ITT: dead multiplayer games that you loved

ITT: dead multiplayer games that you loved

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I want to feel bad for the dev's because its not a bad game, but the decision to have the game rely on their own central server when they were struggling to get a publisher was such an insanely stupid idea that i cant.

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Laser League
I hate Roll7 for not adding private lobbies and 505 Games for pretending to take over development of it when jack shit happened thus far.

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Gigantic? More like a Gigantic waste of time and money

I never got to play this but I was in a top 100 guild in Guild Wars and heard this game was similar. I really hate that it was dead before I even got to play it

RIP Wildstar ;_;7


I never actually played wildstar but I liked the gay chua porn

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I miss gigantic a lot
At least pic related's servers are still up

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>has the money to literally piss away to buy shitty games' exclusivity rights
>shuts down their own first party game, that happens to also be the only moba game that's fun to play
epic games can go and fuck themselves

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Mostly this one, god I loved playing some of those characters

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Sega's PSO I&II servers....RIP

also, Ragnarok Online and Lineage 2 aren't technically dead, but they're a shell of their former selves. sad!!!!

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Yeah, epic is "FUCK YOU" rich due to fortnite and Paragon was fucking amazing. I'm never gonna not be mad about that.

It's a shame that a game with such beautiful character designs is worthless now. I feel bad for the people that made the artwork.

The Ouya is dead, does that count.

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>Be Ramsay
>Bite into some Juicy Fruit
>Dab on the team in a 3 v 1 and live

>You'll never go juicy again in your lifetime

It's not fair. It's Not Fair! IT'S NOT FAIR!

It's such a fun game to shittalk people in.

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>The line was disconnected
>Game over

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Is there any chance for this to be revived?

Its owned by Perfect World now; would take a miracle and a lot of money to get it back

Why do companies buy games and then just lock them up?

They wanted to make money off Gigantic, and when it didn't make enough money fast enough they decided that they didn't want to pay the server costs. They're now locking it up because they don't want to give it away for free; that's just good business.

Fuck, I loved Gigantic, sadly the devs had a thing for stupid decisions.


Seeing Gigantic again after all this time just causes a pain in my soul.

I miss it bros.

Should have been 30 bucks, not 60

*is an annoying brazilian who can't play that drops 10 minutes into the match*

psssssh nothin personnel, kid

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Should've been f2p with their dlc scheme

I think it got more hate then it deserved. Glad I got to enjoy it before it died.

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>Beckett, Ramsay, Mozu, Zandora, and Oru all gone and never to return

Honorable mentions to Sven, Tyto, Margrave, Wu, and Aisling. I miss them every single day.

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>You'll never ever sneak up on fags with the AR-C Eclipse ever again
>You'll never mow down trustfags with the widowmaker ever again
Favorite weapons design out of any 6th gen shooter, why'd nintendo have to kill the wii's online support?

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Do they have offline career mode yet?

like it or not it was a AAA game so it got a AAA price

It died before anyone figured out how good daze railgun HK was

The DLC was mostly a non-issue blown up by retards, the only issue was that monsters/hunters were pretty overpriced by like 5-10 bucks. Getting upset over cosmetics is dumb and the backlash to fucking skins was ridiculous.
The bigger issues that hardly anyone ever fucking spoke about was that the entire game was just variations on the Hunt game mode and that 9/10 games were just hide and seek sim that was monster sided as fuck, so everything just sort of blended together and every game played out the same.
Not to mention thanks to how specialized the hunters were you absolutely needed to be coordinated which was rare with randos and if you ended up with a bad trapper or they went down in a fight you lose the game simple as that.


Gigantic, Paragon, and Battleborn were the only MOBAs that I could tolerate... BULLSHIT

bionic commando 09

I should've given Battleborn a chance. Was it fun?

Battleborn was shit.


I miss those two so much.
I was so ready to throw money at evolve after it went f2p.
Nosgoth was fun while it lasted. It probably just died before i had a chance to get bored of it.

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I put Battleborn in the same basket as Spacelords or Monday Night Combat. Nobody really gave a shit about the game, but it was fun and thats what matters.

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unironically liked the team based shooter it became
but unfortunately it kept being haunted by broken promises as a planetside clone and the playerbase kept on harping them about it

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So competitors can't profit off them.

