Are you hyped for upcoming badass update to Risk of Rain 2?

Are you hyped for upcoming badass update to Risk of Rain 2?

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Other urls found in this thread:!eh0Q3CSS!ae7ZgmChJwlH0d7qgIY6JpEub6-q7WHIxd8zqziR-O0

after the gearbox and dev controversy shit

The thought of a horsefucker mod in a discord is getting to play it before anyone else is fucking dumb. Also the retard saying early access doesn't mean early testing and finding bugs while playing.

>New survivor
>It's not Bandit

I sleep. Maybe we'll have him by 2021

Attached: Bandit.gif (275x278, 16K)

Not really, the new character looks pretty boring. I've come to terms with the fact that this game won't be nearly as good as the original.

ghor is the shittiest fucking dev on the team

litteraly a dev said that and half the discord went fucking apeshit

But where is the fucking host?

Just started this last night. Unlocked the robot but the movement speed seems off putting, does he get better with items?

Just checked the based post some user made in the feedback channel and saw that the horsefucker removed it and wrote a couple of sentences where he lies terribly. Holy fuck how pathetic

What was the post?

His speed is same as everyone else it just seems slower because he's a big guy. Use his Shift ability to speed up and yes, he's one of the strongest characters.

The only thing this whole debacle has showed me is that ror2 players don actually play the game and are just zoomers that came over due to the popular launch of 2 that feed off useless discord drama
At this point I'm just waiting on the update to revive the threads so hopefully the dramafags will get shut out by all the hosting

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one of the discord mods doesnt even own or ever played the game

Exposing the horsefucker for having a test build which he uploaded a screenshot of and deleted once someone pointed it out. Said horsefucker has been going "uhh we suffer with you guys, we also wait :(((". Post also asked why gearbox employes are in the discord and why we don't get to playtest in early access as it is supposed to be used for finding bugs and helping the devs.

Mostly exposing the retarded horsefucker though

Can I get a quick rundown on what happened

People decided to start drama with the discord because hopoo took too long to launch the update

people are still getting triggered by MLP

devs shit on the point of early access by not allowing the main point of early access
confirmed to have gearbox shilling within the discord itself as far as to even put them on the mod team
horsefucker mods have access to the update already but played it off as a "lol oops just a joke silly boys"
QA team the used is so dogshit non of them played the game for over an hour long to begin with which was required to find the "bug" but knowing gearbox the intionally put the bug in themselves so that the update would get delayed in order for the new content to be released during the summer sale so randy pitchford can make back the money he lost during his pedophile shenanigans.

people are now suspecting he's going to pocket the dev funds of risk of rain 2 in order to fund borderlands 3 instead. therfor pulling another colonel marines

I just wanted to play ror1

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some mods in the discord are autists, therefore conspiracies and the entire game is ruined
if you guessed that this shit has derailed every goddamn thread for a week now, you'd be correct

also they confirmed that gearbox is forcing them to put in more content then the addinionally planned, intionally overworking them.

>devs shit on the point of early access by not allowing the main point of early access
I've never heard of bugs being wanted in early access releases by players
Plus, people shat on hopoo when their early access release and hotfixes had bugs

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fireman is a meme

no memes

> that good concept got overshadowed by dev circle jerking

fuck those niggers

> gearbox shill plays assfaggots

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it was never a good concept

Post YFW you didn't fall for the early access scam and pirated the game.

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> implying the forest fire level wouldn't be a good pair with the fireman

thats a good fucking aesthetic dont even play

Never ever

>good concept

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>still playing the game after Hopoo abandoned us after he made money
I refuse to buy and play games where the devs are all like, "IM ONE OF YOU NIGGERS", but the moment they make any money they immediately say, "4 who?!".
Hopoo is a sell out faggot, and I hope his game fucking burns

hows is this bad tho
or are you just saying that because dude fanart lmao

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I still havent seen hopoo deny this after he said it tho

I always thought he didnt fit with the rest of the survivors design and idea wise

compare this to this fuckign shit right here made by a guy litteraly called "that one gay furry"

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would anyone actually join if I host risky 2? or are you idiots still complaining about discord tranny autism

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I'll grind the fokkin shit out of it uill I am bored and starving for next update(2days)

Can't wait to play artificer with the NEW MATH™
Her rightclick might actually be broken now.

