ITT writing tropes you hate
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You mean
>and that's a bad thing
We can be the real monsters and that's ok
domestic na kanojo
Dom become a sub
>if you kill him you'll be doing what he would have done if he got to kill you
>The big bad monsters you've been killing were really humans turned into monsters!
DUDE artificial intelligences have feeling just like humans
Fuck you she's a great character
>people made fun of me time to kill them all
>this is completely justified because my music is sad
>rebels are the good guys
>everyone else is mustache twirling evil
I know its more rooted in an underdog mentality but I'm so fucking tired of it because they always make the bad guys actually cool and efficient seeming and somehow a bunch of bumblefucks beat them. What's even worse is more and more in modern writing they don't even give me a reason to hate the authority figures. A recent offender of this that always comes to mind is TLOU where MILITARY BAD but the military were the only dudes actively keeping civilians safe from zombies and bandits and the only justification they had for their "villainy" was they roughhoused some civilians making sure no one was infected
>in modern writing they don't even give me a reason to hate the authority figures
it was always like this, in reality
>The Resistance
>The Rebellion
Empire bad
Religion bad
>this fetish for servitude
>the only justification they had for their "villainy" was they roughhoused some civilians making sure no one was infected
yeah and they also killed Joel's daughter, retard
Star wars is a big example but in the original trilogy the empire used excessive force to gain information (blowing up a whole planet to threaten a captured woman). In the new ones (I only watched TFA) they're just there and I have no clue why they're an empire if the empire was destroyed or like how a empire resurgence would have massive organization and tech and fuck those movies god damn
>it’s another human hated themseleves trope so human are evil
The soldier that kills her shows hesitation and remorse before getting shot in the back of the head by joels brother. It was a fucked up situation for all parties. After that scene the military figures were the only ones providing any safety to people who couldn't fight for themselves and those firefly niggers just blew up checkpoints for no discernible reason
I understand your opinion but I respectfully disagree. I don't think violence against civilians is to be overlooked because the aggressors are defending them. Also, military strength should never be used towards non-combatants.
I don't think you're wrong, it's just in the case of a zombie infection scenario trying to hide infected from the guys who have the tools to detect infection is a worse crime
Human superiority is also kinda ass. How is it that both "HUMANS SUCK" and "HUMANS ARE BEST" are fucking awful tropes?
>The traditional people you were working with were actually the bad guys all along because they weren't progressive enough!
>I might've fucked they're country, tried to be a tyrant, and tortured their people, but it's okay because I was a flamboyant progressive gay guy.
>high school setting
>12 years old save the world
>teenagers know better then adults
>adults are bad
>mc is a 12 years old self insert of the author
>girls are attracted to mc for absolutely no reasons
>japan is n°1 propaganda
I fucking hate anime most of the time cannot evade this fucking shit
I fucking hate persona by principle
Its just so done to death and never delivered well anymore that it's at the point where I would rather play as the super mega gas mask police soldier bad guy than the same rag tag burger king kids club shit heads.
>why did [best friend] betray us?
>I did it because I was irrationaly envious of [protagonist]
>It' ok, now you can come back with us/get redemption by immediatly sacrificing
>>adults are bad
that fucking feel when in your mid 20s playing persona 5 and the brats are just going off about "GRRR I HATE ADULTS SO MUCH" like 50% of the games audience aren't adults now
>Haha, aren't these characters so charming and endearing because they're so GOOFY and WACKY?
moderation is key. Like in Warcraft before it went to shit humans were shown to be not better and not worse than the other races, they all had more or less the same levels of bastardry.
>The church is completely evil
>The church is completely good
>God is on your side but expects you to save the world and only helps when absolutely necessary via a power up at the final boss or some shit
>God is an active participant in the world but hates your guts
As much as the trope is fucking stupid, I let it pass in Persona because the adults there are legitimate scumbag pieces of shit, and there is a satisfaction in putting them in their place. However, treating it as a generalization of "all adults", is the dumbest shit. Sojiro and the politician guy are bros.
Good ol' chosen one
I'm so fucking TIRED of """quirky""" characters man. I hate that every time any piece of media has a semi-serious moment they gotta have one of the retard cast go "UHH GUYS WE DOING THIS RIGHT NOW?" or do some fucking The Office moment constantly. The "wacky bickering" has been so fucking prevalent in media it makes me sick
>haha we're like loud whispering bickering over some semantic
I don't understand why everybody keeps parroting this, did you really play the game? They don't hate adults, they hate SHITTY adults. In fact half of the social links are other adults whose shit is also being pushed in by said shitty adults.
Only humans know what monsters are.
Is there a game where you get to smack goofy and wacky people across the mouth to stop them from talking?
Honestly, it's even worse, to me, when it comes out of fucking nowhere when the goofy character starts being all serious and shit. Sometimes it works, in the cases where you understand the character's backstory, motivation, etc or it's done for a twist. However, in most cases it's just out of fucking nowhere, and it makes me hate the character more, because they cease to be even a being I can imagine existing at that point. Also fuck fandoms for turning perfectly fine characters more wacky because they'll hate them otherwise.
t.shitty adult
Not meaning to offend, but why does this post read like a 14 year old typed it?
There's only one game I know of, but I just fucking hate it in general.
Undertale. Boy do I have things to say about that piece of shit and it's "wacky" characters.
he's 14
In western media its this fear of being genuine, if you've seen any marvel movie you can see it in particular. They can't just make a superhero movie so they gotta have the characters always do these fourth wall leans or mock their own source material slightly "oh we're so self aware".
As for the fandom shit you talk about that's just how fandom psychos need to keep morphing everything to the same handful of memes
Weebs aren't the brightest especially those childish enough to enjoy garbage like persona
What's with every cynical grandpa misunderstanding the goddamn story of P5?
Most of your partners are adults. It's the adult culture of Japan where you're just supposed to suck it up and have a collective responsibility to accept the will of the majority no matter what.
Q2 outright makes it the theme.
>t.15 year old who knows the weeaboo meme from a PUBG streamer.
I appreciate the effort to please the people who hate all these characters and want them to die. My only problem with that option is that only the one lady is fun to fight. Everything else including the final boss is just tedious.
>Dude the antagonist actually was 100% right but the game tells you too late
Bonus points if he could have let the "good guys" know
Did you took a vacation from Yea Forums of 1 year or what?
he wrote a word in all caps to make it sound louder in your head, which is impossible
>this guy is edgy, so therefore he did nothing wrong!
tangentially related
>devout mc goes through a crisis of faith
women will never understand mgq
the delivery of the actual lines is terrible, probably not helped by the translation team. the way they talk about them is incredibly juvenile and you'd think adults are some separate species despite some of the social links being adults like you said. really "adults" in the context of the game could be more accurately referred to as society or culture or something. there's also no real reason the villains all have to be adults, there could've easily been some student council member or something that manipulates people.
>Bonus points if he could have let the "good guys" know
I hate this shit so much. Entire games are ruined because somebody never decided to tell anyone anything and replies with "you wouldn't understand".
Japan has a thing against older protagonists for whatever reason. I kinda laughed when Falcom hyped their game up by saying Ys 9 would feature the protagonist at his most experienced point ever, and he's fucking 24. And even a character like Goblin Slayer that's supposed to be a decorated adventurer is only 17 for crap's sake.
