>fun build/class/playstyle
>gets completely nerfed into oblivion after a patch
What's her name, Yea Forums?
Games ruined by a particular patch
Other urls found in this thread:
WoW after TBC.
TF2, Tough Break. Ruined the fucking game for me because it cemented the notion that Valve was content with balancing the game around nerfing everything and making the gameplay unfun.
WoW about a hundred times over its life time
to a lesser extent, HotS.
Just about every time they introduce a new character, they're overpowered for a couple of weeks before getting nerfed into mediocrity.
Ragnaros was so OP originally, I had a blast
Overwatch, when they added hero limits to casual games.
Star Wars galaxies
Ranged survival hunter in WoW. It got completely removed after Mists of Pandaria. Survival hunter on the last patch of Mists of Pandaria was the peak of the hunter class
Call of duty ghosts, fucking youtubers crying about muh IED despite 2 fucking counters to it
Warcraft 3 1.30
Literally obliterated the whole game
Titan Quest Anniversary. It went from nearly perfect to total shit.
what did it do?
Caused the game to randomly crash over and over again, it also crashes whenever you leave a map and try to get into the menue.
most of the times you cant even complete a single custommap anymore without a desync/crash
Dark souls 2 offensive miracles nerf
I'm more pissed they took out binocular boost and parry walk
More like 2.0 patch. TBC ruined Vanilla. The PvP scene was fucking RUINED by the creation of the resilience stat, it stratified PvP gear and PvE gear as distinct from each other rather than just a hodgepodge of stats emphasizing burst damage and large hp pools vs longevity.
>"lol remember all those cool and unique characters like Abathur, Sylvanas and Lost Vikings that made our game stand out? We don't want them to be special anymore, let's rework them to be as dull and irrelevant as possible"
TERA online
When Sorcerer lost burst of celerity
DK's in early WotLK were overpowered as hell and fun as fuck.
Binding of Isaac Rebirth. Edmund just patches all the fun out with each expansion.
>pvp scene
There wasn't a real pvp scene before TBC, there was no good and bad it was just people who shared accounts. by AQ/naxx every other class was globalling each other anyway because of power creep.
>by AQ/naxx every other class was globalling each other anyway because of power creep.
what do you mean?
TF2's Meet Your Match update
whatever you could say about earlier decisions, this killed the community in one stroke
The gear broke pvp, everything just dies too fast.
oh boy i cant wait for better matchmaking and the new ranked mode looks good so far.
>2 weeks later.
When i said i wanted ranked i didnt mean to make the whole fucking game into ranked mode.
3 weeks later.
>day 67 still no match waiting for connection to server.
That update was a fucking trainwreck.
>tfw frost tanking
Shit was fun as fuck, you evaded everything while dishing out bick dick crits.
Unfortunately, lmaobloodshield was never as fun.
Pissed me off greatly. Went from 10+ to 3 Lightning Spears but magic and hex spell quantity were mostly unchanged.
Yeah, or just being a fucking beast in early battlegrounds
Kinda the opposite for me but when Valve added the R8 into CSGO. It became immediately obvious to me that Valve don't bother to test anything let alone think when making decisions.
Sekiro patch nerfed Senpou kicks.
Those were the days.
Completely forgot that it was the same time they fucked with the round times.
WoW when they killed the blood dps spec
>i want 5 minute duels
loose cannon and ambassador
when was that? Late WotLK?
>i want 5 picosecond duels
Around there. It was never super viable for dps, but I loved the survivability and how it felt in pvp.
December '18 patch:
>ruined pistol walking accuracy
>ruined yellowgoy
>population drops by 75%
To be honest, yes i do. Putting weeks and months and thousands of gold into gear should allow me to just blast anyone who hasn't. This isn't about skill, it's an MMO.
But all you did in that game was kick and throw dynamite.