Based Sherwood poster, fun times. Wasnt there a game made by the same people where you're on the moon and just fuck around with other people

good times

Gigantic is far far better off dead. If it was kept on life support I can only imagine how awful it would've gotten with that garbage dev studio.

It was nothing like Guild Wars, whoever told you that was lying to you. There were just a few devs that worked on GW1 before. They were also probably extremely shit devs given how poorly the game was made.

Bioshock 2 multiplayer
also, a shitload of DS games like Advance Wards Dark Days of Ruin multiplayer, Jump Ultimate Stars and Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon WiFi battles

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I fucking enjoyed the shit out of Loadout and Blacklight: Retribution. Blacklight more because I could still do decently w/o paying real money for my shit.

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It was fun as fuck

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That game was the only actually good CS clone. Fuck the RPG autists who threw a bitchfit about it.


You best be talking about when Paragon was still good and not that fast paced unfun broken team deathmatch bullshit

Red Faction Guerrilla

never forget

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this made my hatred of EA personal

>tfw will never get to dunk on people with lesbo otter again

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It's not even funny how quickly this died. I miss playing it alot.

The game was just another shitty uninspired LoL clone though

Based and sherwood pilled

SMNC absolutely deserved to die but I still loved playing it as well as MNC.

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Oasis... Home...

The devs being pants on head retarded with balance killed that game dead.
>Devs openly acknowledge homing missiles are a newbie trap and are fine with this
>Because of this everyone avoids the weapon so they don't get balance feedback and most people don't even know they're completely busted and you can crush somebody many times better than you with dual homing
>Devs only realize this as the game dies and just guts the weapon as they drop the game, then purposely alter it back into being a newbie trap in the sequel
I honestly don't know what the devs were smoking but they were fucking idiots.

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Shitting on retarded Assassin players was the absolute best part of MNC

>When they try to run in stealth after getting hit by Tank's Jet Gun
>Launching them off the map with Tank/Gunner when they try and fail to one hit grapple you

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>Haven't played a game were I can play as a straight debuffer since Gigantic
Feels bad man.

Best thing about playing Xenobia was making Trippshits cower behind their team all game because they knew you would blow them the fuck out the instant they tried to engage anybody.

Why? I only got to know SMNC, and really close to death.

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I guess I was being a bit extreme. I ultimately don't think it was a very good game, but I had a lot of fun playing it. It was always in a state of "it has potential" that to me was never realized.

fans are working on spiritual successor - project stamina, otherwise it's dead

>mfw saved all this OC for this game
>Dies later
Fuck you this game was my shit and was fun playing with Yea Forums some of them were actually good I miss ramsayfag

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Rainbow Six 3. One of my first online shooters.

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>Fight against a good WU
>Will single handedly carry their team from his movement and cc and raw damage

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I still have my original CDs for this game, but my current PC doesn't have a fucking optical drive.

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I loved xeno before they changed her ult to a fucking disable. AOE lifesteal was way more fun without breaking the combat flow and it was also matching her style a lot more. I honestly think they changed it because they couldn't be bothered making clear visual effect.

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I loved this game. The upgrade system really made the customization fun to mess around with. I'd min/max a loadout dedicated to armour and decimate people with the machine gun

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1943 as well.
>no PC release
>Xbox 360 is dead
>that air superiority mode
>the simple, old school Battlefield vibe


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Hello am I the most fun character ever made from a shooter moba ama

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I would've gladly accepted carpal tunnel in exchanged to be regarded and ranked as a Pro in the game.

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>All these dead memes I have

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planetside 2

obviously its not really "dead" but its nowhere near what it used to be and never will be again, which is pretty bad considering the game relies on huge amounts of people

I wish they'd bring it back, just do away with trying to cross play between pc and the rest, it was a shit fest for obvious reasons. The class dynamics were sweet. Nothing cooler than to be running down a hall and two people shift through the hallway wall mid combat in front of you before shifting away through the parallel wall, leaving you just standing there. Or being those people obviously.

it made me fucking angry how few people got this, every fucking thread there'd be a bunch of retards saying shitty DLC skins and overpriced monsters killed the game when it was really the mechanics of the game that killed it. I can't tell you how many games I lost because our trapper would spend the entire game running behind the monster instead of trying to cut him off, or how many trappers missed their dome.
The most fun I had with that game was playing the monster since I only had to rely on myself and doing shit like getting hunters killed by wildlife was fun as fuck. Stage 2 was a decent attempt to save it but it was a really casualized approach that took some fun out of the game in order to get rid of the most frustrating parts of the game like not being able to find the monster or trapper missing the dome.

