Everything but Xbox. Xbox is shit
Except PC would just be those two universal gods who have seen countless generations come and go and could careless who "wins" one or the other.
So when the PS5 comes out, the next villain, the Switch will grow into a petulant jobber and then his girlfriend will awaken a ryona fetish for hundreds of men across the globe
No, the Switch's Dad, the Wii U, will come back from the dead for a day and then defeat Google Stadia.
>Wii U comeback arc
I've waited so long
Cope harder.
>>Wii U comeback arc
This already happened, it's called the Switch
Xbox should be yamcha
>PS4 pulls his ultimate card, discount console with Fifa to win the console war
>Switch is powerless
>Wii U gets fully discontinuated to let the Switch get the last batch of games
>But PS5 (Cell+Goku shit) comes back
>Switch lite gets launched with the last Wii U ports remaining with Fifaand finally it outsells and kills the PS line for good
>Fifa is what makes all the difference
This is the most boring possible victory.
There's a ton of subhumans who only buy consoles to play FIFA.
I know first hand, I live in a subhuman country.
Fifa is the only reason the PS4 sold more than the Xbox to be fair
Because fifa is a Playstation exclusive
Welcome to the real world, kiddo.
It almost makes me want to try one of them to see why there's such an unfathomably large consumer base. Almost.
Trust me, much like real soccer, it's not worth it.
t. Third Worlder.
Why the fuck is the Nintendo Switch such a huge investment compared to other consoles if it's for kids? It's like buying a fucking PC almost.
I member when X-box was a contender
Because it's not and you've fallen for the meme if you ever thought it was.
How is it not? It's 320 bucks here, no game. Most games I'm interested in are still full price unless I scour the internet for cheaper used copies which aren't as common in my country. If I want to play Smash I need an adapter which is like 25 bucks. I'm pretty sure there's other items I need too, does an ethernet cable even go in the Switch without an adapter? The amount of upfront money you need to pay for the thing is easily equal to a PS4 pro.
the switch is specifically designed for people with lots of disposable income but not a lot of time to actually play
arrest yourself
Have sex.
I'm a happy Yamcha main
btw I'm phoneposting
Because most people in these sub human countries love football from an early age, and also like to dab on their friends to prove who's better, and also the loot box player pull nonsense
things that didn't happen thread?
Friendly reminder that the Switch already has a 100% accurate emulator and the "must have" Switch titles look like webm related.
get aids.
This is clearly untrue and an unfair cherrypick. An 100% accurate emulator is difficult to believe but every console gets a emulator eventually anyhow.
>100% accurate
The Switch with two "major" games and a third-party Pro Controller and accessories is the same price as a regular 2 TB PS4 with GoW in the third world I live in.
t. Just bought a switch
Poor kid.
Don't make me revive poor kid posting
That's pretty cheap then.
Sony will keep winning as long as loot boxes are legal considering most of their playstation income comes from taking cuts from microtransactions
switch is expensive as fuck, i want to play some games on it that are coming out this year but fuck nintendo copying apple and their jewery. shits absurd
You don't need a gamecube adapter or an ethernet adapter
xbox should be Goku throwing seeds to Cell.
>Every console gets an emulator.
>OG Xbox
>360 Xbox
xenia is progressing along nicely, actually
You pretty much do if you like Smash. Also reminds me I'd need a pro controller too if I were to buy Astral Chain or somethin. Nintendo has always made most of it's money on insanely expensive peripherals for their consoles.
>Because fifa is a Playstation exclusive
Because the people that buy shit like Fifa and 2K only buy shit that is popular. They're the same group that buy iPhones, Supreme brand, Yeezys, and listen to shitty pop rap. They wouldn't dare by an Xbox with the fear of being ostracised
I use a pro controller and wireless in smash and have zero lag issues. You don't need them
I dont care what anyone says, I still enjoy my Xbox.
How much is a pro controller?
>twitter putting-logos/text-onto-stuff-"meme"
You have to go back
Wasn't it found that wireless Pro Controller actually had less latency than wired for some reason?
Poor Kid.
Xbox one X
LOL only a delusional nintendo fanboy would think that nsw could even win against PS4 which is the fastest selling console of all time with the best exclusives and the biggest library.
nsw is VITA 2, getting only indies and low efforts games. This kid's toy doesn't know what an AAA game is. OH take 50 Mario games and don't ask for anything else.
Also hilarious how PS4 is outselling nsw on a weekly basis worldwide.
>Best exclusives
>Biggest library