When you donate money to the Twitch streamer and they acknowledge your existence

>when you donate money to the Twitch streamer and they acknowledge your existence

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>>when you

maybe if i donate all my wages they will make me mod in chat

I don't see a problem with this

Just yesterday I donated a message to asmongold with some spare cash I had and got some good laughs out of the chat

Whats wrong with paying for something you enjoy?

>tfw you give all your money to the stripper

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>when you play Fortnite

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That'd be epic!

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>5 seconds later
>name fades from the screen
>streamer is long done with you and already in the middle of laughing at that guy he killed
>but wait, there is another name
>it's someone else
>the feeling comes broiling back
>it's unstoppable, the dam must break yet again
>gotta get just that last hit of the good stuff
I miss when kids just did drugs.

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based and estrogenpilled

Do boomer/older gamers really drink Monster?

why would you donate money to someone who makes your yearly salary in a few days

But what if he said 'hey wait a minute' and decided to try talking to me? He could do that! He's so cool! That's something a cool person would do! I got a chance!

Why not?... What's with all the fags coming into our threads and making fun of streamers and Lets Plays? Streamers are are a great way to unwind when you don't want to play a game yourself and hanging out in chat and donating is the equivalent of going out with friends. I'm still in the company of people I like and instead of wasting money on stupid alcohol, I can donate to my favorite streamer and feel good knowing I'm furthering the career of someone that brings me great joy and a lot of entertainment. I mean, what's the difference between a small donation of $30-$50 and spending that at the bar? I don't feel like shit in the morning if I donate unlike the hangover I'll eventually have...

Making fun of someone for liking a streamer is just ignorant and shows how out of touch you really are. Seriously, my dad makes fun of me for being 20 while still being into video games, watching people play video games and still being a virgin. He routinely asks me if I've finally lost my virginity or found a girlfriend each time I come home. He emasculates me in front of my friends by saying stupid shit like "At least you guys get pussy, right?" and "Maybe you guys can set him up with some girls!" He blames democrats and "nerds" like me for the sissification of America and the West in general. I can't even blame him for raising me incorrectly because my older brother plays football at a D1 school while majoring in mechanical engineering.

I tried to explain to him how competitive e-sports were while I was watching evo and he asks "Aren't you a little too old for Nintendo?" This shit gets so fucking annoying and it's actually having an impact on my mental health. He actually started calling me "Virgy" in public and around other people instead of referring to me by my real name. Fuck him.

>I only ever sub when the stream is off because people mispronouncing my internet handle is embarrassing

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>when you donate money to the Twitch streamer and they acknowledge your existence

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>>tfw your favorite gaming magazine shows up in the mailbox.
I'll never have that feel again bros.

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Wow, user... This really sounds like a true story. How could anyone doubt the veracity of this heartfelt post?

Why pay when you can get the same content for free, the only excuse is
>dude this eceleb acknowledged my existence by saying "Thanks for the sub/cash amount, username"
Literally kill yourself for supporting lazy streamers that make money like whores off beta orbiters.

the zoomer life :DDD

Fuck no. Caffeine is the devil when you pass 30. Establishing and maintaining a routine involves that particular drug but not in the volume or flavor of something so fucking disgusting monster energy drinks.

I can donate to my favorite streamer and feel good knowing I'm furthering the career of someone that brings me great joy and a lot of entertainment. I mean, what's the difference between a small donation of $30-$50 and spending that at the bar? I don't feel like shit in the morning if I donate unlike the hangover I'll eventually have...

This. That unironic feeling when you crack a good one and the chat erupts in LULW's. You just made 20k people laugh and feel joy, and that's pretty god damn based if you ask me.

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I'm not sure what kind of response you're expecting from a community that mocks purchasing video games if you can avoid it without repercussion. If they can't understand such a sentiment for something they actually care about, there's a 0 percent chance they'll understand it for something that is "in" to publicly deride like streaming.

>when you donate all your money to a coalburner then go home and post a zoomer thread

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imagine not being a sub LULW

any truers?

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>when you donate money to your favorite twitch streamer and he kills himself


fucking kill yourself

Only the ones who are stuck trying to be young forever. This 29 year old chick I work with is obsessed with people "mentally forever young" and drinks Monster, Bang, Reign, all those energy drinks and refuses to drink coffee because "that's what old people drink." Her pre-mature balding boyfriend also refuses to believe hes getting old. Those people are the worst.

Listen to your based father user, he’s right.