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Remember when Yea Forums used to defend Hopoo for making furries and trannies mods in their discord?

If procs actually scale with damage artificier might actually be fun to play

said no one ever

No, I don't because we never did.
We called Hopoo a massive faggot for allowing that in the first place, which he 100% is


I called them out on that when the game was out and people were like "Who cares they don't have any power anyway!" and stuff like that.

RoR1 is based
RoR2 looks like dogshit and all this tranny drama has crushed the small interest I had in the game
Come home, anons

risky 1 will save us

Because fireman is Mary Sue as fuck. It’s another artificer situation
>melee based around cc
>abilities don’t have any uniquely scaling items that don’t already offer the same abilities to other characters
>half the concept is now useless and the other half is redundant as well as inferior to merc
Fireman would be mediocre at best without a rework

At least it finally has a release date. I really enjoyed RoR2 on launch but was a bit upset that it didn't have a whole lot of content. Hopefully it revives some of the interest since Yea Forums lobbies have been a blast all around.

Reminder that you’ll still need 5 ukes

>19 posters
>4 actually playing the game
>thread is full of retards screeching about trannies and horsefuckers on a platform they all claim to not use
color me surprised

Was there ever any doubt?

The survivors have always been just regular dudes that crashlanded on a planet. just think about the professions we have

>cargo loader
>construction worker

Fireman is a perfect fit with that theme. now compare that with and pic related.

Attached: discord nigger's idea of a character.png (1800x1000, 579K)


>solo infinite with commando
>solo infinite with engi
>all other attempts fail
Who should I try for this run bros? I’ve had close attempts with everyone else but just couldn’t quite pull it off

fuck dramafags, actually play the damn game
1/4 risky2, us east monsoon

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Trust in the robot

>artificer but boring and unusable in singleplayer
thank you discord

Yet we have Rex the mechaplant stepping up to the plate

what's this?

Just read the thread
tldr autism overload

all of these designs are fucking garbage
and that includes your firenigger

Will do my guy, wish me luck

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> "firenigger is garbage"
> doesnt explain why in the same post


how did we go from
>regular joes crashed on a cargo ship
>zany aliens!!! wacky plant thing!!! some kinda gay robot who knows what purpose!!! they're just here because why not LMAO dude relax
what the fuck even happened to ROR2 characters are supposed to be the rescue mission sent to find ROR1 guys???? why is there an alien plant on a rescue mission?

I have garbage internet and so I'll probably never be able to play multiplayer. Is this game still worth getting just for solo?

Honestly the game is better solo imo

I hope this game doesn't get ruined by corporate bullshit and faggotry before it's even finished. I want the rest of the characters, the rest of the stages and items and some mod tools then you can all fuck off and do whatever you want

i thought in ror1 you we're the survivor who jumped out of escape pods before the crash because providence wanted to prevent the person who stole the teleporter from leaving the planet

>other people explain why fireman is dogshit
>ignores them
Double nigger

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>what the fuck even happened to ROR2 characters are supposed to be the rescue mission sent to find ROR1 guys
When was it ever stated that was the case? As far as we know, we dont actually know what the fuck is going on

get in lads

ignored because they explained why

>As far as we know, we dont actually know
cringe. go back to where you came from newfag

is the game out of early access yet or what

to add-on, and in 2 i thought it was the same survivors escape on the same ship providence was in but only crash landing because some other shenanigans happened

Lol what? No big homie it’s anothet 9-14 months. I don’t have the road map saved but its easy to find. Give or take based on gearboxes bullshit btw

Why is that?


>same survivors
>most of the cast confirmed not returning
are you retarded

maybe they died on the way to the final level in ror2?

i mean ror1. shit

>>zany aliens!!! wacky plant thing!!
thats all ROR2. Every survivor in the original was aboard the spaceship for one reason or another when it crashed, even acrid.

This is subjective but I feel like monsoon solo is the perfect scaling for the game. Max 2 people. After that for some reason the game feels fucky. I hate playing 3-4 man lobbies

it sure is

>Risk of Rain 2 is under Gearbox
Oh what the hell, was this always the case? Why the fuck would you do this?

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yes and thats why i asked the question you ESL mongoloid. kill yourself


>he didn't get a free copy

We posting our shitty OCs?

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because hopoo and the dev team wanted to do new things with ror2.