>tfw no proper private server

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r to hiss

Pretty sure there's a private server still up, I played on it a couple months ago. But it's not the same.

That change didn't really bother me too much. The lifesteal felt more like an "I fucked up" button than anything else to me, and didn't jive well at least with the way I played her (anti-carry). Granted her new ult didn't synergize at all, but I can't hate on it too much considering I'd saved games with it more than once and you can really mess the enemy team up with it if used right.

Anyone else played this? haha, anyone else? guys? haha......................

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Should have better gameplay

>mfw I found out it was a girl

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Still probably the best MMO I've ever played. Would literally spend hours making new characters and trying new builds in RAs and FAs/Quarry. At like 11 years old I don't think I ever even got a character to max level, just made new characters and stuck to the PvP zones, unlocking new abilities via that vendor in the RA zone.

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>tfw no private Nosgoth servers

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Really loved this game for some reason. I think it was the transformations that really got me hooked.

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Tyto is whatever you want Tyto to be

An entire thread filled with retards with terrible taste!

That game is still up.

>after all this time
You must be 16, it's not even old.

fuck hirez
that's all I gotta say

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where the FUCK is my Titanfall 3 bros?

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It's only singleplayer with mercenaries at this point, right?


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>terrible taste!
Show us what you got, idiot.

it's called apex legends
how is this game doing anyways? I tried playing it like a month ago but the queue times were long as fuck

I only play league because it's never going to shut down

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Platform Racing 3.
Unfortunately the website it was hosted on shut down years ago and Jiggmin seemed to had stopped developing games.

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>try it again a while ago
>still fun
>still cute
>still looking good
>even the afk stalls are dead
I wish I had friends that would come to play it with me

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In SMNC, the devs kept trying to push cosmetics, while leaving really obnoxious bugs and glitches in tact for months. Then they just kept splitting the fanbase further in half with constant game modes that were all too similar.

Game is still up and running though.

Came to post this good shit user

I'll believe stuffed by fangs theory before him being a girl. Look at the figure. Slim hips, wide shoulders.

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This, C21, Cosmic Commander/Combat bots, and Nexuiz

These hurt my soul too.

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>Playing sherwood in shockwave
>3 hour loading

>Nexon boots it out the gates half a year early to get that dosh because fucking Nexon
>they not have to do stopgap performance fixes instead of big adjustments since it's live, teams are pushed onto new content immediately so manpower for these things drop, PvP(which they touted as something you could level up entirely through if that was your bag) became unplayable with the beta netcode
God, I loved so much about it. Going to the Moon was great, questing in that cavern was awesome. Also sick air on your hoverboards.
but also this goddammit

This all defined my gaming for years at certain points in my life. I play normie shit now because it hurts to lose the niche multiplayer games.

Also adding Hawken. Apparently it is being relaunched by the new company that absorbed the IP with a new dev team. Try to shine a little hope in this thread.

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>acting like an arbiter of any taste

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2-3k players on PC. Sometimes Takes less than 30 seconds to find a match.

Can you still play this anywhere? Like, as it was back then?


Holy shit a forgotten memory.

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It's not the same, bro...

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Because Nintendo's online was connected by GameSpy, and then GameSpy died, thus Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection died.

And here I was having an OK night up until now.

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I thought the game was still supported?

Here ya go bro. It ain't all bad.

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All I remember about Hawken was the beta where weapon mounts weren't locked to weight class so I could mount a heavy grenade launcher and heavy shotgun on my infiltrator, which I shoved up peoples asses and instagibbed them with.

This, also

Warhammer Online
God of War Ascension MP was awesome despite its shitty SP story/campaign.
Bloodline Champions, fuck battlerite and fuck Stunlock

This is still alive, the problem is that the last xpac added a lot of cancer cards/strats like Wanderer and the game isn't as enjoyable as it once was. If you mean that the MP is dead in the sense that its no longer good then there are a lot more:

Dota 2
Global Agenda

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Not technically dead yet, but it deserved better.

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>Dota 2
Dota 2 is fine
If we were still in 7.0 I'd say maybe but we aren't

Fuck, how recent is this? Thank you, user, my night is better than it was before.

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Why do all the good mech mmos die bros?

They are not human, therefore, they are not relatable.