It shouldn’t blast people with gear meant to kill players instead of npcs
>go necro
>rush sb after mana boots
>rush dagin afterwords
>invis extra damage plus q plus dagon
>end up one shotting some cores once i get etherial
>15 win streak
Then they nerf his ult cd. God i want the old necro back
If you're wearing R13 you should have a fighting chance against T3 geared opponents. Unless you're just stupid or fighting a class/spec that just hard counters yours.
>you should have a fighting chance
I should have an advantage
Lunia, the love of my adolescence. I can't believe a fucking f2p korean MMORPG wasn't safe from that. The entire fucking game, not one class. They suddenly released a huge patch where they'd tweaked every area in the game to be extremely short and linear, including town square and even raids. Enemy spawns were halved. Same thing happened to quests and character progression, everything got automated and tied to one or two shiny buttons that activated even without you pressing them.
Auto-matchmaking was removed and everything was made soloable so there was no motivation to befriend anyone or find a party or a guild for anything anymore.
The arcadey combat was still fun but the player base declined real fast when every map was reduced to a short tube you could complete in forty seconds. I'll never understand why they decided to do all of that, it's not like the game was hard to approach to begin with
Yeah, you can, by picking your battles and speccing PVP when you go into PVP.
Titanfall 2 gun balance patches were shit
>nerf half of the popular guns
>the popular guns that weren't nerfed are everywhere now
>wanting to take skill out of the equation
youve already lost this argument and i dont even have to type a damn thing lmao
stay mad tone and devotion was nerfed, redditor
Fucking made Paladin builds worthless.
>i dont even have to type a damn thing
and still you do
devotion shouldn't have been in such a state to begin with but I'm mostly referring to when flatline was nerfed but alternator wasn't. I was mostly using alternator at the time, even.
You literally just said this isn’t about skill, it’s an mmo. So that means I should shit on you because I have pvp gear and you have pve gear
Also when they added Brigitte to immediately switch the then fast-paced kill heavy meta to the slowest and most MOBA-like state the game has ever been in.
i put up with a lot of riot's retarded shit over the years, but the patch that removed banner of command from the game ruined it for me from then on
i had been using that item to consistently push side lanes ever since it got released but some faggot "pro pleyuirz" made riot remove it
Splatoon 2 brellas. Just can't stand them
Overwatch. New heroes are cancer.
I think it was the Age of Mythology expansion, new race or whatever was OP as fuck which killed the scene
Halo sprint/etc. Halo should never have sprint. Ever. I have many more examples but bad updates have killed so many games I can't even remember them all
Tribes: Ascend
Though it was mostly the lack of updates.
Every single nerf to this guy and also to all the old fun weapons like the caber, axtinguisher, etc.
>Uncharted 2 MP after patch 1.05
Fucking robocraft. I used to main small, light fighter planes, and it was super fun rolling and weaving to avoid snipers and lasers. Now there's lock on missiles, flak cannons with an insane blast radius, and a homing laser that can lock on BEHIND YOU. The only way to play in the air now is huge tanky helicopter builds or floaty bricks made of corner bits.
What’d it do? I never played any of those online for more than a day
Dark Souls 2
So you were really fucking about resilience then?
some shitty game made by incompetent games that was at least once fun but now unearable
>5 dudes running away from 1 dude with a gun
>5 dudes have tools to escape and hide
>1 dude can stop them from doing whatever the fuck they were doing mid-action, literally anything
>1 dude can permanently delete them from the game at will, they have no restriction on if the 5 dudes can survive his bullshit or not
>1 dude is nigh undetectable apart from musical cues and literally nothing else
>1 dude is literally undefeatable in the hands of a competent player, 5 dudes can never successfully escape and becomes a shooting gallery for the 1 dude
>after player feedback, developers decide to buff the 1 dude and nerf the 5 dudes
>everyone is flipping their shit except the 1 dude players
>game is now actually impossible to play as 5 dudes against the 1 dude
guess the game
but issues like that get fixed as there is no subjective nature. fucking the gameplay is way worse as its a broken game but retards like it
Before that, limbs, torso and head had different damage values. Limbs took less damage than torso, torso took less damage than head. After 1.05 every body part took the same damage, resulting on dying too quickly, rendering climbing and vertical traversing completely useless and making the sniper an OP weapon by being always a OHKO weapon, when before the patch it was 1 hit for on the head, 2 on torso, 3 on limbs.
