>tfw an invisible block costs you 2nd place.
DMCA Royale
Other urls found in this thread:
Original Royale Graphics (Also has a guide on how to use mods)
Super Mario All Stars Tiles/Objects (Started by me, finished by user):
Super Mario All Stars Updated Objects (Incase the above link has issues):
Super Mario Maker Tiles:
Super Mario Maker Objects:
Super Lewis Maker Objects:
fuck starniggers
Where's the invisible block?
Well, nobody asked...
But, here is madotsuki:
based cheatfag
Doublr user win and my 2nd victory royale
Tampermonkey script
I'm not the user who made the original tileset, but I took it upon myself to update it real quick.
While I was at it, I added a few things, mainly giving fire Reimu a more PC98 inspired pallet, and swapping out fireballs for yin yang orbs. Still a little janky, and there's some placeholder, but it should be completely functional if anyone wants to use it. Props to whoever made the original, of course.
The one in 1-4, the pit right before Bowser.
>taking a picture of your screen
I saw you Deja Vu I would share your pain but yet I am CHADD
what the fuck user there's a printscreen option to take screenshots
Great run, Soft Belly
Im banned on pc and cant reset ip
Agreed but I wouldn't use that term, as there are likely some black players among us. I call them starlords or sometimes starbois.
I feel your pain, user. The new invisible blocks in plus/lost -4 fucked me over once or twice already too. Hope this makes you feel better for getting robbed from 2nd place by my slow ass. youtube.com
gg armpit
>both of us were big
>you get hit and use your invincibility frames as a buffer to get past Bowser
I tried doing the same thing, but I was late because I forgot you get stunned in place for a few seconds. That gave you just enough time to get past him first. Great little race we had there.
This was in reply to
Hell yeah dude i popped off lmao
i feel so lonely...
>distracted by something on the stream on my other monitor
>run directly into the very first pit in 1-4
easily my most embarrassing death yet
Were you the guy that starniggered me on 5-1? It's fine, if not a little annoying, heh. If you weren't, then I don't know what you or I did, fuck.
Why can't I go down pipes, I see other people doing it. I can go down the pipe in the lobby but not in the actual race.
Fuck yeah loli femdom
good run user
>Yea Forums makes fun of everything becoming a battle royale
>Yea Forums can't stop sucking battle royale's cock
We were tied and i died to fire chains in castle
Oh shit, I saw that. Feels bad, rip.
you're a cocksucker for wasting that shroom
>We get paired up at Plus again, make it to Plus 1-4
>I fall into the first lava pit like a faggot
>end me
Infagno just change the skins to touhou it's copyright free
>when you blast past a scaredfag on lost 1-3
nigga are you trying to go slow?
game and watch is done. yeehaw. most of these were drawn by me because the maker costume is mostly 20x20 which is t o o b i g .
where's the antilag mod
i'll never make it past those chains
MAKE A NESS ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Yea Forums
thank you friend
thanks gaymanwatch, I'll be sure to use these sprites.
And a ching chong nip nong to you too, young lady.
no problem pal
only if u knew....
Not pictured: Pi2z taking 6th
That was a really tight race.
so close
Holy shit that has to be the most based Yea Forumsro game I've ever seen, I'm really sad I missed it.
Bro, thanks for including me lol. Also lolicon is a disease, how far ahead of me were you?
Speaking of mario, could you guys check out my autistic remix: youtube.com
I poured as much autism as I could
rip Sue :(
I fucking hate that level with all the plants
Is this game even worth playingn anymore now that it's not Mario?
You can patch the game clientside so it's Mario again.
kirby is better
I made a Meta Knight spritesheet
wait so did this actually get a cease and desist?
okay I take back what I just said
Good run, Klown. I do recommend learning 6-2 and not taking the pipe shortcut for optimization in the future, however. No offense, just a small recommendation.
It got a DMCA. They changed all the graphics and music (and some of the level design but most levels are still recognizable), and Nintendo seems happy with that. People have just patched the old stuff back in anyway.
oh? time for Mr. Gaymanwatch to make his comeback
I'm not him but is the Vine worth it? I saw you in a game before and you were blazing through the level normally and were still faster than the shortcut.
shut up nigger
Ok negroid
I was already behind you from screwing up 6-1 and I did misjump in 6-2 start a bit it wouldn't have been that off if I hadn't
Super crown spritesheet using Kazufox' spritework
How do we teach people to survive 5-1?
love it
From my experience, neither shortcuts are worth it; faster to take the normal route.
yahaha 69
it's okay. first time that got me surprisingly
god there was like seven people almost right behind me and nearly every single one choked right at bowser
I'll getcha one day, sue!