March 2019. Says at the bottom left ya dingus. We had a thread about it awhile back. Bunch of 505 ips got bought or something.

Proxy is my waifu, mines and shotty to extract tears from the slow plebs

Shoudn't have launched as win10 exclusive, how retarded was that?

>Tfw got gud at Rocketeer
>Dumpstered literally everybody
>Lights would bum rush me thinking they could hump me and stay safe, only to realize that tactic only works against shitters
>Make that one snow map absolute aids and no fun
>Massive amounts of salt
I miss it.

Fuuuuuuck yes. This made my night.

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ranks mean nothing
fashion is everything

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yes, lots.

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>Someone else played Exteel

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Man this hurt so much.
>Xbox 360 version is incredibly popular
>Uber wants to release patches with the occasional free DLC content
>Microsoft policy was still charging devs to patch games, and DLC needed to be paid
>End result was the 360 being too expensive to support
>MNC is released on PC and focus is shifted there before being ditched for the awful Super MNC

Godlike game.

It didn't deserve better, who's idea was to add orbital lasers to payload?

My brother was actually like rank 2 or 3 on the US leaderboards. He still misses it. I was always like rank 2,000 or something I could never master swords.

>That one video on youtube about these dudes playing one last match as the servers cut off right as the match was about to end

Only time I've shed a tear to a youtube video.

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Man the multiplayer for this was nowhere near as good as Warhawk

>see a YouTube video
>buy it
>try to join a game
>nothing happens
my research didn't let me know this would be fucking dead

Forever a legend. Dared to reinvent the mech genre and fucking SUCCEEDED. Snatched the CoD and MMO groups and bound them together in squads and no one was the wiser. Absolutely criminal that there isn't a sequel.

That game still pops up on Xbox reddit from time to time. It must have really had a dedicated community.

How about the myriad bugs and completely shite balance, particularly for the xenos?
I still put over 140 hours into it because it's the only game to have ever properly scratched my ork itch

>11k players right now


whatever happened to the Warhawk team?

Despite a the hate it got and still gets this game was so much fun back when it launched and was alive. What I hate the most is that a shit game like Overwatch and it's cancerous fandom is what killed it.

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>Devs make game window 10 exclusive
>devs join a company known for throwing games to the curb if they don't do good

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Ah, my mistake. Not sure how I missed the threads, but I'm glad I have something to look forward to. If they're redesigning the game, hopefully the combat's reasonably unchanged. There was something about Hawken that clicked for me, and I've been praying for a game with similar handling ever since the servers got killed.

>Grandchase died
>Elsword lived

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>From 65k Down to -45%
That's like exponential loss over the week.

hey Yea Forums wanna talk a game that's about to be dead?
Heroes of newerth currently right now the game is dead and the devs have stopped working on it hell to the point the website shat itself.

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it got closed down and the remnants merged with santa monica studios (the guys that do god of war)

>Spiritual sequel is a pathetic copy of T2 made by hardcore faggots
>I'm a 3D and netcode brainlet
I miss TA, I want to go back Yea Forums.

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>>That one video on youtube about these dudes playing one last match as the servers cut off right as the match was about to end
I was like 13 years old, came back from school and tried to log in, and tried again and again, then I checked The website forums. It STILL hurts, man

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This is actually sad as fuck if true. It's always been that game that just seemed to never die.

s the game had the best cosmetics out of any moba I've played.
Pimp slayers
Really good ideas like skins that evolved as the game went on and my favorite my favorite hero Pandamonium

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Anyone else?

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>Being happy about any game dying
>even if its an assfaggot
HoN was the best moba because the game didn't hold your hand like other mobas hell even the devs had a go get good with taunts which I'm sad no one but HoN has.

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>Incognito Studio releases Warhawk
>The majority of the people at the studio left with director Dylan Jobe to form a new dev studio independent from Sony, with the rest folded into Santa Monica
>The new studio, Lightbox, continued support for Warhawk while signing a three-game contract with Sony effectively becoming a second-party team
>Starhawk was the first game made under this agreement, but was a commercial failure and the contract terminated
>Lightbox pivoted to mobile games but went out of business before anything was released
>the remnants of the studio were poached by some VR company

Battleborn was never alive to begin with, nothing killed it.

