He asks, what do if you don't identify as either
He asks, what do if you don't identify as either
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Trannies begone.
You should kill yourself
You should kill yourself
Cease to exist.
Back to facebook
You pick one anyways, because it's a fucking character, not actually you.
Oh silly billy.
Everyone in there 'right' mind knows that there's only 2 genders.
Anything else is just made up by a person so they can feel special.
Will pokemon stop asking this question in the new one?
You pick the cute girl
unlikely but if they do there'd be a reckoning to be sure
I’ll take this one.
The Japanese versions now just ask "what do you look like" since X/Y.
pokemon has always been behind in that regard
animal crossing was letting male characters wear skirts and dresses 20 fucking years ago
Then you're a retard.
Just fake it like a normal human being instead of a special snowflake who's insulted by trivial shit like having to pick a gender.
>pick the cute boy
>can't put him in a skirt
i'm still platinum fucking mad about that
>REEEEEEE Intesnifies
doesn't matter, I'm not self-inserting and actually controlling a third party
controlling a woman is always pretty hilarious, so I just go with that
>Are YOU a boy or a girl?
Eggs, just accept you are gay, everyone knows anyway.
Are Pokemon genderfluid?
he is literally correct...
>nice reflection user
fuck you OP
Pick gitl
Dress my character as a slutty slut who only fucks virgin incels
The fuck is a gitl you retard
He's asking which character you want to play as you fucking autist
It's an RPG, not a fucking census form
There are only two genders
You should continue living
They aren't gay, though
To be honest, gendermixing happens much more often than racemixing.
Look at your birth certificate.
ESL everyone
You’re an autist on the internet calling someone else an autist. Minecraft yourself, autist.
If you're playing Black and White you pick Hilda, Hilda is best girl
What's that bird really thinking about?
>despite being 13% of pet birds, crows are responsible for
that dude seriously needs to work on his posture, hes on his way to looking like a scheming goblin.
When you're 6'5", you often need to bend down to photograph things
Don’t you have a designated street to go shit in, Pajeet?
always pick the cuter one and don't look back
t. Wants to be the girl
Wats that, a candy?
tl;dw dc
Being a lanklet mutant won't protect you from consequences of bad posture, you know.
Is that what you’re frequently asked from your van.
Pic related
sadly you can't be a femboy or a futa
This kind of shit utterly disgusts me
I went to the mall 2 weeks ago and saw about 6 trannies
I don’t even live in California wtf
kill myself