Here's your classic, bro!
Here's your classic, bro!
the magic is just purely gone
Was it ever truly there?
asmongold 5...layer 3...shard 4...home
>Gen Z culture
I never played WoW but these are funny as fuck
retards want attention and they do stupid shit to get it
no one forces you to play on the same server that the streamer retards are playing
>streamers have ruined classic wow
It's almost poetic. Really shows how streamers are ruining everything.
streamers are unironically the worst thing to happen to gaming.
>people literally waste hundreds of dollars just to hear literal whos call out their name
What the fuck is wrong with this world?
Esports are worse.
>muh community will just be like vanilla
>servers filled with dick suckers and tryhards chasing streamer attention
classic was a mistake
also 1 month worth of content, what's their plan for keeping people's attention after the 1st month?
>nurageface posters hate classic
Adds up
nostalgia and contrarianism, aka Yea Forums
>wait for launch
>check which server asmongold is on
>pick literally any other server
Wow that was hard
Also stop making edits of this image, I've filtered it like 50 times now and I never stop seeing it
>dedicated pvp guilds cut through zoomer armies like butter and camp streamers until they go to a pve server
So what's the problem exactly?
Why won't the mods ban wojaks and frogposting?
I'd play ffxiv instead if it weren't for the ethics committee or whatever the fuck it's called.
Is Eso any good for a wowrefugee?
>private server community screams for official classic realms after nost shut down
>2 years of massive campaigning blizzard finally announces they'll do classic
>fills beta with retailcel streamers and their 13 year old orbiters
>playing with zoomer cancer
just play private. it's free also.
I spent the last year playing on vanilla servers. Yeah there were chinks everywhere but damn if it wasn't fun. RIP people who will pay for WoW Classic.
its funny how much reddit hated this guy for telling the truth
sure user, play on the server without all the good players/guilds.
All the streamers will play on PVE servers and all the retards that follow them will be contained there. How is this a bad thing? PVP will be pure and if any streamer is dumb enough to play on one then you can join a streamer hunting guild and make their life hell. There is no way this is a bad thing you dumbasses.
vanilla was always shit lmao
agreed, instead of avoiding asmongold's server you should come play on a server ran by slavic scam artists who guess how the game works
Because the retarded newfags that make them are the only ones stupid enough to buy passes and turn off adblock
>there's only going to be one good server, every server will but that one will be dead!
I'm sensing some coping going on.
You and I both know that everyone playing on streamer servers is gonna be a total shitter
Who team /sodapopin/ herer?
because they are actually funny
>private server community
they should have been content with private servers. now they wont even have that to fall back on.
if you want a nostalgia fix just play a server with your preferred content (bc/wotlk/cata/etc)
and there are no 10 year old faggots ruining the server.
>paying 15 a month to play with autismgold fans
>being an amerifat
How are streamers different than popular PKers and other popular players of old? You honestly believe that WoW didn't have their own "Zezima"s? The game will be fine, faggots.
>being a muslim
Stay off streamer servers, it's really not hard
but the cancer will migrate to the best server, it always does.
They actually aren't, faggot. They never were and they never will be.
the absolute state of wowfags
>paying 15 a month to play with autismgold fans
then don't play on asmongold's server?
I'd rather have 100 Angwes than 1 Asmongold on my server.
>can dodge gankers by switching shards
ah, just like vanilla.
>there's only one WoW streamer