Switch thread, I guess

What games would you add/remove from this list?

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I just want to play Xenoblade 2 a bit. Nothing else looks that good.

Like half of it.
I went ahead and bought Travis Strikes Again before the announced the ports despite not owning a Switch to support Suda.

Star Allies

Mario party. I don't think anyone is actually enjoying that piece of shit that doesn't even have an online board mode.

I already played Xenoblade 2 and BOTW i am waiting to see if Astral Chain is shit or not.

Octopath, Xenoblade, Yarn, and Aces, for personal opinions. Add Luigi's Mansion 3 because I'm gay for that.

Is the switch version of FF7 any good?

Kirby. I like Kirby games, but Star Allies is worth $20 at best.