>game is set in America
>Doesn't have a suburb area or level where white people shoot at you for not being part of the community
Game is set in America
>ThouZand Oax 4 Life, my Ninja
>where white people shoot at you for not being part of the community
You mean black people.
We only shoot you if you aren't white.
Inb4 unfunny mutt edit #91766811
Anyone, really. No need to make this about race. There are plenty of communities in America that you will shoot at outsiders.
I never realized how retarded the layout of suburbs actually are before looking at this picture. Why would it be so difficult to make everything interconnected and easy to navigate. It's like a maze...
>Game set in America
>doesn't have the majority of pedestrians as obese
>doesn't have a fast food restaurants every block
because real life is not flat grass.
It's intentionally hostile design to limit road traffic.
It's scary. Imagine a caucasian 50 something is just prowling around hunting outsiders in the burbs.
No there aren't. Gun violence is extremely disproportionate in black communities.
modern america is the culmination of every bad decision that could possibly be made. i'm convinced jews designed suburb layouts.
>opening is a 15 minute cutscene a la Half Life where you drive from your horrible swirly suburbia to the actual city.
Non walkable city planning is a crime unto nature
>Ctrl v
Yes but that's directed either at outsiders of any race, or is black on black violence.
but 13%=50%
>have to drive every time you go for groceries
why are americans so scared all the time?
>No need to make this about race
But there is a need because white people don't really shoot people in the USA
>guy in mirror is also a nigger
Too meta
Because it's easy as hell to fuck up and ruin your life in this post-baby boomer nation.
That looks pretty comfy honestly, what's the problem?
That looks anything but comfy to me
>Have to take the car to the next convinience store
>No parks or greenery
>All looks the same
>Almost no option to explore a little or take shortcut routes through some weird pathways.
why doesn't america ban guns and give everyone a taser
There’s several parks in that picture and several dirt roads. Wat magical landscape are you looking for? Estonia?
Do americans really consider this to be uncomfy? That looks like extremely quality housing, most of the world would kill to have living conditions like this.
its actually more like 7% when you think about it
>strange niggers scoping houses with backpacks
more common in america than you think
Imagine throwing a matching in there and burning down the whole thing.
I wouldn't consider a spot of grass a park yet. Usually parks also have trees, paths and sometimes some small bodies of water like ponds.
You might like your plot of land with a house, nice backyard with a pool, but going for a walk for example looks incredibly boring.
Most people on Yea Forums who whine about American suburbs are yuropoors living in commie blocks and cucksheds.
Colorado Springs is a mountain range and a desert range.
You skip 95% of those roads to get to your house retard
On medical emergency away from complete financial ruination.
dude I could tell this was Colorado before I even opened the thread and saw the thumbnail, used to live in a suburb identical to this one near Aurora.
I miss it.
It’s not just that. Most Yuropoors can’t even understand the scope of atmospheric climates that make up the USA. If OP’s pic is Colorado Springs, it’s in a desert. It took decades of work cultivate that place.
unless it's a school
Jews aren’t white.
it's interesting that caucasians are always white until they do something bad, then they turn into jews/mexicans/italians/irish/slavs or whatever
None of those races are white, especially if we’re going by original American doctrine.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen any of those races ever claim they’re white, except jews, until they do something bad for them. Then they’re jewish. I believe the current American school shooting highscore is held by a polish Jew. The ones before that were also jewish. American schools don’t have a gun problem, they have a jewish problem.
>white people
Soo... fantasy?
don't all americans have fairly high crime rates except asian americans? wouldn't it make most sense to exterminate all americans except the asians?
I think the issue I have with these pictures of American suburbs is the lack of mixed use stuff. It's all houses, only houses, and if you need to get groceries or go to the library or do anything it's a car journey to go do it.
I much prefer towns/suburbs that are mixed use, so you have a mixture of housing (both individual houses, town houses, and apartments), utilities and infrastructure (schools, libraries, doctors clinics), commercial (groceries, supermarkets, bars/pubs, other kinds of shop) and so on. Stuff you could feasibly walk to get to.
>I much prefer towns/suburbs that are mixed use, so you have a mixture of housing (both individual houses, town houses, and apartments), utilities and infrastructure (schools, libraries, doctors clinics), commercial (groceries, supermarkets, bars/pubs, other kinds of shop) and so on.
>tfw live in a rural town that has exactly this kind of setup
Requiring car ownership is how you can keep the area reasonably white since it's illegal to outright say "NO COLOREDS ALLOWED." Minorities are more likely to not own a car and need public transportation or to live walking distance from everything they need. HOAs are another good way to legally keep your neighborhood white.
This. Having everything close to eachother is way better.
The weirdest thing about American suburbs is how the houses have no trees and no garden around them.
Yeah, Colorado Springs is a desert, but deserts aren't empty - they have shrubs, scraggly trees, cacti, and all sorts of plants that can naturally grow in them. What's the point of having a lawn when you don't have a garden?
If whites are so good, why do they only succeed in maintaining the devils work?
After all, why would you walk into such an area unless you live there? There is nothing else but homes. No parks, no stores, no cafes, no ice cream parlours. Not even worthwhile to go for a walk or jogging.
If whites are so awful, why do nonwhites keep trying to live around us?
Forza Horizon 1 and GTA IV are essential burgerpunk.
If you believe this you unironically prove you're from europe
I dont think I will ever not prefer old european cities that evolved naturally compared to repetetive blueprint suburbs. Not saying that europe doesnt have that shit too, but not on the same scale.
Maybe trees are an insurance liability. If a twig falls on somebody they could sue you for millions.
Whiter than (You) william
Antibodies congregate at the site of diseases to purge them