Hollow Knight bros... what... what the fuck...?
Hollow Knight bros... what... what the fuck...?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Hollow Knight looks a hundred times better with less than a hundredth of the budget
What's their secret, lads?
Seethe, hollow man.
This is the dumbest fake controversy I've seen pushed on Yea Forums yet.
It makes me sad that some hopeless fools who rely entirely on the drip feed of memes to function will buy into it with sincerity.
You are all autistic.
it's almost like Hollow Knight released 2 fucking years ago and most people already played through it.
That doesn't explain its all-time peak... what the fuck... what the fuck...
They're both great games, so fuck off and die for tainting these experiences with your insipid chittering.
Still, kinda surprising that the all time peak is so low.
You are still a faggot op
Hollow knight became big after release, bloodstained already came with the Iga advantage. Do that again after Silksong releases. They are all great games though, fuck you for this forced meme comoetition controversy
it wasn't hyped up on release at all
lmao @ all the seething in itt
The switch saved hollowniggers. Probably saved bloodscammed too.
The secret is investing in looks rather than gameplay and then getting fewer players.
This doesn't make sense, the game absolutely did not sell only 10 thousand copies.
I know I'm posting in a bait thread but the game was a literal sleeper hit that stewed for months before becoming big.
It initially took the game three months to even hit 100k sales.
That's how unknown it was when first got released.
are you retarded?
>You're only allowed to like one game, even if they came out far apart and it's easy to play both of them
Why are you so stupid?
Hollow Knight is a true and tested indie game, with minimal advertising and a small sized kickstarter, it basically only grew slowly true the word of mouth, so it basically had no big release time where EVERYONE played the game, people started playing all in different times, through different updates and releases. Silksong will basically be their 1st BIG release.
Bloodstained on the other hand is fucking 4 million dollars kickstarter, with multiple trailers and events and online demos made by the big name of Castlevania, Iga himself, EVERYONE jumped on the jugular of the game when it released, and in a month it will be fully dried up of its "hype" and view potential.
Seethe, hollowy boy.
Hollow knight sucks though.
It has a lot more player on NS
cartoon alien hominid ripoff vs hand crafted 3D masterpiece that was literally rebuilt by hand because the developer wanted quality instead of boring artstyle
So does Blood. So Hollow is still behind.
Both are good games for different reasons
Why can't we be friends?
based and nonlinearactionadventure2dplatformerpilled
Not everything is competition or camps you fuck.
hollow knight is unironically too difficult for castlevania fans
Just this. It’s obvious Hollow Knight would have a lower peak, it was the first game by the studio and wasn’t hyped up until a year after its initial launch. Bloodstained is essentially a long awaited return to an established and beloved franchise.
Both are also good games, and completely different games. Hollow Knight is about exploring a living world. It’s slow. This is a good thing for that game. Bloodstained is about being an Igavania, a fast paced Metroidvania RPG with multiple options to take on obstacles. This is a good thing for this game. Both have faults. Both have upsides. Both are not comparable.
All time peak almost always occurs immediately after launch, and is purely a product of hype around said launch.
You really think Hollow Knight is going to out-hype Bloodstained, which raised nearly 100x as much with its Kickstarter?
Was it ever confirmed that the hollow knight world really was bug-sized?
I remember falseflagging as a hollow knight shill. Still haven’t played but I’ll probably give bloodstained a try
it's like people buy games on sale and then never play them
im pretty sure thge guy who UNVENTED castlevania has more weight behind his name than 2 guys making a bug game :p
Is it over Hollowbros? Are we not the king of metroidvanias anymore? Wtf, it's not fair...
its just niggers wanting to bait as always
But Yea Forums has fallen so deep and so hard into reddit-tier spasticry that no one can enjoy things on here without others wanting to shitpost the exact opposite.
It's like Steam vs the Chinks, or Overwatch vs TF2. The zoomers will eventually find something else to compare and hate on, and it'll keep cycling on until this site dies.
This is the future you wrought, Moot.
Seethe and copepilled.
Leaked Steam games list revealed that over 1 million people have played Hollow Knight on Steam. arstechnica.com
Most people do play games they buy.
Sadly, we live on an age where most people are so infelicitous and their only solution is the Schadenfreude
This is literally the true obsessively playing fanbase size vs the initial wave of every consumer being used as an argument.
Truly the redpilled individuals of this thread. it's brings me hope in this braincell-deficient board
It's the opposite.
Would /ourbug/ approve of Miriam's relationship with her girlfriend?
Based and OCPilled.
I fucking hate Hollow knights Zelda 2 dark souls bullshit. Don't ever let anyone tell you it's in the same league as the sotn style castlevania games.
