What game has gotten the closest to surpassing OOT's status as the GOAT?
What game has gotten the closest to surpassing OOT's status as the GOAT?
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Dark Souls I think, at least by normies
By absolute braindead normies, the NeoGAF, Kotaku, Reddit type.
Souls basically has no level design/dungeons, no puzzle solving, nothing besides the combat which can be broken down to a rhythm game of dodging when enemy attacks, and retaliating twice, repeat. Also no music basically, just horrible trash.
Nothing. It's too "round", just the most perfect game of its scale.
OoT is such a shitty game now though.
Sure it was game of the year in 1999.
Now it's just another N64 "this system is a warm up for the Gamecube" Nintendo game.
>that opinion
okay, user
why would you bring out that webm while talking up a game that has a bug where you can literally warp to the final boss before finishing the first dungeon
Get better bait
Resident Evil 4, anyone who disagrees wasn't old enough to experience it when it first came out. It was utterly mindblowing & for a 2 year stretch it was widely considered the best game of all time, only OOT would get ranked ahead of it
I don't argue in "opinions", only facts.
You said it; "bug", in Souls it's just the normal gameplay. Everyone can hit miles through walls, except the player, the player bounces off.
MGS2 ages like fine wine and is a worthy contender
Dark Souls is streamerbait for 12 year olds just like FNAF.
There were some of them by critics themselves
>Mario Galaxy
>Deus ex
>Metal gear solid 4
>Gta iv
>Final fantasy vii
>Metal gear
>Red dead redemption 2
>God of war (PS4)
But the real dethroner is Majora's mask
This board is full of tranny zoomers with shit tastes
>But the real dethroner is Majora's mask
Only if you are an autistic retard.
True, look at the replies in this thread.
Breath of the Wild
Ocarina of time was revolutionary for the time but aged like milk on a hot summer day.
Majora's mask was an interesting new and fresh concept that still feels fresh today.
See Pic Related, Chrono Trigger has come the closest but it's still nowhere near close to Ocarina
Last of Us was the one that offended me the most.
The bug only works in Japanese 1.0 cartridges and was found by pure accident 15 years after release.
oot aged like ass. 10/10 for its time, 3/10 by todays standards. didn't realize how batshit simple this game is when replaying last week. its ahead of its time but that time has passed.
It wasn't even that good.
Unironically Breath of the Wild, but BotW is a more "opinionated" game than OoT and has more notable flaws. I'll also accept Chrono Trigger or Super Mario Galaxy 2.
Creepy af how prophetic it ended up being.
objectively MP. I think it's the only game with a higher user rating than OoT
More scary than creepy my dude.
The fundamental game design still holds up imo. OoT randomizer is fun as hell.
It didn't just "get the closest", it blew it out of the fucking water.
i dislike oot
combat isn't the best and travelling is a chore, especially so since you're obligated to go back and forth from the temple of time
and while this is probably just me whining, i really dislike the heart pieces mechanic - doing four different tasks for one relatively small reward - and how the game limits how much cash you can carry at once
all in all, qol stuff. i like lttp and link between worlds better
Super Mario 64, Final Fantasy VI, Final Fantasy VII, Chrono Trigger, Super Metroid
>especially so since you're obligated to go back and forth from the temple of time
But you aren't? And that's the one place you always have fast travel to
OoT is only "flawless" in the sense that there's nothing overly offensive about it, but it's also just as inoffensive as it is bland and dated. It didn't age well and most of its successors took its concepts further than it could ever hope to.
FF7 and The Last of Us. Those seem like the 2 that are usually considered the best other than OoT. The Last of Us doesn’t even deserve a place in the top 100 though
>most of its successors took its concepts further than it could ever hope to.
whoa til sequels build on their predecessors
FF7 is not close, CT would be closer
i sorta meant your travel back and forth between future and past is bottlenecked by the temple of time being the only way to do it, whereas you've got a number of locations in other titles to switch between worlds
also the lack of fast travel to other locations such as lake hylia doesn't help things
Yes, they do. Glad you could understand my post.
Kill yourself
Breath of the wild was garbo.
I think some of the oomph OoT had is on people who didn't play Link to the Past. Light->Dark world always felt more impactful for me than going forward 7 years because its the same thing. 3 pendants, scouring the whole world and makes you feel like your at the end the journey. Then suddenly 7 more dungeons to go through and everywhere on the map got new stuff to find
Plus the Dark World theme is one of the best in all of LoZ
BotW is far better than OoT. If there's anything worse than "flawed", it's being sterile and boring.
wind waker already surpassed it
i love how all the zoomer contrarians can do is impotently scream
oot already had its day where it was the absolute best thing in the world and zoomers can't do shit about it because it all happened before they were born ahaha
With soulless literal turds and nothing but turds to find in the world, non-existent music, pitiful villages and that disgusting excuse of "Kakariko", no castle town, generic bosses, a terrible final boss and copy paste dungeons and no fun items like hookshots or the lens of truth? And Literally witH LESS FUCKING ENEMY VARIETY and enemies looking like kiddy shit? No zombies, no moblins, no darknuts, no ghosts, nothing?
Running around with the biggaron sword was a fucking vibe, dude
There are way too many underaged zoomers on this board.yes, Ocarina aged like fine wine, no, barf of the wild is not better, ocarina and MM run circles around nu zelda in pretty much every way.. Music, atmosphere, dungeons, and yes, tight gameplay.