Dead by daylight?
Surrender to Madness
garen spin2win nerf
>tfw alterac valley lvl 50-60 was 90% dk, and the team who won was the one with the most dks
>No one mentions guildwars
Fucking zoomers in this board
Necromancers in HOTA
very close but no
piping hot close
WOTLK argent tournament, changed all class mechanics, killed dk blood
Argent tournament was a shit instance anyway. Really weird how WotLK had both one of the best raids of all time and one of the worst
They kept it up in GW2
>engineer is relegated to doing nothing but spamming grenades and nothing else, there is no other way to play them
>patch comes and makes alot of their other skills viable, turrets are now actually fantastic to use
>people complaing they are OP when they are simply able to get kills now, and are getting bamboozled by the other silks the engineer has
>they nerf it back to shit worse than before and engineer is now relegated to spamming grenades again, and nothing else
I should really come back and try again, and see if they made other classes anti fun.
For me dota after 7.00. Haven't run it since.
why submit yourself to such horrors
This. I don't give a fuck what anybody say MoP was the peak of modern WoW class design. Cata shit on the "Vanilla" style of class design with the talent overhauls and while class specs were distinct in WOTLK they started to become almost entirely different classes under one banner in Cata. MoP was the peak of that philosophy.
I need an RPG to play. I though, the mounts system looked rad but then I realized I would have to do entire quest chains to unlock the ability to even use them I dropped it, same as the new classes completely surpassing the vanilla ones and have to grind all that shit to get skill points. Fuck that.
I think you are in the wrong here, dear user. Close range class, being effective at close range? Preposterous.
>playing MMOs
you only have yourself to blame
DayZ (arma 2 mod)
they released a patch that added shitloads of useless junk items and tweaked the loot tables so that you're far less likely to find any of the useful items
then they added other tedious mechanics like blood types for blood bags
absolutely killed the game for me
coincidentally this update released around the time when the standalone game came out, wouldn't be surprised if they intentionally made it shit so people would buy their unfun, incomplete game
I'm used to it now but that was fucking rough. I'm not really sure if match quality is better or worse.
I believe that at the very least they recently admitted they removed too many abilities.
It was probably a bit overpowered for the required stat investment but burning it all to the ground was too much. I miss my STR / FTH build, with pyro needing some stat investment to do good damage in 2 it was a fun middle ground between pyro and magic.
because at this point im laughing at you retard
stay mad you cant 2 click kill someone faggot
I mean its still hitscan but eh not that egregious really
>then they added other tedious mechanics like blood types for blood bags
sounds like an absolute nightmare
>oops did we just make the game bad?
>hey you got the official thing here now so go bu- i mean play it
Came here to post this
What the fuck FROM
Sounds like deathgarden.
Rust after the patch where you needed to provide food for your base so it couldn't decay
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not but the blood type system was actually a big hit to the gameplay
blood bags are the fastest way to fully heal someone and on a populated server it can be tough to get ahold of what you need from a hospital
now in addition to the trouble in getting ahold of any blood bag at all, players need to count on also finding a blood testing kit before hoping that by chance the appropriate blood bag spawns or else risk instantly killing whoever is healed with the wrong blood type
keep in mind that with the previously mentioned loot tweaks it was even more difficult to find anything of use
whole thing really pisses me off man, we had years of DayZ clones and not one of them reached the appeal of Arma 2 DayZ before this shit
>because at this point im laughing at you retard
you really can't help yourself
Base game Lightning Spear needed to be nerfed heavily.
Ill help myself to some more keks m8
You'd think in a game made to go fast they wouldn't patch in something preventing you from going fast. Yet they did.