The opposite is shit too, when you have no fun allowed generic military grunts as your main character it gets old really fucking fast.
>The soldier that kills her shows hesitation and remorse before getting shot in the back of the head by joels brother. It was a fucked up situation for all parties
Yes and? Like i thought the game over was shit and boring but even then it sounds more like instead of enjoying what was being told to you. Instead you self inserted like a loser fag. Since Joel was supper butthurt about his kiddo being killed by the military that he gave no shits about the hesitation or remorse and simply was incredible and i guess to you scarred to what you seem to think is an emotionally irrational point. Then at least with what was shown sure the military eh to put simply were not benevolent with their power but more so bullys with it in that the point is that those in charged would use said strength to rule as a bigger priority instead to protect. Really to compare its like warring states feudal japan or china type shit. Where they simply ruled over others by and through the power more so than anything else. Again that is through the perspective of the main characters sure but given how the story was told tot he player you just have to accept that shit for what it was since enough info for you to make the point you want to make may very well exist but at the same time is never even implied to be a thing so who fucking knows and one can only work with what they have. Hence really you are just projecting a shit ton really which is kinda fucking faggy almost like the self inserting tot he game you seem to have made.
Hol'up. Isn't that the dwarf bit in DAO?
>You have to have learned a meme from only just a few months ago to be wrong about it.
user, how new are YOU to think that?
GS is 20 though
That's the joke, retard. "____ did nothing wrong" is said with full acknowledgement that the person is obviously doing wrong things.
My point is that no one but chinks care about PUBG now
So why would you use that as an example?
>"smart" party member isn't ever allowed to do anything actually smart because the MC needs to solve everything by themself
Got that 17 number from a random Yea Forums thread but it looks like you're right. 20 still feels a little too young for someone with that much history and experience but it's a tad less jarring I guess.
I'm probably gonna sound like I'm shifting gears here, but when something's humourous, I don't mind it. Perhaps I have a better tolerance of things that people consider "over the top", like Marvel movies for example, I find them entertaining, but when they're over the top for me, I fucking despise it. Like Adventure Time, so much of it is shit because of how hard it tries to be wacky and I hate it. This is actually a case where emotional moments are ruined because everyone is a retard who tries too hard to be funny. I hate it so fucking much. I can even tolerate memes of the characters, but when it's to the point where character perception relies solely on those memes, that's when I get angered.
I was originally referring to Undertale, so let me use that as an example: Muffet, she's a tame character, but she's fucking genuine, but the fandom turns her into HAHA MEAN GREEDY SPIDER THAT STEALS YOUR MONEY HOW WACKY IS THAT!?!?!! She deserves better.
A hundred times this, it's so fucking boring and tedious. Even, I assume you're talking about Undyne, is boring for me. The only character that gave me genuine joy in a fight was Muffet, she's also the only character in the game I like. I respect Toby, but holy fuck his game is hot garbage.
It's because seniority is placed highly in Japanese society.
That was something I liked about Fallout 2.
When you fuck up a skill check too much, someone in your party goes "let me do that for you"
It is not really a hate thing but more so them pandering to their main demographics with that shit. Since really when many of you were kids you probably at some point got at least mildly fed up with your parents or at least an adult in general thinking that you probably knew better ,no matter if you genuinely did or not, than said adult. So really at least for the games and people who do that. Shit is simply them writing for their audience and really not much else.
Also then to a point young kiddos can more easily and believable be written to be naive as all fuck and nips love that shit so put 2 and 2 together then you get what you get simply as writing shortcut since fuck the story and actually fleshing shit out when convenient cliches exist as to avoid the time needed to flesh that out in other ways and hence focus on whatever the fuck game part of the game they are making.
I was talking about Far Cry 4, but sure.
Well it's the medieval-ish thing for 15 to be the coming-of-age so he's been on the job for 5 years when the story starts.
>like Marvel movies for example, I find them entertaining
I don't flat out hate marvel, I think I more accurately had MCU Iron Man and Starlord, Thor is entertaining and I really like Thor Ragnarok because his character isn't for lack of a better term "modern" like those guys who act like modern sitcom characters.
> Like Adventure Time, so much of it is shit because of how hard it tries to be wacky and I hate it.
that show never should have escaped it's pilot episode.
On a meta level, I always hated for years how people bitched about protags like Shinji or Raiden for being horrified and on the verge of breaking down in their respective situations
Legitimately put yourself in Raiden’s shoes for like two minutes. You sneak around a heavily fortified fortress on the ocean for a few minutes and then run into a woman who can telekinetically deflect bullets with her fucking mind. Any dude would lose their shit at that, especially with what happens later
That’s not really a writing trope though, but i’m glad people seem to have grown out of it. The amount of “if I was shinji I would’ve banged both of those broads no problem!” people are super low now
>edgy character calls every plan stupid
>still keep them in party despite being uncooperative
>mc is childhood friend and sucks edgy character's dick constantly
>mc is still somehow respect by group despite being a crybaby bitch
user, why are you so hung up about it in the first place? Apex only came out 4 months ago, and PUBG wasn't full on abandoned until last summer.
Makes me think of
>old grizzled war veteran is party member
>looks to be in his 40s or 50s with the experience and wisdom that comes with it
>constantly refered to as an old man
>is 27-29
>seven deadly sins enemy group
>lust is a big tiddied milf that goes ara ara and is a sadomasochist
Don’t get me wrong I love me that exact archetype but the use of it is beyond cliche
>you're an upstanding citizen and member of the military / official force
>you'll betray them because they're "evil"
god I hate this so much, rest of the world is fucked beyond return point but with a "resistance" so clean it's ridiculous.
>old king good, new king bad
Yes, I got it, the old king had a happy father face and the new one has a goatee with a black cloak, yes, I understand, and why is he so evil ?
just because.
Post writing you enjoy
>Enemy goes on a spiel about the things the main character could do if he joined them.
>His only response is "nah", before blowing them up.
I mean, FMA is sorta guilty of that but Pride, Greed, and Wrath were all pretty nuanced.
>protag and antagonist despite their differences show respect in their final duels and fight with honor
Honorable villains in general are my jam, but I'm burnt out on comically evil
>token edgelord is caught doing something autistic or has a mundane hobby that betrays their character
Shinji is a case study though, he's a depressive teen with a dysfunctional family living in post apocalypse. I'm not fond of the meme that you can only understand Shinji's character when you watch EVA depressed or sad, but it really helps. Other than that the 'le git in da robot' meme is normalfag shit that can't look at what's under the surface narrative of everything, that's why capeshit and pop movies are barebones when it comes to plot and symbolism.
>MC is uninterested in story, just wants to kill shit
Reminds me of pic related. He definitely looks like he's on his 40s/50s but he's apparently only 35.
Yeah but it makes sense. Why the fuck should a 20 to 10,000 something year old super genius/leader of a nation/whatever believe a random group of japanese children are worth explaining their motivations to?
The "Empire" in TFA isn't actually the primary ruling force in the galaxy anymore, they're essentially a group of cultists with a big voice. They're funded by manufacturing companies because war in the galaxy is historically good for business, and they can play both sides. The actual New Republic saw them as just cultists and yelling separatists and refused to start a conflict or acquiesce to their demands, but Leia and others saw the threat and started their own rogue vigilante movement, the Resistance, to oppose them. They're kind of like the AEUG in Zeta Gundam.
