Brown vidya girls in general.
Mods better not delete it's no pokemon related.
Brown vidya girls in general.
Mods better not delete it's no pokemon related.
Other urls found in this thread:
i like pokemon, i cant wait for sword shield :-DD
sounds like a topic better suited for /e/ or /h/
>it's no pokemon related.
It's not vidya related either since you dumb cunts only post fan art anyway.
Fuck off
Nessa is black.
Go back to /pol/
>hsaco :D
Nessa is HOT!
>go back to the board that hates niggers
Nice logic, retard.
Not gay but wowzers
shes a poo in loo
Why would a black person even wear that?
gender-swapped Nessa is more acceptable than the whitewashed one.
fuuuuck i want to suck on her choco coated cock
>people care more about this whore's skin color than the fact that GF is fucking them over by giving them less content.
I wouldn't be surprised if the controversy was fabricated by them so they can get people to forget that they're cucked out of content
If it is Delicious Chocolate thread then there are 2 pastas about delicious chocolate
why would game freak give a flying fuck about literal whos opinions they know their customer base buying there games
>A thread about a goddamn video game would get deleted faster than a waifu thread
wouldn't marlon be the genderbend versino of nessa?
i want to tongue wash her salty choco nuts
i just posted it
Stop turning that chocolate beauty into a dindu.
Bleaching candidate thread
You mean a man? I mean men have done a lot more than woman in history. Invented more too.
Ah, the glorious nintendo defense force
Any other game would get chewed by this, but not holy Pokemon
my wife is half black and wears nazi stuff.
this pic is wrong by reasons
Just post chocolate beauty not some genderbend or whitewashed shit.
>delicious brown feet
fucking hell user I cant fap anymore
who cares she's not black
Why don't real life men look like cute androgynous anime boys? Would we risk turning too many people gay and never reproducing?
because they believe in the ideal, there were black nazis
what a fucking retard LMAO
Borderline SJWbait
>its not nigger its chocolate!!!
This is just what cuckpilled retards want you to believe. Notice how people went from being okay with "le chocolate anime brown girl" and now there's this pro-racemixing "colonizing" meme and how "no bro, white guy plus black girl is still based and redpilled!!!" shit now.
>straight hair
she's a poo in loo or arab, its set in the uk not the us
why make a /e/ thread in Yea Forums
>there's no black people with straight hair
White Americans, everyone.
>crrying about idpol bullshit
she's hot and makes my dick hard thats all that matters, go cry somewhere else
because we bleaching /pol/fags
>its set in the uk not the us she's black
God I love delicious brown 2D feet.
my cousin is half black with completely straight hair, and my wife is half black with curly hair.
>my wife is half black
tfw just came from shower and i fanna cum all over myself again
Those sandals are kinda retarded.
nice thread
not a foot guy, but i'm always happy to see a Nito pic.
just use a tissue
she might be based off of the Buddhist water goddess, Thorani.
she's south east asian
stop posting nitocris my cock can cum so little
>fan art of vidya isnt vidya related
imagine being this retarded
Mother of god
Blessed thread
It's as little vidya related as e-celebs
Honestly I'm not sure why Gamefreak doesn't just shift their focus entirely towards nothing but anthropomorphic cunny pokemon and their cunny trainers. That's all the core fanbase want.
Zoomer kids' will ask their mummies to buy whatever is trending, so sell 10 million copies to pedos and the rest takes care of itself.
I like dark girls now Yea Forums
What have you done
It's impossible to tell specifics past her being a cute brown girl from the Galar region. That's why all of this sperging out is so funny.
I don't have any good delicious brown pics that don't include Nito i'm afraid.
ah jesus my cock is pulsating
Why would a white person join black revolutionaries?
jesus fuck user you gotta stop i can already just precum by looking that picture.
I like em, but this character honestly and unironically looks better with fair skin. Not even racist, the colour of her clothes doesn't really match well with her canon pigmentation.
I wish everyone who's involved in this discourse could drop the bullshit and finally come to this agreement.
fixed what its identical picture?
>pajeets and niggers fighting to claim her
>white Nessas are all made by filipinos, thais, indonesians and other nigger asians larping as japs
pic related
Brown removes frown
jesus have mercy on my cock
Show me 5 (FIVE) black women with NATURAL straight hair
She is a DESIGNATED street shitter anyways.
squatting ramlethal is lethal for my dick
>shoret-haired harsh
Muh dik
you're welcome
My phoneposting has been exposed
i might be the only one that thinks the life preservers on her shoes are dumb
>anime even makes pubes more appealing
its not fair
>pussy juice leaking through pants
Is there anything hotter?