World of Warcraft always get through that shit, and each expansion i have to do a new character to enjoy this shit game out of nostalgia. Good thing Moonguard is good or i wouldn't even bother anymore
Except they're finally reaching the pinnacle of bad choices by timegating AND grindgating snowflake races. Playing the entire expansion and then being forced to play every days to do dailies just to replay again as what you want to be is real fucking bullshit. They can't even bother adding in Sethraks or Arakkoas
Darkest Dungeon, the Jester. There was nothing quite like having a jester up front nothin personnel whichever monster looked the most stressful. For some retarded reason the devs intended it to be a nuke you built up to but in this game fights are over in 3 or so turns anyways, so therefore he just became a weak support class.
>if you're being sarcastic
I wasn't.
There is fine line between game using realism to justify mechanics versus realism for the sake of realism
go on
Hardsuit Labs of pic related made their only other game unplayable with a patch that essentially made all weapons infinitely accurate laser guns.
Dragon Age Inquisition's last patch completely fucked what made the Rift Mage class actually fun. I will never understand why they would pull a bitch move like that on their way out the door.
League after season 2
>thinking that opening a fight with finale to instantly remove an enemy no matter what was in any way balanced or intended
>Star Wars galaxies
This should get a special mention because they fucked it up, then realised there were still some people playing it so fucked it up a second time.
every patch in planetside 2 they would completely fuck everything. trying to list the magnitudes of fuckups the devs did to the game is a nigh impossible task. some of the ones i remember are:
>zoe maxes being giganigger death machines when they first released
>factions being able to camo themselves as other faction colours
>ruining the constant 3 way battles at THE CROWN
>all the resource systems they tried
>turning things into choke spams
>the fucked up map lane changes
Overwatch after special snowflake-ification of the characters.
Dont mind if i do
more like when they replaced the high intensity dive meta with the push button to win GOATS meta
Minecraft introducing hunger
It was balanced by the fact that the Jester received significant debuffs for the rest of the fight. All they had to do to balance it was make it once per battle and reduce the damage by a bit, not outright make it useless. It was too strong yes, but they overnerfed it.
>tfw all the crying over phlogistinator when you can just run away from it
>tfw people still do cry over it after it's been nerfed into oblivion
Was a wierd pvp rpg with interesting builds and skill going on and was good fun during the beta. Then they ignored evey bit of feedback, changed mechanics, included instant unlock everything for cash things, general cash shop fuckery, and just generally fucked up everything that made it fun in the beta.
Needless to say it shutdown pretty quickly and failed utterly.
Civilization V
>that pic
Locations in Europe for this feel?
Scotland, Ireland
Quick rundown on round times?
I said Europe.
how so?
i dont think there are any castles in moorland on continental europe
What's there to explain they changed the times from 1:45/35 to 1:55/40
>Titanfall 2's grappling
What are the implications of such actions.
Despite what people say I actually really liked PS2, but they are really starting to break it with each update. There is no ther multiplayer shooter like it.
The NSsoldiers thing has made the combat into a complete mess in my opinion. I thought the whole point was to pick a side and stick to it, not flip flop between whichever one is winning so you get more points. Its fucking retarded.
Hahaah TBC was weeded out pvp poopsockers enjoy 1600 rating hahahaha
Dota 7.00
tf2, when they ruined the beggar's bazooka, it was the only reason I played soldier
>yeah well no more killing people by clicking on them for you buddy
how the fuck are you supposed to kill people then? moron
what did they do?
By right clicking when they're not even on your screen.
it's still Europe even if it's not EU nigger
>Tribes Ascend
>that one grenade launcher was added to the store
>became so OP most games were filled with Raiders shooting instant kills everywhere
>philosophy was then to add OP weapons to the store and completely ruin the game
Still mad. Fuck Hi-Rez
Are people seriously angry about this? Lighting spells trivialized the entire game and you also got healing.
That stupid fucking green handheld mortar? Shit was fun but yeah it was pretty overused.