That is prety EdGy

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Why is there a fireman specifically on a space ship? You don't have fire men just handy on planes or in buildings, you have people trained in handling fires until fire arrive to resolve the situation. Nobody has a fucking in-house fire department.

this but with archers and wizards

there may be a fire inside the ship

>risk of rain is gearbox
oh god damn it, is there any way to refund this anymore? can I chargeback or something?

I dont want to support randy pitchford in any way

I mean if you wanna make that argument Bandit, Sniper and Merc don't make sense being on the Contact Light either. Also Artificer isn't actually a wizard, she's a scientist. Everything in her kit is the result of tech she has on her.
Again, you don't have in-house fire departments/firemen. You have people trained in the handling of emergencies. Simply having guys trained in fire suppression along with basic fire prevention systems would be enough.


Thats a valid point, what is the proupose of comando, merc, huntress and sniper in a cargo space ship, they may be the defense team against the attak of some space pirates or somethink, but idk

I mean it could be argued that the Contact Light had other purposes besides cargo and they were just acting as passengers.

>RoR 1 is amazing
>Hoppo is working on a Sequel
>it's RoR 1 but in 3D
>games finally gets released
>it has less stuff than RoR 1 on release date
>Gearbox is publishing it
>literally everything fucking falls apart and the game loses 95% of it's playerbase in less than a month

i see not even Hoppo could escape the Gearbox curse.

Attached: K E K.jpg (1280x720, 35K)

Chef and Loader - Part of the ship's crew.
HAN-D and MUL-T - Construction Droids, transported as cargo, needed on offworld developments.
Acrid - Mutated Lemurian experiment, being transported to another research lab.
Commando, Mercenary, Enforcer, Sniper, Huntress, Engineer, Artificier and Miner - Private security force, en route to another job or hired to keep watch on certain cargo.
Bandit - Plans to steal certain cargo.

Cool misrepresentation of facts user. Please continue your baiting.

>Cool mirepresentation of facts
Gearbox is still publishing the game
it lost 57k players in 2 months
what is being "misrepresented" user?

>buy an early access game
>its a work in progress

>it has less stuff than RoR 1 on release date
No shit, RoR 2 released as an early access title while RoR 1 released as a full game.

More like
>Han.D, Loader, Cheff and Mul.T are the robots doing all of the maintenance in the ship
>engi and artificer are the scientists
>comando, enforcer, huntress and merc are the ``defense team``
>acrid and rex are some weird experiments
>bandid was a dude trying to steal something from the ship or just messing around in the planet
>and miner was a guy lost in the magma stage until we rescuted him

>25 june
>going out of town from 27 to 2

>Give or take based on gearboxes bullshit btw
Give or take what? A week? The june update didn't even miss june and people are acting like the game has been fully abandoned.

And I'm sure absolutely none of them will come back when the updates release. Like every early access game ever.

Loader isn't a fucking robot you retarded ESL.
He's a guy in a Powerloader exo-suit.

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>And I'm sure absolutely none of them will come back when the updates release. Like every early access game ever.
there are some exceptions to this rule, but you hit the nail on the head.

>takes more than 3 months to release some recolored enemies and a new biome
wow indeed.

hosting ror1

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open when?
cool bait dude

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im in EU -.-

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open when

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gg, thanks for joining



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open where?



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>post yfw this will never happen in ror2

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ewww infusion

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good times

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>that one guy that always picks bandit in meme runs

Why did they give up that much control over their game? Jesus.

pink fag spotted

>give or take what
That’s why I didn’t specify. I genuinely don’t know because of future shenanigans. It could be sooner or could be later. Isn’t it fun?

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When's Enforcer

Gave them money to fund it.

he's dead, you can see old gameplay with him ages ago. they've most likely abandoned him

i dont think some of these lads in my old ss folder even play anymore
>no assmut spreading pestilence or whatever his name was

Attached: tfw 0 accuracy.webm (280x280, 399K)

he's dead jim


>update coming out in time for my birthday
>my boy bandit isn't in it
why must you taunt us like this hotpoo

my faggot detector is off the charts!

Attached: hey now just wait a minute.jpg (750x567, 222K)

Hopoo already said not to expect shit based on data mined info several times already. Bandit probably isn't even getting in considering that he's not even that fun to play to begin with.