I love it, World 2 always seems to lag while loading without fail even though none of the other stages do that.
im creator! i like the idea with PC98 design for fire- good lore. its pretty cool discussing my sheet
the fireballs werent fireballs though. they were supposed to be spells
Oh, huh, I must have had an old one then.
That'd explain some of the enemies not being updated to All Stars too.
>Round with Sue, Gamecube, and 7 other Yea Forumsros
>Die immediately
I can't seem to get this to work on Chrome
Finished fixing up the syobon mod, replaced the enemies, not all but most of what's high on the list are in. Tomorrow I'll start working on the shitty MS paint level tiles.
Any interest?
>Yea Forums is one person
yOu'Ve BeEn CoPyStRuCk, My FrIeNd
the game seems to lag a bit when I play with replaced sprites, any reason for that? It almost never lagged for me prior to this patch
Intense as fuck race, good game, Yea Forumsros.
>half the players compared to yesterday
i-is it the end soon?
>Tyrone got so BTFO he doesn't even show his face in these threads anymore
nice, thanks user
Second again.
yfw you get one over sue
that koopa troopa in lost - 4 causes good races to die too much
Ok, here's a new version of Madotsuki's sheet, i just fixed some little mistakes.
Honestly as long as Yea Forums keeps playing it's an objective plus, since there will be more Yea Forumsros per match.
Literally the easiest stage in the game. The one jump over the piranha plant is the only thing in the entire stage that requires any timing or skill whatsoever.
this does not fookin' slip
Was there ever a fix for the double fire mario glitch with old mario sprites
What sprite editor are you guys using, I hate Photoshop because the transparent pixels always change size when you zoom in so I have to double-check where the alignments are. It'd be nice if a sprite program can just draw a grid for me.
i think the two para-troopa after the fire flower block are harder
Probably because it's swapping custom assets from Github, catbox, etc. in real time.
Another based Yea Forumsro win. Sue didn't make it though, so my soul is half-shattered. Anyway, taking a small break, I'll be back in about half an hour.
You mean the ones that get killed by the 15 fire Marios?
Looks good. Consider the following though: have Madotsuki riding her bicycle instead for her walking/running animation.
if you're ahead of everyone else you can get snatched by the second one if you miss time the jump for the first
I wish there were some Yea Forumsros who won with me on 6-4
dude, now that bowser shoots low fireballs Plus-4 is fucking insane
I think it's too big for the sprite tough
I just had the same thought. Size limitation sucks.
This one's for you sue, the mushroom area is fucking retarded
Yeah, they changed the sprites around and made some sprites 32x32. People have redone the sprite sheet to fix it.
Being the only one to survive is lame af
I hate non Yea Forums lobbies because no one fucking finishes in them unless it's world 1.
>win like crazy yesterday
>repeatedly lose today
I wish my skill didn't just flip flop whenever it felt like it.
yeah good point. just if there's too few then games won't even reach 75 any more unless wait times get lengthened
What sprite is the underground goomba falling off a platform?
It's better now honestly, the new sprites being kind of awful led to many on Yea Forums making replacers. Also, fewer people playing makes you more likely to have a lobby of people who aren't fucking awful.
are you me? i got a bunch of wins last night but i'm really struggling tonight, i keep choking on bowser
Bowser looks like the only 32x32 there.
getting very tired of starniggers on lost 1
>tfw this is my only win before I took a break
Gonna change my name outtta shame.
old XP paint is really underrated for sprite work imo. just add the transparency later
>have my best World 6 run yet, half a lap above everyone else in 6-3
>Toroko was there but died in 6-1
Maybe it's a blessing, I always choke when racing Toroko
what the hell happened? there was so many dudes in front and behind me
close but no cigar
I think he got banned.
Happens, sometimes just everyone fucking dies.
Guess penis < vagina after all.
