Best combat ever

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>new Piscine does charged hipcheck
guess the leak about Plessy is true. There is no other reason why that attack would be back

mud plessy and lavasioth also share that move

no they don't. You don't understand, not just the hipcheck but the variation that Plesioth alone in both Gen games does where he holds it. Beo does both of them, the only difference is there is no wind pressure. They brought back the charged hipcheck which was a Plesioth exclusive move

Okay, that is pretty cool.
Is that the Sword and Shield? Holy fuck

yeah okay but
bring back oils

it's time to take the pill, SnS was not a strong weapon in X or XX.

It is good when you don't abuse shit like in this video.

>crutch claw
>crutch claw
>crutch claw
>crutch claw
>crutch claw

We left Bing Hunter for this? I'm quitting the series until we finally go back to basics. I'm sick of all this flashy anime shit.

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>reddit nigger thinks anyone cared for oils because of time attack autism

her spine though

>balancing the game around speedrunning ever

Kelbi Bow and Je Suis Monte had slow clears, but allowed hunters to put zero effort into their hunts. Please dilate your gaping wound you dumb speedrunnerfag.

>mean while in MHGU
>GS users are going SSJ and Monsters are saying "nani?!" when fighting LS users due to to arts.

Jesus, they fucking butchered it's theme.
>that instant full HP
what the fuck?

>I'm sick of all this flashy anime shit.

Good luck with that. The game hasn't been back to basics since portable 3rd.

It's a max potion you retard.

it barely sounds any different

now mh4u, that was a shitty version of the theme

>It's a max potion you retard.
Still instantaneous, broken as all fuck.
>now mh4u, that was a shitty version of the theme
shit taste.
4u's version > FU's version >>>>>>>>>>>generic DS orchestra track> MHW's version

I want the theme to be menacing and higher on energy, just like Tigrex, not fucking retarded sleep inducing generic orchestra shit.

SnS is so fuck trash in World
didn't even care if it was shit in the other games because moveset was perfect

>still instantaneous
So just look like the previous games?

Nice hitboxes worldbabs

You can point to GU all you want, but that doesn't change that fact that World has its own brand of animeshit. Part of MH's charm prior to 4 was the simplicity in its weapon movesets.

I just want a simple fucking game. No frenzy/hyper/temper gimmicks, no crutch mechanics like walking estus or baby blankets, and no scripted events that give people xbox hueg damage windows for free.

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No flex, no drawbacks just full HP, is broken.

>tfw always wanted to buy MH:W
>every sale i had the money but can't bring myself to buy it on PC since i though it would be die soon
>it keeps getting updates with ppl still playing
>stilll have the fear of the devs droping it

damn wish i bought it before

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Hyped for mh again

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Don't buy HR games user, only retards do that, always go for the G rank version, Iceborne.