>tfw havent seen some of the old guard in forever

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No because this is the 11th time they did the "it's ready, wait no no no no, a bug, no guys we don't want the community of a beta game to be bug testers, it'll be out later"

ROR1 wa pretty good. ROR2 is a scam

almost every game loses most players after a month

>thread turned into a circlejerk clique as usual.

>game offers buy one get a copy for a friend free deal when it first opens up to early access
>lots of twitch eceleb fags play it since its new and cheap
>this gets a lot of retard zoomers to buy the game like their internet friend
>all these fags that owned the game but were never actually interested in it stop playing it after a couple months
>haha look the player numbers dropped dead game lmao
sure is summer in here

>rng just says not tofuckinday
How do you power through bros?

also why do people expect everything in ror1 to be put into ror2 immediately? It's not like ror1 had everything it has now at its own launch

Who says I do?

>Game has a "you can't be one-shot, individual attacks do a max of 90% of your health" mechanic
>Enemy shoots two 90% of your health rapeballs the size of a car at once
>Alternatively enemy shoots three 90% of your health spiky balls
>Alternatively a million fucking crabs

Man just fucking drop the 90% mechanic, it would be LESS FRUSTRATING to just get one-shot than to effectively be one-shot but know some smug-cunt dev somewhere has a shiteating grin on their face.

Because they just want to shitpost about this videogame taking up a thread slot that isn't about their dumb nigger eceleb drama. Everyone that played 1 for more than a handful of runs would understand that not every item is going to make it into a sequel that's 3D because they won't all be useful in this environment. Stuff like Heaven Cracker would turn a shitty run into a good one in 1 but would barely matter in the least in 2. Frost relic used to be a top tier item for a lot of characters in 1 but its almost a complete waste of time in 2 unless you're merc.

of all the publishers why on earth they choose fucking gearbox?
doesn't hopoo browse Yea Forums? Every motherfucker who posts on Yea Forums knows gearbox is bad news


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I honestly wish that the remaining new classes would all just be SS13 references to imply that Contact Light was just an SS13 game.
Imagine a fucking clown class

>Providence was actually just an Adminbus

It becomes an obliterate run for me at that point

Do you prefer year/month(s)/day(s) long announcements for content?

I've had to wait a year between game updates before, a few months aint nothing for me

month to month updates would be ideal personally

Didn't they promise a biweekly update schedule, alternating fixes and content?

Never heard of that one

God I hope they don't abandon what they have of Bandit.

yeah but then gearbox came into the picture

where'd this one get pulled out of lol

they only need one more move but hopoo is a lazy nigger so who knows?

nice moving the goalpost there big buddy

You sound autistic seek help

Can we just ban /pol/ posters now?

You'd have to get the mods to care enough to do their jobs first

>june means end of june lmao
>tfw winter update will come by the end of fucking march
fuck discord trannies and fuck gearbox

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why ror threads are always full of kancol and touhou posters??

Because touhou posters are based

>getting a publisher
>in the year of our lord

what confuce me the most if why dont sticking to chucklefish or going to one with good track of giving human treatment to their devs like devolver, but nope, lets go with the fucking company that scamed sega out of their money

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but still after the update it nevers rains

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all the anime in this thread is ruffling my feathers

would you be so kind to stop?

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>being triggered by anime
>on Yea Forums
user, would YOU stop?

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> risk of rain 2 discord

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Don't worry, the update will have plenty of fuel for OC hopefully

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> meanwhile the one guy got away with posting transgender suicide rates

> retards thought it was risk of rain related because they didn't see the title of the pic

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Funny thing, i tryed to play with discord assholes and they will camp chests and steal your fucking boss item. These degenarates cannot follow basic ror gentleman rules. Meanwhile play with Yea Forums and is based coordinated teamwork

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Why was the first one such a hit on Yea Forums?

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>10 player games

it appealed to incels, ie. people here. this one appeals to the t*annies

>you can go super fast
>total chaos
>variety of chars all with different movesets
>decently hard

started on the gamedev general
good example of easy to learn hard to master
lots of characters and item interactions
10 man lobbies for madness
also its fun

because it was made specifically for us
hopoo fucked up by selling out to gearbox and litteraly trannies

Nah its not RoR. Also the music sucks.