Thank god for sprite guy, fuck the default sprites
Ok, i fixed some little mistakes again.
several tweaks, this should(?) fix the flickering
Fix and update for the super crown sheet:
And alternate version with dark-skinned bowsette and queen boosette as the boss:
i sometimes miss the scriptkiddies, starniggers, and rapid paced threads exceeding 500 posts
We were both in such a rush to catch Toro, I guess that should have been expected.
fuck starniggers
The fire mario sprites are also 32x32 now for whatever reason, the original spritesheet has the gun extend into the empty space in front of them I believe.
>why yes I am a starnigger, how could you tell?
Fuckin' F
>Bowser jumps on Lost - 4 at the last second
you have motherfucking got to be kidding me
no toad no play
I thought it wasn't going to be a Yea Forums top 3 after you died but you had an extra life.
Lmao you stupid fucking tranny, can't even hop onto the podium. Haha wow
I know. I'm a loser...
Why do you have a irrational hatred for based greg
t. Greg
haven't been to the thread in a few days, how do I add new sprites?
>games are actually taking some time to fill up now
That was so fucking close for the entirety of 1-3 and 1-4, and the second half of 1-2. If I didn't hit that block at the end I might have actually beaten you. Good fucking game.
>Perfect run, close lead, finally going to get first against Toroko
>Die to the Koopa in Lost - 4 without it being shelled
one day i'll be as good as you, one day
He must be destroyed....
>fucking goombas keep disappearing on -3 for me
Probably the best race I've had so far, and it was world 1 of all places
good game, hairy milf anus
>thinking flabby farting flesh hell portals to the 3rd dimension are good
that was the wrong Capture.PNG
good show, Cute and Funny
Just got 2 almost back to back wins, hell yeah!
>congratulating a cheater
deadass thought it was lag at the start, yikes
Not sure what happened with that top firebar there, it was already rotating away past the vertical axis when I jumped into its block so its hitbox shouldn't have gone that far.
Firebar hitboxes are weird in this game, you can run under certain ones in SMB1 that you can't run under in Mario Royale even though the sprite position of the firebars is the same.
Fuck you, Hairy Anus.
This completed all stars sprite sheet is a lot cleaner than the WIP one, good job to user
Mimigafurfags need to fuck off and someone needs to make a Curly spritesheet.
Good race. Almost got it with that damage boost.
I'd love to see a Curly sheet (though I don't know what you'd do for Big Mario and such), but I'm not making one myself because I put several hours into that Sue sheet, and I'm not even the one who made the first draft of said sheet.
>several frames behind the optimal speed
>person in front of me uses the flying koopa I was going to use and I plummet to my death
>16 kills in one star
Can any stargod beat that?
>someone hits an invisible block below where I am mid-jump
>i'm still holding jump so I bhop off it and fly off straight into a bottomless pit
based Yea Forumsros
Starlow probably has 60 with one star.
Can you change the sounds in the game?
t. nigger
Nice job Glow in the dark you retarded faggot
>miserably choke plus 1-4 in front of Sue multiple times
>plus 1-3, sue chokes
>i finish 1st
>i just want to be happy
>2/3 are Yea Forums
i'll take it
Does NakaDashi mean what I think it- oh screw it, I know it does.
>27 people alive by the time I finish 3-3
Have people actually gotten half decent at world 3 by now? Thought 3-1 was still a slaughterhouse, but that seems really good for mario royale standards.
>want to clear out the goombas on the lower path of 1-2 so I don't have to wait for a bignig
>no-name nigger steps on it to stop it from moving
>highchads run ahead because we have to wait for the goombas
Almost hit F5 but then I saw this guy get 4th
when the hoards aren't online, the better players are in higher concentration
good 2/3 Yea Forums
My input got eaten, fuck me.
>spend an hour setting up a Scrooge McDuck sprite
>see how it looks animated
>looks like shit because the eyes aren't aligned
Spirtework is hard.
>start game
>immediately fucking die in front of all the Yea Forumsros
>delete my name in fear that they saw it
I saw it.
now that there's less players, everyone saw it user
lmao eat a dick starlow
Good game with Toroko, finally able to get back in the rhythm without fucking up every two seconds.
Even the best people choke all the time. Don't feel bad, user.
Good race, I almost made up for my 1-1 mistake
>hit invisible block on 6-2
>somehow clip through the pipe and die
If you can sneeze then you aren't really choking.
use a vpn
>someone died in the lobby
Get used to that, user, that bug has existed since launch and gets everyone. Always take the top path in that part of that level.
holy shit that looks really good
Seeing that picture will always make me laugh.
post your DMCA Royale goin’ fast playlist!