Things changed when the First Order fired their superweapon and killed all the Senate members and destroyed the primary standing New Republic fleet, which cowed many star systems into accepting the First Order's claim to power and officially starting a war between the Resistance and First Order.
Though if you really want to play as the "Order" side of an "Order vs Chaos" conflict for once, play the Metal Slug games. The playable characters in the game are Regular Army members instead of General Morden's Rebel Army members, suppressing the Rebel Army from their brutal conquest of the world.
>you save party member's life/family/something and they get absolutely devoted to you
>they stick by your side no matter what you do or what happens
sadly in the case of Eva we've come into some fucked up look where now that we're past "le git in the robot" we're into "I'm a super genius because I watched eva once" mentality
>Writer makes a character far too powerful
>Adds him to the main character cast
>Later on cant figure out a way to make him work against any upcoming foe because he's too powerful
>Just drop him for some bullshit reason
This is the sort of thing that feels familiar but it's actually hard to think of some example. It'd be too shameless for the protagonists to beat up this tragic antagonist without acknowledging the issue.
The reason OP posted that image is because the person who decided to have it read right to left is the monster.
The only one that gets me is
>supporting character is the best person in the game
>game doesn't care about them even if they are often onscreen
You can bet I liked DDLC too
>Your character is a complete newbie
>You go on a basic mission with your well-experienced superiors.
>You see the villain kill all your superior officers, as you barely escape
Don't care how cliche it is, love a good underdog rising to the challenge.
Shit, this is definitely my thing too. Good taste.
>that one bro that's so solid that even when shit has totally hit the wall and everyone else has turned against you, he's still got your back
Jubilost in Pathfinder calls you a brainlet if you cant understand a group of kobolds speaking to you
sauce nigga
>it's another chick tries to get with natsuo chapter
>its another chapter ends with someone catching him in the act
>its another chapter where rui gets jealous
for fucks sake man, why cant these romance manga just let the characters be happy
Facing some sort of overwhelming evil, like that fuckhuge demon in Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen. Also any story where the protagonist is portrayed as competent and resourceful rather than some teenage kid who needs to wise up on the ways of the world, like Mass Effect before we got that turd of an ending.
Thanks for reminding me how fucked up the lore of the Metal Slug games is.
>the battle is pretty much over they could both in theory just walk away
>but by sheer force of "women will never understand" they gotta duke it out
Granted in y2 both kiryu and ryuuji didn't think they were going to walk away from that one and duked it out almost just because they wanted to and nothing else and by god was it a good boss fight
>Character is good and just and all of that
>By the end of the game he realizes how much he likes killing
>Even so, he still fights for the greater good
>Bad thing happens because character doesnt say something despite there being literally no reason not to say it
>Anything in most JRPGs these days (XC2 is particularly bad)
>You can't kill him, you'll be just like him!
The first one is so fucking frustrating, it makes me mad af.
>villain utterly wrecks the MC and his party
>MC goes bezerk and slaps the the villain across the face with his dick before he's send off with the rest of his party
Better than snake vs ocelot/liwuid
old snake vs ocelot was one hell of a set piece but once the honeymoon phase is over you realize how poorly thought out a lot of MGS4 is
>Reasons for the high school setting of the Persona series
That fucking sucks if you see your MC through an outsider's eyes
>the main character is a fucking overpowered psycho that just enjoys killing people/animals that are, most of the time, weaker than him and no one can stop him
That makes for an infuriatingly unfair MC user, there's a reason the powerful psycho is a villain trait, you'd hate your protagonist if you were only a thief stealing your daily meal.
>you'd hate your protagonist if you were only a thief stealing your daily meal.
Yeah everyone sure hates Aladdin
>Kid is only called to adventure because someone close to him was kidnapped
>Through his sheer power of will and courage he traverses through a vast world to save them
>Even after saving them he realizes there's something more going on and pursues the goal of stopping a greater evil
Hero of Winds was the best Link, change my mind.
I meant that as 'You'd hate the guy killing Aladin for being a thief because he only uses moralfaggotry as a crutch for his hard on for killing'.
I literally can't because it's true. He EARNED the right to be recognized as a hero.
>character is killed in-story
>no option to revive them with the in-game resurrection items and get an alternate ending
>"This intelligent life from outer space is evil and bad so we gotta kill it dead"
>the big moral of the story is that the next generation are way better than the last and will fix all the problems the old generation caused
its so fucking tiring seeing these old evil guys in their fuckin 40s through 60s go "yes this teenage hero with bright hair and large weaponry definitely knows the world better than i do, surely the power of friendship will fix all the socioeconomic issues that plague the country/world"
That's basically Raiden in MGR user. And I think everyone likes him.
Most of the stuff relating to AI.
Anyone who's not a zoomer has either read or watched the same ideas played out at least a few times.
It's PAINFUL to watch them do the same tired shit about computers with feelings, computers turning evil due to following commands too rigidly and computers being plain crazy for no reason.
It's like these people have no interest in real science and the advances in real AI and draw inspiration only from other fiction.
Where is the machine learning based All Oracle that can guess the future, but can't give reasons for how that future will come about.
Where is the unknowable AI that operates on unhuman terms, and is not carrying out orders or following a human set goal.
These hacks don't know computers and they can only copy what was already good 20+ years ago.
Uhuh, sure.
I would kill to see a story with an AI companion that is excellent at emulating feelings and human behavior but does not actually experience them and never does because they can't. The issue is that you are essentially making a static character but I'm sure there would be a way around that.
It's more common in cartoons, tragic backstories about bullying don't really work in vidya.
>The issue is that you are essentially making a static character but I'm sure there would be a way around that.
Yeah, it's called just writing a psychopath.
t. Psychopath
The entirety of Missed Messages. was shit writing.
Don't read this shit it's literally roasties the manga
Only Sabal was traditional, Amita wanted to destroy all that shit. The Golden Path was founded by a brainlet and had a weak ideology. All Sabal wanted was cunny anyway, if he was really traditional he wouldn't try to brainwash the hakuna matata.
Thats what happened to FFXII, I think Basch is 36 and was supposed to be the protagonist but the higher ups stepped in because he was too old
>I miss the internet
Cain is a fucking menace.
Isn't the chick way worse in the end compared to her brother?
Was planning on doing it, can you give a rundown on the manga?
>this shit is still ongoing
Did Ruri fuck the chef already? I want to have a reason to forget this series ever existed.
Yeah, Vaan was a complete fraud as a "protagonist" so we have to thank executive meddling for turning 12 into a fucking mess.
You'd try to avoid presenting it as a character. It could be tricky, but the concept of something which the reader/player are not sure if they should relate to or just utilize is interesting.
You can still give it some inner motivation and a goal, a reason why it tags along, yet it's compliant in most demands and has no concept of dignity or self.
Call it a lovcraftian approach to AI where the AI becomes something different entirely rather then becoming a human as it develops.
That was such a dick move from the game. Ends up that supporting the murderous tyrant gives you a vastly superior ending in every way because you must understand that we REAL CHOICES here bro.