In castlevania you're fucking juggling weapons, magic, techniques, transformations and fighting colorful, wacky enemies and bosses based on events and stories all throughout history.
Hollow Knight you have a needle you can augment and everything is one style, Tim Burton hot topic goth buggy wuggies that all speak baby talk from the devs themselves.
It's fine if you like Zelda 2 honestly but it doesn't fucking compare just because there's back tracking. Also so much of the bosses I've seen in hk are floating gifs that shoot bullet spam. I honestly think people are brainwashed into thinking this shit is beyond a decent to good game because it's 2D, just like cup head.
Tbh I loved Hollow Knight, but Bloodstained feels like a more autistic version with so much to do and experiment with.
What are you on about schizo?
Calm the autism down and try to form a more coherent argument here
Games are more than looks user. Regardless both are great games.
>Also so much of the bosses I've seen in hk are floating gifs that shoot bullet spam
someone definitely played HK
>All time peak almost always occurs immediately after launch, and is purely a product of hype around said launch.
this is common but definitely not always the case. some games with big DLC pushes or good discounts will get large bumps in their all-time peaks later on. this happens a lot with fighting games in particular.
but this whole thread is pretty stupid anyway. hollow knight isn't suddenly starvng for attention because bloodstained came out. team cherry's doing well, and now iga is doing well.
Shame that it also looks like shit without any coherent art direction.
True love?
Who cares, at least hollow knight doesn't look like utter garbage made by a blind man. And remember this is supposed to be the fixed graphics. I MEAN JESUS CHRIST.
And it looks like shit without any coherent art direction which makes the game unplayable for people who don't have aesthetic sensibilities of a retarded zoomer.
C'mere slugbro.
Should I get hollow knight on switch?
incredibly based
extremely based. The fags have been BTFO'd, and this image has been saved.
Never change, based OCFag
If you want to. sure.
But Guts chased after Casca for like 200 chapters
t. retarded doomer who fell for the "graphics are everything" meme of the 7th generation
stop falseflagging, Bloodnigger.
I played both and thoroughly enjoyed both. Fuck you, you're trying to start shit because Yea Forums is supposedly this shitpost hole where everyone has to hate absolutely fucking everything or join a "side" of an increasingly vapid debate.
Get fucked by a rotary drill.
Makes sense people don't like hard games.
>nobody is playing a 5 year old game everyone already beat
>they are all playing a newly released game
Wow amazing
I bet HK has more players in total because it wasn't too popular when it came out. Its player number was divided in time
>Hollow Knight
Ive beaten 4 bosses already
When does it get hard?
What's the point of trying to start this shit? They're two different games, especially notable when one is a new indie IP while the other is copyright free Castlevania and has a built in fanbase.
man, the shitposters are getting lazy. why not just start a thread recommending Bloodstained? or critiquing Hollow Knight? you stupid fuck. would not retarded anons recommend this game? i didn't keep up with the news about the game prior its release except that one trailer with the ugly grafics.
>game that already had its time in the limelight
>vs game that is currently in the limelight
gee I wonder what happened
Peak concurrent.
The Soul Sanctum and Kingdom's Edge bosses are the usual difficulty spikes.
Because dividing people and getting them to fight is more true to "funny internet man who makes everyone mad" and that is what the vast majority of Yea Forums wants to bee seen as
>Soul Sanctum's
You mean Soul Master?
He wasnt that hard
Is there a second one?
>actual retard who doesn't understand the difference between big budget graphics and good art direction which can make the game look incredible even on low budget
Bloodstained clearly reeks of AAA devs who have no imagination or aesthetic sense so they require millions for graphics in order not to make their game look like an absolute abortion.
i guess. is it that hard to not be a post ironic cunt these days? christ.
Fuck you, we don't need your shitposting you insecure child, go back to your console war threads, "bro".
>story is 1:1 dark souls copy
>radiance was orginally the only boss who could do 2 damage per hit, because she is literally a goddess
>release ‚dlc‘ and now everyone can do it!
>lore shit is hidden after a stupid passage called path of pain
It was good but come on.
HK has some great level design, BS is so mediocre, every are is just a bunch of retangular hallways with a few enemies here and there, there's no inricate platforming, enemies are bland, etc
The only other bosses who do two masks of damage are also gods retard and you clearly need some youtube video to spoonfeed you lore if you think that the story is a copy of dark souls.
>Hollow Knight looks a hundred times better with less than a hundredth of the budget
>but plays hundred times worse
What's their secret, lads? (Of course they prefered looks over gameplay)
Summer is here, if you didn't guess it by the sudden drop in threads quality over the last weeks in an already abysmal site.
I'm not sure if /ourbug/ really feels much of anything.
