>one copy of The Outer Worlds please
One copy of The Outer Worlds please
>daughter looks fully black
>even having a daughter
Why do white incels think this is 'winning'?
The only thing wrong with this picture is the dude's hair. Pregnant nigress is a fine looking woman and I would wife the fuck out of that.
holy based
Oh NO NO NO black bois
You don't actually get triggered when you see middle-class interracial couples, right Yea Forums?
Are people really only upset about diversity because theres less white people to vote for right wing shit everyone else hates?
Just want less ugly and unintelligent people, my dude.
>its a DeMarcus be home soon episode
I just don't like seeing my country turned into a shithole, to be honest.
colonizing is hot, and having a mulatto daughter is patrician, this way she can also be colonized
>>daughter looks fully black
She clearly look bi-racial.
Skinny black chicks > thicc black chicks
Bros can you imagine how many black girls have been fucked by big white men?
Filling them up with the white man's superior seed.
People keep saying Outer Worlds is exactly like Fallout NV. But in 2019/20 shouldn't that be a negative considering how much time they had to improve on their "formula"?
incels from Yea Forums probably have their entire day ruined from this and it's pretty goddamn sad to let /pol/ autism get that deep inside your head lole
Do mixed raced kids ever feel a disconnect between their white parent? I couldn't imagine my kid not being the ssme color as me.
user, there is no way a game that good is going to come out in 2020+
he cute
Of course all the black sonyboys will get insecure after seeing that.
Why are pregnant women so much hotter than when they are not?
That's mostly the only reason why I would never marry another race. Kids that don't look like me is too jarring of a feeling. I'd might as well adopt.
Her mom has less nigger hair than she does.
Then you should start with your gay dumb ass by educating yourself
then fucking asians instead of whites cause fucking hell are whites dumb compared to them nips and chinks.
>fully black
Dios mio...
Don't be silly, user. A dad is always a dad.
If I was in that position, Id ask him why the hell hes trying to grope a fat guys tits
Both of those people are so ugly, it's like watching animals do mating dances
You do not look white, mutt.
>sneaky white genocide message
>the one neat looking biracial child out a of sea of brown face-squashed goblinoids and she hates herself
>The way his hand is just magnetized to her crack at the 30 second mark.
Why doesn't she straighten her hair and get a tan? She'd still have an ugly face but at least she wouldn't look like an alien.
I'm afraid the only mutt here is you, seems like all your spic genes have impaired your cognitive functions
I lucked out and my mom is white so I came out mostly looking white except my hair and eyes.
She probably gets bullied a lot by the basketball Americans and stacys in her school.
it looks disgusting
black ''girls'' at parties are the worst and have no shame in calling you racist if you reject them
fuck those skanks
Women usually do stuff with their hair. You can assume that it isn't the natural look of her hair.
Reminder that the white way to go about this is preserving the white race with a white wife, and having a cute negress as a concubine.
Racemixing is disgusting and wrong no matter what genders.
Why am I starting to like dark girls Yea Forums?
they all hate themselves
so something that would never happen today?
you're a degenerate
I've had a black girl do this to me back in school when I was still to autistic to handle a relationship. She kept pestering me about it race-wise, continue making advances, and a flood of spaghetti would pour out of my pockets everytime. Shit was awkward. She had that bit of crazy that I loved, though. Wish I could go back on it.
You're unable to get white girls so your brain is telling you to try another option so you can have sex.
>Humans of New York
The five Boroughs may be distinctly diverse when looked at completely, but I bet they're really tribal once you get down to the nitty grity. Any New York anons want to confirm or deny my baseless assessment?
What is this shithole where random people touch your hair on the streets?
Least that chad got to pass his genes on to the next generation whilst yours are destined to die out with you!
Propaganda. The shills are getting to you.
Most half black half white girls heavily prefer dark skinned black men.
t. light skinned mixed guy that looks latino
Maybe he was subtly implying that the white race is doomed.
I get banned for posting a butt pic yet this obvious bait off topic thread is still up?
I want to protect her smile.
You're desperate. On par with trapfags who've given up.
New York
You'd just sit there marinating the pasta in your pockets like you always do, user. Stop posturing, nobody cares.
>ended up with a nigress instead of a white woman
fucking lol, really says something about you incels trying to live your lives through these people
Cause girls can be hot no matter their skin color
>Do mixed raced kids ever feel a disconnect between their white parent? I couldn't imagine my kid not being the ssme color as me.
I feel a disconnect from both due to not really looking fully white or fully black. I've had black people think I was puerto rican a good bit.
Because they can be more attractive but still in your league since they crave those white genes
you're getting patrician taste
I'm unironically jealous of this guy, I'm an ugly beta male and i will never marry a woman because of it, I'd rather take a woman of color over nothing
>Unable to get a white girl: The Funky Kong mode of pussy.
To add onto this, as a white man, if you can't achieve such a low bar, you're better off killing yourself and leaving the "preservation of the white race" to more able bodied gentlemen.
This. It's based to provide a service for other white men. Breed the black away!
white women seething
move then
How do these people not get chronic pain or serious injuries from this shit?
I swing off the side of a rail and hit my balls, getting groin pain for fucking ever, and these people can only cum by getting a hammer to the eggshells.
>wish I could go back on it
you should've found a european girl and made out with her in front of the negress
I did it once and started praising her hair and shit and the negress got up and left lol
>inb4 shit that never happened
if you really believe this shit is outlandish you have no fucking life experience
Because they have a better body
If you marry beacuase "muh peepee" then you're going to have a failing marriage.
I doubt that she can get tan
Lads, how do I bed a negress who lets me call her a nigger during sex?
>fully black and completely niggatized
Running out of options, bud. My family's done the white flight dance for decades.
black girls aren't complete cunts like whities right?
imagine the smell
I never get this meme. Wanting to touch someone hair sounds silly to me, but I have some autism so I guess my opinion on human relations doesn't matter