Overwatch resorting to f2p mobile game tactics to keep shitty esports league afloat

When Overwatch launched every item in the game could be found in a lootbox (besides a preorder bonus, shitty blizzcon items, and some that came with the $60 origins edition of the game) , which is acquired for $1 or leveling up ingame, or bought with coins that are given at a fair rate from lootboxes. They later added events where there were limited time lootboxes that had event items, which could also be bought for 3x the amount of coins. These event items return annually and would be normal price after the first year. Then suddenly the OWL was introduced and over $1000 dollars worth of premium items were introduced into the game. The only way to get these $5 skins were 2 free giveaways, paying, or watching 33 hours of Overwatch League on twitch (This is why OWL has any twitch viewership, it's all people with a muted tab opened in the background).Then a $15 charity skin was added so Blizzard could virtue signal. Next, blizzard adds 2 $10 (or 66 hours of OWL on twitch) limited time OWL all stars skins. This year it was revealed that this will be a yearly tradition with the previous year's skins not going on sale. Yesterday they announce a limited time OWL MVP skin for zenyatta, which will mark their new yearly tradition for premium limited time skins
TL;DR: Blizzard says give us $10 now or never be able to obtain this again in a full priced game

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Overwatch is genuinely the worst game I have ever played. I can't believe that some of my friends play this, it's awful.

Certain heroes are fun to play as, Blizzard just forsook the entire playerbase to balance the game around the top 1% of players and shill this league instead of making new content. I have not once in hundreds of hours witnessed a single person talking about the overwatch league ingame

>Certain heroes are fun to play as
and you're almost never able to play as them

Who cares about skins. Either play the game or don’t.

who gives a fuck, the game is trash anyway

why care about some shitty skins if you don't even care about the game
unless, you actually play the game OP, in which cased you'd a be a fucking faggot

Don't know why they are still even fucking trying with Esports. Overwatch is just not a fun game to watch competitively and the balancing always leads to metas that end up with you seeing the same 6 heroes every single game and maybe a few situational picks. The dive comp shit just as an example was going on at the top level for a good year. They need to tone down the hard counter nature of characters because it just leads to these stale metas just look at Brigitte and how ridiculous she has been. She's basically a mandatory pick and her presence more or less invalidates a few characters she hard counters like Tracer so she is never seen.

esports money got to their heads pretty deep
imagine if they actually made something fun out of all the heroes and stories they already created instead of brushing them aside a week later

Its just a last second push because Loot Boxes are getting banned.

>Blizzard just forsook the entire playerbase to balance the game around the top 1% of players
Why would you do anything else?
You don't balance the game around the fucking retards who can't aim or position themselves properly.

>they open their stockpile of hoarded skins and content when the game is dying.
They are so fuckin stupid they should have gone all out with content off the bat one month after release

See this fallacy about balance only works in skill based games.

Overwatch doesn't reward skill, overwatch rewards finding the gayest combination of cancer that has the least ammount of counterplay.

With that in mind, why balance aorund the top? They're just going to consistently find the gayest thing and run it into the ground, while in the game people are going to play the game more normally and their favorite hero will suffer because of sweaty overpaid "athletes" in the OWL

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this is how they killed sc2. They gradually patched the fun out of the game balancing it for 1% of esport fags.
Making it unplayable for everyone that isn't a super autistic min maxing optimal single strat faggot.

Remember when the Overwatch community was dedicated enough to be outraged that the first wave of Event skins couldnt be purchased with in game currency.

Think it speaks a lot that this is commonplace now in Overwatch and no one cares.

Overwatch is a dead game.
It had a good start that swifly ended because surprise, if you have no depth, no room to grow or stand out as a player and your gameplay consists on mindless stuff, your game is bad and boring.

Then they did the worst possible idea, instead of pumping out content so the dumbasses still playing this game are entertained with a carrot on a stick system, they dialed back hard on updates and pushed a depth less, boring game as an esport, completely fucking themselves over.

The difference between old blizz and nu blizz is that old blizz would take very hardcore genres and make them more accessible, but also fully embracing player skill, fun, little tricks and retaining most of depth and presented it as a extremely polished title.

Basically trimming down the fat and growing from there, leaving us with incredible games such as wc3, sc, diablo and wow vanilla, that while easier than their predecessors to get into, still retained a lot of depth and there was an immense around of room to grow, to the point where players still play these titles religiously even today.

Now you see OW and instead they trimmed down everything that made the gameplay good but kept the most barebones model of what they were inspirated from, while forcing everyone to play exactly how they want to because blizzard can't do no wrong, all because of an aimless direction and execs having too much power and trying to make everything accessible.
This results in a game that no one that plays it a lot wants to keep playing, but they do it out of sunk cost, addiction and a faint but very real and constant hope that it will suddenly all get better.
This happened with wow, happened with hs and is happening with OW.

It will never get better and it will never improve until blizz are slapped with the hard truth, which could be classic and acti blizz stocks plummeting depending on how classic does.

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Because no one cares or plays the game anymore.

OW was the biggest shilled marketing shit ever, now you have other companies copying them.
I avoid all aggressively shilled games now.

>the game shouldn't be designed to cater to the vast majority of people playing it

But this is the case for any esports game.

>Why would you do anything else?
Why would you appeal to a few faggots who grind competitive mode for 15 hours a week instead of people who actually enjoy the game

OW had a huge amount of players but they all dipped within 6 months.
It went from being the biggest game in the world to forgotten very quickly.