Depends which 3rd world country you want it to be
I never considered Vaan the protag and more of a vehicle for the player. I always considered Ashe the protag for FFXII
This is what makes me mad about Skyward Sword's story. Link leaves on his journey to rescue a friend in mortal peril by dangerous monsters and evil madmen, and so throws himself into deadly situations for the purpose of rescuing her. The game frames it as if Zelda is in trouble, but only reveals towards the end that she wasn't actually in trouble for a good portion of the game, and was just acting as a damsel in distress to trigger Link's rescue response to train him to fight her war for her.
Link just accepts it, but goddamn it, he should've gotten mad at her, even if just a little. Because even if the cause was just and Demise needed to be killed for good, that was still manipulative of Link's emotions and Fi, Hylia, and Impa all went along with it.
I don't watch The Office. What exactly do you mean? I'm not really sure what you mean about wacky bickering either.
>game teams you up with the protags deceased waifu for a major boss and the games climax
Best part of Soul Sacrifice Delta. The part right after is heartbreaking though
>game is a prequel
>know how it ends
>still going to try and fight against it anyway
>Shit ends up in a curse that creates misery forever
You did it Hylia
>Dragon's Dogma
>At near end of the story you can kill one of the villains
>You can actually resurrect them with the game's resurrection item
>They become so touched of the act they turn themselves in for their crimes
>They become romanceable afterwards
>MC is facing overwhelming odds
>asks for and receives assistance from the authorities instead of being a brooding lone wolf
He's also the only one to ever speak, with the best voice.
Vaan is a reflection for Ashe in the story, and serves as a reminder to keep her from becoming like Vayne. Like Ashe, Vaan also fits the bill for one of the Occuria's new potential Dynast-Kings, having a close family member killed by the Arcadian Empire and seeking revenge, so Vaan sees visions of Reks while Ashe sees visions of Rasler. But Vaan eventually gives up on his revenge and makes peace with Reks' demise after meeting his new friends and experiencing the world, while Ashe continues to follow Rasler's memory. Ashe also sees Vaan as a kindred spirit and they become friends this way, with her treating him less as a nameless peasant and hired blade and more a person. This comes at a crux at the top of the Pharos at Ridorana, where "Rasler" encourages her to take a new Nethicite shard and enact her revenge, but she looks to Vaan and sees him opposing the Sun-Cryst with the Sword of Kings, and finally refuses "Rasler's" demands and rejects revenge, finally breaking free of the Occuria's control.
That would not be possible if Vaan weren't there. If it were just Ashe at that point, Archadia would be destroyed, Nabudis would be reproduced, and tens of thousands of innocent civilians would be dead at Ashe's hands for her own revenge. Vaan kept Ashe from becoming Vayne, and she knows it.
we invented monsters and based them off of us you low IQ retard
God the new trilogy is so bad
Okay Yang Wenli
"Imperial Remnant" was a thing in the old expanded universe too.
>the bad guys are just environmentalists protesting after being ignored by all authorities
>somehow they're still the bad guys
I disagree.
>kid saves the world, rids it from evil only to have his efforts nullified and forgotten about as the hero who saved his land
>nobody remembers him, so he lives his life possibly in solitude and dies with many regrets
>passes expert sword techniques on to his descendant to relieve his regrets
Hero of Time was the most bittersweet thing Nintendo ever did, and they probably will never do it again.
Environmentalists are just another kind of terrorists.
yeah call them whatever you want but they're not really bad guys. They're usually fighting for a better cause than the protagonists are
That's almost funny actually. What game?
First of all it was often agreed even before the movies came out that most of EU is actually shit, so "b-but EU" is not an argument.
Even so, the New Republic was several magnitudes more competent than what ever they had in TFA.
It doesn't help that TFA was nearly a retelling of New Hope plotpoint by plotpoint.
The fact that they could effortlessly defeat Vayne after refusing the stone of dubious power you spent 90% of the game seeking was 12's biggest bullshit moment in my opinion. It felt absolutely retarded.
>have the option to give the final boss all of the magical stones you spent the entire game to collect
>he becomes the strongest enemy the game has to offer and can absolutely wreck your shit
Was a nice change from the usual jrpg's pushoverfinalbossgofindsecretbosses thing
>the current villain the heroes are fighting are painted like the strongest being on the planet and can only be stopped by the group of heroes before he destorys the world.
>shortly after the villain is defeated a new villain appears and it is revealed that the old villain was in fact barely strong at all compared to other characters
>rinse and repeat like 20 times
It's more of a Shounen thing but still, I hate this shit so much. And the amount of powercreep it creates ruins everything
>Accept to be the Queen's servant in Paper Mario: TTYD
>Game Ends
It's because Vayne also didn't have the stone of dubious power. Said stone would've let Ashe nuke the Bahamut and any opposition, but the party's always been able to oppose Deifacted Nethicite. Also, Vayne didn't expect to survive this war. His plan was to conquer as much of Ivalice as he could, then disappear/die so his idealistic younger brother Larsa could take the throne and be a good emperor for the now unified Ivalice. And that sort of happened in the end, except now Dalmasca, Arcadia, and Rozarria are allies instead of Arcadia ruling over Rabanastre directly and lots of people dying in the conflict against Rozarria.
the only game with good writing is Earthbound, probably because it was led by an actual writer. Everything else is mediocre at best and filled with tropes
>Deifacted Nethicite
Manufacted, sorry. Deifacted is the nuke stone.
>Reject the call to save the world in Super Paperr Mario
>Have to go through ten dialogue boxes of saying "no"
>Game Over
Would've been neat if Demise instead cursed his hatred upon Link's own accumulated rage over the course of the game or something, so that whenever the Spirit of the Hero gets mad in the future it automatically sows the seed for Demise's hatred to manifest again. That way you've got a legit, human, down to earth method for this curse, as well as showing it as an actual terrible curse for that same reason.
Maybe because you play games mainly for the gameplay.
>The only reason Ganondorf shows up in Wind Waker is because some retard who was actually meant to be the hero was upset, along with everyone else, that the hero never showed up
>Some kid ends up fixing the mess of the dumbass
>The only reason Ganon is a retarded murder pig in the doomed timeline is because of his botched resurrection in the Oracle games.
We don't even know how human intelligence works so we can't tell that artificial intelligence is worse
Of course we do, brain cells start spinning really fast and start producing intelligence.
he's got a good point that you just mindlessly assume authority = bad. it is bad in many cases but in storytelling, gimme a reason to dislike the villain please
>God is an active participant in the world but hates your guts
this one is my favorite though
>arc villain becomes your companion
gets me hard as diamonds when it's even hinted at
> God let everyone think he lost to the demon King and fucked off to a tower for a thousand years to see if humans can survive on their own
>character is killed in-story
>characters attempt to revive them with the in-game resurrection items
>it doesn't work
Two worst writing tropes right here
>I've had a hard life so every person on Earth must die
>Bad guy does absolutely unforgivable shit but gives the hero a sob story and suddenly everyone feels bad for him
I love it when anytime a villain tries to pull the "hard life" card someone calls them a faggot
>game has romantic subplots
>they're entirely optional, pointless and don't lead to anything
>the "only way" to defeat villain is to seal them
>turns out it isn't the only way
>a powerful enemy joins your party
>they suck now
>a weak ally leaves your party
>they're super strong now
>entire story takes place in the span of a single week or maybe a month at best
>the hero goes from a virgin peasant to a chad god this fast
>a completely unnecessary timeskip happens
>prologue introduces characters who never get explained or appear again
>Party member is an elite veteran of a thousand battles and a legendary hero but starts out at level one with all the same abilities as the gormless farmhand fuckboy MC
>Humans are the dominant species who are racist towards other people and are generally war-like
>Orcs have a society built around war but are somehow always the losers
>The broke character has a sword they obviously wouldn't be able to afford
>Game has orc/monstergirl waifu but you can't romance
>the resistance
>The revolution
>The rebellion
I'd actually love it if it was portrayed as it is realistically. Moral ambiguity, dirty fighting, huge casualty rates, guerrilla warfare.