>post your DMCA Royale goin’ fast playlist!
post your DMCA Royale goin’ fast playlist!
>post your DMCA Royale goin’ fast playlist!
post your DMCA Royale goin’ fast playlist!
>post your DMCA Royale goin’ fast playlist!
Quality gameplay, as shown by GameCubeBlock and Toroko. Oh, and I died at the exact same area afterwards. Great.
>sal failed to defuse the bomb planted at the local children's orphanage in time, making him tonights biggest loser.
found you brainlet
>a bunch of fireballs are shot into the bottom path of 1-2
>they hit the shell and knock it out
>they hit the goombas and don't knock them out for whatever reason and I just run headfirst into them
Needs some fine-tuning though to keep the frames consistent. Half the work was squishing the sprite into 16 pixels.
>piranha plant is up
>3 people jump on it and continue on
Fucking really, what the fuck is going on?
Damn, Fuchs. looks like that hurt
I finally fucking did it.
Someone got the master list of URLs to replace with the Mario originals?
it’ll be in a pastebin link in a prvious thread
>Added G U N
w-what does this mean
>some dumbfuck knocks it back
>firenigger shoots the shell
>forced to fucking SIT THERE as each goomba walks over
How do I replace sprites vros? I hate the default one right now
Whats the deal with the 2 marios?
Holy shit, it's literally the first post. I'm retarded
that Yea Forums party in world 6 was great
Sprite sheet is fucked
from what I’ve seen is that its a bug exclusive to fire mario.
Fire mario is 32x32 in most frames now, the old sprite sheets will cause that. Get the updated one from the first post.
probably the sprite for fire flower DMCArio
There was a lot of us going into 6-4 this time, that was pretty nice. Private lobbies when?
Found it, thanks. Cache on the old sounds finally got overwritten by the new ones and I hate the death sound.
>get the mushroom in 2-1
>don't break the blocks for the little marios
>get the star
>massacre 22 marios, none of them are big so they can't get past me
I apologize to all the people I mowed down, I thought if I just kept running and didn't do anything weird people would either outrun me or hide but that didn't work out.
I'll never forgive you.
My only goal in this game is to podium with my bro Eleanor Hume.
Yeah I'm bout to fucking jump into a pit IRL if lag comp fucks me over one more fucking time
One day I'll sit on the podium with you Sue.
>lag still not fixed
>demands money on pateron
fuck this guy.
It's ok Eleanor, I don't blame you for that shell
Sacrificed myself for that plant, may all who cross the Plus - 3 pipe have no fear and prosper
That was a complete accident, Salty Milk. I jumped down near where you died immediately after because it was the only way to deal with the shame and guilt.
How do I make other players appear more transparent fuuuuuuuuuuuuck
Advice for Naizuri: On Plus-4 it's significantly safer to do the third set of firebars as they come down, rather than when they're going up, that way you can jump out of the way of Bowser's fire if it's coming.
To be perfectly honest I'm not really the person you should aspire to match considering how much I choke. I'm here myself just trying to match some of the other people on Yea Forums like Toroko.
this, I die 70% of the time on the first stage because I can't fucking see anything besides a swarm of marios
Anyone else having trouble where auto-jump is firing at times despite holding the button down?
Thanks for the tip friend
Check your key you use for fire/sprint
>finally the game detects my controller in the settings
thank fuck, tired of using the shoulder buttons to jump and run.
No need to suicide if you star me by accident, GCB. That's just how the game goes, don't worry.
>all but one of the starnigger swarm on lost-1 fall in the pit
I came
I was wondering why he wasn't at the flagpole with the rest of us,.
>kills Sue with star by accident
>commits literal representation of fuck my life
Well played, have sex. Collaborative effort taking down Bowser with fireballs instead of just running past him.
It's lonely at the top.
kill them all
Cleaned up the walking animation. Now to see if it looks retarded in-game.
>grab a star near people you don't want to kill
>end up killing them
don't know what you expected my guy
Is there a better feeling than getting to the vine before the starniggers?
No, and die in a fire.
It was probably more wishful thinking than anything.
That's an impressive repertoire of kills. If only Ralsei didn't get away too.
Have we figured out how to replace sounds yet?
I need more cave story assets
>8 players left by 5-2
its the hard knock life out there
I starniggered about 20 of those
cub_snuffer and I killed each other by us camping the top of the vine with star power, and both of our star power ran out at the same time, but it somehow registered both of us hitting each other.