Was worse when they got rid of classes almost entirely imo
>factionless characters
wtf? how does that even work
i liked it up until they permabanned me in 2014 and wouldn't tell me why. in the ban appeal they asked me submit info containing my hardware id just so they could ban that too before denying the appeal.
This didn't really "ruin the game", but I was annoyed at how Rockstar patched out a glitch in RDR2 that let you explore Mexico. If there was a DLC on the horizon with Mexico, I would forgive it, but this doesn't seem at all the case. It seems like they patched it just to prevent us from having fun.
Thanks a lot, Abyssea
the fusion mortar was default equipment and it was balanced just fine
user was referring to the plasma gun, which along with the jackal obliterated any semblance of balance the game had.
>ruins your MMO irreparably forever
A big complaint people had was faction under/over pop leading to bad map presense and long queue times. NS soldiers spread the population better. Its not like long term players dont already have soldiers of each class.
On the bright side it now offers a very unique jump style.
When they killed the Caber.
Im having tons of fun with it. Plays like some sort of 420th edition dnd game instead of whack-a-mole prayer toggling like a human metronome experience. Looks and sounds great too. Its also more healthy for you in the long run because you'll waste less time of your life maxing. Oh, and way more quests, which are the fun part of the game, y'know- content that isnt just clicking a picture of a tree or rock for 10 hours a day.
They added literal spyware. It was a big thing.
do elaborate
Wait no my bad that was Civ VI. They added the RedShell.io spyware that tracks literally everything you do. Lots of games got caught with it and it was a big controversy.
yeah MoP was the best design for modern WoW. But i still think WOTLK class design was the best overall (no Homogenization)
if it hasn't changed from the last time i remember it, you used to be able to do that anyways, but you could do it forever and still have 3 rockets on the way down
Came here to say this. Dogfighting was the true man's way to play, the /vg/ general died soon after the update that killed flying and removed helium.
Not to mention, they had a later update that made anything using wing parts fly like a hovercraft for some reason.
It was such a loss that there's actually a fan project called Procelio that's slowly building a replica of the old days.
sounds bad
tf2 meet your match
They took it out, it's fine now.
No game will ever get fucked as hard as Star Wars Galaxies did.
RIP Hook 1.0
Don't know about overwatch but what happened? How did one character change the mega to resemble the worse genre of games?
Magic fags are the biggest plebs in any Souls game. Patricians go melee only.
What was IED's strenght again? Was it just a c4 clone?
>but issues like that get fixed as there is no subjective nature.
the issue is, it doesnt seem to get fixed.
however.. you might be right in this one
I was waiting for this one
Holy shit did appeasing the jedi wannabes ruin the game
real men don't conform to any such "honorable" systems and do whatever they feel like doing
Friday the 13th?
The R8 update was the most fun I ever had playing CSGO. It even being contemplated much less released was proof that the devs literally dont play the game they make
>gets rid of wild
>introduce absolutely draconian trading limits
>lol let's change all the classic/signature armor and weapon designs for no reason
>lol ur 30m dragon claws became useless 30k dragon claws overnight
>lol your 100m godsword became useless overnight
>makes every popular weapon basically worthless
>unless you have drygores or top level gear you're a slave to the combat triangle
>destroys any semblance of community
>gg house parties that aren't just for training prayer
>no more standing in lumbridge castle and talking shit with at least a hundred people for however long you want
>castle wars is dead
>conquest is dead
>lol hope you got your completionist cape because you never will
>solomans store
>shitty cosmetic items that just clog up the screen
>fucking needlessly cluttered and ugly menus
>pop-ups everywhere
>remember to get your daily spin
I will never forgive jagex for what they did to this game.
Stirnered and egopilled
>game hasn’t been updated in years
>one of the only patches was to fix a glitch that made traveling fast and fun for a single class
>nothing since then
>it’s been 6 years
Can you guess the game?
Fuck you for opening up my mental box of horrors.
Runescape with Evolution of Combat and the removal of trade and the wilderness.