Instead somehow some certified cool kid in a denim jacket single handedly goes Rambo on a trained military in open firefights.
>older character who has silly antics but is written to be a strong, likeable character who serves as a mentor figure to the rest of the party
>character that snarks at the MC, makes fun of every autistic action they do
>is actually the most loyal of the party members despite this and does what they can to help them out
>You've lived long enough to see people actually defend the FF7 spin offs on Yea Forums
>Game 1: Character is retarded comedy material
>Game 2: Character is still useless - tries to fuck you over but accidentally helps you instead
>Game 3: Character is the main character
>Game 4: Character comes off as the secondary villain but ends up being a genuine threat and betrays the main villain
>Game 5: Character is the main villain and doesn't fuck around
Love the Mario & Luigi games.
That "joke" stopped being a joke years ago since people will unironically defend the villain
>the most boring girl wins
>the interesting villainess loses
>"Smart" party member explains every puzzle in great detail to the player like they're special needs because the devs are worried we're too retarded
Brains are bio-computers and feelings are just the primal motivators that drive the propagation of our species.
Has there ever actually been a game that portrayed guerrilla fighting well? Whenever I play those 'you're a rebel' war games it's always the MC rolling up into a heavily armed military base and then wiping it out single-handedly. I've never played a game where you've had to sneakily chip away at the enemy forces and use ambush tactics before.
Red Faction Guerilla was pretty cool but the MC became a walking tank after a while.
>rival has the same moveset
>he joins you
w101 was so full of tropes I enjoyed it's crazy
>japan is n°1 propaganda
Everything else is legit but this. I saw people shit on GATE a ton because "lol how can Japan be good lmao, America strongest!" Who gives a fuck whether it's the japs fellating themselves or mutts fellating themselves through Hollywood. It's just getting mad at others fellating themselves and not you.
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker?
How can Persona be about hating adults? Can't you fuck your teacher in that game?
>"Our lives are on the line here if we don't give a good argument!"
>Fuck off, all the lives of our friends were used for your entertainment
>"smart" party member does all the weightlifting and everybody keeps praising them over and over again making the rest look like incompetent fools
I hate Makoto just for this reason.
Villain has a tragic backstory.
Villain has complex motivations.
Shit is boring.
Min wasn't gay
>>a completely unnecessary timeskip happens
I love Kid Icarus, but why does nobody fucking address that everything is seven years later? AAHHHH THAT ANNOYS ME SO MUCH
>Auron is fucking 35 but looks like a hard 50+
>Cid Highwind is 32, Barret who's 4 years older looks younger
Fucking Edgeworth. I love how he has his autistic rants. Blackquill too but to a lesser extent.
The saboteur is pretty good in the regard
because that's what ryuji keep saying, that's what makoto keep saying and that's literally the whole haru and shido arcs are.
you literally condemn a man to death because he doesn't treat his employees like kings
Because like it or not the US has some legitimate reasons to fellate itself. Japan has been nothing but a bane upon this green earth.
>t. Yuropoor
>mc is a 12 years old self insert of the author
>girls are attracted to mc for absolutely no reasons
Please, can the fucking japs stop with this harem bullshit? It's so fucking boring, and this self insert shit is getting so stale WHY CANT YOU JUST GIVE THE MC, THE MAIN FUCKING CHARACTER OF YOUR GODDAMN STORY A FUCKING PERSONALITY!!!!!!!!!!! AM SO SICK OF THESE LITERAL WALKING PIECES OF CODE THAT HAVE NOTHING TO THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE STOP MAKING BLAND MAIN CHARACTERS, THEY CAN BE SELF INSERTS FINE, BUT PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE GIVE THEM A PERSONALITY I AM SOOOOOOOO SICK OF THIS FUCKING SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And you're still a fag
6-4 was great because of Blackquill.
Try reading books.
So does Japan. Remember the time they beat the russians? Remember the time they wrestled control of China? I don't know what you're trying to imply here but sucking mutt cock blindly without seeing the merits of others is just stupid.
I swear the First Order should have been space Isis mixed with Oddessa, a bunch of terrorists using old Imperial veterans and super weapons to wage a shadow war on the New Republic while recruiting disaffected people to boost their ranks. It would have been interesting to see the good guys be the overdogs but forced to fight an enemy they can't engage with normally
Luckily Trails of Cold steel subverts this somewhat
Empire is based af and religion is viewed positively in every single trails game
God, I fucking hate this shit. In anime, manga and fucking vidya. Shit is pure cringe material, yet there's always a bunch of fucking retards who eat this shit up.
>You were a cat all along
I bet you really thought you'd come off as smart with a comment like that on Yea Forums.
No, I want my mommy harem, you fucking fag.
Bitch, they vibrate.
See, even you have this irrational pro-Japanese bias. The Russians and Chinese eventually beat the Nips in WW2, and they would've done so without the help of the US. Why does everyone only remember Japan's victories against its non-US opponents?
I'm not trying to be a smarmy prick, it's genuine advice. Books typically offer more nuanced protagonists because they're one-person projects and much more internalized.
You start your training at 7 to become a Pageboy, at 14 you are squire and start to learn about being a knight. Until later in the training (~17/18) you never even touch a sword except for cleaning your masters.
With 21 you become a knight and still have to learn a lot about being one.
>Tales of Symphonia
>Tales of Graces
>Dark Cloud 2
>Persona 3 and 4
>DQ 9
>FF 4,7, and 15
It's an old JRPG trope
literally "they hated him because he told the truth" tier.
that user is right.
or are you going to claim that there is a special soul inside of us gives each and every one of us irreplaceable and special independent thinkers.
>if you kill the villain you'll be bad as he is!
>villain dies seconds later of his own undoing
i really really REALLY hate that shit
if you're going to have him killed have a superior kill him or her for failing his objective, dont just have him slip on a banana and break his neck
>Barret who's 4 years older
Holy shit I had to check this. I legit thought that Barret was supposed to be late 20s or something and thought Cid was in his 40s.
Is it really asking for too much to have a non paper cut-out MC in our video games?
>FEMALE mc is a 12 years old self insert of the author
>girls are attracted to FEMALE mc for absolutely no reasons
>there's a side character you're supposed to get attached to
>s/he does nothing except existing, agreeing with the MC and dieing in the end
>everyone is super sad
>Its the dude fighting the dragon part again
>MC makes everyone his friend after beating the shit out of them because of "MUH FRIENDSHIP"
fuck you naruto
I am perfectly okay with this though.
>Evil little kid character
>Talks about playing "games" and refers to people as "toys"
Jesus christ fuck off with this
>femdom tags
>sub pulls a reversal
>being an npc is fine
Games are mostly aimed at kids. Kids aren't going to be into shit like Tyler Durden, Patrick Bateman, etc.
