Tribes 2 was the best game in the series and you quite literally CANNOT refute this.
Tribes 2 was the best game in the series and you quite literally CANNOT refute this
Hey fuck you for making me remember that game existed.
I miss it so much
Fuck I miss Tribes so much it physically hurts. Also, I loved Vengeance just like I loved all the other one's, fucking sue me.
Vengeance literally killed the series though. I vividly remember seeing it in the bargain bin of Wal-Mart like 2 months after release.
How did Midair manage to crash and burn so fucking fast? It's like they put effort in to making sure the game would die damn near immediately.
It ran and looked like shit. Jetpacks and weapons were unsatisfying to use.
Never heard of it, but I can tell from the pic that the simplistic artstyle had something to do with it.
Tribes 1 & 2 had a very specific artstyle that almost looked like it belonged on a book cover from a 70s-80s science fiction novel
I think Hi-Rez being incompetent cunts with Ascend killed the franchise, user. Why was Vengeance so hated, btw? Granted, I also mostly played T2, but I saw nothing (except the awful campaign) wrong with Vengeance.
Holy shit this. What a fucking disaster.
Why don't modern FPS games have in game soundtracks anymore?
yeah, but the entire series sucked
Quake Champions does a lot of things wrong but it actually has TWO god damn soundtracks you can toggle for some reason, so there's that. A lot of the Hulshult tracks are fucking great as well.
Get a load of this sandraker.
I really liked ascend, it wasn't tribes 2 but I was good at it and enjoyed it until that last update ruined it.
Oh well.
I still like the first one the best.
Defend the flag
Attack the enemy base
The story behind the Tribes series is fucking insane and absolutely kino. Its painful to think there's so much potential in a game about sliding down hills and shooting disks. I used to play Tribes 2 almost every single day after school when I was younger. I fucking loved that game so much and I can't believe nothing has ever tried to capture the grandness of it all.
I cannot for the life of me remember what it was called, but there was a browser based game that was a blatant rip off of tribes, and was actually pretty decent. Aside from that, nothing really seems to even try to imitate tribes, or what it was. Was it really that niche of a series?
It's been over 7 years now since Yea Forums's moment of glory.
>browser based game that was a blatant rip off of tribes
I don't think that was it, but it was over a decade ago now, and I only played it for like a week, so my memory is fuzzy at best.
One of the main things I remember is that one of the more popular levels was a decently large mostly green level, and the map was divided by a giant black aqueduct.
>I think Hi-Rez being incompetent cunts with Ascend killed the franchise, user.
Tribes was already dead and buried when they bought the license to make Ascend.
only feels like maybe 3 years to me
To each their own, I guess. I've loved ever single entry in the Tribes series (never played the PS2 one, and I doubt it would work on a console).
>My friends dad gave me Starsiege: Tribes when I was little so him, me, and his son could play together
>We continue to play every Tribes game as they come out
>His work friends start playing too
>Me and his son are playing with all these 30-40 year old men for years
God how I miss the late nights with middle-aged drunk men playing Tribes like it was life or death.