On the one hand, there's no Yea Forumsros, but on the other, I'm not alone on 6-4.
please never speak to anyone of that choke, Cog
Why does the undergournd of 6-2/5-2 skips look like dogshit in the allstars sprites
>watching two dudes get wasted at bowser on 2-4
cog starniggered me fml
kek, your secret is safe with me user.
It's the same process as replacing sprites, but the filename of the URL you're using has to be specific. e.g. If you want to replace royale/audio/music/main0.mp3, whatever you replace the song with has to end SPECIFICIALLY as that. You can set up a github repository with the music you want a relatively easy way to do that.
no one seems to use the 2-1 pipe, why is that?
>2 Yea Forumsirgins in front of me at the end of 5-3
>don't see them after that
Rest in piss Sue Best Mimiga.
We forgot about it.
Why the fuck is Bowser's hitbox so disjointed?
It's slower than the vine.
Why are you such a shitter? Just sprint under his jump.
>somehow got 90 players in a lobby
>cavestory starnigger doesn't turn back
>musky loli cunny falls into void
>teabag on him
>fall into void shortly after
Maybe the cunnyslaying life isn’t for me.
I can't tell if the sprites are fucked up or there was someone right directly in front of me doing the exact same inputs
Holy shit, sorry to those I accidentally starred on 2 - 1, I'm a fucking retard
Has this become laggy as fuck for anybody else
but coins...
Coins don't win the gold.
Ok, sigh, new update.
I dicided to bring the old npcs back (because replacing them with yume nikki npcs wouldn't work anyway.) But at least i replaced the fire flower with the hat and scarf effect egg. See you all guys, this is my last update for... like... forever, feel free to edit it if you want to.
I was one of them and it was really my fault, I always hit the star ASAP in every level because it's fun to try to outrun whoever gets it. This time I failed.
starlow you little faggot I'll kick your ass
rip sue
thanks for the journey
>grab a star
>Sunbro in front of me
>stops running and runs DIRECTLY TOWARD ME
>somehow don't kill him
Sunbro please don't scare me like that
>caring about coins
>on fucking World 2
If you're in the lead you can EASILY get more than 30 coins just from 2-2 and 2-3 alone.
God you're slow now playing user, how the fuck does only 2 people beat world 3
They still haven't fixed the "die from kicking a koopa shell" glitch.
nice, those look pretty good.
Okay my sprites ARE fucked up
I keep fucking up the initial jump of 3-1 because it stutters so fucking hard for whatever reason compared to every other world's opener.
see I died, but I had a free life, so I was able to redo 3-3
>Try to play
>Connection interrupted
i spent a few hours working on cirno tonight. Half of which was testing the betas.
basically: its complete shit, for two reasons:
1. i wanted to sprite cirno flying through the air (hence her legs not going forward and going more back). but this looks really weird, because i cant fit in her wings enough to make them more animated, and i still animated her arms like shes running. and, legs arnt supposed to flap like that when flying.
I made some autistic run/flying abomination hybrid.
2. i missplaced her head in the sprites. my bad for not paying attention to detail. her head will rapidly flicker back and forth on a basic run animation.
So, Cirno unfortunatelly needs to be done all over again. Im maybe 10% done.
i might work on other projects though, because im distracted easily.
feel free to test cirno yourself if you like
Man I've been getting a lot of unintended koopa kills today.
But there's literally no point in coins. If you have to rely on respawning, you've already lost the lead.
Quit mashing through the two opening prompts.
thank you. i'm glad you
appreciate it.
Untrue. I got starred during the first level of a world but thankfully, I got a 1-up. Then I went all the way from the back, to first place. It's not about their position, it's about your platforming
Which Cave Story sounds do you want?
Funny, I've been getting a lot of intended koopa kills today.
If you manage to win after getting killed you were playing with mongoloids, and that's nothing to brag about.
>Win by a mile
>Game doesn't let you touch the axe
Nice feature
Alright, good games tonight Yea Forums. I'm really, really hoping I hear from Infernoplus tomorrow about whether he's interested in me doing music for the game (and just in case he reads this thread, reposting: picosong.com
Cya around Sue.
So the only way you can win is by going slow and hoping your competition is retarded?