And all this was because of the gameplay, it's way too simple, too samey.
TF2 has simple gameplay but also has a shitload of room to grow, every class has lots of little neat tricks and you can instantly tell apart a normal, random scout, spy or even heavy player to someone that plays that class a lot.

In OW, every time a hero has a semi exploit or a trick it's instantly removed, like genji air leap.
On top of that, the balance team might be the worst balance team I've ever seen, they're literally utterly retarded.
Biggest example of this is the sombra debacle, literally made as an assassin, only works as a toolkit that NEEDS the team to capitalize on it, worst hero in the game for like a year and half.
Finally blizz caves in and buffs her, but it's a dumb buff that didn't do shit.

So what now?
Make EVERY new hero be completely countered by sombra, forcing her into relevancy and tying all these heroes AND sombra in a horrible, badly designed relation

>when you have to pay people to watch your gay shit and inflate viewership counts
to be fair Gaben does it for those game cons, too, i only open the stream in the background of Steam in the hopes I get a free game. Don't watch a bit of it though ha ha SJW presenters can blather on about dumb shit i ain't listenin

>game should cater to fucking retards who can't aim, position themselves correctly, or change off of the character they're playing when they're getting slammed into the fucking ground by the character's counters
git gud the game has problems but you're not going to solve it by making it more casual than it already is

Overwatch is by far the number 1 game where I get banned each month for a month at a time for either not picking a character someone wants me to play or not playing how they want me to play. Or just saying some friendly banter in chat only to get called "toxic". You don't even have to curse or say a mean thing--anything is toxic and instaban. Worst report system in any game i've played

Reminder the report system is so fucking bad that the leddits dedicated to the less meta heroes, symmetra, torb, sombra, had to put in a guide on how to appeal these bans.

its a fkn trannie game. move on idiot

>dota 2 balance
>skill cooldowns change by 2-3 seconds, range extended by 25, sight range modified by darkness is increased, x skill will do 50 more damage at level 3
>blizzard balance
>Fuck this hero, fuck this skill, new meta
There's nothing wrong with balancing from the top, the game's just too shallow and shit to ever have a semblance of true balance. They keep touching the skills of every hero instead of addressing stuff like movespeed, clip size, spare ammo capacity (if they had it), reload speed, damage falloff, etc. The minutia of the game that should be touched up by little love taps, but instead they keep bringing a sledgehammer to slam down on a nail and consequently fuck everything up. They've done so for almost all their games, I'm starting to believe its intentional so they can introduce some fresh "meta" like they're some shitty korean p2w company.

A moba is different though, the lack of aim or 3d positioning means that those small changes make a huge difference in a contest of who can click on minions faster

>Why balance around the top?

Because that's what every competitive game does? League, DOTA, etc, all balance around the top. That's why shitters in Silver whining about a character won't get the character nerfed. Because nobody gives a fuck what they think.

But that kind of balance is the kind of thing that makes people pissed with the game. An ultimate like death blossom is a free team wipe against over 50% of the playerbase, nobody is having fun playing against that

They sure scammed the fuck out of some rich people though.

why are you still playing overwatch user?

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I mean I have news for you, Overwatch is a genuinely shitty game.

Extremely based

That's because Blizzard is fucking bad at balance, not because that type of balancing is bad. You have to balance from the top down because low tier players are bad and don't yet know what they're doing. If you nerf based on their complaints, it becomes a constant nerf/buff rotation of the FOTM that changes as soon as people find another low skill character that's good against bad players and weak in competitive games.

>If you don't want ti heal, then don't
except in 99% of overwatch competitive matches literally nobody else on your team is willing to heal

>they hated him because he told the truth.jpg

I left pretty much after season two of comp after rolling Reaper and Ana.
Fuck Blizzard.

>coins that are given at a fair rate from lootboxes
Now I stopped playing OW a long time ago and stopped giving a shit about skins even before I quit but the coin system was always bad. They weren't guaranteed and the money from duplicates was pathetic

Zen is the most fun healer character I've played in any game ever, it's a shame he's trapped in this shitty game

Ban loot boxes
Ban microtransactions
Ban Nu-Blizzard from making video games

Somebody post the fucking webm it gets me everytime.

>the coin system was always bad
And the cherry on top?

Early on Blizzard realized people were farming money too fast with duplicates, so they quickly changed it so duplicates were extremely rare and tried to play it off as a good thing by putting out a "lootbox meta" video.
>"Look how nice we are everyone, we made it so you are more likely to get new stuff instead of dupes from lootboxes!"
>"oh please ignore that 99% is still garbage and now it's even harder to get what you want because the garbage that used to convert to cash that slowly but surely built up to a lot over time is no more!"

It also stopped you from buying an event legendary, getting it out of a lootbox, and wanting to uninstall the game though

which skins require you to watch tons of hours? i got one for watching like 3 hours of streamers once. didnt even watch it of course.

There's so much potential to do a hero campaign(s)

That's what their upcoming Overwatch game is.

It's honestly amazing how fucking fast Blizzard completely fucked this game up, like other than the porn there really isn't any reason to give much of a shit about this game

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All these Waifus.....locked in a shitty game

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Add another reddit meme to the filter

i did that shit once for another game and never got the promised reward. Fuck ever doing that ever again.