female mc>m*le mc
Female mc>m*le mc
Cute female mc > Normal mc > Western female mc
you'll never be a woman, tranny.
Women are the most beutiful beings in the universe but no. Games must have men to self insert into and women to be the goal to achieve
If I have to choose from usa fast food places maybe kfc > burger king > mcdonalds
Alexis Ren
Reminder that if you play as a woman in Saints Row games you're a retard
Goth mc > normalfag female mc.
Found the retard.
Literally me.
The female russian voice actor in 3 was great though
Japanese female MC > Male MC > Japanese "male" MC >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Western """"""""female""""""""" MC
Very based post.
Me in the back
Good Male MC Run
then replay as Evil female MC
Females were created to destroy men.
How come men like women more than women like men?
Adam experienced loneliness before Eve was created?
men are on average uglier than women
But that's an effect rather than a cause no? Men like women more hence the latter are perceived more attractive.
Because women call other women sluts if they start drooling over men.
Same reason they don't admit they love sex.
I don't have a problem with female MCs themselves, but if a game has a female MC then it most likely has a lot of female characters. This shatters my willing suspension of disbelief. There is no measure of competency where women play a major role in the elite -- not because someone stops them from doing so, but because men exist specifically to be competent at things while women rear children. Women intrinsically know this, too. How attractive women find men is based on how competent they are. This is why women today have such trouble with men, not because women are more competent all of a sudden, but because they have a better sense of the measurement of competence due to competing with men themselves, causing them to find fewer and fewer men attractive. It's also been shown that the higher IQ a woman has, the less attractive she finds men. Of course she would.
All humans are ugly as fuck
The most beautiful creatures on the planet are bacteriophage
Post perfect women, pic related
>that protein coat
So basically, you millennials are incapable of differentiating fiction from real life.
This is why the draft needs to come back, for men and women, you need a dose of real life.
Not true at all. I work in HR with all women. They all talk constantly about men they want to fuck.
using the phrase "player character" > using the phrase "main character"
>that's not true, here's my anecdotical evidence
This is why I avoid interacting with millennials.
>no bacteriophage harem manga
Men are the beggars of the genders, women are the choosers.
I'd like to thank you for not saying zoomer.
Because women pose little threat to men, but men pose an obvious threat to women. For the sake of women, their attraction towards men is a double-edged sword. Falling for the wrong man can easily get them killed, or more importantly, get their children killed. Men are wired to want women, but women are wired to want children. Women need men for that, so they to some extent - or more accurately, they SOMETIMES - are attracted to men. When women are ovulating, before women have children, they are very much so attracted to men. If they were attracted to men all the time, however, it'd be disadvantageous to their children and their own well-being. Men just want pussy. Men are born with all sorts of tools to help them prove their competency, and they spend their lives trying to prove their competency, in any area possible - strength, speed, knowledge, wit, charisma - all to convince women that they're worth sleeping with (which creates children, I guess).
>male mc becomes female mc and has to fix it
name 3 games
Anecdotal evidence is not invalid, though. In fact, I would say that a group of women talking in what we can assume is a relatively normal workplace should be taken into consideration. Anecdotal evidence is much, much better than no evidence at all.
To iterate:
White women are beautiful and Asian roasties are seething
>Anecdotal evidence is not invalid
Yes it is, this is no up to discussion.
It's just you millennials are a generation who built your entire worldview on Twitter screencaps, and thus, you need to either accept that your worldview is a farce, or defend autistically that anecdotical evidence has any value.
And we see what you chose.
>Self insert
Imagine being this retarded
Ah yes, there you are WCK. You made it to the first post and you're already sperging about white women because they never paid attention to your existence which infuriates you.
You literally do nothing with your life besides autistically refresh the catalog and sift through threads to see if anyone posted a picture of a white woman so that you can throw an autistic meltdown over it. I see that your pea-sized brain still think white women are the only western women. You are really a high functioning autistic weirdo.
What will it take for WCK to hang himself?
>fair features
>gets a tan
Into the trash it goes.
>So basically, you millennials are incapable of differentiating fiction from real life.
Willing suspension of disbelief is a thing and always has been a thing. You only suddenly dislike it because it hurts your radical egalitarian self-destructive nonsense.
>This is why the draft needs to come back, for men and women, you need a dose of real life.
Okay. Well, in real life, women don't like combat, and even men don't like seeing women in combat. The number of female casualties in the Iraq War is completely dwarfed by the male casualties, even more than you'd expect by simply looking at the disparity in men and women in the military. This is evidence of nobody really wanting women in combat, even if they're in the military. You could argue that it's actually evidence of women being better at combat? But no, we've studied that, too. Even when you look at military tasks that mostly ignore upper body strength, men make women look incompetent by comparison. And yet, here's the punchline, the number of male soldiers and female soldiers who are found to suffer from PTSD is the same.
So, in conclusion, more men choose to join the military than women, and even more men die in combat than women, despite men being massively better at it than women; and yet, there's just as many women who suffer psychological trauma as there are men.
Men working in factories and going to war and arguing politics and all that, while women raise children: that's real life.
I agree but i'm the opposite I think women are ugly and deserve nothing except penis
>Men are born with all sorts of tools to help them prove their competency, and they spend their lives trying to prove their competency, in any area possible - strength, speed, knowledge, wit, charisma - all to convince women that they're worth sleeping with (which creates children, I guess).
Nope, none of that matters.
Just be good looking lmao
You could also be good-looking, but women actually care about that less than men do. You post this dude and you say, "Ha, he was born with just the right features to slay pussy," but he also clearly works out, something anyone can do, and he works on his appearance, which is rare for straight men.
Fuck off Zoey
>You only suddenly dislike it because it hurts your radical egalitarian self-destructive nonsense.
But it's you millennials the ones obsessed over politics.
I couldn't care less, I've never gone to vote and I never will, and I will always shame those who do so.
>women don't like combat, and even men don't like seeing women in combat
I don't care what you want, it's what you deserve for being such a generation of spoiled autists.
You act like your autistic internet fights will change the world because you lost touch with real life.
Some war will do you good, or kill you, both are fine by me.
It's the way our species is, lionesses don't chase after every lion, as a man you have to clearly define your good features to attract women
Men just like women because of hormones, without hormones you'd see how ugly women are, the average man is more attractive than the average woman, just women wear makeup
why must i suffer
Are you retarded? How much semi competent woman you know? Woman are incapable of doing even simple teenager tasks
>50% chance to be born into easy mode
>lose the coin flip
>now I have to play on nightmare
Just because you're an incel doesnt mean you have to transition OP.
>Women care less about looks
It's literally the complete opposite.
>He works out
It's clearly his FACE that women find attractive.
They don't give a shit about muscles
>wanting to play in easy mode
>Women are the most beutiful beings in the universe
*Tips fedora*
It would genuinely be better if we had no sexual dimorphism and girls were girls and dudes were girls with penises and balls
>wanting to play the most important game on nightmare
Have you millennials already run this buzzword into the ground to the point where you don't even understand why you post it?
The world is shit, social networks only make things worst
boy mc > robot mc > woman mc > man mc > literally anything else mc >>>>>>>>>> girl mc
i cant let go, im unable to
Only ugly woman care for man beauty. Woman dont give a fuck about man, other than what the man can provide her with.
>wishing people to experience the cruelty of war profiteering just to prove a point
Legitimate psychopath.