Fapping to Ann rn

>Fapping to Ann rn
>Yea Forums says she's ugly and the worst female character in Persona 5
>I'm shooting gallons
later retards

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Yea Forums BTFO


Yeah, okay neckbeard

No.....NO.....n-no! No!

"i'm shooting gallons", he says, as he eagerly milks one meager drop out

I thought Yea Forums hated Makoto, not Ann

Yea Forums hates everyone and everything, including themselves.


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I have a collection of Ryuji pictures where he looks like he's in pain

Can't tell you how much I jerked to him getting Thanos'd in that one ending

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Yeah, but that’s more of a Yea Forums thing than a Yea Forums thing.

disgusting fatass

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>listening to Yea Forums's opinion
Newsflash: Your opinion is the only one that matters and also Ann is hot as fuck.

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Just appreciate your waifu bruh. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise

Makoto is shit

Ryuji and Yusuke:based
Everyone else: unbased

What’s the difference between unbased and cringe? Is unbased just neutral?

Sounds pretty cool. I'm surprised how popular he is outside of Yea Forums. I thought everyone agreed universally that Yusuke is best boy.

Gosh look at those tits

Unbased can be anywhere from cringe to neutral

What about them?