I get it, you're retarded, but the way this kind of game development works is they work for whoever will pay them, first it was Microsoft who made it win10 exclusive, then it was that other even worse company who never really cared about it and were fine with euthanizing it when the time came. If there were other, better offers I'm sure they would have taken them.

This game was fun as hell, but total bullshit with its P2W weapons. The Steamy Punk pack ruined the game with the Witch Doctor, all you needed to do was hole up as a team in a building and just keep bounding them off walls

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Warhawk, man

>Jump Ultimate Stars
There's never gonna be another game like it, is there? It still hurts.

It could have been kino

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On PS4 at least

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There's still a private server but even that is dead. I still remember playing Ryan when he came out, good times for sure.

The fuck ever dude this game is still ridiculously popular on consoles. There's like 7k on Xbox and even more on PS4. At least post Hardline or the even sadder option 2142.

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Oh I guess it's a mobile game now too.

For me it was, for me it was...

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I still miss it.

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Yeah but there are only Vanilla maps servers, which pretty much fucking suck

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I still have my boxed copy sitting on my shelf. How this game never took off is beyond me.

Holy shit I would wreck people online at the speed of light with this fucker.
Gigantic was fucking awesome, fick perfect world and fuck Arc.

I loved being a scout and just Xray google for my team mates to snipe people.

Wouldn't it be fuck microsoft for forcing the win 10 nonsense? PW seem to be the only one that took them in after that shitfest

Fuck Microsoft too, PW is pure chink evil as well.
This game art and animations were pure soul, fuck, I loved it so much.

>Oh hey, you seem to be out on a limb and nobody else wants to help you, if you make your game w10 exclusive we will help fund you
>lol just kidding no money for you. Get fucked

It wasn't as good as RTCW:ET or BF 2142/2 so it didn't really have an audience.
Splash damage has been trying to rebottle the ET lightening for 3 games now and they always fail, because nobody at the studio seemed to understand why the original was good nor why the games that they tried to copy ET were good.

don't judge me

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My waifu T-MAT will forever be top tier. Can't nerf a hero if the game doesn't exist anymore.

stage 2 was so fun

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Yeah, microsoft half killed it with w10 exclusivity and and then screwed them over when it wasn't working but PW wasn't maing them any favors either. Instead of working on the game they were trying to fix issues with now 3-4 launchers and it was a fucking mess.

>We still don't have a hero that plays like Flux in any popular ASSFAGGOT
Shit sucks, man.

I miss all these sourcemods, man. 2008 was a great time.

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I can't because I had a bit of fun with it too.

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It was, but it died because of the balance. Not even sure how they were supposed to fix it either.
>If the hunters are a coordinated team on comms the monster 100% loses
>If the hunters are anything else and the monster has more than two braincells the monsters 100% wins


Go to bed, Randy

hell yeah, zombie master is the shit. there is a newer version people play but I have yet to try it

Dev haven't made any updates in a year and they've moved on to make a new game with no talk of making updates for duelyst again

salty that I never got to play this


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>tfw I played that and brink
I'm skeptical as fuck of halo now, I don't trust splash damage at all

I will never not be mad. Publisher meddling and the devs being way too slow to react to glaring issues destroyed an absolutely fantastic concept with one of most well executed sci-fi premises I've seen in a game. Absolutely nailed the character interaction and general sense of despair as everything continues to go to shit.

Does anyone have a link to the post mortem write up of the plot?

nope, all the last JUMP game suck ass

NCSoft and there were rumors that there were fuck ups internally with shit management and some artist that force his idea that change the storyline and lore half way into the development.

Bioshock 2. Underrated in terms of just pure fun.

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I loved the builds you could make there.

I know of at least one that exists. No matchmaking but it supports custom lobbies

>that ice + bash plasmid combo and water trap + zap combo
>grabbing a big daddy bomb with telekinesis
good times

Y'all know they're still working on the private server right?

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You have my pity for not knowing what you missed out on.

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Still "alive".

Where can we see the progress ?

Only place I know is on the discord, though they haven't actually posted progress in a while. Still doing games with one of the older builds though.

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Dark Spore. How people thought it was mediocre is a mystery I'll never understand.

I hate Diablo and it's clones, and DS was the first to click with me.

I didn't miss out, I just hate that the game suffered the same fate.

I find myself always wishing that Steam would get a remaster of AVP2 with servers at a relatively low cost so it would have lots of people playing it again.

>control F, Loadout
Why did this game shutdown again? The game was so god damn fun.