>enter level 2
>red shell a pixel away from me
what the shit
Cya later. Been fun, mate.
mind if I link this in his discord?
Literally how?
trust no one
Sure, though I went there to post it this afternoon. I don't think Inferno is actually on the Discord, though some of the other devs are.
How do I fix the sprite with redirect? I just want the original sprite.
Its the first post in the thread
I'd really like to replace the jump sfx with CS's jump and the coin pickup sfx with energy crystal pickup for starters, since they're much easier on the ears.
i saw that fuck up paws the controller
you must not hesitate when facing bowser
>two people jumped into the flying koopa
It occurs on weird jumps where you flag the axe right as you're moving back to the left. Seen it a few times myself.
For someone who spends way too much time at the game, you sure were slow.
>tfw new bowser spooks me so much I have to waste time getting insurance mushrooms
Slap city should refund me for being such a disappointment
Thanks. I'm retarded.
sorry Cog, I panicked.
Please don't say things like that, it takes time to figure out all the cool stuff you can do
The tanned Cirno is a nice touch
5-4's castle is a real bitch, harder than Plus-4's desu.
I enjoyed Slap City with Yea Forums even though it was short-lived. I'm taking a break from it until it hits 1.0.
how the fuck do i change back to old graphics?
The only hard part of Plus-4 is taking your finger off the D key during the loading screen.
Lmao @ all the spastic niggers that run face first into the lava pit next to the entrance.
Its too defensive, everyone online is an absolute fucking tryhard who would rather turn every match into a smash 4 cat and mouse run around rather than melee
Its the first post in the thread
Only thing I make sure to do is have big form at the ready for plus-4 just so I can barrel through two of the three fire-go-rounds without having to stop like everyone else. Saves enough time to offset grabbing a shroom.
Is this the pickup SFX? I haven't played in years.
It's a different game from Melee which may be a disappointment, but I wouldn't call it especially defensive
If you play FFAs or Doubles especially, you'll start seeing almost purely aggression
Which character do you play?
im retarded and dont understand what to do with that code
Install Switcheroo Plus for chrome
Right click on it and go into options
Click Import
Copy paste the pastebin into the import box and Import
That's it, thanks!
I need a sprite edit for when Mario turns mid-run if anyone can make a Scrooge edit. I can't into art.
Here's quote_jump.
hi, i deleted all the rules, can somebody give me the links of the graphics, audio etc, so i can edit them all over again?
I fucking hate those credits that take 1/3 of the sheet
NPA... nooo...
Ah wait Catbox can't stream .wav I guess. If the jump SFX is too quiet in-game I can boost it a bit (or you can).
Yeah they're annoying.
That huge firebar got ya. I spent tons of time just waiting for the safest moment to go. Ended up winning solo.
It's not that you need 30000 IQ and a college degree to rip nes stuff
The hark work was made already for you, you just need romhacking.net
T. actually collaborated with spriters resource
I wish Playstation ripping was more standardized. Almost every game needs a specialized tool. I've been trying to rip Armored Core for a month now. I asked on a forum that specializes in it and they haven't gotten back after I posted my QuickBMS results.
Nintendo does battle royal its OK and everyone slurp it up defend this!
In those cases of you don't want to got gud at reversing your best aternative is to put the game at 1:1 aspect ratio and just screenshot the fuckers
Most arcade rips and mugen sprites were done like that
I can rip textures, it's 3D models I"m after.
All right, thanks again!
Is there a master list of URLs royale uses for its audio files?
Based post
Ninja Ripper can do the trick
The only problem is that you need to learn how to put bones on a model and how to put it in a T-pose
Anons, please, i just can't change the audio and map anymore, i might have the wrong links, please give me the links so i can replace them!
When I thought the DMCA would kill my enjoyment of the game, Yea Forums managed to maintain my interest for Mario Royale. Thank you very much the art/scriptfags who are behind the altered sprites and stuff, I wish I could buy you a beer or give you a hug. You're great people
dance with me on the left hand side at the start
Σario poster from last thread, added the fireballs this time, so everything should be ready to use.
The SFX might be server-side actually. Someone should ask him about it.
Here's a Windows version he posted on twitter. Maybe this can be modified?
wtf, thats luigi you nerd!
does anyone have the super mario all stars audio?
The audio should be included in the redirectly file already. Make sure you have adblock or anti-crypto extensions disabled for the game, since it might intercept the redirects
oh i see, starlow is a nigger
Did anyone do a Commander Keen sheet?