>she's black!
>she's arab!
>she's indian!
She's a liverpudlian slag with fake tan.
>No good doujin
>white Nessas are all made by filipinos, thais, indonesians and other nigger asians larping as japs
Yeah what's with that? None of them are even japanese
There is nothing and I mean NOTHING better than brown cunny
Natural and normal - quotes have been paraphrased for readability
Low estimates indicate a significant portion of men are sexually aroused by female children
>Consistent with previous data... 26.25 % exhibited penile arousal to pedophilic stimuli that equaled or exceeded arousal to adult stimuli... In recent studies, 12 to 32% of community college samples of men reported sexual attraction to children... [a]
>In a sample of nearly 200 university males, 21% reported some sexual attraction to small children... In another sample with 100 male and 180 female undergraduate students, 22% of males and 3% of females reported sexual attraction to a child [b]
>In a sample of 80 “normal” volunteers, over 25% self-reported some pedophilic interest or in the plethysmographic phase exhibited penile arousal to a child that equaled or exceeded arousal to an adult [c]
>all 48 soldiers showed penile response to adult females, as did 40 of 48 to adolescent females, and notably, 28 of 48 showed penile response to the female children age 4–10 [d]
High estimates indicate the vast majority of men are sexually aroused by female children
>In another study, “normal” men’s erections to pictures of pubescent and younger girls averaged 70 and 50%, respectively, of their responses to adult females [e]
>89% of community males exhibited some sexual arousal while viewing slides of female children [f]
>Penile plethysmography (PPG) has shown that about 9 out of 10 normal men are sexually aroused by prepubertal children; (88.7%) [a]
Wheres the best place to draw iris porn if I posted on Twitter I think I would get banned
you realize nazism was against jews (and gays) right and not blacks
You doesn't need twitter to draw something
To post I mean
Just go on pixiv, actual japs are not even aware of this shitshow, the few light skinned ones are being made by the usual suspects
It's Serperior
Eww niggers
Please take your monkey fetish to /gif/ where it belongs
I know you like it
flexible and athletic
Such a BEAUTIFUL and PROUD white woman!
the shirtless version of this picture does things to me
Every /pol/ thread is cherrypicking.
>US statistics of crime is cherrypicking
>getting mad at facts
Holy shit they're retards cucks. Color me surprised
We would.
But she's Indian/Polynesian.
>sloppy watercolour shading
why do footfags always do this when it's a digital drawing?
>be objectively wrong
>still act smug somehow
Hitler didnt give a fuck about blacks the fuck are you on about?
>Makes a thread about brown girls
>Post mostly Pokemon girl
>Says it's not a Pokemon thread
Yeah it's Pokemon thread
So brown video game character threads are ruined, thanks you fucking faggots
>footfag is also a retard
sounds about right
>things are true if i say so
maybe if your brain is shaped like a pretzel
you ruined it yourself, we just wanted to post art but you cant let an alt right nazi go """""uncorrected"""""
I just don't get why they're so mad people are shitposting. They literally begged for shitposting by being obnoxious cunts to that one Jap artist and now it's a topic of shitposting. It's no different from the Pokemon models in 5 minutes thing.
>merely pretending
I challenge you to name even ONE thing that's objectively more alluring than a tan/brown tomboy in a white summer dress
>You doesn't
Your filthy ESL is showing.
Is she actually black or just tanned beach girl? I'm wondering if this is classic black twitter trying to claim an anime character and then getting butthurt.
>cute brown girl shows up in my life
>brown girls in my feed everywhere
the fuck???
What is your favorite color choice?
Wait for the game
Maybe you like alt costumes.
As with everything Japanese;
Unless its openly stated, it's twitter being retarded.
goddamn umvc3 looks like shit
>blue eyed nigress
truly the patricians choice
She’s black not your “delicious brown”
Did the devs(NOTE: Localizers are not devs) say she was? If not, then it's just your faggot head canon.
How did this whole situation with Nessa come to be? Because it's fucking stupid
This seems to happen every time something Japanese has a darker skinned character. They work themselves up so damn hard, "claim" the character and inevitably get butthurt if they don't turn out to be pure African.
Plus i think they are damn racist themselves because none of them consider that some Asians are quite dark skinned, or they could be Latin or Indian.
Tumblr spreading to twitter.
People are angrey because Gamefreak used Cut
How about you just stop mentioning it?
Cia count?
Are all indians this delicious?