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holy shit i did

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what game

You could also fuck around and somehow end up landing on a tiny earth.

God she was so busted when her Q jumped walls.
Literally uncatchable, the only jungler I've ever enjoyed in a moba.
I still haven't forgotten that user and his clutch as fuck Dibs play during the last week of the game's life.

Axing Dawngate made me personally boycott EA.
I know it's doing fuckall, but it's the principle of the matter dammit.

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I'd like it to happen to but I'm sure the rights are a spaghetti mess. The expected profits would probably be pretty low... too low to make sorting all that out not worth it.

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This and so many other Source Mods were just so fucking good.

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I agree. I actually enjoyed the multiplayer more than Overwatch's.

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There's like 3 GC Private servers still up. and Elsword is on life support

>western-developed game with legitimately amazing character design
Once again the west proves they're tasteless fucks

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>tfw I actually got my diplomat level so much higher than my combat classes at one point that I couldn't survive the monsters on the way to the town I needed to reach to continue leveling
I tried to hire someone else to escort me there, but everyone kept telling me to just corpse run it.

They killed it by making it Windows 10 exclusive for so long.

Everyone knows about that, but the player count is still low.

Heroes of the Storm

It's as good as dead, all the good players left (What few there were) and now all that's left is a bunch of fucking apes.

Good night sweet prince

>11-12 year old me playing this shit on 56k and having the time of my life

Wonderking. Sinful/Exodus bros where you at...?

this one hurts the worst, I remember back to discovering it in 2010 when I happen to see some random dude playing it in the library freshman year of college. I sank nearly 4 years of my life into this game and was literally one level below Pro with like a third exp bar. It nearly cost me my degree since I was so addicted to it, between the looming threat of failing my classes and the pentavision clent shitting the bed I managed to break my addiction and stopped playing. I came back years later in 2017 after Aeria took over but the game had changed too much, P2W exploded, the hackers were worse and more plentiful than ever, all my friends had long left, and with so many new items and gimmicks, the magic had vanished. I don't regret those years even in hindsight I would give anything to go back and relive the magic, so many good memories so many lost friends, it hurts bros I just want to hear it one last time YOU ARE THE CHASER

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I never developed a taste for Neotokyo. Despite being so futuristic in setting it was just so vanilla conventional warfare at the core. Now Dystopia, on the other hand...

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>will never swooce right in ever again
it's not fair, boys

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>tfw I got the Tyto picture from one of their beta contests
Still have it in the package too. Too lazy to put it up.

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I really had fun with the game and was such a shame they couldn't just make it singleplayer.

Jinx and Magnos where my favorite (Followed by Andromeda and Seraph).

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always wanted to play this but my computer couldn't run it

Never got to play SMNC, but god if this wasn't one of the good shits to come out of the "gotta copy tf2" phase of gaming.

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The sheer scale somehow felt even more epic than bad company 2's larger maps. I loved going on single self imposed commando missions, crawling along the countryside.

I loved using the super jump tonic with shotgun/elephant gun. It bamboozled everyone for awhile. Mix it with houdini and you could really ghost folks.

I still want my fucking planetside 40k

This very much so.

>Mozu mirror match

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>tfw literally discovered a glitch that let me unlock anything immediately and permanently within the first few hours, completely by accident

what a piece of shit

>I would give anything to go back and relive the magic
you can just play s4max casually like i am, it's a bit broken but it werks

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I vaguely remember a game about robots and its was kinda like a battlefield clone I remember one robot in particular where it could transform and if there was another bro bot it could get in you and be a turret.
I know this was a game but it felt like a fever dream

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That fox wew boy was a gateway drug into my trap fetish

>uninspired, unbalanced piece of shit moba

The tagline being "no meta" for this game was absolutely fucking retarded because no matter how much they tried to free up the roles and their respective implications and benefits so anyone could do them, certain characters inevitably still performed better at some roles than others (or in Ashlotte and Mina's cases, much, MUCH better than absolutely everyone) because that's just how character kits work. First time in my life i verbalized the phrase "what were they thinking?"

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nani, there are still servers online for this game and there are players enough to play matches with

It's not fucking fair. Why do the games I love always die.

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>It will never be Mozu time again

Damn it.