>Also the music sucks
I will shoot you for this


>I will shoot you for this
Well it does. Its awful.
buzzworde, fellow user. The soundtrack isn't even finished and it's on par with RoR1 and on track to being equal to Deadbolt's

why am I seeing so much discord drama on this thread but no discussion on what the update actually brings to the table? I don't know what's planned in the update and Steam news didn't say

>more dramafags
I'm fucking so sick of this board in recent years and don't even pull that "LUL SAME AS ALWAYS" shit

People nowadays love drama, they'd rather make some up than talk or play vidya

>being so fucking wrong
go listen to some swedish cow band heavy metalfags

shitty teenagers and man children love them some drama, hence the whole entire board

summerfags that don't play videogames starting up shit because they have nothing in their heads to talk about

fuck it. you win. you want ror2 to change, get in the fucking discord i have an announcement to make

oh shit, he's gonna say the n word

shut up fagot

have sex

I don't care
not even an effort fake come on man

nice larp

I hope they make huntress fat ha ha get it ha ha cause then my pp happy. No but really I want thicc huntress.

post feet

Bro, I genuinely wish you the best of luck in life, but fuck man, get laid

Thanks. That actually made me feel good.

i want to make you feel good

needs a host

No thanks, I’m good now.


myself Bablu


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i just want to play the game, i never heard any drama until you faggots came in and screeched about it.

there even isnt any, not any that affect the game development

Is risky sleeping now?

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I'm sleeping but I can still host if you really want one

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Jesus christ animefags are so retarded.

Nah, too dead in the night now

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Hold the fuck up, gearbox is involved with this shit now? There goes any hope I had for this.

Man, All I want is some more AU players to play RoR2 and have some nutty runs

piping hot info

update will be delayed

>comes to Yea Forums
>doesn't like anime

Attached: GrafThinking.png (150x150, 33K)
this is all we know

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Has been from the start. I still regret not noticing before I gave Randy my money.

dead game dead thread

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risky rain never die

it might not die but it does sleep sometimes

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>"it'll go live a day after"
>patch was approved at Friday
>still have to wait until Tuesday for some reason

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Gotta wait for summer sale to start to have a bump in sales
Which was probably the plan all along

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I will be really mad at Hopoo if this long wait made our lewd modder lose interest.

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He was already long gone before june even came near
thank god

yeah that attention whore faggot contributed to the downfall of the quality of these threads along with every autist who thought that his unholy abomination rigs were CUM

yeah and so were the attention whoring "artists" who posted their OC here
fuck them all, risky threads are for
>host when
posts only

the art was nice, that model was just ugly
>risky threads are for
>host when
>posts only

Don't forget the avatarfag circlejerk.

Guys, why do mods always ruin everything?

2hu RoR2 mod when?

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>modders and artists leave the threads
>threads now consist of about 5 posts of "host when" before dying
This is the reality we live in now, threads lately have only been alive because of the gay discord tranny drama

We'd have to wait for the full release or its just gonna get broken every update
Then no one would update it and it'd be lost forever

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Can't be soon enough.

but also this unless the modder can keep up interest until final release

risky threads were already like that before
If anything, this is a return to form minus the irrelevant drama

>If anything, this is a return to form
Is that a good thing? Is having threads kept alive by things you may disagree with bad? When people are then more likely to find and actually host in those threads?

I've never had a problem with it yeah
Even back then I never had problems with the slow nature of the threads, since I always could get a few games in anyways since the thread wasnt lacking in hosts for the most part
And I do not like this drama at all, Ive seen too many threads consumed by dumb shit like that before and I dont want to see it here. Plus I dont see how it helps hosting at all, since its still the same hosts and players that would have played with or without the help of a faster thread at all

I was more referring to the time when the threads were mostly talking about OC art and mods, with active lobbies sprinkled in here and there.
At least people actually hosted and / or actually joined lobbies. Nowadays due to the slow but shortlived nature of risky threads you don't really get many people into these threads anymore. Always the same few, which may be as it was before RoR2, but I don't think it's better.

As a heads up, I stopped modding for now since updates wouldn't only break the mods I'd make, it would break the way I made some parts of them. Particularly the huntress model.

That sucks. Are you gonna try to get the mod working once the June update releases? Or is it on hold indefinitely?

probably until mod support is added.

I don't see that happening during the Early Access phase
Didn't Hopoo say he had no plans for that?

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It's just really rough having to rebuild stuff every time. Maybe later, when I have more time. But that won't be for a while.

