just got PSVR as a gift, so Skyrim VR and potentially GT Sport. I don't usually play racing sims but since I got it with the VR and I've always wanted to try one I figure why not. Also Bloodstained.
I need to replay Gravity Rush 2.
>BFV gets like 50fps on base PS4
Yes. The online is a very minimal feature. You miss out on player ghosts for timed side missions, the player created treasure hunt side missions and three costumes. Those are all very optional side things though and the game is still great without them.
I only ever did the online stuff months after finishing the game only because i read it was shutting down so i could get the rewards, it's not really that great tbqh.
What is Sony's rationale behind not allowing you to order shit in the home menu aside from plopping things into a folder or delete all that trash that no one uses?
cant believe they make you pay for this shit theme
JC3 is pretty bad, I'm getting drops to like 20fps. But i get the controls now and its more fun this time