This fight ruins the pacing of the game and should've been cut out. Make the 1st fight harder if you want...

This fight ruins the pacing of the game and should've been cut out. Make the 1st fight harder if you want, but cut this shit out of the game. You get 3 hard boss fights in a row here, that's a horrible blunder pacing wise.

Attached: sekiro-corrupted-monk-2-580x334.jpg (580x334, 45K)

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Yeah the devs realised early on that the meat of the game between the boss fights is fucking terrible, so they gave you the ability to stealth kill everything.
Weird how it's so casualised compared to Dark Souls in many ways.

It's easy if you just use the tree branch to stealthblow her past the first two phases. Then on the third phase just parry well and you'll kill her.

Once you master the game you start getting good with parries and it's not so hard (except without Kuro's Charm). You'll see by NG+ you'll really like her fight.

Meant to add: you'll like her fight so much you won't be using the stealthblow tactic because you'll want to extend the fight/make it fairer.

>can literally juke the first two forms
>still cry around
You're fucking retarded. Pretty much every boss has a gimmick you can abuse to trivialize the, and monk is pretty easy if you do.

They should have gotten rid of spirit monk and just made O-Rin the boss of mibu.

In DeS and DaS, there was a lot of tension to exploring areas because of the harsh conditions and long distance between archstones/bonfires. The more you get used to it, the shorter the distance between bonfires, the easier it became to survive, etc. the more the tension was lost.

just deflect lmao its not hard

>You get 3 hard boss fights in a row here, that's a horrible blunder pacing wise.

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>Divine Dragon

when I got to this boss, I felt like I was really getting the hang of everything
I beat real monk in like 4 tries

Monk was pretty easy bro. Just deflect. You CAN deflect can't you?

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I think O'rin should've come back as a Kappa (or something) and Mibu should've been extended a bit, but the Spirit Monk made sense as a foreshadowing for the narrative.

It's one of the last bosses in the game, it's supposed to be heard because you're supposed to have gotten the combat down and upgraded vitality/ap

Attached: 68.jpg (562x437, 40K)

Genichirou's moveset in the very first intro fight and the final boss fight is mostly the same

Nigga True Corrupt Monk should be a cake walk by that time. She has no bullshit moves until the third phase and her entire second phase can be skipped

At that point I didn't even want to play anymore. I've already beaten the monkey and the owl and my reward is another boss fight? My motivation level is zero as I'm heading into the fight. They done fucked up

>She has no bullshit moves until the third phase

the hitbox on that centipede terror attack is some bullshit

I'm talking about monkey, owl and the monk. They pretty much go one after another, well at least for me they did. I've never encountered a wall of unskippable hard bosses in any other souls game.

She's a lot like Maria in that neither fight is particularly hard, they're just simple and straight forward duels. Few crazy attacks, no extra mooks or bullshit multipliers like a shitty arena, just a one on one fight

>the boss is easy until the last phase
Yeah that's kind of the problem with sekiro bosses isn't it. They waste 10 minutes of your time to then kill you with attacks you've never even learned yet.

Yeah but by that time you should have tranqs and the purple gourd plus it doesn't do damage and has an very obvious tell

Copypasting my post about the final boss of Sekiro VS DMC5 because it got archived before I could post it, don't mind me
hype through the roof, pure fanservice galore and a truckload of gameplay variety because Dante is THE most varied player character with the most amount of moves and variables since God Hand. It is more of a spectacle nonetheless unless you go beyond DMD mode, which detracts from the game since it needs multiple runs to enjoy the difficulty fully
Climax of story, old man past his prime got old so this time we got REBORN old man in his absolute prime and it is glorious. Less variety of course because one weapon and arguably extremely situational prosthetics, but honestly I had a better time than DMC, time spent mastering and perfecting the fight until its bombastic climax with assisted seppuku, which has lore implication for the few seconds it lasts and on how it is carried out.
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Owl is the only hard one of the three. Monkey is just an annoying time sink and Monk is an easy test in deflecting. Hell the only hard bosses in the Fountain Head are the Headless and Sichimen Warrior

nigga they are supposed to be hard the first time you fight them. Then the next time you play through the game you'll beat all of them within 3-5 tries.

Barring Headless Ape and SS Issin phase 2 most bosses don't act that differently than usual in each phase and by this time after 3 Souls games and Bloodborne you should be prepared for that shit

>use the tree branch to stealthblow her past the first two phases
Already patched. You can only do it in the second phase now.


Even From realized no one want to deal with her shadow clone bullshit. Has anyone actually fought Monk phase 2

what's the lore on these guys?
Why do they have a flute?
Why do they spew poison everywhere?

Attached: latest[1].png (480x650, 431K)

Wrong. You can still do it if you sprint fast enough and jump straight to it. I did it recently myself.

They're corrupted and rotten parts of the great tree/dragon (i.e. its roots). They play the flute because why not and are probably festering with centipede larvae.

they're the primordial mist nobles/okami warriors, perhaps the patient zeroes that were birthed from the divine dragon

they're the deacons of the deep

You can't. Look it up if you don't believe me.

do someone else think that the game looked way better before release? for example the application of a different ao technique and shader? also some colours look way better

Yes, it takes a bit longer because you have to jump from tree to tree during the shadow phase but it isn't hard. I haven't attempted to utilize snap seeds on that phase though, I don't know if it dispels the shadow monks.

I don't have to. I can literally do it myself. I played it recently after the patch.

Didn't they patch out the ability to stealth kill the second form?

when you master parries Kuro's Charm doesn't mean much

Haven't finished the game yet. Is there anything specific I need to do in order to get an ending where Kuro survives? Is there anything weird like gathering umbilical cords, or is it more obvious how to save him?

I didnt do this cheap shit at all, phase 2 isn't bad if you know how to parry and grapple hook endlessly in the trees when the shadow clones come out.

Purification is the only one that lets Kuro survive. In Shura ending you basically kill everyone and in the Normal ending and Return ending Kuro has to die.

Purification requires a series of eavesdrops to occur before you fight Owl and right after you fight Owl, as well as a second memory at Hirata Estate to occur. If you haven't done those you won't get Purification ending.

Unironically easier than the first time you fight it.

You know you can skip the second phase with going too the highest tree, right? Besides, the fight is in it's first phase just a repeat from the phantom fight, and the third one can be cheesed with the right tools/items.

Attached: Sekiro - using tools.webm (800x450, 2.78M)

I did have massive problems with the monkey, until I started to be as aggressive as possible, just running after him, literally running into his fists attacking. Don't know if the hitboxes on him are just fucked or the attacks really didn't hit me due to their arc, but he went down the first time I tried it. Did the same shit on my second playtrough and got him on the first try. Only his grab needs to be avoided and you can do that by running around him.
The headless phase only troubled me once when I got hit with the scream the first time.

>it's bad """pacing""" because I couldn't beat it
Fucking hell user.

Yeah, the first time I fought her. Manage to beat it, then died in phase three. On my second attempt I went to the trees to avoid the shadows and saw the deathblow.

monk is only hard without kuros charm

I beat this boss first try, felt like a god

Well shit. I'm just about up to the Owl. Thanks for letting me know before I made a mistake.

good grief cry to your momma you fat lard burger. idiot. stupid dumb idiot.

>he hesitated

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Yeah, Sekiro is amazing.