
Attached: images (2).jpg (329x480, 32K)

draw two cards from where? my graveyard? deck, my opponent's hand?

Attached: FlameGhostLOB-NA-R-1E.jpg (400x580, 62K)

t was the point of releasing weak fusion monsters?

Your ass

In the OCG there were multiple sets where the power level was low as fucking shit. LOB combined all of those in one, so shit like the fusion monsters were useless from the get-go.

pack filler

>hunting for ghost rares to purchase
>these stupid fuckers always pop up
fuck you

>make a weak fusion that requires another weak fusion in order to make

Attached: Fusionist this is to even further beyond.png (675x996, 1.7M)

The original card game released much smaller sets and the ATK power scaling was extremely low. The only reason why these cards appeared useless to us is because it released the first gen, second gen, and every other pack release in the OCG into one larger set for the TCG (us). Starter decks in the OCG came in much later, while we ended up getting stuff like Blue-Eyes right from the very beginning of the game. A monster with just 1300 ATK back in the day was huge meta for the OCG.