Here's hoping the community can throw proper mod support together soon

Well, at least the threads can get back to comfy posting about playing risk of rain now. Discord drama notwithstanding.

I've not seen threads for a while until this discord drama happened. It'll probably just die until the next update or big drama.

I hope the new plant character is fun
I haven't seen much of his moveset to keep it as a surprise, but his design seems pretty ugly

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he's going to be horrible, self-damage disrupts a lot of synergies (slug, any source of shields) and new elites disable healing

How will he work with transcendence?

A god amongst men

he probably will just be garbage with it
Also his mobility skill is really shit

If this is true then holy fuck hopoo is retarded. Why would you ever want to pair up with randy, despite after the shenanigans that he went through for the last 2-3 games? Why the fuck would anyone let a completely different dev with no idea about your visions for the game affect your game this much? And why did they stop working with chucklefish? It was a good pairing before.
I fucking hope this is just anons sperging. If not then its quite the disappointment

>good pairing
Cmon user, gearbox is shit but thats just dumb
Also dont worry, its pure autism

I can confirm all but the last line about the suspicions.
Chucklefish was terrible, and losing them was good. But for some reason they then went with Gearbox, which is even worse. The horrible QA is likely explained by Gearbox working on BL3, thus having their QA teams work on that and neglecting RoR2 until someone bothers to play it for 10m during a break.

Don't tell him that slug, the common shield and the red whip are trash.

slug's great
it's irrelevant for red whip because other characters can't use that in combat either

This is totally not good.

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So fucking glad I held out and didn't buy this game, can't believe I didn't notice gearbox were the publishers for it until now, fuck that shit. I will just stick with the first one.

Any EU bros want to play ror2?

stop being a faglord

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Anyone want to play some risky rain 1? I can host if there are some people up for it.

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reporting in, I'm skeptical whether there would be someone else beside me willing to play though

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I'm up for a game

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I hate worms and I hate wisps.

I hate worms but I love wisps!

I hate everything but I love you two

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I love risk of rain one and risk of rain two




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OPEN 3/10

Borderlands 3 has been finished for like half a year now, they're in the bug testing phase now.

You guys are retarded

Doesn't that lend credence to the claim that Gearbox is not using their QA team on RoR2?

Do you have plans for Rex yet?

This still open?

we're looping

Lemme know me when you're open.

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OBEN :---D

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please join

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There are so many cool as fuck enemies that could easily be ported from 1 to 2, why all you niggas begging for items and characters when more enemies would enrich the game dramatically

>hotpoo has been working on a switch port all this time instead of new content

>wake up
>see this
Well I guess that’s one way to start a Sunday morning. Just had to make it weird didn’t you

Because it doesn't matter which mob will explode from 40 sticky bombs.

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Why does it take them so long to release content? Didn't they sell millions of copies of this game, should that not be enough to hire 1 or 2 more dudes to help with the game?

why hire more people when you can keep all the money yourself

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They can't hire more people because Randy Bitchtits keeps siphoning off the money to support Blunderlands 3.

The second one probably.

I don't like gearbox being involved and I have a number of criticisms of the game but I have always thought people in these threads have a wildly unrealistic expectation of content from a game they bought in early access being developed by a small team

The discord shit is annoying but I honestly think half the people ITT don't even play the game, given that I host all the time and nobody ever joins

Randy fucking with the development.

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god i hate this faggot

>tfw I am am very intelligent and make very good decisions when buying digital entertainment!

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>(who are all very intelligent and make very good decisions about their digital entertainment options!)
what the hell is that supposed to mean
i'm so fucking angry now

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I have over 100 hours in 2, I need some new content before I can play again.
And even then I'd probably wait for lewd mods to get updated

He's mad people buying games on Steam and don't want to buy games on Epic store.

To be fair, the fact no one ever joins you isn't necessarily because everyone else doesn't play.

Maybe its because they don't want to join you.

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I wish I could punch his stupid face right now

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9/11 tier metal gymnastics
stay in your discord, cuck

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Fuck off nigger that looks like kino

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Dont die

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This. Playing with Discordfags is literally no different from playing with randoms.

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Aside from the rare flaming retard I've had nothing but good interactions with randoms, and I only play with randoms. Those discordfags sound like a tier of their own.

>enter thread
>everyone discussing about stupid discord shit
>no hosts

still hosting?