Even attempts at nature characters in the west result in a lifeless mute like nu-Kratos and Joel from TLoU.
more like women are the real monsters amirite
>character motivation is non-existent because you're supposed to project yourself onto the main character who has no personality at all
>first 10 seconds of the game is an exposition cutscene
>exposition is handled like shit
>characters you're supposed to care about are cardboard cutouts who are already dead and you're just talking to their ghosts
>villain motivation is non-existent and just lusts for power and destruction
guess which 97 rated metacritic game im talking about here
Why is that bad exactly?
botw. Jesus that games story is shit.
>super sexual seductress is always talking in innuendos
I've always hated lesbian stuff.
Maybe because I'm a guy and have no shot as I am...a guy
>>villain motivation is non-existent and just lusts for power and destruction
what is lore?
isn't ganon literally evil incarnate?
>Story starts off with this as the implied moral
>The moral actually turns out to be “No dipshit, the real monsters are the extradimensionsal demons that want to eat your souls out of your assholes.”
I dont know what it is lately, but I've seen this happen almost 0 times in the last few years. Even though I remember it happening literally all the time when I was first getting into porn as a kid. I think Japanese hentai standards just changed over the years, and its now acceptable for authors to indulge in full-on femdom instead of adding a reversal half way through to appease general audiences.
Hey man Jack's gotta let er rip sometimes
I'm not pro-any country. All I'm trying to say is let everyone fellate themselves because everybody wants to believe themselves better than the other. Just saying "no these guys aren't allowed to fellate themselves, only these other guys are" is brainlet tier.
>She's actually a virgin and gets super flustered when you try to hit on her back
Fuck you Japan.
Fuck you, Miu is best girl.
Bureaucrats are lizardpeople and aren't human. In Last of Us the military doesn't exist after the prologue because of the total collapse of civilization, they're more like FEMA self appointed government types who kill people without due process which definitely makes them evil.
>team of elite soldiers / black-ops is shown
>they never accomplish anything or get beaten easily
Where's my team of NPC elites who successfully assassinate an emperor or wipe out a facility before you get there
>Character is killed in story
>Everyone uses a sute of healing items and spells
>But it just too late
You went out like a goddamn champ Gaulf RIP
Not who I was referring to but ok
Eh, based on the shit i read from ww2 some young fucks had the privilege to be drafted when they were fucking sixteen
And then they are exposed to the wonders of the eastern front.
She's best girl then.
What is Dragon Age Origins
>propaganda bad in country Y
>well except country X because reasons
>well then country Y also has reasons
>omg y r u pro Y
are you an idiot? also
>Why does everyone only remember Japan's victories against its non-US opponents?
you mean like burgers fellate themselves about their victories all the time but forget they got owned by asian rice farmers? stop being obtuse.
that bitch never changes. This is from the latest chapter.
why do so many japanese archetypes suck ass?
they always boil down to "KYAAAH SO EMBERASSING" virgins
>NPC does something badass/brave/etc. that adds to his character
>Only the player knows about it because the NPC doesn't brag or tell anyone
>Party treats him as they'd normally do
once a hoe always a hoe.
>They're solution for ecological collapse is complete and total genocide of everyone except their small death cult
I wonder why they're the bad guys
not really an excuse. Back then they didn't have much money or resources to dedicate to characters, now they have infinite money and the best artists and coders and writers in the world and they still lean on out of date characterizations. It would be like if Batman was still written today the same way he was written in the 40's.
>cutesy mascot character with a cartoonishly squeaky voice that instantly grates
>it looks completely out of place
>also, it never shuts the fuck up
Just add a comic relief character, you fucks
This is the plot of dishonered though. The empress gets killed by elite shadow ops with magic powers before the main character can stop them and then you deal with the fallout.
Even the nips are starting to see what a stupid meme it has become.
It's the equivalent of seeing NTR in a wholesome love story.
Or ugly rapist sports coach / teacher in a tomboy doujin
>Military conscription vs public executions
>"If you kill me, you'll be just the same as me!"
>"I guess you're right."
>shoots him anyways
>Character assumes two personas and act as a villain in the story as an excuse to be badass, create clones of several character to pester them and kill the one that almost killed his fem. partner
It was actually refreshing for once to have the Church be one of the better forces in the story.
>foremost power in medicine on par with Remiferia
>secures the potentially dangerous artifacts from greedy fucks that abuse them
>provides free schooling for children
>mediates political conflicts
The one big mistake they made was not recognizing Crossbell's sovereignty and not sending Graalsritters to check on the shady magic bullshit going on there.
Silent Storm does a pretty good job. You're generally hella outnumbered and outgunned but you can even the odds with stealth and explosives. The excellent level destruction lets you do shit like spray through walls or blow the floor out from under people.
Farcry 5
>Enemy goes on a spiel about the things the main character could do if he joined them.
>the player can accept, taking the story down an alternate route
Epic, good job user
>Brains are bio-computers
They wish
>Panders to fujos
>JRPG has a self insert mute protag
>He actually has a base personality
>You just get to choose his responses
>Most if not all choices fit the character
Xillia 2 is goddamn underrated, I, playing DQ11 again and it's kinda annoying how the hero is a piece of wood in every scene he's in. Luger would at least laugh, cry and most of all REACT to what's going on around him even if you don't get a dialog choice
Any game where I can get a harem of mommies?
>game is set in a "-punk" sub genre
I've honest to god never enjoyed one of these.
>if you kill the villain you'll be bad as he is!
This trope would be fine if there was some judicial recourse but it almost always ends up kill him or let him go
>voice-only characters
they're fucking great sometimes
>Liu Bei/Shu good!
>Cao Cao/Wei bad!
Every bloody ROTK game. Even TW:TK does this to an annoying degree.
Now hang on, don't talk shit about classic Batman or pretend that older characterisations are "outdated". Hell, 70's Batman was far more human than the boring robot he's written as now.
I don't know if there's a technical term for this particular variety of fourth-wall-breaking, but I really don't like it when game writers think they're really clever by taking game mechanics that are typically just abstractions and saying that they're actually part of the game's reality somehow. For example, in KOTOR 2, where they try to say that gaining XP is literally you feeding on all the deaths you caused or stealing energy from people you helped, like you're a psychic vampire or something.
God this is so fucking obnoxious
Japs are a bunch of insecure weenies that can't fucking handle a bit of actual roleplay and needs to be comforted that their dick is a magic drug that turns women retarded in ALL content I swear to god
Fucking pathetic
>Interesting subplot is thrown to be subversive
>audio / written diary log
>tells a painfully slow and boring story that adds almost nothing to the plot
>hear or read about their struggles in which they make it sound like they wen't through living hell even though the player character is fine and has 'smooth sailing'
>last log - author dies mid sentence
>tropes you hate thread
>just an excuse for /pol/cucks to whine about liberals
>any thread on Yea Forums
>just an excuse for /pol/cucks to whine about liberals
you seemed to have missed the point that characters, especially legacy characters, should evolve with the times and not stay unchanged.