Hollow Knight more like Shallow Knight. Never been interested in this game. It looks like an advanced flash game. Who the fuck is interested in bugs? It’s another SJW overhyped pile of crap. On the other hand, look at how they are salty because they didn’t receive an early copy of Bloodstained. One of them even created an article on Fagtaku to highlight the few negative comments on Steam. Making look like there’s an even number of them while 93% are positive. Faggots.
Looks better but that does not make it a better game, while bloodstained may look worse but the gameplay is much better and tight.
He is given mind and becomes god of god's uniting the void. He becomes shade lord. Might be evil.
Actually, I think most posts are people either false-flagging (probably samefag or newfags that are in on the "hot new drama") or are people like you and me just commenting on the forced nature of this "fight".
Silksong will btfo Shitstained.
Good, fuck Hollow Shit and fuck all the fucking faggot shills that have been shitposting for months. They are worse than smashniggers and nintentoddlers.
At least , hollow knight is good, and i'm one of the guy who have denounced the shills hollow knight.
Yea Forums is so full of falseflags these days you'd think people would learn to recognize them.
Don't worry, the kids usually move on the week afterwards.
Fuck off to redd*t
Falsefags. Do you mean people pretending bloodstained is good ?
You are right.
I know right? Pretty much everybody knows that hollow knight is mediocre at best
He probably means posts like this
Bloodstained feels slow. Anyone else feels this?
Makes sense. After all, Hollow Knight is the Elden Ring of Castlevanias.
What's this Reddit I see people talking about? You must of been there? Do tell...
>brand new game vs old game
It's reasonable user
Peak concurrent player count, user.
>all-time high
HK wasn't shilled 24/7 everywhere before release
He only feels hate. HATE FOR MOTHS
? We had daily threads about it before hollow knight released
Look at the peak number. It’s not normal that a game supposed that good is played by so few people. Maybe it was O-V-E-R-R-A-T-E-D?
No retard, the game only became popular months after release
Yeah those stats are fucked up way more thank 10k played hollow knight
HK sold over a million copies on steam alone
Yea Forums is not everywhere
>hollow knight sales 2.8 million
>pointing out all time peak numbers
Nobody cares they still got paid.
Fucking retards.
Grimm isnt a God retard
>Hollow Knight is too popular!
>Hollow Knight is obscure!
You know both are seen has negatives and positives on this trash board.
>We had daily threads about it before hollow knight released
We did?
Because I'm pretty sure this board was flooded with posts about Nier, BotW, and Horizon Zero Dawn. That's how fucking buried HK was on release.
Nightmare heart is a god retard
The only retard here is you, the game was shilled over here and everywhere for weeks before release and thats how it sold 1-2 mil units. Like cmon user, I like hollow knight but even I know that it been shilled to death after and before release
Almost like Yea Forums is full of retards that should not be taken seriously ever.
Nobody cares. We only cares about the quality of the game. Which is abysmal.
The sales were very mediocre for the first couple months and the game only got popular after it was featured on AGDQ and got insanely good reviews everywhere
Most of the shill threads were made by a falseflag
Not surprised that someone with such shit taste is shilling Bloodstained
You mean people are sheeps?
>bros... what... what the fuck...?
Guys... HL2 only has 500 players, how is even less popular when it's a goty? Something's not right, right? What? Something about it being a singleplayer game that's been out for a long time? Nonsense!
What the fuck are you even talking about? It barely got shilled when it first came out.
The game only sold like 65k in one month after release.
And 100k after two more months.
The actual moment this game blew up was when fucking Dunkey mentioned it.
>This guy is a god
sure thing user...
Yeah, Bloodstained fans are sheep who flocked to a shit game just because a big name was associated with it as opposed to HK which went from a tiny as fuck kickstarter to one of the most popular indie games of all time on its own merits alone.
he's in the base game though
The whole (only god's do 2 DMG) thing is bullshit made up. Big bees do 2 damage, Sade does 2 damage. Stop making shit up.
If Hollow Knight wasn't shilled then explain to me how it sold 2.8 million copies then you drones.
because people like games you daft retard
It was shilled after the release because it's good as fuck whereas the initial kickstarter only got a couple thousands dollars, tard.
Hollow Knight is probably mostly played on consoles
Okay real answer? Nintendofags.
Switch cucks are so starved for games that any mediocre shit will do. Blame onions switch users for shilling Hollow Knight.
Depends what you mean by shill. I assume you are a 21st century schizoid man and everything is classed has shilling, even freinds talking about it to other freind is shilling in your mind.
And of course the snoyboys join in this shit thread as well.
Imagine getting mad because little bug games is overwhelmingly viewed has a great game. You probably got filtered by hornet 2 fight or something.
