He thinks his PC is designed for gaming

>he thinks his PC is designed for gaming
>Got scammed into build your PC meme
>Has absolutely shit to none exclusives
But, but... I have the biggest library
>All PC good games are from 20 years ago
>Absolute brainlet from la plebbit believing the pc meme

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Stfu and suck my dick lol

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>mfw I bought a PC
>mfw all my games are free

feels good Yea Forumsros

dumb frogposter

imagine unironically being this fucking retarded

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but I emulated all your consoleshit

That's why you own multiple systems you poor fucker.

>he thinks his PC is designed for gaming
it runs games better than a console without even being designed for it

>Got scammed into build your PC meme
takes an hour of googling at the most for it to be cheaper

>Has absolutely shit to none exclusives
so you spend money on a console for just two or three games?

>All PC good games are from 20 years ago
easier to pirate

>Absolute brainlet from la plebbit believing the pc meme
No u

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PC-ucks SEETHING because all of it it's true and they can't argue back

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>In 2019
What timeline did you come from

I have a potatostation 4 and a peecee, after like, 2 months, you run out of exclusives, exclusives are a bad meme.


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I like playing point and click adventures and strategy and sim games and 99% of them are only on PC so I don't know what you mean by no exclusives

Sent ;)


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that's one big-ass list of shovelware, ports and multiplats. pc gaming is a reddit meme.

>t. didn't look at the list

All post 2000 games are shit ports, also posting ":)" like a full pleb

Attached: IMG_20190622_225122.jpg (500x354, 52K)

All console even has is a spider man game (woop dee doo) and lesbian mushroom zombie game. Halo is coming to PC, gears is on PC. Pretty much any game worth a fuck is coming to PC in frame rates you can only dream off.

That means you don’t play any of the good multiplayer PC games. How sad.

>he thinks consoles are optimal for gaming
>got his mommy to buy him one
>has absolutely shit to none exclusives
But, but.... (X) to awesome cinematic games are good
>4 hours long
>full price
>absolute brainlet from la plebbit believe the console playbox meme

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>>he thinks his PC is designed for gaming
I don't but since it can run games too why bother with a console?

>console gaming
>have to pay a fee to use your own internet
>have to pay a fee to play the ""free"" games that they give you
>by far, inferior graphics. ps4 and xb1 faggots like to spew about graphics alot when they aren't shit (dynamic resolution is not 4k, retards).
>cant hold together a steady framerate
>literally no games. has 1 or 2 worthwhile exclusives, aside from Switch which beat the big 2 in 1 year with 3 worthwhile exclusives. they've been out 7 years
>cant play any previous gen game, have to rebuy games
>entire fanbase comprised of pepe and wojack faggots, reddit, and fortnite kids.
>runs worse than an equivalent PC in everything
>have to pay for mods
should I go on or?

All of the fags replying to this post are literal niggers that didn't Even bother to look at the image

Hahahaha imagine being that retarded, I honestly will like better to play bloodborne at 5fps than gone homo at 999fps

Attached: 56b.jpg (800x533, 225K)

oh I forgot
>have to deal with a company that is letting San Francisco faggots inject their """ethics""" into exclusives
jesus christ console gaming is a fucking joke

Dumb bitch, can't play that on your Xbox, can you?

Attached: TF2.jpg (350x221, 25K)

>m-m-m-m-m-muh Bloodborne!
and there it is, the only card that Snoy faggots have. it's been 4 years and this is the only thing that they have lmao at least brag about spider man, moron.

found the basedaboy zoomer

Attached: 1549493982559.gif (640x358, 1.94M)

Zoomer trying to accuse someone of being a zoomer, nice to meet ya plebbitor PC gayming meme straight from la plebbit newfag

>All post 2000 games are shit ports
Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines, Red Alert 2 and Planescape Tournament are still the best 3 games of the millennium and no amount of console generations with their "blast processing" or whatever buzzwords they come up with each time have been able to dethrone them.
And even if you disagree, PC could get any game that could potentially be better than any of these 3, so we win either way.
Zoom zoom zoom back to r*ddit and talk some more about GTAV and Skyrim, why don't ya?
Also your phone filename is showing.