>MC tries his best to save everything
>all he cares about goes down the drain anyways
>Detective character
>His wife/daughter got murdered
>Is an alcoholic with self destructive tendencies
>Only character flaw: "He cares too much"
AI can only have feelings if the humans who make it include the ability to feel or to evolve. I hope we're not retarded enough to do either
>when you listen closely it reveals a secret chest/item/whatever location
those communication attempts in first Dead Space. Not that they were an example of great writing, but it's like you walk somewhere and suddenly the comm window pops out and it's a fucking jump scare in itself. even your allies were giving you a heart attack.
DQ11 made it a point to be as basic as possible, but still has a million cutscenes like modern RPGs. It is very jarring. DQ5 handled silent protagonists much better years ago.
>A king, huh? Yeah, here's your crown
Yes, there are valid reasons to like the US, there are no valid reasons to like Japan. That's why I give the US a free pass on this. Is that really so hard to understand?
You forgot
>He finds the killer, almosts shoots him but is stopped
>villain gets a half-a-second of a sympathetic backstory at the last second to justify their monstrous actions
>instead of telling them to fuck off/being glad they're dead, everyone feels sorry for them
Xenoblade X******
Found the ragtagger.
muh rotten adults
Yeah Drakengard is pretty sweet.
Which is a shame because the child version from the flashbacks has one. I kinda wish the game gave you the option to pick a default "personality" for the MC that has him react to events instead of sitting there like a plank. Thank god the games have a great supporting cast the lack of one in 9 really hurt it, Stella can't carry a 100+ hour game by herself
>waaa why can't I be abused just like my momma used to do but in a sexual way?!
I have one worst
>Series has potential
>If you 100% the you unlock a special congratulation cutscene
>It's about each character thanking you to have played them
>They talk about a sequel and who will be return or not, it's fine but:
>The game did poorly because ended up being overshadowed since was released in an unfit year and those made the game did not even tried to make to spread the game (magazines, tv spots and etc.) as such is underrated
>They did not tried again, but rather forgot all their work they did on said series with potential and are still focusing on generic stuff
>It's like these people have no interest in real science and the advances in real AI and draw inspiration only from other fiction.
Well they are video game scenario writers, not scientists...
>character is a dense & naive to the point of being borderline retarded
>trusts the bad guy
>as plot would demand, the bad guy comes back stronger or kills someone close to the character because he let the villain go
Also, my top most hated trope
>villain and his top generals are extremely powerful and could kill you in an instant
>"you're lucky I don't have time to deal with you today, smallfry.."
>rinse and repeat 1-5+ times per game until the the character is has one on one'd every single minion
Remove make to
>antagonist offers temporary alliance to protagonist to overcome greater evil
>protag tells him to fuck off
>major event happens in the game
>entire tone of the game shifts to suit the new narrative caused by the major event
>this happens multiple times
one of the reasons i enjoyed HL1 so much
>tfw you're not older than most western game protagonists
>the people you used to see as adult, rugged and experienced are kids to you
Max payne was in his fucking 20s during the first game.
It's 3 years. And time doesn't particularly matter to a bunch of immortal Gods
Only the adults that don't put out are bad.
To be fair, they only intended to brainwash Okumura into giving his employees better working conditions. Akechi killed him to frame the Phantom Thieves.
That said, Akechi got a bullshit sob story about it later, so fuck him.
The likeability of a lot of characters depends on the perspective user. While it is interesting to see a character from a different perspective as a thought experiment, it's generally pointless to disregard the player perspective like that.
For example, Griffith would be a lot less hated if The Eclipse didn't dwell on how many beloved characters he killed, and Guts would probably be a lot less liked if Berserk chose to dwell on the families of each person he slaughtered.
Caim wasn't interested in saving anything.
>unassuming character goes out in a blaze of selfless courage
Is this a thread complaining about the dumb shit in Persona 5? Because I'm okay with that.
>Persona Q
>dumb blonde girl says dumb food shit every five seconds
>it's not funny or charming
>they try to make this a tragic trait by revealing that she's dead and continually talks about food because she wants to be full of life
Yeah, no. Fuck off, Rei.
Just like real life, desu.
>party slaughters hundreds on the way to the big bad
>hallways to big bad literally paved in fresh bodies
>one of the members still acts holier than thou and proclaims killing the big bad is wrong
I was okay with the way Persona Q handled it; when you're a weeb you're familiar with the trope, putting a purposeful spin on it was welcomed.
>story start out cliched and infantile
>mid-way through, shit gets real and the villain gives the protagonists a massive, worldview shattering reality check
>story gets really grim from that point on
I've never actually seen this shit.
>I'm being chased by someone or something
>I'll just conveniently exposit into a tape recorder while I desperately escape
>while each part is scattered across multiple parts of the map
This isn't what environmental storytelling means
>NPC walks slowly while having long drawn out conversations or monologues
>you have to follow them slowly or wait until they finish
They're still cutscenes even if you have direct control of your character god damnit.
>An antagonist is a total douchébag
>he gets a "redemption arc" where he is shown to do a single good deed at the end of the game that foils the bigger bad's plans, essentially allowing protagonist to accomplish his goals of saving someone or defeating the boss
>this is considered enough to earn them forgiveness despite them being one of the main reasons why the boss got so far in the first place
>regardless of all the atrocities and killings they are responsible of, they go relatively unpunished
Mind you enlightening me how a 5-7 hours tops first playthrough game, with 20-40 minutes if you're loitering per zone, 3-6 different enemies and thus different bullet hell patterns in each zone, different stylization and music changing in each zone, can be tedious?
I'm genuine, cuz that's really boggling my mind. Whatever criticism and whatever word you'd might choose for describing UT, tedious wouldn't really occur to me, unless you'd be talking actually farming monsters, though I guess some encounters might get bit monotonous
>It's the adult culture of Japan where you're just supposed to suck it up and have a collective responsibility to accept the will of the majority no matter what.
Matte up, there's been anime and manga like Great Teacher Onizuka where even and especially in high schools the kids are the ones who engage this philosophy, allowing people who are bullied to be subjected to years of psychological and physical abuse because it can't be helped.
>good guy gets revealed to be evil
>suddenly 180s his entire personality and just becomes a maniacal edgelord
>The good character was secretly the antagonist who puts the protagonists through a cruel situation to get revenge over losing a loved one
>Loved one turns out to not be dead
>Antagonist has a change of heart and joins the protagonists again
>Turns out loved one was actually dead and he was tricked
>Still stays with the protagonists
>File deleted
Mods don't like the story related to that pic.
Not him, but the game looks ugly, so it's not nice to look at when the playing the game, the different patterns don't mean shit when it still feels the same, boring.
What stylization?
The music is really the only thing that saves it, but the battle music, while good, is probably one of the weakest tracks in the game.
It just numbs your mind and makes it feel tedious, and the shit battle mechanic really adds to that feeling. It's boring.
Dishonored was cool in that it actually acknowledged how you're basically a one man army executing a one-man revolution and how your co-conspirators feared your strength and tried to assassinate you after you outlived your usefulness
>antagonist is misunderstood, actually he is a better person than protag
>you regret killing him
>game has multiple endings
>all the endings are shit/bad endings
>true ending is actually the worst ending
Jokes aside I honestly dislike this. Sure, there is no empire in real life that doesn't have a dark side, but then there are no kingdoms that didn't do at least one thing that was dickish in their history. Then again there were some pluses that empires had. The hegemonic ones being the best ones.
Can anyone tell me if there are any games where unironically the local empire is actually the good guy apart of any of the Warhammer games?
