You will be protecting this smile no matter what house you pick, right Yea Forums?
Fire Emblem Three Houses
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Not if I can't recruit her, which is a toss up.
First option "スカウト" is "scout"
I love Ingrid
Those tits don't look small.
She really looks like a great girl.
which house are you picking Yea Forums?
I still can't decide yet, all the houses have characters that I really like. I might just end up pick one out of a hat/bag and go with it.
No need to when Edelgard's gonna slaughter her like the horse fucking pig she is
She is confirmed recruitable
Blue Lions first, because I find the story potential to be most interesting. I really hope the game is good enough for three+ playthroughs though, Fates and SoV have been single playthrough games for me.
Ingrid could have be fucked by her childhood friends all at the same time and she doesn't take the opportunity. Why is she so shit?
Who is the non-recruitable, then?
probably a filthy dyke if she doesn't want to get dicked by her bros
The leaders of each house and since everyone else from Deer has been shown with the scout option probably Hilda.
Guess she'll ride or die with Claude.
The only patrician choice, the Blue Chads
I'm sticking to my guns and going with eagles on my first run
They are still very small compared to this.
I hope her timeskip design shows off her chest more
>implying she won't be a nun
>tfw three houses stopped being Yea Forums's laughing stock and actually got discussion meanwhile pokemon is the new laughing stock
Why does Marianne have the same hair color as this guy
why that nigga upside down
>Marianne is the Sonya of the game and her actual non adopted dad is a major villain that originally wanted to use her for crest experimentation
A sexy nun right?
Blue lions, for best boy
A nice veiw of her cleavage would be nice.
the deers since Claud looks chill unlike the other nerds and it has best girls
Yes please
Ingrid is love.
No way lad. She's donning the nun habit. You'll never see her hair again.
Will she secretly be in love with Dimitri/Felix/Sylvain or will they secretly want her
Well that's cute too. As long as she's got big milkers
>He isn't picking Golden Deer
>The house where you can get Marianne and Lysithea at the same time
>Ingrid is also recruitable most likley
>Lorenz is there too
I pity people who are choosing the Beta Eagles or Blue Cucks
Nope, i know to stay away
I'm going Blue Lions and recruiting Marianne and Bernadetta. Most likely Lorenz too if I'm able to get him in time.
Are you even allowed to be a peg knight if you're not secretly in love with someone?
>Implying I care about Marianne, Lysithea or the living meme Lorentz
I'm a Blue Chad and you Golden Queers can suck a dick.
What you see now with her tits is what you get. Ignoring Edelgard, none of the time skip girls bodies shown so far have changed.
I am most curious about supports.
Will there be two sets, for school and war?
Will they have Persona-style dialogue choice for Byleth, or will he have his own character and lines after all?
What does S rank even mean if Byleth can't marry in the school phase?
I think it's confirmed that supports cut off at a certain level during the school phase and you get the rest in the war.
Byleth has their own lines during combat but likely just options to pick when talking to students, not sure how that'd work in supports though, maybe they talk in that.
S ranks are only attainable during the war phase, it just shows it there to show you can actually get it eventually. Like how it showed no S rank with the guys in blue lions to show you can't gay marry them
It turned out that nobody like the queer.
>Nigger and Incels are equal, while queer is dead last
Perfectly balance.
Most ppl will just steal their units.
queers on suicide watch
It would be super bizarre though to slowly build through C-A in school, show up after being absent from their lives for 5 years, and then marry almost immediately. Hopefully there's more meat to it than that.
Is there no AA in this game? I keep seeing screenshots that look like serrated knives
My cute wife Beru's house
I'm a lot more concerned about whether Byleth's supports give him a voice or not.
>Yea Forums don't like the house with the best girls
Wtf bros
You can just recruit them
>literally my moms Morgan that they just put in the game
But Yea Forums likes Blue Lions
cant wait for the porn
Because you can steal students, it mostly comes down to the head of the house and their story. Edelgard gets votes because she's the only girl and is the closest thing to a canon route. It's likely that Claude will have some nuance to him in the full game, but from what we saw in the trailer Dimitri's transformation blows Claude's power of friendship the fuck out in terms of story intrigue.
We both know that's bullshit. She trains very hard in order to stay tight so she can feel the flat head press her womb and handle the spew of thick cream that follow.
There's a reason why she gets 20% recovery near horses and wyverns.
The excessively detailed descriptions just sounds like you know a lot about fucking animals, user. Something you want to tell us?
I masturbate to bestiality often and I've become exceedingly skilled at telling when a peculiar anime girl is a good horsefucker.
Marianne is one such case.
>he has not gone down the rabbit hole yet
Cute newfriend
I bet you can't wait for Boris to get his hands on this games girls, huh?
Based but blue-pilled.
Only if he gives Marianne he true calling of taking horse cocks, unfortunately, he doesn't tend to do that.
You meant horse-pilled user.
Doujins of Ingrid getting gangbanged by Dmitri, Felix, and Sylvain when??
>Fire Emblem
Ingrid is for FemByleth
THOR is the best thing we can hope for.
looking at this image on my phone makes the game look pretty good, too bad if i zoom in i see all the jaggies
Goddamn it you faggot now I have to like someone else. Why can’t you fuck off and die already.
The thing is, not only is it jaggy as hell, it looked very empty and very much soulless.
I could only blamed this on Koei Tecmo and the Switch hardware tbqh. Not that IS are any better for having the bar so low.
>and the Switch
Check out Astral chain it, looks sick
It's definetly not a hardware problem, it's art direction and poor models
>Astral Chain
It's not that great looking, bro.
But I'd agree that the graphic looks a lot better than FE3H. Still, I'm a lot more hyped for this game than Astral Chain somehow.
Lorenz is gaining power through sheer meme magic alone, he'll become too powerful
>letting me dictate who you like
Fuck off
>You can rewind time
>There's a character named Lorenz
>The guy who came up with the Butterfly effect concept is also named Lorenz
Me too
Golden Deer first, because it looks like the most "chill" of the 3 routes and would probably be good to learn the game with. After that, Blue Lions on a harder difficulty because their story looks more interesting by a bit.
I found a poll on western Twitter.
That 15% is pretty wild, I thought Edelgard was more popular than Claude even among girls.
Do we know how early on you can start recruiting units from other houses?
I've been on Claude's team since the lord reveal and his didn't disappoint with the girls. Black Eagles will be next.
Boris who? Asking for a friend. For scientific purposes. Haha.
Just google Boris rule 34. He does so much fire emblem stuff.