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>using reddit slang
fuck you, millifags

There's no audience for this kind of shitpost.
If you want reactions then you target console kiddies because they're actually underage enough to initiate in console wars.
PC players are mostly just boomers who are too privileged with all their free games and optimal hardware to care about such petty matters.

>all worth games are on PC
Founder pack

Attached: console-exclusives-pc-exclusives-orizo-zero-dawn-rireboy-swatergiri-the-41295855.png (500x684, 151K)

>shitting on based flash games
get some taste son

>posts shitty, low-tier bait
Even in trolling, frogposters remain consistently retarded. Good job, OP.

wow this isn’t cherrypicked in the slightest

and they're always just generally underaged, preferring stuff like consoles to PC


>good multiplayer games

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Uh oh. Is the porn on Yea Forums? No no.

>Vampire masquerade best game in this generation
Stopped reading there, enjoy being delusional retard don't make me kek so hard

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>plays all multiplats and can emulate almost entirety of console history
I collect physical console stuff from days gone by, but I love my PC and it's where I do most of my gaming nowadays.

Fireboy and Watergirl is a legitimately better game than Horizon Zero Dawn.

>I love console gaming so much that I make these threads to cope
I've been mostly console gayman this year and you're still a tremendous faggot.

A single flash game is unironically objectively better than every single console exclusive combined.

>game journos
the credibility of console children

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Sorry guys I will have to take a screenshot to show future generations what's the definition of craphead

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>caring about gaming journalism
You just ousted yourself as the biggest underaged faggot on Yea Forums

>the virgin con$oyle feminist movies
>the chad flashkino games

>OP is a retarded dicksucking faggot news at 11

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Bloons > Raft Wars > Run > Fireboy and Water Girl

You can play BOTW on PC user, it runs at higher frame rate and resolution and supports both mods AND third party controllers

Aqua is so hot vros

>he thinks his PC is designed for gaming
Well, technically it isn't but it sure can as hell play any console game better than the actual console
>Has absolutely shit to none exclusives
there is exclusives but they always port to console one day, if you count porn games there's "exclusives" on PC. exclusives are shit anyway so who really cares unless you're a nintendonigger or ps4nigger?
>All PC good games are from 20 years ago
And? alot of popular console games now is just remakes or remaster of 20 year old games

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Name a single good game that isn't a strategy game

Is the continuing console war shit just a meme? Are there actually people on this board who don't at least own a PC + switch + ps4

It's almost exclusively just sony fagboys. They've always been this way
t. idort and grew up owning Playstation

I am better than all of you nothing you say will matter as you are all ants to me, ants I let keep going for now.

Obviously not the faggots claiming they're emulating everything on PC and it's glorious

a lot of games are objectively better to play on PC
keyboard and mouse is generally the superior control scheme
unless you need precise and quick inputs, then a controller is called for

Theres a lotta ports on this list. Kys

>he missed out on the 2011 era master race
sucks to be you

Why would you be a PC player if you advocate exclusivity?

Listen this is not the place for civilized discussion, this was obviously a bait to see all plebbitors "PC master race " seething and all of them fell like idiots. Of course most FPS and RTS play better on PC and there are some worthy ports that sure give better experience on PC like mankind divided or mass effect, most PC pre 2000 exclusives are jewels but post 2000 are mostly ports and console exclusives were far better post 2000

>says this while posting what is essentially known as the reddit frog nowadays
look, you can be a faggot but do it elsewhere, not here.


I am aware that this is a thinly-veiled shit-posting thread, I'm not entirely sure why I posted. I suppose I wanted other people to be more informed and less shit-post-y by making a decent enough post.

WoW is a pc exclusive. Consoletards will never expierience classic, tbc or wotlk

This should really go between 1990 and 2007. Before that time, it was inferior to consoles. After that time, everything was just console ports.

>he plays on the machines that forced devs to neuter shooters and first-person action games
Truly beneath scum

Attached: tfwshooterwithacontroller.png (766x61, 8K)

what's next? you're gonna bring twitch view counts?