Just like the weapon degradation on pc the miracles are now "Working as intended"
Forgot to add. There wasn't a single update that did it for me. I just got used to everything and one day I just had to step back and say that I wasn't having fun anymore and I hadn't for a long time and finally quit. OSRS doesn't do it justice. They had fucking lightning in a bottle for a long time and just threw it the fuck out the window. I will never not be mad.
Why don't you want to remember that fun time when they introduced a brand new fun and exciting combat system that turned the game into a shooter? It was an amazing surprise announcement that they added literally two weeks after they just launched a new expansion.
RuneScape removal of free trade and wildy
It was fun in the way it caused the entire community to collapse into chaos as literally nothing mattered but buying the R8.
To this day I cannot fathom why they gave it the damage stats of the AWP and thought it was fine. Like if it had released with the same damage as the Deagle I don't think anyone would've really bitched about it outside being able to shoot whilst defusing.
I think that's pretty much exactly when I stopped playing RS originally.
Been giving OSRS a go, it's alright but not the same.
>every dlc adds better weapons that are straight upgrades over existing ones
>players become too powerful so the devs balance the game by greatly increasing the amount of enemies
>game performance goes to shit because there are way too many enemies on the map for the shitty engine to handle and enemy reaction time has to be nerfed
>game went from having an enemy spawn limit of 25 to 108
Fuck Payday 2
>game went from having an enemy spawn limit of 25 to 108
I havent played since its launch year and holy fuck, gonna have to reinstall to see that for myself
And that's why all MMO PVP is terrible and not something devs should waste resources on.
>the open beta is good fun
>items are lost if you die
>have at least something to equip most of the time though
>1.0 quadruples all prices for perks and perishable items
dark souls 1. the second the devs started listening to babies whining about getting killed by invaders was the moment the series really died. yeah man in the newer games we'll throw you into a mob of damage sponges in a poison swamp xd git gud but if someone actually invades you, we need to protect you like a precious child.
Lol after the juggernaught nerfs
Babs couldn't comprehend the possibility of not having a mage meta for once
melee survival was introduced in the legion pre-patch.....so the very end of WoD
WoW when they decided to remove one handed weapons from fury warriors.
For me it will always be those akimbo shotties from MW2. God the hilarity of that fucking weapon of all weapons being the best in the game was just too funny. The glitch with the rockets was funny as well but was more gimmicky and clearly had no choice but to be patched.
you saved the image wrong dumbass
>mfw sniping people with the M40 in Bad Company 2
>mfw all those angry wookies
fuck meant M60
Frost Death Knights being for ed to dual wield. I legit dropped the entire class. Fun fact:Blizz had to just drop some oneha ders in your inventory as a frost DK because the vendors in Ebon Hold starting area didn't have any one handers for sale.
That 1.9 patch in Kingdom Come Deliverance that nearly voided every mod.
tanking perfection when it was released, massacred in the next expansion to cater to shitters, now looking like it's gonna be still unfun, just a different flavor.
PSO2 when they introduced Hero
Sega honestly thought it would be a fucking brilliant idea if, after having everyone play their base classes for 4~5 odd years or something, they add a new "advanced" class for Ep5 and shoehorn everyone into it by making old classes completely obsolete in mobility, versatility, and damage.
Hero on launch was overpowered to the point that the strongest class in the game at the time (Fighter) only beat it on paper- and the difference was minimal, and assumed that the enemy was completely stationary for the whole fight.
To top it off, they planned to release more advanced classes too, but yearly. So everyone would have been stuck playing Hero and only Hero for an ENTIRE FUCKING YEAR.
Obviously this backfired hilariously, and Sega pretty much spent the rest of the Episode bringing every other class up to Hero's level, rather than just nerfing Hero altogether. The story suffered, the gameplay got powercrept to shit, and Hero was never touched.
The only bright side is that every class is playable again, but they should have never made them so obsolete to begin with, I don't know how the fuck they thought forcing everyone into a SINGLE class would have been a good fucking idea.
