Be honest did you call Tifa’s chest being a SJW decision or did you think it was nothing

Be honest did you call Tifa’s chest being a SJW decision or did you think it was nothing

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I literally do not care. How fucking retarded do you have to be to actually believe the remake can possibly not end up shit.

Tifa has big beautiful breasts.

Attached: Tifa's Tifas 22.png (2350x1248, 2.71M)

It’s not about what I think. I want other people to think how I do

Tifa has big beautiful melons.

Attached: Tifa's Tifas 11.png (866x571, 515K)

Disappointing. Not a deal breaker, but disappointing from both a design and nostalgic perspective.

i just browse Tifa threads for lewds

Will you niggers fucking stop going on about this shit? They're just tits, sacks of fat and nothing more.

Fuckin retards.

It has nothing to do with anything. The fact that Sony has super strict policies and the big push towards female empowerment and desexualization in the west is all just a big coincidence.

Any change is bad

My thoughts on this is that Square had a real battle with Sony on this because of their recent censorship on all their games, and came to a good deal without killing tifa’s look completely.

I actually think all of the designs are pretty great so far, and like how they're just using the OG designs basically unchanged.
Can't wait to see my edgy boy.

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It's not a SJW decision, it's a decision made by square because they fear SJWs.

the size of her chest is not as SJW decision (as it is normal size for Tifa)

the decision by the Square Enix "Ethics Department" to add a sports bra so that her tits don't jiggle and so her tank top doesn't more loosely form over her breasts, is

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SJW, but game will be shit anyway with all this "compilation" fuckery and "episodic" bs. I'll download it on PC and seed just because there are too many shills here.

It’s never a coincidence. It’s a SJW conspiracy. Soon we will destroy japan with western ideals

Ackshually I called it an Ethics Department decision.

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I was surprised by how big her tits were when they first showed her

I'm not terribly interested in the remake but everyone bitching about
>muh SNOY
>muh ethics department
a million times a day should skydive into an active volcano.

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I don't give a shit about that.
What bothers me about her new design are her arms and legs. Fucking twigs.

Why not? it looks great so far.

I think the remake will turn out great and I honestly cannot even process why there are more threads about Tifa's tits up at any time than there are about Cyberpunk when that game is probably the most hyped game right now.
Someone help me understand what drives these people

not that user, but the whole episodic nature of it is the biggest red flag for me. Modern Squeenix is terrible with development of big games (FF13, FF14, FF15, KH3), and them essentially saying they're going to make 3-4 full games out of 7 sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.

Tifa is perfect upstairs.

The only issue are her thigh-highs, the skuls on her skirt and her skinny legs.

the thigh highs would be fine if she had thick thighs

For people who apparently don't care, you guys sure do spend a lot of time bumping these threads.

is being made by the ones who made ff7

My biggest concern as well. I'm cautiously optimistic, but I haven't cared for most of the FF games post IX, so trusting square's judgement is a little much.

I don't think much of it but it does look like a rush design to cover her tits.

this is the problem

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