Might as well do it myself if not
dmca royale discord: discord.gg
We finally did it Desu, consider the suicide pact broken because it's time for me to take a break. Now Playing user... we almost killed two birds with one game. We'll share those podiums soon.
Eating shit at the very end there isn't my proudest moment.
>see three normalshits leap straight into a piranha plant
>dying to bowser while Yea Forumsros watch from the podium.
is there any greater shame, /dmca/?
dying to the first goomba in 1-1
three times
bye everyone
see ya, nerd.
Hairy MILF Anus here.
I've decided to try making something actually useful with the little knowledge of the games code i now have.
Here's a little script for tampermonkey which display your current position out of all players in the top right.
There's just one little problem. The game is divided into levels and zones. Zones are areas that are still in the same level like when a player goes into a pipe or something. I have no way of knowing if a player in your level but in another zone is ahead of you so for now I've decided to count every player in the same level but in another zone to be ahead of the player.
I'm trying to organize the redirects. There seem to be duplicate redirects, could someone explain this to me?
This should've been the first mod ever
watching starlow eat shit trying to get 5-1 star everytime never gets old
fuck you
replace the retarded turts with the cool turtles from the OG game will look better.
>impersonating others
I didn't do this mod
Tailon did
>giving free (You)s in the designated copywrite thread
>been playing for almost a week now
>still at 6 wins
how do i git gud Yea Forumsros
>Figured out how to get the Plus-1 star without stopping
>Tfw I approach the mass of people waiting at the Gap Plant
There's some weird glitch with the tileset where fire mario is two bodies and the fireball cannot be seen.
>tfw 30 wins
anyone who waits at the gap plant deserves it
take it slower desu.
I find I can always finish if I wait for the player count to go down to 20.
>Tfw 30 wins and 1100 kills
>Went from 6 to 39 kills in one big starnigger
Figure out how to do the entirety of each world-1 without stopping your sprint, the rest is a piece of cake.
I don't partake in starniggetry so my kill count is only like 50 desu.
Help, my mario has a stand.
Yes, these aren't two marios. These are both me.
Only happens when I pick up the fireflower though.
You have to update the mod
They changed the sprites size
How do I change my name?
You gotta update the sprite link. What extension are you using?
37 wins 2776 kills, we need more starniggers here
Have sex
Oh shit, I see.
The switcheroo one.
I use redirect so I'm not too sure how to fix that. See
if it helps.
I think I'm getting bored, dev needs to add new levels asap
Thanks user.
Which is the most difficult stage? Plus? I hardly see anyone complete that.
plus is one of the easiest
>wait until everyone else dies
>come to the end
>only this fucker made it beside me
>Every single person who posts a screenshot has reddit tabs
Things can vary in each round, so don't rely on how many people survive.
Depends. Lost 1-1 easily has the most casualties, but it has a bias since you start with every player. 5-1 is similarly a killer, and then 5-2 is an idiot filter on top of that because most people don't know there's a pipe that skips most of the level but if you get past the first stage in either of those worlds and aren't an idiot the rest of those courses are pretty easy. World 6 is probably the most consistently tricky; 6-1 is actually the easiest first stage, but 6-2 is a casual filter, 6-3 has a couple tricky jumps (mainly dealing with that invisible block) and 6-4 kills you if you rush too hard, which people tend to do if they're close together by 6-4. However I think people still clear World 6 more often than LL World 1 or World 5, just because the first level isn't so tough. Most people seem to have performance issues on the first level of a world and it causes them to fuck up shit they otherwise wouldn't.
Can confirm. I'm almost always first place in worlds 6, 1 and 2.
man the new 1-1 is fucking terrible. they got rid of everything good about it, and by that of course i mean the running of the starniggers that always happened in the old 1-1.
The star is still there, just in a different place I think.
maybe, but in the old 1-1 you could pretty much guarantee someone would hit it and the wave of starniggers would be less than a second behind the people in first place, so if any of them fucked up at all there was a good chance they'd get star'd.
Here's the new trick I've been using, don't target 1-1, target 1-2 instead.
Keep running forward in 1-1 and get the Fire Flower, should be easy since there's always someone that immediately hits its block. This should allow you to reliably get the star in 1-2 and kill everyone. Remember to block off the upper path too.