>All PC good games are from 20 years ago
At least PC is still supported after 20 years.

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emulators :)

I appreciate you, user.

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don't reply to this fucking bait user you're better than this

thank you, I try my best to make good posts and to improve the quality of Yea Forums
it may be futile but in my opinion it is well worth the effort

I didn't know consoles put a gun to the dev's heads to change the game?

All games that require even a minimal amount of aiming are pc exclusives watching console gameplay is like watching the paralympics
also emulation isn't a meme, you can run botw and persona 5 on the same system
(and they look/play better than the console versions)
the only exclusive I'd want to play is red dead but I couldn't tolerate it running with 24 fps and horrible motion blur.
just gotta wait for the definitive version,we've been through this with gta V

What's the point of exclusives?
>ha ha I can play this mediocre game and you can't
Whoa dude what a win. I sure want to buy a console now. The only game I genuinely would like to play which is not available on PC is Shadow of the Colossus. All the best games are on PC.
>all good pc games are from 20 years ago
I mean, there are hardly any good games younger than that and most of them are on PC

>shooter is hard on PC
>"shit dude, I really need to get better at this"
>shooter is hard on console

name 1 good game from the xbox one.

I'm sure you know the reason that exclusives exist, but to clarify for other people's sake, it is so the developers of the console have an advantage on potential consumers into buying their console over others
it is a win-win situation for both the console and the game developers

Oh and RDRs, forgot about them. Still, that's only 3 worthwhile games

I-I don't feel so good consolebros. I'm gonna go play bloodborne for the 43rd time....

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So consoles didn't force anything on the devs. Got it

Fuck Pc*Podes

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>posting what is essentially known as the reddit frog nowadays
It's not though

shooters are just awful to play on controllers, but they are popular with the normalfag crowd and they don't spend a lot of money on a PC rig
they do own consoles, and as a developer of video games, you would want to get the most sales, so it is both wise and preferable to produce a game on a console
it sucks but that's just how the market works
t. video game programming student

Anno 1800
Amid Evil
Three Kingdoms TW

Days Gone

Why do the biggest faggots in the fucking universe always pull this shit when someone uses the word "force". It's like a fucking natural reflex, every single time without fail, it's essentially a fucking non-argument.

>cant buy whatever he wants so becomes a console loyalist

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>t. minimum wage brainlet

Feels good having a yearly TC of $190,000 and being able to buy whatever I want when I want

>only reason exclusives dont run on PC is because they are designed not to

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They weren't forced though, unless you can prove that they were

>Imagine having a console in 2019
hah, holy fuck

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>getting caught up in console wars

That doesn't look like pity, more like disdain

>still applying the incorrect definition of "force" because you're too autistic to consider context
Fine, what about fucking "STRONG-ARM"
Is fucking "strong-arming" a good enough term for you?
Fucking strong-arm a noose around your neck, faggot.

>>All PC good games are from 20 years ago
>go back playing Spyro Remastered, SOTC HD, Nsane Trilogy, Crash Team Nitro, Link awakening, etc.

PC can play literally everything because of emulation.

>All PC good games are from 20 years ago
All good console games are from 20 years ago, too. The difference is a PC can still run them.

Multiplats are best played on PC though. That's the whole point. You only play exclusives?

Console "exclusives" don't exist faggot, I can emulate any of your precious exclusives just like I'll emulate your wife's pussy whenever I feel like it, both instances all you can do is get mad and shitpost about it.

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what the fuck im pulling my advertising

>strategy and management games on a console

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>PC emulation

Attached: God of War on PC.webm (450x252, 2.95M)

i pirate 99% of my video games so unless you have a hacked switch you can suck my peenor


>he doesn't have a steam library with curated sales that go for fucking pennies through third party vendors every day of the year
>he paid full price for a console's exclusive internet bill 2.0 to play with other soys like him with no desire to play literally everything they can, just Fortnite and occasionally Halo
>he is too technologically and financially illiterate to wait for Cyber Monday and buy parts on newegg that come out to a fraction of the cost of the shit hardware you get in a console for far superior graphical processing capability
Oh the humanity. Bloodborne is really the only true loss PC has suffered in recent times, you know it and so do I.

