What did Yea Forums think of Midna?
What did Yea Forums think of Midna?
Sometimes I think about her while busting inside my fiance.
Sometimes I think about how small she is and it's amazing how she can even fit a cock in there but she manages
Whenever I was with my short Nip ex, I had to think of Midna to finish because I couldn’t otherwise
best shortstack in game. Why can't she be real?
Midna is pure
Same. My gf is pretty small compared to me. I am currently trying to convince her to cosplay as midna for anime expo, but she knows me well enough to know I'm just trying to get her dressed up to fuck her in the costume
She's literally built to SEX
youre right, shes pure sex
I wanna suck on her balls
>want a small wife
>don't want her to need a c-section
>don't want a manlet son
Giant shortstacks are patrician
she's alright, but she's not best girl
You should come clean with her and ask her to dress up as Midna to fuck you with. Why be so roundabout?
Fuck off faggot this is a Midna thread, not a shortstack thread.
My girlfriend wants to cosplay as Tetra/WW Link and Urbosa/BotW Link while we fuck
>not Riju
god i wanna cum inside midna
>want to find some good Midna sfm to fap to
>she has a dick in all of them
urbosa is better
Midna isn't fat enough
Nothing family friendly.
Not actually that sexy when I played it back in 2010.
> T. prepubesent back then.
>tfw she'll never step on me barefoot ;-;
She's a girl. Girls don't have balls.
Midna is cool, and it's really nice when Princess Zelda acknowledges her before Link and Zelda fight Ganon in Twilight Princess.