The grind in DbD is astronomical on purpose, as it is the only thing keeping the playerbase playing.
Did the same to DK when they removed two handers from Frost.
wait what? When did that happen? I quit back in WotLK but as far as i know, Fury warriors were always Dual Wielders
Ghost in the Shell: First Assault
I'm still mad
Ever angrier that they tried to backpedal when it was already too late
good call user, my personal favs
>NC maxes holding domes for literally days
>TR max lockdown+double flack making aircraft die in 1 second
>lane system making every fight a boring deathball
>that buggie thing being so broken it was the only vehicle in the game for a month on release, then never being used again
Not one in particular, but Binding of Isaac Rebirth has got slowly more and more unbalanced in terms of the enemies you face, and they've never fixed the weirder things some enemies can do (e.g. spider types leaping across the room when they're supposed to be out of range)
If you're not sure what I mean, take a look at the fucking Matriarch, what a heap of shit
MAG for PS3. When they nerfed the the rocket launcher vs infantry so hard, that a DIRECT FUCKING HIT TO THE HEAD WITH AN ARMOR PIERCING EXPLOSIVE WARHEAD couldn't kill half the classes. It already couldn't kill with the very small AoE unless they were already half dead, but that right there was bullshit. I loved counter-sniping camping faggots with the thing. I don't remember exactly what made me finally give up, but that was the first in a quick line of 'balance' changes that made the game just boring to play anymore.
germany, france
>if teh game is so bad y did u play it for 1000 hours lmao
>hooking people though time and space because you saw a pixle of them once
They only dual wield two handers now.
CU didnt kill the game NGE did
wow when they destroyed the talent system and made it into a moba
wow when they removed complex, double edged spells (dampen magic used to lower damaged received AND healing received)
Yea this, I have no idea what hte fuck people are defending when they defend the vanilla. It is literally the embodiment of playing like an NPC.
Kind of the same thing with Enhancement. They could use 2h weapons for a long time but it was objectively worse post vanilla.
Honestly quite maddening seeing something with lots of options get hacked to pieces so that it is more streamlined for smoothbrains who end up not liking it anyway.
Imagine being this grug brained
My dad finished the first game doing nothing but sorceries, he was like 52 when he did this and had never played really hard games like this. Completely true.
Still angry about this one.
At least PLD and GNB won't be ungabunga retardation.
I got forced into DRG conveniently when WAR changed mid-SB, no way I'd go back to tanking if I had to play WAR or DRK now.
>Slugs are now so shit in the other games that they are no longer used.
Why are some developerscompletely oppose to fun because if its even sleightly unbalanced. Its like how the Souls games would go through tremendous lengths and gameplay changes in order to simply make it so people cant do shit like in DaS 1 Burg invasions, to the point where it got to be that you were never even fucking invaded in the other games because there were so many locks and safety nets to stop strong people invading low people at all costs. I dont think I was ever once invaded in BB or DaS3, not once, I was able to invade and get bodied by crowds of people though.
Guild Wars 2 druids getting nerfed over and over because of muh e-sports pvp
>elemental fucking conflux homm3
>necro nerf in homm5
>bloodborne riflespear nerf
>A whole bunch that fucked chivalry, particularly MAA and Jav nerf
>you will never sow chaos on the warfront with your alternating flamethrower/freeze spray and death rays ever again
>you will never one shot healers by perfectly lining up lightning bombs ever again
I don't care what anyone says, I had more fun with Rift's PvP than I ever did in WoW, or any other MMO. I don't think I'll play anything like Tactician ever again.
I had a fury warrior tauren with claws.