>Jap draws Nessa with a muted blue tinged pastel color pallette
>SJWs bitch
>one goes so far as to use the burn tool in photoshop and say she fixed the artwork
>Jap asks nicely to take it down because he doesn't approve of that kind of thing
>Bitch whines more and says the piece has merit since it puts him in his place
>Artists naturally get mad at a cunt for being a cunt
>Artists proceed to shitpost by drawing Nessa with white skin
Basically twittards demanded shitposting, got the shitposting they demanded and then wondered why there was shitposting.
>tfw brown skinned
>want pale skin gf
:i wouldnt mind dating a brown girl tho if only they looked like what you guys posted :(
Kill yourself race traitor
Post the salt this generated!
It's okay, it's bleaching.
That's not a girl, is it?
>Not embracing the BLEACHED meme
I'm shocked people fall for such obvious bait or that they don't get why it's happening.
You'd think the phrase "don't be a cunt" would mean something.
Me too
could've fooled me
except for the ever so slightly visible bulge underr that seethrough skirt
based sandal user
We Won
Nintendo going all out with brown girls at the moment.
aco thread, go back to aco
>thred suddenly ded
absolutely delicious
can't forget tanlines
She’s dark faggot. Fuck off
Dark != Black
>This denial
Saving a lot of data....
Plague is a national treasure
You’re the one upset that’s shes black . Blind dumbass
How is she black?
I'm trying not to fap, you assholes.
Take this trash to /e/.
Gonna need a source, I think I saw him on /ic/
Nevermind, google works better than iqdb
It's fine that you fap to brown/yellow animals, but don't forget, you're the property of white women. You owe us for even looking at you.
Fixed it
Why are you here?
>can swim
nuff said
Why is woman in quotes on the left? Is it because the creator of the image was really frustrated while making this image that he couldn't make objective decisions to make his point?
God I love Iris so much
Rubs and kisses
May > Misty > Dawn > Nigger
third times the charm champ
Look at her
She has dark skin. Dark does not automatically make someone black, there are far more races that have dark skin than just black people.
That’s not what /pol/ told me
>you're the property of white women
>You owe us for even looking at you.
Good thing you don't. You'd need to leave the house to see me.
based shad
Lewd pits
Gustos r qt!
Okay now I'll buy your ge
>smooth silky hair
Pick one, they can straighten their hair but it remains coarse.
God I'd love to pin him down and ravage his big nigger bubble butt. I'd love to bleach him and cum in him, each load causing a small biological change that'll turn him into a woman (male) for me to marry and make my wife (male).
>short haired pharah
I didn't know i needed this until today
i want to have sex
I want to carry her all over the house
>dat sidebob
pp hard rn
god I need to breed Nessa
I wish you would ravage my big nigger bubble butt.
>poo in loo or arab
So she's white according to Americans.
Shouldn't the bottom of the feet be a lighter skin tone?
Like this?
i would rather carry her to a farm and then watch her get breed by a variety of farm type animals.
>wanting to be cucked
>by animals
Because lefties think even if its a joke its racist.
yeah, i never noticed how many artists forget about that
The absolute state of wh*toids
White on white crime is 83%
Black on black crime is 91%
That is not a big difference so fuck stats.
Do white people not sell drugs, join gangs and kill people?
They just don't get caught as much doing their crimes because they are least suspected.
Fuck janis. They purched my thread yesterday. It was even Yea Forums related
More drama than game
Imagine spending a significant amount of your time thinking about a group of people.
god lusamommy is absolutely perfect.
better then posting your weird anime foot fetish. There are so many great fetishes. And your ones is shit
Maybe if /pol/ could stop shitting up Pokémon threads for one minute, mods wouldn’t need to delete them
God imagine the smell
>A video game character is not video game related
Based artist.
>mfw me and my friend's discord channel looks basically the same.
Fuck kikes, and fuck niggers.
> Yeah, i also love anime games. Lets post pictures of feet
I use your forced drama to spread my poison
holy BASED
Nigger it was Goebbels the one with a hate boner for niggers. In the African front there were tons of niggers fighting for the Nazi regime.
You can always try opening random picture on pixiv and then puting in the numbers from the filename that are before _p0. p0 - number of the picture in gallery, numbers before _p is a pictures id.
Natural brown or tan?
someone has a lot of free time and a shit ton of 12 year old fans on patreon
t. Diaper/scat/furfag
She's just a slut and she's doing it to get attention from whitebois.
Is that a female to male tranny? Hot.
nah, im more of a tit/thigh/soul person
As well as the poverty caused by capitalism. Black People are generally more poor because they're being surpressed to split the Proletariat, thus they tend to do crime more often to survive and get bread on their table.
I think of Cat as being Persian or whatever Mia Khalifa is.