Haven’t played it for months since I saw how easy it is to get to the point where enemies stop spawning
Have they fixed that?

Yes, still looping.

What is going on here

I don't get it


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>tfw oneshotted providence
wanna go again?

Host now.

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This game really made me wonder what the point of the game was again. I can get to 1hr+ but then what? No ones gonna stay beyond that in MP and i'm struggling to stay motivated since I'll most likely have a ohko by then. I liked RoR1 but I regret buying this

Dead thread
Dead game
Dead devs
Dead chan

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it all returns to nothing
it just keeps tumbling down tumbling down tumbling down

Well, they don't stop spawning now at least.

Tell me when you're open again.

nobody came so we closed the lobby.

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Fuck. I just went out to buy snacks.

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anybody want a ror2 host?

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>And why did they stop working with chucklefish? It was a good pairing before.
I love how people are being this delusional just because they hate Gearbox that much.

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no update, no point in playing

>tfw really want to play RoR2
>hopoo cuck me with update second weekend in a row

why do they need a publisher anyway
they have money, they dont need advertising, it's a digital game so they dont need help with the physical copies
there's no reason to get a publisher in their situation

I can host mooded ror2 with some shit for fun and giggles if you want.

sounds good, get some fun mods

I currently have mega survivor pack, bigged bazaar, enemies with items, infini sprint, command artifact, make monster tooth great again, better medkit. Got any suggestions?

nah, this looks fine. let me download all these

i have unmodded clients mod, so you can just join i guess.


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this game is trash as fuck, i refunded it twice because this shit dipped to 60 fps on gtx1060 w/ hexacore cpu all while looking like a ps1 game

not letting me join. lemme install the mods real quick

Okay these are everything i got.
Infini psrint, current stage mod, faster 3 d printers, faster chances, item counters, chest item picker, make monster tooth great again, better medkit, enemies with items, item lib, bigger bazaar, mega survivor pack, corpse bloom plus plus.

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109775240990692654 btw

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What a insufferable early access

there are games that have been in early access for 4-5 years and still arent nearly complete and have none of the stuff the devs promised would be in the game years ago

that's what you should expect if you ever buy an early access game

Not him but i wish hopoo would be more like deep rock galactic team. Constant news and always in touch with their community.

I dont know why it doesnt let you in.

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man, i cant get this shit to work. idk why

lets try without survivor pack, probably becouse of it.


got it to work, put the mega survivor pack back on


i bought ror2 on a hype wave and didnt read it was published by gearbox

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make a easy to use megapack file when it comes to hosting Yea Forums games
remember we are not smart

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lost connection i think
make a mega pack so other anons can join

I got power outage, embarresing. Yeah will work on it right now.

Welcome to the club. I'm pretty sure that's what happened to all of us.

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>never heard of gearbox before
>bought and enjoyed ror2
>never heard of chucklefish before
>still bought and enjoyed stardew valley
feels good not caring about forced drama

Chucklefish I could believe, but Gearbox? Nah, you're full of shit.!eh0Q3CSS!ae7ZgmChJwlH0d7qgIY6JpEub6-q7WHIxd8zqziR-O0
Okay, you drop this shit in risk of rain 2 install folder. It has these modsIf you want to easily manage all mods install
Hosting with this pack right now: 109775240990760941

I only come to Yea Forums to look for threads on games I like. if I don't see one I close the tab and try some other time instead of reading into every memeshit or angry user thread.
I haven't heard of gearbox before you fucks started complaining about it.

i will never forgive chucklefuck for what they did to starbound

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are u cuming to play or you just posted for the sake of it?

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can i get a qrd?

they basically removed shit from the game for no reason, and made it more boring. all tech(character abilities) were removed besides three and replaced with nothing else, planets became copy-paste garbage, and a "main story" was added that consists of nothing but going to planets and literally clicking on things with a scanner.

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Terraria still reigns supreme.

game crashed, rip

i got dropin multiplayer, rehosting

>doesn't hopoo browse Yea Forums?
Why would anyone care about what people say on Yea Forums.
Yea Forums is notoriously bad in every way.

Preferable to discord trannies, surely.

ayyy join our modded lobby

2/4 drop in enabled
mods here:

It's two fucking guys. Two. The transition to 3D takes a lot more work than 2D on a junk engine that went to shit every time we played it.

I think you can refund anytime if it's in EA