Nigga was cool
>Blockland dev removes EVERY non-flat terrain map to "fix lighting"
>dicks all over the modding community soon after
>game fucking dies
I'll never forgive you, Badspot, that game was the only thing I woke up for
For fuck sake they just dont get it
>every attack is now super slow
One handed Fury was a fucking whirlwind, at least make it so that if you spec into it you have different effects for using either 2 two handers or 2 one handers.
blue moon update for tf2 made pyro the weakest he's ever been
Tera, up to the Wonderholme patch. Tanks were actual tanks instead of dps-but-in-front and in the WH patch, the pure defense build was top notch. Full defense vs full offense on a lancer was like 25k vs 30k dps while the DPS classes were doing 300k so your damage didn't really matter. I had an HP regen setup that made me almost unkillable, I could disregard entire mechanics and took so little effective damage that I could keep attacking to stay on top of aggro and the healers could pretty much ignore me. A couple times I survived raid wipes then just popped all my protections buffs and res'd the priest while the boss attacking.
Then Bluhole did what they do best and fucked everything up. Most everything that isn't a trivial attack one shots, and jacked up DPS requirements forced tanks to gear and play like DPS classes.
They used to, single minded fury. Blizzard just decided how the spec works and left it at that. They designed themselves into a corner and everything probably won't shift around much until 9.0.
Ion did talk about having more shared class skills across specs though, so shit like 1h fury and 2h enhancement/frost could become workable again if suboptimal.
WotLK wasn't bad. It was where the game started to stumble, but the second they removed the skill tree, game was done.
>chain lightning
>oh wait nvm
They were trying to get people to ignore the fact that they made the M4A1-S useless in that same patch.
modders are fixing their shit game design but they keep doing pointless updates to the exe that break the mods.
Just use that one air nigga hero and protecc from air iirc.
Also, 2x phoenix growth? Who in the FUCK thought that was balanced?
Grand cross
Sonic Runners 2.0 or whatever number it was patch that literally broke a really fun mobile game
That was just the start, there was a relatively high skill ceiling for most specs MoP. It was less RPG without skill trees, but at least most specs felt good to play. Fucking expansion long content drought in WoD then sub rogue being the only spec I enjoyed looking like it was getting gutted in Legion made me lose complete faith in class design.
Basically, Brigitte is a mix between:
-a support hero (she can heal in bursts of 150 HP instantly at a great distance, and every 2 HP of overheal is converted to 1 point of temporary armor, and every regular melee hit triggers a passive that regenerates health around her),
-a tank (highly durable thanks to her health regen, has a shield that can protect her of instantkill ultimates, her ultimate gradually provided 150 HP of armor to herself and her allies, if they packed together you'd literally fight a whole team whose health continually increased for at least 10 seconds),
-and a dps (she can bash enemies with her shield risen to stun them, potentially interrupting game changing ultimates, she has a flail that hit 30 meters in front of her, bumps enemies and triggers her passive if it hits)
mix all of this and you have a support hero (!!) that by herself manage to kill 80% of DPS heroes, can stop them from flanking, she can be a threat to some tanks and harass them, and efficiently wreck most other support heroes without much room for them to survive easily. one single hero, a support one, to top it off, effortlessly challenged the whole cast. ironically, the only hero capable of holding out against Brigitte is another Brigitte
this. super cheap hero
Eve online, after tech3 was introduced
how did they ruin it?
Siege, in the first update after operation health.
Eve online, from release
They nerfed the moving accuracy of every gun in that patch too.
>tfw pirated version so I still have the good version of them.
Bard in FFXIV Stormblood. I will never forgive them for taking my Job away.
Tons of abilities got nerfed, but the worst thing was they slapped on things like dodge and resist caps so you couldn't be unkillable in the late game anymore.
To be fair, the devs knew this shit would hated. The same update added workshop support, and the devs put out a mod that reverted that shit.
You're a faggot, but if you insist on the continent, Brittany.
You simply won't get this exact esthetic without the north Atlantic climate.
This, she's fucking cheap
That piece of crap is the reason I main doomfist now even after those "balance patches" he got, and even like that I can't just one shot her and delete her the fuck out when she has full hp
This game is ruinined by every patch they release. The will fix one thing and that will break two new things. It really is a site to behold.