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Sure user. Console loyalists should be looked at with disdain

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That's a fuck-ton of walking.

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Thats exactly why I cant play games on PC. PC has so many games that it gives me optional paralysis. One minute Im playing one game and the another one the next. Cant complete a game due to this

>PC has nearly all the games
>Console has whatever they feed you
>PC can be made to use any controller
>Console you are stuck with the one they hand you
>PC has the best controls for shooters
>Console tells you good luck faggot that stick is about as accurate as YouTube news

>a thread died for this shit bait

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Just rent a PS4 user. Play Bloodborne and return the shitty console forever. Sure you dont get the satisfaction of owning it. But who cares when you have the better hardware?

3 kinds of people, that's all there is to it
>legit underage kids who have to cling to a corporation's cock because they can't buy multiple consoles with their allowance
>third worlders, see above
>ebin troles having "fun" falseflagging
I don't even find consolewars funny but to each their own I guess

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The console version is actually the best version

>People say this not realizing the ones that died where shit anyway or someone would have posted in one

>it’s platform war thread
>people who post in this thread are probably too poor to have a pc or console just have a shitty cheap chinese spy phone
Okay this is epic

>What is PSNow

I played enough of dark souls 1 on PS3 and Dark souls 3 on PC to be happy. Sony dropped the ball on the PS4.


yes, because nobody play it

Friendly reminder that there is a solid 80% chance a literal child wrote that bait with pepe slapped next to it
That, or a third worlder

Pretty now it’s a meme back it’s actually retards loyalist who make up this thread it used to be funny also back then it was mostly just console i don’t know why pc decided to butt in pretty stupid if you ask me

I like how every anti-PC thread is just blatantly disregarding objective facts for the sake of argument, with the counter-argument being [insert relevant buzzword] and a smug reaction image.
Even other console war threads tend to have some basis in reality but anti-PC threads are just emptying your "smug reaction image" folder.

Attached: smug.png (579x533, 496K)

Yeah, thanks a lot smartphones. God i hate the smartphone era.

But.. But...
I can use it for literally anything else as well

Pc master race threads triggered it.

Delete this please.
Console bros... Help me... The buyers remorse.... Its kicking in....
Can't believe we let Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo scam us like this...
Paying 300 bucks for 10 decent games every 4 years vs paying 800 dollars for 700 games and I don't even have to upgrade for like five years?
And I can emulate games for free? Even further increasing PC's overall library? No.... Please.... Stop....

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>exclusivity GOOD

Attached: tard.png (900x1070, 131K)

I love how consolefags dwell on this. Why do I care if my game is on other platforms?

Well yeah, it's obvious that that's the source of it, and it makes sense, because PC master race threads tend to be the same thing just in the opposite direction.
Still, fighting fire with fire this obliviously is hilarious.

>Want a PC game
>Devs announce the game will also come out on a console
>Can no longer buy the game for the PC because it's not exclusive

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They think they've got the side where the grass is greener. Come 4 more years and everything on the Bone/PS4/ Switch will be so easily accessible on PC that they will be relics of the past.

Because they know a console having x game is the only reason to own that console and if it's in just any platform then the best one for each person's use case will be the one they buy and can't stand to see their console "lose"

I still love how the HUD only appears some times

I'd like to understand how that work anyway
all Xbox games are on PC
All Nintendo games are emulated on PC
All Sony are on PSnow (or Youtube for that matter)

Attached: D9D4dm5W4AAUsa0.gif (630x700, 921K)

>no exclusive
The majority of games in general are exclusive to PC


Sony games are also bound to be emulated either through Orbital or Spine

>>Got scammed into build your PC meme
As opposed to what, buying a pre-built PC from wal-mart with at least $1k mark-up?
Yeah, what a scam.

why would you want to emulate a game such as Detroit become human hen youtube exist?

one thousand two hundred and thirty six of those games are shit though. of those games are garbage though

>PC has a 100% accurate Switch emulator

because that particular game has a confirmed PC port

read the news user

more appropriate question is why would you want to?