Hollow Knight is a multiplatform you schizo.
On XBox, Snoy, and Switch alongside PC.
Christ the absolute state of Yea Forums intelligence and the pure seething in this falseflag thread,
Truly the pinnacal of reddit
Good word of mouth
HK is entirely new so it relied on word of mouth. Bloodstained has established developers and a much stronger initial playerbase.
Yeah but guess which console the game sold on the most. Let me give you a tip. It's where the basedboys are.
Cope switch cuck.
SJWs blindly buying Bloodstained because they think it's about periods.
>Let me give you a tip. It's where the basedboys are.
That's false, it sold more on switch than ps4
hollow knight was always overrated newgrounds garbage
Filtered by brood mother.
>Wow, you enjoying games is so fucking stupid
And that's why no one likes Sony fanboys in this site.
Lmao wtf, I'm a huge Hollow Knight fan and this is the first I've heard of this forced as fuck "rivalry"
Though this explains why Disney has forsaken 2D animation for 3D animation. The latter appeals so much more to the masses.
Hollow knight had a much slower start since it wasn't hyped nearly as much. If you want true max player numbers, wait for silksong to release.
This feels so good. Hollow Shit was getting shilled so hard on Yea Forums
No, it's because 3D is a lot cheaper and faster.
Ha ha... Yea bugfags lol
Will silksong btfo bloodstained??
the game felt like castle crashers and alien homonid mixed with metroid to me
That's a huge misconeption. Frozen cost way more to produce than any 2D film Disney made, even other contemporary 2D movies like Princess and the Frog
Bloodstained has a difficulty made for babies and game journalists
Hollow Knight is a ruthless pleb filter: case in point, 90% of twitch streams quit after the second boss fight
PC is a cuck platform with shit taste users. It took a console release for HK to get a proper reception
>yfw a false flagging shitposter goes all out but people enjoy the games too much to care
HK is not that hard
>Implying having played it first on the switch when it came out 2 years before that was even reality
Keep seething consolefag
What a retard thing to ask, because people like it you dumb kid
its not as hard as Dark Souls or Sekiro
Guess what you are still a basement dwelling retard. Nobody cares how well indie devs did. You will forever be a faggot and forgotten after your death. Keep being a faggot on Yea Forums so I can laugh at you before I die.
Godmaster isn't real
Do you even play the game?
Sekiro and DarkSoul is like playing with 2 years old kids compare to God Master.
Play the game before talking retard
>people hating on Hollow Knight out of nowhere
nu-Yea Forums out in full force, what is there even to hate on? That's it a traditional metroidvania? It doesn't even do anything offensive
lol, both games suck. play something good like la mulana
I hate it because everyone like it
>shovel knight
>realistic basedboy portraits
>le cat of d00m!
>forced waifubait
We're all gonna be forgotten after we die friend
Life is too short to hate on video games when history will abandon us eventually
>not being able to spot a few shitposters talking to themselves
>Pretty girls are waifubaits
Yum yum cock yum yum
Godmaster is not the real difficulty.
yeah, it's fake difficulty. what are you even arguing about? being endgame content doesn't make it less "real". retard
Give it a week or two, hopefully the zoomers will have pissed or shat themselves enough playing fortnite for their parents to ban them from the net for the rest of summer.
This shit happends every summer, just ignore it and move on. God I wish that sage was still a thing.
>real difficulty
What the fuck is that supposed to even mean?
It is but anons don't remember how to do it
Godmaster's difficulty was put there by Satan to deceive us
>comparing the player counts of two single player games
get banned you fucking faggot stop shitting up my board
literally who gives a fuck you stupid nigger
get off my board
Yeah it‘s the bee that does two damage I forgot about that.
>grimm isn‘t a god
>shitty last mantis isn‘t a god
>that fucking bullshit crystal nigger isn‘t a god
The bees are easy and just have the one dash thing that‘s why they have the two damage thing. Radiance was the only boss in that whole game, who made 2 mask damage. Because she is the strongest beeing in the game. And then lel grimm also can do it, lel now 5 other bosses because muh difficulty.
Enraged Guardian, Failed Champion, Hive Guardians, and Oomas all do 2 masks of damage in the base game, retard
Gods are things that get their own title screen splash you tards.
Damn hollow knight looks like warmed over 2004 newgrounds shit... like alien hominid but worse...
>B-b-b-but Steam numbers don't mean anything unless they support my argument!
Bugfappers BTFO
Indie virgins getting dabbed on by igachads
You clearly haven't played hollow knight. It's controls are far far better.
>Hey look, another sword pogo room! Hope you like holding down while trying to do tight platforming!
Fun gameplay.
why are you so irredeemably mad about nothing