Want to get into arena shooters? Do I start here or what?
Want to get into arena shooters? Do I start here or what?
Champions and Live are the closest thing to still living Arena shooters. Might as well start with C
occasionally i'll re-download live to try strafe jumping for 30 minutes then uninstall when i fail. i really wanted to get into champions but not if i'm trash.
QL is better but QC is easier (has matchmaking, more noobs, game is slower, etc)
movement isn't even really that important but if you find strafe jumping too hard you probably suck at everything
Hello fellow gamer. May I suggest you purchase a copy of Lawbreakers for your platform of choice? They basically reinvented the twitch arena shooter. With many Tarantino-esque characters to choose from and gravity defying combat, dare I say, Boss Key made the Dark Souls of FPS games. If money isn't a concern, the Deadzo Deluxe package comes with skins for your favorite guns. Your opponent shall be killed in style. I hope you enjoy the game.
Bliffy C.
It and Live are basically the only ones alive (you can set up matches in Q1 and CPM through discord but there will be a lot of waiting), QC might be easier on a new player to hop into.
You just need to keep trying until you get it, 15-30 minutes a day for a week or more and you'll get it down pretty quick.
did Unreal Tournament 4 never leave beta
holy shit lmao
UT is poor man's Quake
It didn't reach alpha, and then Epic buried it. Fuck them.
They gave the game to 4 unpaid interns and then released Fartnite (PUBG Edition) and made many shekels.
I regret ever using their launcher to play that shitty, cobbled together mess (and the free copy of Shadow Complex they gave me)
>Want to get into arena
Wasnt Lawbreakers shut down? not that it matters, it would have 0 players anyways
Yea. You can't buy it anymore. That's what happens when people can't host their own servers. Shit just gets shutdown and nothing you can do about it.
dl unreal tournament
play against bots
People don't get into arena shooters. You have to be born in it. See
its a shame, because memes aside, even if the gameplay looks a bit all over the place, it looked like a fun game, better than Overwatch at least
>tfw gave them a bogus email leading nowhere
Feels good, man.
Just install Quack hampions and have fun.
>0 of 0
Is that from the new Refn kino?
Quake champions is shit
Get quake live
play ql or wait diabotical
>finally have enough RAM to jerk off to every pore on Slash's pale, sweaty skin
>can't tell /arena/ how much I love her because it's permadead
Has UT4 even had an update in the past four years or so?
>DOAbotical ever coming out
he said last stream it's definitely coming out this year
>he said last stream it's definitely coming out this year
check it out, it looks great and close to being done
I mean if there were enough people to warrant the existance of custom serves it wouldn't have shut down in the first place. The game literally sat at
>close to being done
Don't get me wrong I'm excited but going off the last 2 streams there's still a fuck ton of work to do
Looking forward to simple spherical player models after all the hitbox bullshit in qc
I honestly can't see the appeal of Diabotical. It has great community building and mapping features built around a really uninspired core game. The idea that people stopped playing arena shooters because there weren't enough mods or community maps is retarded - the core gameplay loop got stale and Diabotical does nothing to fix it.
it's a fucking kickstarter game for /arena/ and yames, pleb
We'll remake it near quakecon.
>We'll remake it near doomcon.
arena shooters fail because they fuck with the formula too much and the last good Quake was Quake 3 which came out 20 years ago
diabolical has too many memes in adverts. did they hire the borderlands badass guy for this. pass. why make your characters fucking spheres
>why make your characters fucking spheres
so vertical aiming is consistent with horizontal aiming, brainlet
why does it need to be. don’t see anyone playing all Orb matches in quake. anyway i’m sure diabolical will narwhal the bazinga bacon.
what are you talking about. Every new arena shooter in recent memory is just a quake or UT clone. They fail because they don’t ever try anything new and will never be better at being quake than quake