3 cute L.A girls, drinking, chatting, and playing VR tonight. Live now at twitch.tv/sofasurfers

3 cute L.A girls, drinking, chatting, and playing VR tonight. Live now at twitch.tv/sofasurfers .

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I hate women

>LA girls

pick one

Take your whores out of my board.

i'd rather eat glass

I want to impregnate all of them and force them to raise the kids together.

No. I don't support titty streamers.

haha they're so ironic and nerdy lmao where do I put in my credit card number

We’re a brand new channel so any comments in the chat would be appreciated!

What titties?

Not your private army dude. I know what you're doing. Which one rejected you?

Are all of them trans? Or just one or two?

they have nice teeth

I'm watching this while jacking off to their igs, the blonde girl posts near nudes and is thick as FUCK, while the asian girl is just hot.

Im not paying a slut 5 bucks to say my name
if you wanna advertise, you gotta pay for that shit

this is a post on Yea Forums Yea Forums in the year 2019 in the month of june on the 22nd day
summer is officially here

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Ironic shilling is still shilling, you know

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that looks like some lesbian porn

Why are so many people donating to them? I kinda wanna be a female.

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anybody else /hate sex/ lately?

>feels good but leaves you drained (hah)
>takes a night to recover
>lose that gym pump

>chestlet with a shirt that says "I have no tits"
Okay that got me

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How do I get an Asian gf bros?

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ty OP I cum on cat she hiss at penis

sex isnt fun, petting and using toys on her is fun

you should go to /cam/

what do you need that for?

What's wrong with LA? I mean, all my knowledge about it comes from Escape from L.A, but that probably isn't an accurate source.

t. europoor

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So which one's supposed to be the cute one? Looks like a bunch of ugly hags with makeup.

Take a shower and go to asia.

based chestlet

Be a provider

-work 50+ hours a week
-be prepared to have 3+ kids

Stop being a nigger.

highest rate of stds

>LA, California
There you go.

Imagine all the worst parts of London, Paris, Tijuana and Lagos dumped into one city

Nothing any other major U.S. city doesn't also suffer from. People just parrot negative shit they hear because no one can form an original opinion.

i hate sex

be white and have a job

It's more accurate than you think

kys nigger faggot tranny

i think they shit on the streets like they do in india

>all three of these girls are straight out of high school
>getting easy donations on twitch despite rarely playing video games
it's tough to be a woman

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this is now a banjo-kazooie thread

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I hate women I hate western women especially
fucking demonic emcels

why? most women are ok.

Most other major cities in the US don't actually have a smog problem anywhere near what LA has

go to korea

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