Attached: bigthink.jpg (687x778, 132K)

then, why are they even bothering to port it?

>Check out last Zelda game
>it's actually a Crypt of The Necromancer addons
>indies suck!

the best part of having a new PC is playing every classic (and new game) and torrenting and emulators.

you can play literally everything. demons souls? you can emulate it. persona 5? same.

to watch the next youtube port at 60fps

>call others literal child
>use someone's difficult financial situation as an argument against them

>let's check out E3
>Best game was Flight Simulator

but 24 fps is more authentic

It's all they have, if they didn't pay devs to do these deals then consolefags wouldn't have anything to feel superior about, a participation trophy.

Glade Stadia will put the nail on Console coffin.

Stadia won't do shit till internet isn't garbage Nationwide

Imagine owning all 3 of those handhelds fucking consumerist retard, why the fuck do you have GPD?

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Meanwhile DEDICATED gaming consoles can't even maintain 60fps at 1080p. Makes you think.

>PC gaming

Attached: steam.jpg (780x515, 268K)

>still can't prove that consoles have any impact on developers

i sold my ps4, still have my switch,xbox, and pc

dota is pc exclusive tho

This picture would still have been funny if you didn't edit porn comics into it.

Attached: e3b.jpg (645x773, 36K)

Why do these troll threads never get banned?

>Being a meme

>it doesn't have hats so it's better
>why yes it only has 3 maps & no one plays it, but it's better!

cope post as evidenced by the picture

>Has absolutely shit to none exclusives
Only Nintendo has exclusives these days

I'll join you!

Attached: playstation-now.jpg (755x425, 20K)

Building a pc is something I'll never regret. Only retards complain about getting scammed.

>Bloodborne on PSNow
>Persona 5 emulated at 60fps
You can understand why sonybros are seething to the max

Attached: 1545785835712.jpg (492x492, 126K)

I don't even have a TV anymore.
I only used it a few times a year

My bro have snoystation, metro and td2 literally runs with 20-25fps, horrible input lag and screen tearing every 2-3 seconds. How can someone game like this is beyond me.

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i withdraw my investment into this establisments

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>buy ps4 and a TV years ago so I can play Fallout 4 and Dark Souls 3, get Bloodborne while I'm at it
>still play nothing but tf2 and dota on my 10 year old pc
Money well spent

Attached: homestuck.png (491x486, 14K)

Yes daddy!

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>PC created Moba
>PC Created Battle Royale
>and now, Auto Chess
What the fuck are you doing to stop it, crackers?

Why not just buy a GPU and shove it in?

> Implying flash games aren't unironically better than the games on the left
You picked some kinda shitty choices for flash games, but swap out for Bloons Tower Defense 3, Meeblings, and Bloxorz and Flash wins by a landslide over open world meme games.

>people legit flaunt HZD as if it's a good game

Attached: 1547046298239.png (443x485, 171K)

More of this now before the thread is nuked

>Fallout 4
It's not like you know what good games are anyways

name ONE good mp game. ONE (1)

Post Scriptum
Warcraft III Pokemon Defense

>come into thread
>nobody is taking frogposters bait
op should go post it on reddit maybe he will get some replies

Ah yes PC Gaming is a scam, unlike nintendo games and consoles.

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>Like RTS games, CRPGs, and grand strategy
Yeah I'm really missing out on all the console exclusive RTS games.

I have all consoles but BotW is also on PC and PC not having HZD is a plus.


>Is the continuing console war shit just a meme?
It is just sony fanbois, who are always bored cuz no game to play on their 'precious' console. They just come and shitpost the console war meme to not feel buyer's remorse.

>SEETHING consoletoddler

>playing fortnite with my normie friends
>they're all on xbone & I'm on PC
>always load into lobby before them

damn it feels good to be a gangster.

Aw hell yeah I'd this the porn thread.

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this kills the console toddler

>m-multiplats don't count
a. if multiplats don't count then xbone and ps4 library is like 3-4 games lmao
b. PC is 99% the superior version. enjoy your locked 30fps and low res, consolecucks :^)