>m-muh weapon customization
Weapons break fast, the whole mechanic is shallow and meaningless and does not live up to what it should be for an open world game.
>m-muh graphics. Go fuck yourself, the rough gritty look is unironically more appealing and more colorful than the washed out bullshit in SS and BoTW and the muddy barf that was TP
>m-m-m-muh large world
A large world that ends up doing nothing with itself. Even Wind Waker was a better "open world" experience.
>but the controls suck :(
No, they don't. You are just used to no challenge in games. OoT isn't even that hard, by the way.
>m-m-muh other nitpick
Go fuck yourself. Your taste is bland and boring just admit it. Pic related.
Have you heard the Cadence of Hyrule version yet? Shit slaps.
I'm tempted to post a version of this but reverse with all the reused grottoes and generic textures in OoT, but this is way too weak bait for that much effort.
It was already talking about the problems with internet communities of that era. The fact that the internet grew so much now makes the same old problems bigger.
the physics in botw were fun
experimenting with how you weapons could influence the world was cool
cooking was awesome
the dungeon puzzles were satisfying and challenging to complete
the enemies had personality and were even cute at some points
there were plenty of sidequests with significant locations that fleshed out the world
and that's not even mentioning the motherfuckin motorbike
i find botw far more rewarding to play than oot.
the time you put into it seems to come back tenfold in terms of what you get out
The cinematography in OoT is actually really good. It reminds me of the kind of framing you see in good manga.
Yes, brainlet, it's a handheld game, they didn't want it to be too dark to see anything outside.
Still looks better on the whole, autist.
Shadow of the Colossus
Dark Souls 1
forgot to mention shield surfing and the minigames for rupees
and the fact that botw2 is only adding content and gameplay mechanics while taking nothing away from the world is a massive, massive plus
Oh hey look heres the faggot that thinks grotto can be compared to actual mini dungeons.
Grottos are there for resources. They are 100% optional and not necessary to enter to 100% or complete the game. Plus they are natural looking and fit the environment.
Shrines are ridiculously out of place, with bland puzzles in them, an ugly uv light look to all of them, and are necessary to go through to 100% the game. Not to mention there are several more shrines and they last way longer to go through. Grottos let you go in and out in like 2 seconds. So yeah, user go fuck youraelf. Your taste is pure garbage.
Whatever eases your cognitive dissonance buddy.
Dark souls
>nothing but turds to find in the world
>non-existent music
>pitiful villages
>copy paste dungeons and no fun items
Wow, it's almost like you took the most surface level shitpost criticisms you could find and gathered them all into one post without even playing the game.
>no moblins
It's not meant to look this bright cartoony. They fucked with the artstyle.
>Souls basically has no level design
Well okay
As you can see, the N64 models match the artstyle. The only problem is that they are really low poly.
The 3DS version could have made them match the concept art but instead they just gace it the bland 2010s style kids CGI.
You're correct, actually. That's why Zelda fans have such shit taste these days. They'll eat up anything and call it a "masterpiece", similar to the Pokemon fanbase.
Stupid fucking boomer you are allowed to like oot and botw right? I still have the original golden Zelda cartridge with the Islamic chanting in the fire temple and I can still acknowledge BOTW is a better game.
>Oh hey look heres the faggot that thinks grotto can be compared to actual mini dungeons
I'm usually one of the anons to point that out, and I'm not the same guy as the one you're replying to right now.
Grottos and shrines are in every way comparable. All you're saying here is that shrines are different because they have more content... yeah, no shit. Glad you can admit they were a vast improvement over OoT's sterile empty holes in the ground.
Zeldas are even normier than souls games
>Even Wind Waker was a better "open world" experience
0/10, apply yourself.
>and not necessary to enter to 100% or complete the game
Some of them have heart pieces and skulltulas you absolute fucking nimrod. What a desperate attempt at distinguishing the two.
underrated answer
Gears of War, Dead Space, Lost Planet, even Assassin's Creed. Games for the next decade were influenced by Resi 4.
No, something I liked about Oot after playing alttp was that they kept the light world/dark world mechanic (now past /future) changing the whole map you got used to and the 3 dungeons then many dungeons in the other world format, doing things in one world to effect the other etc.. It blew me away in alttp but Oot keeping it was fantastic. dropping that format has essentially been one of the big issues with further zeldas never topping Oot. But keep in mind Oot was their first shot at making a 3D Zelda so taking all the BEST parts of the old Zelda games and moving them to Oot and adding everything they could is part I what makes it so great. The wacky memorable npc characters from Oot make it pretty great and has become a staple but that style of npcs actually started in links awakening. Again Oot took the best stuff from older zeldas and added to it, zeldas after Oot have dropped ideas in order to focus on that games new theme or gimmick or whatever and it’s orevented them from surpassing Oot.
I never got to play OoT the first time around, what do?
>buy a cheap 3DS and get the remaster?
>emulate on muh PC?
>buy an N64 entirely for the experience? (Not into the idea thb)
>Tfw played OoT
>Always got bored before reaching the water gem because it's so fucking boring and tedious to traverse without the horse
>Loved MM got all the masks and did everything
>Loved dark souls and think it's a better Zelda game than modern zeldas. Especially with the fixed z targeting and removal of most puzzles and story and just straight up getting into the action which is what Zelda always had a problem with
Yeah I agree. Dark souls.