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there's literally only like 20 people in the world that still play this, most being laggy as fuck russians

I don't consider that alive

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no the game peaks at like 50-100 players on average or some shit, you could get into a filled server if you really wanted to

Xeno was my main. Favorite thing about her was that shitters always severely underestimated the threat she posed in a teamfight. So you would always get the one player who DID know jumping you and getting wrecked 1v1. Great character. perfect mix of support/survivability and dueling ability.

look it's dead but people exist who still play it. i mean im not one of them but still

God that was a steaming pile of shit. Promised to be like Planetside 40k but came out as Space Marine multiplayer 0.3 Alpha build

why u mad bro? we gave you this! we even right bro?

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>Source Mod golden age won't come back until Valve releases Source 2 SDKs
It hurts so much.

Again? wasnt there going to be a relaunch like 2 years ago as well?

thanks but it wouldn't be the same, I knew there were private servers out there but they're always super jankey or always go under from lack of maintenance. besides all my friends are gone and even if a perfect running copy of the old version came out I probably still wouldn't play it. Im a jaded asshole now who barely enjoys videogames, I was just ranting like an old man for the good old days. I'm just surprised anyone even remembers S4, let alone still keeping any servers running. I hope you have fun with the server though user, S4 deserved so much better than the end it got, and it could have been so much more.

Great news. fun fast paced FPS with mech-sim elements should be a proper genre.


Never actually played HoN as im not really into assfaggots. This is the first time ive even heard of it in years. I always just assumed LoL and Dota2 killed it off years ago.

It all returns to nothing.

fun little game, but I think the lack of content around release killed it? don't know, I just got bored of it

>bloodline champions
now that was fucking good even after some shitty decisions they made
battlerite on the other hand...fucking trainwreck what those retards did..

that game died not long after it went f2p, dota2 helped finishing it off
but fuck S2 Games and fuck Maliken, that bitch deserved it

isnt omega after they nerfed every characters mobility to be slow as dogshit and essentially destroyed all fun that was left in the game?

Active server every Friday and Saturday. Join the steam group

>S4 deserved so much better than the end it got, and it could have been so much more
yeah, one decade post alpha and there still isn't an online multiplayer game as fun as it was
surprising with how esports faggotry became so huge in that timeframe and how s4 was made to feel like a cyber sportsball game

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The only one that ever held you hand was LoL and all its clones

reminder that they rebooted it and fixed the gameplay problems, but nobody came back because the hype was gone

used to play this for hours after school everyday.
always kinda wish it would be one of those mods that got developed into a stand alone game. wishful thinking

i miss it too bro.

they experimented with formula. maybe misguided. but at least they tried to do something with the genre that isn't the same rehashed shit like everything else. But yes, experiments often fail.

I will never understand why people would bring guns in a 1v1 or even agree to such travesty.
If you want to duel, do it right or at the very least use the same weapon.

Gatekeeper was still the best gun in the game

Good shit. I got it at launch. This was way prior it going free to play. It was awesome. Like not quite as good as tf2 golden years but close. And the fashion was top notch.

it dead bro...

It died because there weren't enough people paying into it sadly, because it wasn't able to grab an audience and hold it. It probably didn't help that the studio who made it had a history of making shovelware for the Wii.

why dont they just make a spiral knight 2 if they own the ip???

man your webm's are making me tear up, so many good memories of outplays and getting outplayed. and for proper duels hackers/laggers aside they almost always felt fair.
>with how esports faggotry became so huge in that timeframe
yeah thats part of the hurt, its a shame the lowish end anime visuals turned off many people from giving it a try, including popular gaming figures who could have kept it afloat and given it the recognition it deserved. I have no doubt if we could time snap peak S4 with updated visuals to now it would be huge, shit I could even see battle royal S4 since those are big now. aw well, play on S4 bro not to sound like too much of a sentimental fag but I'll drink one out tonight for you and the memory of S4

Arkham Origins
It was actually the best multiplayer stealth i ever seen. And team deathmatch was much more fun because heroes are after you. I'm completely sure if it wasn't some lazy online mode but a standalone f2p game with various bands people would still play it and it would be popular.

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>I will never understand why people would bring guns in a 1v1 or even agree to such travesty.
maybe because it's fun
i dunno, i can't bring myself to forsake panamaman's legacy but yeah if you had his stylish designs with more gridmark anime characters it would be perfect and probably would have sold better

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>Global Agenda

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It felt a bit like GW PvP

that was the only game where being a healer was fun as fuck to me