>NPC walks slowly while having long drawn out conversations or monologues
>you have to follow them slowly or wait until they finish
I can't fucking stand that. Put that shit in a cutscene, where you can do some cinematography to make it more interesting and I can also skip it if I want.
>First game sets up a ton of worldbuilding, full of mysteries and things that could be explored later
>Sequel overexplains everything, leaving the setting uninteresting
Fucking Araki can't plot for shit.
>First game sets up a ton of worldbuilding, full of mysteries and things that could be explored later
>There will never be a sequel
zero fucking escape.
>First game sets up a ton of worldbuilding, full of mysteries and things that could be explored later
>sequel never happens
>sequel is casualized and retcons everything, ruining the story and "rebooting" the franchise
Dishonored 2
>Lore is full of various factions, kingdoms, cultures, most are offscreen
>New writer cones in
>He has the bad guys destroy everything so he doesn't have to deal with it
>Said character appears as his final appearance when his best friend died
>villain is a weak as fuck boss
>villain is also obnoxious
>cutscenes continually suck him/her off even when the MC gets a power boost
>villain later gets a special power boost to show how cool they are
>villain then later gets two additional power boosts that ignore the rules of the first one
Fucking Condemned
>Twist is that the camera was actually a person and he was the mastermind all along
I completely misunderstood what game we were talking about for a second.
>Side with your girl, but humanity dies
>Side with humanity, but your girl dies
>main enemy is some kind of horrific looking creature/race
>halfway through the game you find out they all used to be PEOPLE
this happens way more often then I think people realize.
I'm still mad. I will always be mad. What the fuck was Uchikoshi thinking by making the game nothing but shipping and a hack twist?
>Gorilla noises
>humans are good because biological hard wiring, monsters are monsters because they pose a threat
Aren't you tired, user? Let's go to bed already.
Shame, 999 and VLR were so fucking good. Let's hope The Somnium Files ends up being good.
>gorilla noises
Crisis Core is probably the least shitty, even if there's a lot of shit attached to it.
>protagonist is just some guy
>is retconned into being the chosen one in the sequels
You missed the message, Far Cry 4 is a BOTH SIDES centrist masterpiece.
I gotchu Senpai.
>Games in a series are for the most part well thought out in terms of structure and plot points
>climax always ends on a bootstrap paradox
By stylization I meant visual stylization, especially colour scheme blending with the design of environment + soundtrack. I'm not saying I'm any connoisseur of videogame design, but I'm quite frankly not following why you'd consider UT straight out as ugly. Visually, it is simplistic, mby even crude. The gameplay is the same deal, don't try finding any real depth to it, except some story-driven battle mechanics
>the different patterns don't mean shit when it still feels the same, boring
Is Tetris boring and tedious then?
In cohesion with all other design elements, in holistic view, Gesamtkunstwerk way if you wish, it works
Speaking of stylization, consider how zone as Waterfalls is handled. Blue, cool and contrasting light and dark colours, play of shadow, piety, underlined with subtle, yet vigorous calming tones of mystery and humility
Undertale definitely does lack strictly visual detail and polish when it comes to how some of parts of the world are presented though
Fucking Kingdom Hearts.
Is there games where is other way around? Where you is authority fighting rebels?
This one really bothers me because DMC3, 4 and 5 have scenes where Dante is clearly perceptive of sex and sexual aspects, he clearly just tends not to make a fuss over getting laid because he often gets up to so much more than the average joe with his time.
Dante is clearly supposed to be an oddball because of his background and nature, but he's not an alien from another planet with no fathom of Earth customs.
>I've killed my daughter with these hands, I'll never use them again
>10 hours later uses them again
Humans ARE the real monsters.
>brand new party member
>they have a conveniently specific skill set that comes into play moments after you recruit them
Metal Slug
Ace Combat 1 & 2
Probably more, isn’t Contra basically this too?
Uhhhh Metal Gear Solid?
I think he knows what sex is I just like believing he's never had it for the reasons you stated.
The issue with Undertale's gameplay is that it's stuck in this awkward middle ground where it tries to keep something that's meant to be expanded on as simple. The battle mechanics are boring now because of what you need to do, how long it takes, and the simplistic nature of it. That makes it tedious and boring as fuck. I don't hate monotonous gameplay, hell, I fucking love the Warriors game. But there I get satisfaction, pleasing aesthetics and simple mechanics, and together they make for a good time. Undertake has none. It's somewhat similar in Tetris's case, if you play Tetris just to get as many points as you can, it's fucking boring. Play it with a goal, like getting to the next level, or beating ninety eight other players, then I'm more invested. As well as later games have a nice flair and stylization to them, and every line you clear is satisfying. I can't say the same for Undertale at all.
>Blue, cool and contrasting light and dark colours, play of shadow, piety, underlined with subtle, yet vigorous calming tones of mystery and humility
Yeah, I get none of that. The only thing that accomplishes of making get that feeling is the soundtrack. The soundtrack carries this shit game, because without it the atmosphere it tries to portray visually would be lost on me due to how ugly it is. It doesn't even give me the pleasure of using my imagination because it's not a simplistic minimalist design either, there was an attempt at putting depth in the environment, but it just looks like shit.
all of my hate
That's somewhat fair assessment
I think it's generally starting to balance on edges when it comes to evaluation of all these pointed out design elements. Our personal observations and experiences differ as well, and we haven't even started on writing, story and plot driven elements
Could it be settled that UT probs can't hit the spot for everyone?
Oh yeah, I definitely have way more to say about a lot of other aspects of the game, but yeah, I'll settle with "it just isn't for me". Personally I don't think I'm super subjective, but clearly I a man considering how popular the game was. It honestly baffles me, because I can't fathom how it became that way. I don't hate Toby Fox, in fact I respect his work as a musician, but to me he just made a bad game.
Don't be such a faggot.
That's fair user-san
Are you surprised that most people are retards with terrible taste?
Have you ever had the misfortune of being next to a group of teenagers while they're talking? That's the audience of the internet "fandom culture", a culture by which undertale was inspired.
>author makes builds a few doujins that are vanilla tier
>suddenly tosses NTR in one of them
come the fuck on
just leave NTR as it's own story or some shit, I'm reading the vanilla story for vanilla, I didn't want NTR in this
>ugly rapist sports coach / teacher in a tomboy doujin
I like virtually nothing about Caim changed in Drakengard 2. He's the same little psycho he's always been, only you're on the receiving end this time.
>NPC allies participate in a fight
>They actually perform well, pull their weight, don't need saving and don't just clear the game for you
Thanks CrossCode
>find a h-manga that has pretty good art
>start reading
>the story is so fucking retarded that it's too distracting to even fap to
Hypnosis doesn't fucking work that way.
Cock is not heroin.
Speaking of heroin, you don't get addicted from a single shot.
Don't invite those two scary looking strangers you don't even know into your house you dumb bitch.
The idea of a smartphone app that controls people / reality / etc is idiotic.
I kind of doubt that there are roaming gangs of middle school prostitutes with a fat bald man fetish.
You ever get this feeling like the writer of the manga you're reading has an IQ of about 80?
>lore keeps building up but never actually amounts to anything
>all of the interesting lore is found in reading material outside of the game
>the game itself only employs the most boring parts of the universe
>lore starts having contradictory points between games
>the worse one is considered canon