That is true, yes. Starniggers were guaranteed in old 1-1. Not so much anymore
good game
How 2 get mario music?
>die to starnigger scum because I don't know how to climb the fucking stairs
>Most people seem to have performance issues on the first level of a world and it causes them to fuck up shit they otherwise wouldn't
Bad computers. I always stay 5 seconds behind so it doesn't lag like shit so I can actually move around instead of teleporting all over the place.
playing at max zoom out is pretty hard.
Also pointless. Origianl fov was perferct
I find zooming out a little bit makes some of the levels much easier.
>get stopped by block in 1-1
not today starniggers
enjoy that lava bath mr. cave story was good?
AGDQ trannie eliminated
>uses linux
>can't crop their screenshots
Come on man.
>'kill white people' dies on the first level
Absolute state on niggers.
wanted to dab on AGDQ as fast as possible
What's the progress on those LSD mario tiles by that user?
anyone still got the hitbox only tiles? Also why only 590players? datetime or game dying? I though he hasn't even peaked yet
Did the user who was working on this sheet finish it?
Time of the day
Someone using my name? Haven't been playing for the past hour.
Seems like it, just played with him too, he died at the start of 6-2
Haven't used that name in like, the past 24 hours either.
gaki hacking or speedrunner tranny?
How hard would it be to make a TAS bot for every stage?
not very. The patterns always the same, just get the inputs for each segment.
Also fuck you
>fuck you
for cheating
Why is this thread so slow? Isn't this the main thread?
Can someone make Mother 3 sprites for me :3
Nobody really cares about this game and lets keep it that way.
>Yea Forumsro died because I failed to hit the plant
Sorry man
cave story i just wanna reach a podium with you man ;_;
Really? Wow!
I'm sorry, dudes...
can anyone write a better guide to install mods? this post is a clusterfuck
got a skin for you all
trying doing some stuff
Feedback apprecciated
I haven't even played any more games before this
how can you be this bmuchrainlet? its literally five clicks
thread locked?
any ideas?
>dude just click five times randomly lmao
very helpful community
>it's another "Starlow Killed Everyone Behind Me And I May As Well Just F5" episode
just import the textfile from the pastebin
does peach has a gun or a brap sniffer?
theres a big fat button on the poastebin that says download and a big fat button on the redirector that says import
What does this mean?
Starlow you fucking NIGGER aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
It's a faggot detector. It always points to the biggest faggot in the level.
ke-keep me posted
Can someone tell me how to replace tiles, i already replaced the objects to mario allstars ones but dont know how to do tiles. help very much appreciated
Starlow is a fucking nigger
sound about right
>Edit spritesheet
>link on github opr something
>replace gituhb urls them in the pastebin
>share pastebin
If I were to completely rip this game off, what are some features that would make it an objective improvement?
Don't bother. Yea Forumss tired of it. It was fun for a few days but now its over
Private servers
Level editor
minimap that shows players
Ability to follow other players after winning/dying
the real question is whats the next flavor of the week game
Using Redirector by the way, dont know what you mean.
Find out whatever the hell's bogging the performance.
Honestly, the main reason 90% of players never pass Level 1 is probably this.
make it toasters friendly
i can get better FPS on ps2 emu than this webgame
Rewards for more wins and kills. These 3001 kills are cool to look at but there needs to be more incentive.
Color generated from name hash or something
Make it easier to link sprites
Also leaderboards
To add to this, assembling a version that could be run locally and in a dedicated window that isn't a browser could be nice. That tends to help. Naturally, this could also feature its own local files for the spritesheets that the user can swap out easily.
And maybe let it scale smaller so if all else fails we can make the window smaller to run better.
fucking why? Perfomance isn't an issue if someone competent programs it
>603 players online
>Yea Forums is tired of this game
mode that goes through 3 worlds at random instead of 1 but everyone starts with 3 lives.
Was 1.5k on friday. Thats when it peaked. Also the threads where much faster
It'll reach 1.2k+ later today too
yeah no fucking way. And even if, it'll be mostly normies from some streamer
Well, that depends on his ability, and the amount of time he wants to put in.
I don't know which is quicker, I don't program. It's nice to have options though. It's true that if it manages to get nice and smooth on a browser that's all anyone should need.
Getting stuck on loading resources when i edited these two to change the sprites to raymoo, any idea what i did wrong and how i could fix it?
>enter level
>coins are all still there
is there an image for this feel?